The Global Efficient Cook Stove Project March, 2013 Dear Participating Teacher, Thank you so much for your interest in our Global Efficient Biomass Stove Education Project. Based on the successes that we experienced last year, I believe that this project has the potential to serve as an ideal vehicle through which to teach students about the use of science and engineering to address a set of interconnected and serious global problems. I hope that once you have read through this document you will agree! I thought I would begin by putting together this packet as a little (or not so little!) overview of the project. This packet essentially contains two different sections: 1. A summary of the student biomass and stove-building project that will culminate in the stove building and testing that will involve students from 6 schools/school projects in 6 countries, and 2. Background information about the efficient stove movement, deforestation, biomass, and articles/websites specific to Rwanda, Brazil, Uganda, Tanzania, India and the U.S. for teachers to use to get all interested parties (themselves and their students) to more or less the same point in terms of their background in the efficient stove movement and all of the accompanying issues. It is my goal to have all of this information available on-line (through our cookstove wiki and my TIGed on-line classroom page -, complete with links to the various websites from which I have gleaned most of the information in this document (see the “Sources” section for the whole list.) But I also thought it prudent to put together a hard copy of this material, as some of the schools that may eventually become interested in this project may have limited access to on-line computers. Once students have a good background in the concepts listed above, the project aims to have students use their accumulated scientific and engineering understanding to build up to 5 different types of biomass stoves, compare and discuss the results of the testing of these stoves with students in different countries. Currently, I will be undertaking the project over a 4 week period from March 26 th to April 22nd. I will be dividing my class of 55 eighth graders into 5 groups and am hoping that each group will work closely on this project with students from one of our partner schools. I completely appreciate and understand that perhaps not all (and perhaps none) of the intended partner schools will have the freedom to allow their students to devote this amount of time to the project. I don’t see this as being particularly problematic, but perhaps we can look at what is possible in terms of allowing students the chance to engage deeply with peers from around the world on a worthwhile project (early mornings, late afternoons, evenings, weekends, etc.) As you will see by the extent of the background information, the global efficient cook stove movement is an initiative that, although seriously “under-investigated” in the past, is certainly now starting to get some attention…and rightly so. The more I read, the more amazed I am that the issues associated with the use of inefficient biomass stoves have not become more commonly known before now. My first recommendation would be that all participants in this project that have internet access become familiar with the global efficient cook stove movement by previewing (perhaps with students…) the following two short videos: I am hoping that the final piece of the project will be a global education campaign, organized by participants in this project, for students around the world about this very important issue. Regarding my thoughts on the best way to approach the part of the project involving the stove building, testing, and analyzing competition/collaboration: Having researched stove testing resources put out by such organizations as Aprovecho, Mercy Corps, and The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air, in addition to doing some initial stove-building exercises with a small group of keen Brookwood students, I am fully aware that this part of the project will likely be in need of major revisions in order to be useable by each of the participating schools. It is my hope that we can periodically meet on-line to discuss, refine, and eventually implement the project. Here is my comprehensive contact information so that all might easily track me down to talk about the project. Name: Position: School: School website: Rich Lehrer 8th Grade Science Teacher Brookwood School 1 Brookwood Road Manchester, MA, USA 01944 School email: Personal email: School phone: 978 526 4500 (extension 6270) School fax: 978 526 9303 Skype name: richlehrer Hopefully, this project, and the amazing opportunity that our students will have to work with other students around the world toward a common goal through the project will be one of the first steps to helping others learn more about these issues. I encourage everyone to keep in mind that the ultimate aims of this project are to both raise our students’ awareness of the efficient biomass stove movement, as well as to have our students take the next step in terms of educating others about it, and I look forward with great anticipation to working with you all. Sincerely yours, Rich Lehrer 8th Grade Science Teacher Brookwood School Table of Contents Topic 1. The Global Efficient Biomass Cookstove Education Project Overview A. Project Goals B. Educational Objectives C. Intended Partner Schools D. Specifics of The Global Efficient Cook Stove Project’s Components I. Teacher Communication II. Student Communication III. Reviewing background research information IV. Documenting V. Initial Stove Building Practice VI. Materials Needed VII. Building Instructions for 5 Basic Rocket Stoves and Information for a 3-Stone Fire For The Sake of Comparison a) 3-Stone Fire b) 16 Brick Rocket Stove c) Earth Rocket Stove Page 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 d) 5 Can Rocket Stove e) Winiarski’s Tin Can Rocket Stove f) 20L Rocket Stove with Bricks VIII. Safety and Practice Lighting IX. Practice Stove Tests X. Final Collaborative Competition XI. “Going Global” 2. Background Information A. An Overview of the Efficient Cookstove Movement I. Effects of Use of Traditional Biomass Cookstoves II. What is a Clean Cookstove? III. Why Now? B. Global use of Biomass C. Deforestation I. Fast Facts About Deforestation II. Why Are Rainforests Being Destroyed? III. The Role of Poverty in Deforestation IV. Population and Consumption V. How Redd+ Can Help Protect Forests D. Specific Country Stove and Deforestation Information I. Rwanda a) Rwanda Forest Information and Data b) Rwanda Stove Articles and Websites II. Brazil a) Brazil Forest Information and Data b) Brazil Stove Articles and Websites III. Uganda a) Uganda Forest Information and Data b) Uganda Stove Articles and Websites IV. Tanzania a) Tanzania Forest Information and Data b) Tanzania Stove Articles and Websites V. India a) India Forest Information and Data b) India Stove Articles and Websites VI. USA a) USA Forest Information and Data b) USA Stove Articles and Websites E. Design Principles for Wood Burning Stoves I. Introduction a) Proven Strategies b) An Introduction to Rocket Stoves II. Stove Theory a) How to Improve Combustion b) How to Improve Fuel Efficiency c) Common Misconceptions d) Testing is essential e) Make Stoves Safe III. Ten Design Principles IV. Designing Stoves With Baldwin and Winiarski 15 16 18 19 20 20 21 23 23 23 25 28 29 31 31 32 32 33 33 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 45 46 46 47 48 49 49 50 54 V. Options for Combustion Chambers a) Option #1 – Floor Tiles b) Option #2 – Insulative Ceramics VI. In Field Water Boiling Test a) Beginning of Test b) Analysis of Results VII. Appendix: Glossary of Terms F. Sources 55 56 56 58 59 61 62 64 1. The Efficient Biomass Cookstove Education Project Overview A. Project Goals: The Efficient Biomass Cookstove Education Project will attempt to accomplish the following goals: 1. global efficient cookstove movement - have students learn about deforestation, global biomass use, stove design, and the issues associated with the global efficient cook stove movement, especially as they pertain to the U.S., Brazil, Uganda, Tanzania, India, and Rwanda 2. international collaboration - allow students to collaborate on a problem with others in different countries 3. cook stove collaborative competition - have students research, design, construct, test, and redesign efficient cook stoves 4. “going global” - have students to document their efforts and then attempt to educate others about the issues associated with the global cook stove movement. B. Educational Objectives As a result of having participated in this stove projects, students will: - understand the reasons why forests are so vital to the health of our planet, and appreciate why deforestation is such a serious global problem - be able to describe what biomass is and how it is used by people across the world - be able to explain issues specific to the forests of the United States, Rwanda, and Brazil - understand combustion - understand what a biomass stove is, and be able to list the factors that can affect the efficiency of a biomass stove, while explaining why and how they produce these effects - truly grasp the issues that accompany the use of inefficient biomass stoves around the world, including, but not limited to: deforestation, respiratory health issues, climate change, gender inequity, security issues, etc. etc. - discuss the scientific concepts inherent in the use of five different biomass stoves, including but not limited to: energy sources, climate change, the chemistry of combustion, energy transformations, thermal energy, conduction, insulation, organic chemistry, experimental design, etc. etc. - have used the design cycle to research, plan, build, test, refine up to 5 different biomass stoves…and then repeat - have collaborated with students from their own school and schools around the world in a common learning activity – the building of a personally designed biomass stove - have participated in a collaborative stove competition in which students personally design, build and test a cook stove in order to gain a better understanding of biomass stove efficiency issues - collaborate with students around the world on a project to document the work done on this project, determine how best to publicize the issue of efficient biomass stoves, and decide how to best educate other students around the world about these issues C. Intended Partner Schools - 2013 Brookwood School, Manchester, Massachusetts, USA – 978 526 4500 Stove Project Contact: Rich Lehrer Email: Skype name: richlehrer FAWE Gisozi, Kigali, Rwanda - 250 5825 14 Stove Project Contacts: MUJUNI Patrick Email: Skype name: mujuni.patrick700 Colegio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, Brazil – 55-11-5087 3500 Stove Project Contact: Cristiana Mattos de Assumpção Email: Skype name: cmabaggio The Kasiisi Project, Kibale National Park, Uganda – 1 617 493 5775 a) Stove Project Contacts (Uganda): Rwabuhinga Francis and Keith Miller Email: Keith Miller <> Skype name: Kasiisi Project b) Stove Project Contact (Cambridge): Elizabeth Ross (Kasiisi Founder) Email: Skype name: Elizabeth Ross The Magoma Project, Magoma, Tanzania Stove Project Contacts: Ben Donahue and Stephanie Kim Email: Skype name: Benjamin Robert Donahue The Srishti College of Art, Design, and Technology, Bangalore, India Stove Project Contacts: Geetha Narayanan, Arzu Mistry, Padmini Nagaraj Email: Skype name: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts a) Stove Project Contact (D-Lab): Jessica Huang Email: b) Stove Project Contact (Media Lab): Leo Burd Email: UpEnergy, Uganda, Rwanda, World Stove Project Contact: Erik Wurster Proyecto Mirador - San Francisco, USA and Honduras Stove Project Contact: Dee Lawrence D. Specifics of The Global Efficient Cookstove Education Project’s Components As mentioned above, although I have taken steps to try to take into account the nature and needs of each of the six schools that will hopefully be participating in this project, undoubtedly, issues will arise that will require that the project be changed and modified in order to attempt to have each school accomplish the four above-mentioned goals: 1. learn about the global efficient cook stove movement 2. participate in an international collaboration 3. design, build and test a cook stove for an international collaborative competition 4. “go global” with the movement and the project Because of the inevitability of changes having to be made to increasing the chances of each school accomplishing these goals, I would like to assure all involved that none of the information outlining the project in this packet is set in stone…and in fact, I look forward to modifying some or all parts of it to ensure its success. Having said that I also hope, if not each of the schools is able to accomplish each of the goals, that there will also be value in having as many schools accomplish as many of them as possible. I. Teacher communication It is my hope that there will be opportunities for the all teacher contacts at each of the schools to engage in at least several “real-time” (be it through Skype, blogging, conference calls, etc.) conversations to refine and clarify the project in anticipation of the final student collaborations piece of the project. We are also hoping that our wikispaces cookstove wiki will be an effective medium through which participating teachers and students are able to communicate with each other. II. Student communication As outlined in the “teacher communication” section, I also believe that there is serious value in having the students involved in this project not only know a little (or a lot!) about the people with whom they are collaborating, but also be able to engage in real time (and preferable face-to-face through Skype) conversations with each other at each step of the project (researching, planning, constructing, testing, redesigning, and “going global” with the project.) Again, hopefully the wiki and our TIGed web portal will facilitate this communication. III. Reviewing background research information The background research information resources that I have assembled are intended to give students the necessary knowledge to achieve the four goals of this project. The cook stove movement information came primarily from 5 organizations committed to the development and dissemination of efficient biomass cook stoves: - Aprovecho Research Center - - The Partnership For Clean Indoor Air - - The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves - - MercyCorps - - The Charcoal Project - Although the ideal would be that all participants in this project would be able to access these organizations’ websites (and numerous other on-line resources that I have included in this document), I am also hoping to be able to include schools that may not have reliable internet access. Therefore, I have included much of the