SPINPlus Keyword Thesaurus - Energy By selecting the keyword, ENERGY, funding searches will include all the lower level keywords that fall under it. Likewise, selecting a second or third level keyword (those in red and blue text) will result in funding searches that include all the lower level keywords that fall under it. Otherwise, an individual or multiple other keywords may be selected. ENERGY Energy Geosciences Nuclear Science & Technology Automotive Propulsion Systems Energy Materials Sciences Renewable Energy Sources Direct Energy Conversion Energy Mathematical Sciences o Solar Energy Biological / Biomedical Energy Physical Sciences o Wind Energy Chemical Sciences Energy Utilization o Tidal & Wave Energy Engineering Fossil Energy Energy Environmental Sciences Hydrogen & Synthetic Fuels 1200000 1205000 ENERGY AUTOMOTIVE PROPULSION SYSTEMS 1205005 Alternative Fuels 1205010 Electric Powered Systems 1205020 External Combustion Engines 1205025 Flywheel Propulsion 1205030 Hybrid Propulsion Systems 1205035 Internal Combustion Engines Vehicle Design 1205040 Vehicle Design 1210000 DIRECT ENERGY CONVERSION 1210005 Electro hydrodynamic Generators 1210010 Fuel Cells 1210015 Magneto hydrodynamic Generators 1210020 Thermionic Convertors 1210025 Thermoelectric Generators 1210030 Energy Conservation 1215000 ENERGY BIOLOGICAL / BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES 1215005 Analytical Techniques 1215010 Biological Materials 1215015 Behavioral Biology 1215018 Human Genome 1215019 Animal Genome 1215020 Plant Genome Energy Education 1215025 Radiation Effects 1215030 Radionuclide Effects 1215033 Radon 1215035 Thermal Effects 1220000 ENERGY CHEMICAL SCIENCES 1220005 Actinide Chemistry 1220010 Coal Chemistry 1220015 Combustion Chemistry 1220020 Heavy Element Chemistry 1220025 High Temperature Chemistry 1220030 Materials Chemistry 1220035 Pyrolysis Chemistry 1220040 Radiation Chemistry 1220045 Separations Chemistry 1220050 Explosions and Explosives 1220055 Photochemistry 1220060 Radiochemistry 1225000 ENERGY ENGINEERING 1225010 Pollution Control 1225015 Vacuum Engineering 1225020 Safety Engineering 1225025 Waste Processing Plants 1230000 ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 1230005 Chemicals Monitoring 1230010 Chemicals Transport 1230015 Aquatic Ecology 1230020 Atmospheric Ecology 1230025 Terrestrial Ecology 1230030 Environmental Site Use Studies 1230035 Nuclear Materials Monitoring 1230040 Radiometric Techniques 1230045 Energy / Environmental Studies -- Developing Countries 1235000 ENERGY GEOSCIENCES 1235005 Organic Geochemistry 1240000 ENERGY MATERIALS SCIENCES 1240005 Glasses 1240010 Layered / Superlattice Materials 1240015 Metals / Alloys 1240020 Photovoltaic Materials 1240025 Materials, Physical Properties 1240030 Materials, Preparation / Fabrication 1240035 Materials, Radiation Effects 1240040 Radioactive Materials 1240045 Materials, Structure and Phase 1240055 Surfaces and Interfaces 1245000 ENERGY MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 1245005 Magnetic Fusion Computation 1245010 Parallel Computer Architecture 1250000 ENERGY PHYSICAL SCIENCES 1250005 Cosmology 1250010 Electrohydrodynamics 1250020 Fluid Physics 1250025 Fluid / Electrohydrodynamics Physics 1250030 Fluid / Magnetohydrodynamic Physics 1250035 Fluid / Superfluidity Physics 1250040 Molecular Physics 1255000 ENERGY UTILIZATION 1255003 Batteries 1255005 Buildings, Commercial Energy Use 1255010 Buildings, Industrial Energy Use 1255015 Buildings, Municipal Energy 1255020 Buildings, Residential Energy Use 1255023 Energy Storage Systems 1255025 Industrial Processes, Energy Use 1255030 Industrial Waste Heat Recovery 1255035 Industrial Waste Management 1255040 Municipal Energy Conservation 1255045 Municipal Energy Waste Management 1255050 Municipal Public Utilities 1255055 Transportation, Energy Use 1255060 Energy Testing / Analysis 1260000 FOSSIL ENERGY 1260005 Carbon Dioxide 1260010 Coal Processing 1260015 Coal Processing / Carbonization 1260020 Coal Processing / Desulfurization 1260025 Coal Processing / Gasification 1260030 Coal Processing / Hydrogenation 1260035 Coal Processing / Liquefaction 1260040 Coal Processing / Pyrolysis 1260045 Coal Processing / Solvent Extraction 1260055 Coal Combustion 