EPPR-11-07e India proposal on EPPR-10-14e The deletions are struck through like this and additions are in this font No Section Para 1 General Cate gory and refer ence to SR1. Proposed changes Justification India and IMMA had suggested use of the categorization as per SR1. However, EC reservation to refer classification reference numbers laid down in SR1 (3-1, 3-3, etc) owing to incompatibility with regional vehicle classification. Should be re-discussed after revision of SR1 is agreed on. Expressions like Motorcycle, two wheeled motorcycle, three wheeled vehicle, tricycle are generic terms. It is necessary to define them clearly in the regulation. Since finalization of the amendment to SR1 will take time, it is very likely that this draft GTR will get delayed. In order to avoid this delay India suggests the following: 1. Proceed the current GTR work taking into account the current definitions in SR1 which are also referred in other GTR’s. 2. Build in clauses in text of GTR to provide freedom for Contracting Parties to make the applicability to suit the local definition in GTR. These proposals are contained in Sr. No. 2,3,11,12 and Table 3.6-1 item no 1.1. 2 B.1 2. Scope Two- [and three-]wheeled vehicles of [category 3-1, 3-3 and 3-2, 3-4, 3-5] as defined in S.R. 1, concerning the common definitions of vehicle categories, masses and dimensions document TRANS/WP29/1045e, as amended by ECE/TRANS/WP29/1045/Amend.1, equipped with a PI engine in accordance with Based on comments at Sl. No.1 above, all the square brackets may be removed and reference to SR 1 be incorporated table B.1.-1. 1/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed Justification changes 3 B.1 Table Modify the table 1-1 as indicated below. 1. Exemption for gas fuel vehicles with a small petrol tank capacity: India had proposed addition of a sentence to exempt bi-fuel vehicles with a small petrol tank ( < 2 litre/3 litre) in the scope. Later it was agreed that a definition for a mono-fuel gaseous vehicle can be incorporated. However, certain difficulties have cropped up for evolving this definition. It would take some time to evolve this definition India now suggests that requirement of exemption may be built into the table so that this document can be finalized. As and when the definition is finalized, (which can be built into GTR 2 Rev 1), this document can be amended suitably. 2. Hybrid vehicles It was agreed in the 10th EPPR session that the Hybrid vehicles will be considered at a later stage. Hence it is necessary to remove the hybrid vehicles from this table also. Vehicles with CI engines including hybrids MonoFlex-fuel fuel Vehicle with PI engines including hybrids Mono-fuel Petrol Flex-fuel Bi-fuel* LP G NG/ Biomethane Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol NG/ Biomethane Diesel LPG NG/ Biomethane H2 Ethanol (E85) H2NG Biodiesel H2 Diesel Pure electric vehicle or vehicle propelled with compressed air (CA) Hydrogen Fuel cell vehicle Type III test Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Type IV test Yes No No No Yes (petrol only) * Yes (petrol only) * Yes (petrol only) * Yes (petrol only) * No No No No No * Type IV test is not applicable for motor vehicle that is designed primarily for permanent running on LPG or NG / bio-methane or hydrogen, having a petrol system, with petrol tank capacity not exceeding 2 litres in the case of a 3-1, 3-3 and 3-4 category vehicle and not exceeding 3 litres in the case of a 3-2 and 3-5 category vehicles, intended for emergency purposes or starting only. Table B.1.-1: Scope with regard to the propulsion unit 2/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para 4 B.1 3.5. Proposed changes Justification ‘fuel storage system’ means a type of energy storage system that stores [chemical] energy carriers and which is refillable the liquid fuel; This GTR is for evaporative emissions and is relevant only to liquid fuels. While a more generic definition may be needed in other GTR (e.g. GTR 2 Revision 1), it is suggested that reference to liquid fuel is good enough to complete this definitions in this document. 5 B.1 3.7, 3.8, 3.10 and 3.11 These definitions may be deleted These terms relate to hybrid vehicles. Now that the hybrid vehicles are out of scope of this GTR, these can be deleted. These definitions can be added in GTR 2 Rev.1 appropriately 6 B.1 3.16 This definition may be deleted The definition as it is worded currently does not serve the intended purpose, since the limitation of the petrol tank capacity is not included. Alternate method of taking care of this is suggested by amending the table 1-1 as suggested at sl. No. 3. ‘Mono-fuel gaseous vehicle’ means a vehicle that is designed primarily for permanent running on LPG or NG / bio methane or hydrogen, but may also have a petrol system for emergency purposes or starting only, 7 B.1 3.## New definition to be added: "useful life" means the relevant period of distance and/or time over which the vehicle comply with the detailed technical requirements specified in this GTR when the vehicle is used normally and maintained according to the prescriptions of the manufacturer. Since the expression useful life is used in the document, India feels that it is better to define the terms. The phraseology is selected from the details given in document EPPR 10-15e. It will be necessary to use the same term while preparing the GTR for the Type V test also. 3/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 8 B.2 Foot note 1 The Type III test procedure to be conducted in accordance with the requirements to be agreed upon by the UN EPPR informal working group and to be supplemented in subsequent amendment No 1 to this GTR. 1. India agrees with the proposal to delete para 2.1.2 and prescribe its contents in the foot note. 2. An editorial correction is suggested in foot note. Necessity may come to issue amendments prior to finalization of the crank case emission test procedure. Hence using the expression “amendment No.1” could lead to operational difficulties. 