information, photos, screenshots of videos, etc. from these websites in addition to the URL’s associated with the different online resources to allow schools that only have access to this packet to participate. IV. Documenting As the final goal of this project is to give students from each school the tools to be able to “go global” in terms of educating others about both this project, as well as the global efficient cook stove movement, participating teachers are encouraged to record (through written, photo, and video documentation) the student results of the various components of the project. In addition to assisting with the students’ final global education piece of the project, this will also help participating teachers reflect on the success of the project in order to improve it for future use. Again, hopefully the wiki and our TIGed web portal will be the perfect forum in which post this documentation. V. Initial Stove Building Practice Following the reviewing of the background information with students, the project intends to have students build cook stoves of increasing complexity and (presumably) increasing efficiency. Although there are dozens, if not hundreds of various stove designs available for review, I have chosen to provide participating teachers with five different, fairly simpleto-build stove designs that will hopefully give students an excellent understanding of the science and engineering behind the designing of efficient cook stoves. It is not necessary for all students at all schools to build all 5 stoves, but the assumption is that the more experience students have with building stoves, the better they will be able to personally design and build a cook stove using materials and plans of their choice for participation in the final piece of the cook stove collaborative competition. VI. Materials Needed In the event that a teacher wants to follow the instructions shown below to have his or her students build and test any of the 5 stoves listed in preparation for the final cook stove collaborative competition, he or she will need to gather the following materials General Materials Needed For All Practice Tests - One type of dry, easily apportioned wood of various sizes Consistently sized pots for the Water Boiling Test Consistently sized containers for the Popcorn Test Water Popcorn Paper, cardboard, and a lighter to light the fires Stopwatch Balance or scale to find the mass of the wood used 3-Stone Fire test – each group will require: - 3 bricks or stones eye protection protective gloves “Practice Stove” #1 - 16-Brick Rocket Stove – each group will require: - 16 bricks (preferably made of a refractory insulated material – see video) partially flattened can to support wood as it is fed into stove eye protection - protective gloves “Practice Stove” #2 - Earth Rocket Stove – each group will require: - 4 bricks (3 for supports and 1 to help create the “feed chamber” enough clay or mud to be able to build a reasonably-sized Earth Rocket Stove metal strip to form “pot skirt” eye protection protective gloves “Practice Stove” #3 - 5-Can Rocket Stove – each group will require: - 1 large (3-4 Liters - #10) cylindrical can 3 smaller (500mL or so) cylindrical cans tin snips felt marker or “Sharpie” eye protection protective gloves “Practice Stove” #4 - Winiarski Tin Can Rocket Stove – each group will require: - large, 15-20 Liter rectangular can 8, 10x25cm (4.5x9inch) thin facing bricks, two broken in half saw ruler knife hammer/mallet wire low-density insulating material (pumice stones, vermiculite, or mud/straw mixture) clay or mud (optional: corrugated roofing sheet) “Practice Stove” #5 - 5 Gallon, 20 Liter Rocket Stove with Insulative Refractory Bricks – each group will require Brick making - clay - water - wooden mold - kiln - sawdust Stove - 20L (5 gallon) cylindrical can - vermiculate or pumice stone - 3 metal rods - 1 standard brick - cement VII. Building Instructions for 5 Basic Rocket Stoves and Information for a 3 Stone Fire For The Sake of Comparison a) 3 Stone Fire (Reproduced from The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air’s document, “Test Results of Cook Stove Performance”) As with any tool, the skill of the operator determines how well the work is accomplished. The 3 Stone Fire can be operated cleanly, or it can be very dirty and wasteful. Open fires tend to go out easily, however, and it is a natural inclination to make an overly large fire or leave smoking wood under a simmering pot while attending to other work. The fact that the 3 Stone Fire can be operated with very different results was confusing to early investigators. In some kitchens, large fires made for cooking use a lot of wood and make a great deal of smoke. Small fires are also made that cook food relatively cleanly. Watching indigenous experts in the field cook with fire has led to a better understanding of effective biomass fuel use. Cooks who are trying to conserve wood tend to meter fuel by pushing wood into the fire, slowly burning the wood at the