1260060 Natural Gas Combustion 1260065 Oil Shales / Tar Sands Combustion 1260070 Petroleum Combustion 1260075 Drilling and Mining 1260080 Environmental Effects, Fossil Energy 1260085 Exploration / Reserves, Energy 1260090 Fossil Fuels, Coal 1260095 Fossil Fuels, Natural Gas 1260100 Fossil Fuels, Oil Shales / Tar Sands 1260105 Fossil Fuels, Petroleum 1260110 Health / Safety, Fossil Energy 1260115 Legislation / Regulation, Energy 1260120 Marketing / Economics, Energy 1260125 Production and Refining 1260130 Products / By-products, Energy 1260135 Properties, Fossil Fuels 1260140 Fossil Fuels Storage 1260145 Surface Methods, Fossil Energy 1260150 Transport / Handling, Fossil Fuels 1260155 Waste Management / Fossil Energy 1260160 Synfuels 1265000 HYDROGEN AND SYNTHETIC FUELS 1265005 Alcohol Fuels 1265010 Biomass Fuels 1265015 Ethane 1265020 Hydrocarbon Fuels, General 1265025 Hydrocarbon Fuels, Preparation 1265030 Hydrogen Fuels, General 1265035 Hydrogen, Biosynthesis Processes 1265040 Hydrogen Electrolysis 1265045 Hydrogen, Thermochemical Processes 1265050 Hydrogen, Transport 1265055 Hydrogen, Water / Gas Processes 1265060 Methane 1265065 Methanol 1265066 Gasification 1270000 NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1270005 Isotope / Radiation Technology 1270010 Isotope Power Supplies 1270015 Medical Physics 1270020 Medical Physics, Dosimetry 1270025 Medical Physics Radiation Standards 1270030 Medical Physics, Radiation Calibration 1270035 Nuclear Explosions, Detection 1270040 Nuclear Fuels, Depleted Uranium 1270045 Nuclear Fuels, Enrichment 1270050 Nuclear Fuels, Environmental Effects 1270055 Nuclear Fuels, Feed Processing 1270060 Nuclear Fuels, Reprocessing 1270062 Nuclear Fuels, Safeguards 1270065 Nuclear Fuels, Storage 1270070 Nuclear Fuels, Throium Reserves 1270075 Nuclear Fuels, Transport 1270080 Nuclear Fuels, Uranium Reserves 1270085 Nuclear Fuels, Waste Management 1270090 Nuclear Fuels, Waste Processing 1270095 Nuclear Fuels, Waste Disposal 1270097 Inertial Fusion 1270100 Nuclear Fusion, Kinetics 1270105 Nuclear Fusion, Plasma Research 1270110 Fusion Technology 1270115 Nuclear Power, Auxiliary Reactors 1270120 Nuclear Power, Breeding Reactors 1270125 Nuclear Power, Construction 1270130 Nuclear Power, Fuel Cycle 1270135 Nuclear Power, Non-Breeding 1270140 Nuclear Power, Process Heat Reactors 1270145 Nuclear Reactor Technology 1270150 Nuclear Reactor, Control Systems 1270155 Nuclear Reactor, Environmental Effects 1270160 Nuclear Reactor, Experimental 1270165 Nuclear Reactor, Fuel Elements 1270170 Nuclear Reactor, Fuel Handling 1270173 Liquid Metal Reactor 1270175 Nuclear Reactor, Plutonium Production 1270180 Nuclear Reactor, Propulsion 1270185 Nuclear Reactor, Reactor Safety 1270190 Nuclear Reactor, Reactor Theory 1270200 Nuclear Weapons, Testing 1270203 Nuclear Weapons, Design 1270204 Nuclear Weapons, Safety 1270205 Physical Isotope Separation 1270210 Radiation & Shielding Physics 1270215 Radiation Effects on Instrumentation 1270220 Radiation Instrumentation 1270225 Radiation Sources 1270227 Radioisotopes 1270228 Radiophorus Energy 1270235 Space & Defense Power Systems 1275000 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES 1275005 Environmental Effects, Hydropower 1275010 Geothermal Energy 1275015 Geothermal Engineering 1275020 Hydro Energy 1275025 Hydro Energy, Meteorology 1275030 Ocean and Ocean Energy Systems 1275035 Power Conversion Systems 1275040 Power Plants, Renewable Energy 1275045 Resources / Availability, Renewable Energy 1275050 Site Geology, Renewable Energy 1275055 SOLAR 1275060 Solar, Biomass Conversion 1275065 Solar, Collectors / Concentrators 1275070 Solar, Heat Storage 1275075 Solar, Photochemical Conversion 1275080 Solar, Photovoltaic Conversion 1275085 Solar, Photovoltaic Power Systems 1275090 Solar, Thermoelectric Conversion 1275095 Solar, Thermal Power Systems 1275100 WIND ENERGY, GENERAL 1275105 Wind, Climatology 1275110 Wind, Turbine Operation 1275115 Wind, Wind Energy Engineering 1275120 1280000 TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY ENERGY EDUCATION 1280005 Energy Faculty Support 1280010 Energy Graduate Support 1280015 Energy Postdoctoral Support 1280020 Energy Pre-College Support 1280025 Energy Undergraduate Support