tip of the stick. Knowledgeable cooks only need a small, hot fire close to the pot to quickly boil water. Improving upon a wellmade 3 Stone Fire was more difficult than the first generation of designers had expected. Learning from expert users helped teach engineers how to make better stoves. It is important to remember that in the Aprovecho lab testing the 3 Stone Fire used less wood and made less pollution than cooking fires in the field. All of the fires in these tests were carefully made using dry and uniform sticks of Douglas fir fed into the fire in a controlled way to optimize the performance of all stoves. Well-constructed 3 Stone Fires protected from wind and tended with care scored between 20% and 30% thermal efficiency. Open fires made with moister wood and operated with less attention to the wind can score as low as 5%. The operator and the conditions of use largely determine the effectiveness of operation. Stoves must be tested with careful repetition in order to minimize variables in test results.” b) “Practice Stove” #1 - 16 Brick Rocket Stove (Taken from Larry Winiarski’s Youtube video, “How to Make a 16-Brick Rocket Stove” Construct a 16-brick rocket stove using the images below. Ensure that the center brick of the first layer is ½ the height of the rest of the bricks and that a regular-size brick is used in the front acts as a shelf to lift the sticks off the ground. Alternatively, a partially flattened can may be used as a shelf. c) “Practice Stove” #2 - Earth Rocket Stove (Taken from “The Rocket Stove Design Base”, based on stoves made in DRC refugee camps) Set 3 bricks on end as shown in the diagram on the previous page. Pack a ”donut” of clay or mud around the bricks in the dimensions shown. Hollow out the feed chamber in order to create “L-shaped” combustion chamber. Insert a metal cylinder of the dimensions shown above into the mud, resting on the bricks. d) “Practice Stove” #3 - 5 Can Rocket Stove (Taken from “LDS Prepper’s Youtube video: “Build a Rocket Stove: Step-By-Step” and Niels Corfield’s Youtube Video: “Rocket Stove Workshop”. Wearing your safety gloves and using tin snips, remove the top and then measure and cut a circular hole, the diameter of one of the smaller cans in the side of the large (#10) can in the location shown in the photo below. Cut both ends out of one of the small cans. Cut the top of a second small can, then measure and cut a circular hole of the same size in the side of this second small cans in the location shown in the photo below. Place the second can in the larger can as shown and then construct an “L-shaped” combustion chamber from two cans. Remove the two ends of the third small can, slit the side, and fit it in the second can as a chimney. Fill the space between the “L-shaped” combustion chamber and the inside of the larger can with vermiculite. Cut a donut shaped hole in the removed top of the larger can and place it over the top of the can. Use the 4th small can to make a shelf that will support the wood in the feed chamber. e) “Practice Stove” #4 - Winiarski’s Tin Can Rocket Stove (Taken from Pat McCardle and The Solar Cookers International’s Youtube video: “How To Make a Tin Can Rocket Stove” featuring the inventor of the rocket stove, Larry Winiarski showing his design.)! Construct a chimney as shown in the photos below using the 4 thin facing bricks, ensuring that you use the wire to fix the bricks in place. Cut 1cm from the bottoms of 3 of the chimney bricks, leaving one longer than the others. Measure the dimensions of the feed chamber and cut two flaps in the side of the can using the tin snips in the side of the rectangular 5 gallon (20 Liter) can, ensuring that you retain the cut piece and bend back the flaps made of the side of the can. Insert the remaining 4 bricks (3 whole bricks, 1 cut in halve) to assemble the horizontal tunnel as shown. Pile pumice stones or vermiculite between the inside of the can walls and the tunnel to keep the bricks in place as the tunnel is assembled. Secure the metal wings of the hole to the outer part of the horizontal tunnel using wire. Place the chimney on the horizontal tunnel, long brick forward. Fill in the space between the chimney and the can with the low density material (see photo below). Finish the top of the chimney with clay and place 4 small brick spacers, inserted into the wet clay, that will hold the pot. If desired, construct a pot skirt out of the tin roofing. f) “Practice Stove” #5 - 20 Liter (5 Gallon) Rocket Stove With Insulative Refractory Brick Making Instructions (From Aprovecho’s Youtube video: “Build A Rocket Stove”)! The primary difference between this stove and the one previous is the fact that this one includes instructions on how to make low density, insulative refractory bricks, uses less of an “L-shaped” combustion chamber and the body of the stove is cylindrical and can be made from sheet metal or a large 20L can. Begin by making the bricks. Mix 500g of dry sawdust with 900g of moist clay and 1200g of water. The final bricks will need to be fired in a kiln at 1000 deg C. Make a wooden mold for the bricks. Wet it and fill it with the clay/sawdust/water mixture. Push the mixture into all corners of the mold. Push the unfired brick out of the mold. Make ___ of these bricks. Construct the combustion chamber using these bricks and one regular, durable brick. The first layer is a “U-shaped” arrangement (as viewed from the top), with the regular brick forming the back of the “U” and the open part of the “U” being the feed chamber. The next layer is made of 2 complete bricks (in the front, over the feed chamber and in the back over the regular brick) and 2 half-bricks on the sides. The 3rd later is reversed, having the two half bricks in the front and back and the whole bricks on the sides. The combustion chamber should be 30cm tall and the inside of the chimney should be 10cm x 10cm. Use a cylinder made from a large can with the ends cut out or sheet metal to surround the brick combustion chamber. Cut a rectangle as shown above to match up with the fuel entrance. Slip the cylinder over the combustion chamber and temporarily place a brick in the rectangular entrance. Fill the space between the combustion chamber and the metal cylinder with a vermiculite (or pumice stone) and cement mixture. Cut 6 holes in the top of the cylinder that will support a triangle of metal rods on which the pot will be placed. There should be a 12mm gap between the pot and the metal cylinder and the pot should sit on the pot supports above the combustion chamber. VIII. Safety and Practice Lighting As students will be using fire, heating surfaces, and using tin snips in the construction of their stoves, there is the potential for danger in most of the practice stoves. Standard lab safety should be used to ensure that students are not injured during this project. Protective eyewear should be used, heat and cut resistant heavy gloves should be worn, long hair should be tied back, floppy sweater should be removed, and long sleeves should be rolled up. Sharp metal edges should not be touched and should be filed or sanded down. Students should also be given ample opportunity to practice the effective lighting of their stoves in order to ensure that stove results are truly dependent on stove design, and not which students are the best at lighting their stoves and keeping them lit. In the practice sessions held with students leading up to the creation of this packet, the following issues were observed and possible solutions generated: - clothes and hair became very smoky (may be tough to avoid…tall chimneys? Cover hair? Wear “testing clothes”?) difficult to keep wood lit (wood must be dry, lit with very small pieces first, lit using paper and cardboard, and kept off the ground as it is fed in by using a small shelf, easily made with a partially flattened can) much blowing was needed, students because dizzy, occasionally breathed in smoke (should be remedied if wood burns better) students became quite dirty, kneeling on ground, handling sooty equipment (wear “testing clothes” and use gloves) wind became a factor because of need to test outdoor (ensure testing is done outdoors in a sheltered area) when a competition was being held, students became excited and work became frenetic, and not always based on sound ideas or safe practices (ensure that students are working calmly and safely) students had not gathered enough biomass and had to go searching during competition (ensure that ample biomass is gathered and dried before testing) teams with more students had an advantage (ensure that teams are same size) teams that starting testing before wood was burning had unfair advantage of heat from paper/cardboard (ensure that wood is alit and burning before starting competition) - the more often students tested stoves, the better they got at building and lighting stoves, and keeping fire lit (ensure ample opportunities to make fires, build stoves and test stoves. See below.) IX. Practice Stove Tests Practicing stove building and testing using pre-ordained stove designs will allow students to: - become proficient at the building and lighting of stoves - familiarize themselves with what works and what doesn’t in terms of materials and designs that make stoves more efficient, and to analyze the science behind successes and failures - gain experience in the research gathering component of the design cycle - make decisions on what design principles and material choices they will use for their final stove design entry in the collaborative competition - generate a list of suggestions and recommendations that they can share with their international partners The point of the practice stove portion of the project is not to tell students what design to use in the final collaborative competition, but rather to allow them to gain information that will inform their own final stove design. During the practice stove attempts, the emphasis should always be on the recording of test results, and the use of these results to make final stove design decisions. Again, it is not essential that every student build every practice stove, but the more experience students have building and testing stoves, it is assumed the better their final products will be. It is understood that the final means to test stove performance will be decided upon by the participating teachers. However, the testing of practice stoves should directly mirror the tests that will be used in the final competition, and should be based on the methods that are actually used to test real stoves and stove projects. X. Final Collaborative Competition There are a number of controlled stove testing methodologies that are used by various organizations to judge the efficiency of stoves (those listed at the end of the background research packet were a simplified version of the University of California Berkeley (UCB)/Shell Foundation revision of the 1985 VITA International Standard Water Boiling Test.) Resources that outline testing methodologies include: (an amazing collection of the science of stove testing!) Typically, testing organizations attempt to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of stoves in a variety of ways. These include: - A Water Boiling Speed Test – As outlined by the PCIA, in general the test consists of three phases. These are: (1) bringing 5L of water to a boil from a cold start; (2) bringing water to a boil when the stove is hot; and, (3) maintaining the water at simmering temperatures. - A Water Boiling Fuel/Energy Use Test – Again, as outlined by the PCIA, this test calculates the amount of fuel and the amount of energy needed to boil water, and often to keep it simmering for 45 minutes. Typically, the mass of wood or charcoal is measured before and after the test. Conversions to kJ of energy used are used to compare stoves that use different types of fuel (wood, charcoal, propane, etc.) - A Controlled Cooking Test – The amount of fuel needed to cook specific, locally determined dishes by local cooks is measured - Particulate Matter (PM) emissions – typically uses probes in a collection hood to measure the amount of PM, one of the leading cause of respiratory diseases in biomass stove users - Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions – uses probes in a collection hood to measure this poisonous gas - A Test Kitchen Test looks at the quality of air at different locations in an actual kitchen - Safety Tests look at such factors as stability, exposure of heated surface, jagged edges, etc. or anything that could put users or children at risk - Cost – both to purchase/build and to use over time. Once effective test that was used during the development of this project was the use of popcorn to determine heat produced (first kernel popped, first stove to pop all kernels, etc.) This test removed some of the subjectivity of determining when boiling had occurred and provided an element of entertainment to the tests. In our project, participating teachers will conference in order to allow each school to determine the best method to assess efficiency and effectiveness of the stoves built by student. Without a doubt, WBT’s and Fuel Use tests are the standard method for comparing efficiencies and should likely be used in this project. Additionally, the other methodologies listed above may play a role in determining stove quality, particularly if a cheap and effective way of measuring PM and CO can be found. XI. “Going Global” The final piece of the project involves students from each school collaborating to take, what they have learned in their background research, practice stove testing, performance in the final collaborative competition, conversations with authorities, and collaborative work with students in other countries to educate others around the world. There are a number of forms this could take, and could involve such things as posting photos, slide shows, etc. of the various parts of the project, creating Youtube videos to outline the project, creating websites to publicize the project, contacting local, national and international press and organizations to inform them of the project, etc. Conveniently the Taking It Global education (TIGed) portal provides users with many resources to undertake just this sort of “going global” project. Of particular interest is their “Guide To Action” document that is tailor made for this project. Below is the outline of the process advocated by TIGed in order to effectively “provide students withy the direction and support they need to better work towards making the change they want to see in the world.” The Guide to Action includes many helpful recommendations in terms of how to perform such tasks as working with a team, identifying networks, setting goals for projects, creating a group project plan, promoting a project on TIGed, implementing a project, focusing on having a lasting impact, and even lists challenges that students typically face in “taking an issue global” and provides tips for dealing with these challenges.