9 B.2 2.2. The manufacturer shall provide [the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency] with technical details and drawings to prove that the engine or engines are so constructed as to prevent vapour of any fuel, lubrication oil or crankcase gases from escaping to the atmosphere from the crankcase gas ventilation system. Expressions “approval authority”, “technical services”, certification etc. are used differently at different places generally with the same intention. Some terms (e.g. Techinical Service”) are not used in India. India suggests to use the expression “approval authority of the Contracting Party or its designated agencies” at all places to avoid difficulties later. A Physical verification may be conducted that the crankcase breather is not let out into atmosphere. 10 B.3. 2.1. The vehicle manufacturer shall prove [to the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency technical service and to the satisfaction of the approval authority] that the fuel storage and supply system are leaktight in accordance with point 2.2. 11 B.3 2.4.2 A two-wheeled motorcycle, [a motorcycle with sidecar and a tricycle] of Category 3-3, 3-4 and three wheeled vehicle of category 3-5 1. See serial No. 9 2. The current wording also leads to wrong understanding that the demonstration has to be done twice, once to technical services and again to the certifying agency. As explained at Sl. No.1, document does not become complete unless motor cycles and three wheeled vehicles are defined. shall be tested according to the class C evaporative emission test procedure 4/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 12 B.3 2.4.3 For any other type of a two- [or three-]wheeled [3-1 and 3-3] vehicle, including the category or The word “other” need to be deleted, since some CP may prefer to use Class A or Class B procedure even for Class 3-3, 3-4 or 3-5. subcategory as per the classification followed by the Contracting Party the Contracting Party may decide to apply one test procedure only from the three listed evaporative emission test procedure classes for the [approval] / [certification] of a vehicle laid down in point 2.3. The need to give freedom for CPs to make use of their national/regional classification has been built in. India believes that this could address the concerns of EC. This can be reviewed and corrected later, once the changes in SR 1 are finalized by WP29/AC3. 13 B.3 2.5 14 B.3 2.5.1 The appropriate test fuel, as defined in Annex 2 of GTR No 2 (for E0) and Annex XX (for E5 and E 10) to this GTR, shall be used, as decided by the Since three type of fuels are involved, it is necessary to provide the option for CPs to choose the one applicable to their region/ Contracting Party nation. It has been established by documents submitted by EC (EPPR-10-19) that all the Add the following new clause: three classes of evaporative emission (A, B The Contracting Parties shall accept test reports for and C) are adversely affected by volume of the approval of a vehicle according to the test fuel Ethanol added to the blend. used given in Table – B.3.# Test fuel mandated by the Contracting Party Compliance to type IV test using E10 E10 E5 E5/E10 E0 E10/E5/E0 Hence, it necessary to prescribe the hierarchy of the different blends. The formulation suggested is based on the practice used for defining the hierarchy for the evaporative emission tests mentioned in clause 2.4.4 in section B.3. Table – B.3.# Hierarchy of acceptance of test reports with different test fuel blends. 5/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 15 B.3 4 [The manufacturer shall ensure that the vehicle will meet the evaporative emission standards over the useful life of the vehicle.] The manufacturer shall demonstrate the durability of the evaporative emission control system using the applicable durability test procedure as follows If India’s suggestion to include the definition for useful life , (SL.NO.7 above) is accepted, the wording of this clause is acceptable and the square bracket can be removed. 16 B.3 Table B.3.-2 The square brackets around the limits values may be deleted. The proposed limits are acceptable to India. So far there have not been any comments on these limit values. Table B.3.-2 para 5.1 Permeability test (mg/m2/24h) to be corrected to Permeability test (mg/m2/24h) Unit correction appropriately. India feels that UN 1 should be specified to start with. And when the GTR is stabilized, the UN 2 can be added later. 17 B.3 Table B.3.-3 This table may be shifted to Section A with addition of permeability limits as a future plan for CPs to adopt after this GTR has been adopted. 18 B.3 6. Propulsion family definition with regard to test See Sl. No 9 type IV A representative parent vehicle shall be selected to test [and demonstrate to the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency] the test type IV requirements based on the propulsion family definition in accordance with Annex B.3.6. 19 B.3 7. Documentation See sl. No. 9 The vehicle manufacturer shall fill out the information document in accordance with the template laid down in Annex B.3.7. [and submit it to the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency]. 6/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes 20 Annex B.3.1 1.1. This requirement shall apply to all two- [and three-]wheeled Since these requirements are basically vehicles equipped with a non-metallic fuel tank to store liquid, for the fuel tank, a generic description volatile fuel, as applicable for vehicles equipped with a positive of the vehicle will suffice and the ignition combustion engine. square brackets may be deleted. 21 Annex B.3.2 3.1. The fuel storage tank shall be filled with reference fuel and sealed. See Sl no. 9 The filled tank shall be soaked at an ambient temperature of 28 °C ± 5 °C for 20 weeks or at 43 °C ± 5 °C for ten weeks. Alternatively, a shorter period of time at a higher -temperature may be used as soak time if the manufacturer can prove [to the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency] that the hydrocarbon permeation rate has stabilised. 22 Annex B.3.2 6.1.3. Slosh testing Annex B.3.2 6.3. 23 Justification See Sl no. 9 A slosh test shall be conducted by filling the non-metallic fuel storage tank to 40 percent of its capacity with the reference fuel or with a commercial premium-grade fuel at the choice of the manufacturer and [to the satisfaction of the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency ]. The fuel storage tank assembly shall be rocked at a rate of 15 cycles per minute until one million total cycles are reached. An angle deviation of +15° to −15° from level shall be used and the slosh test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 28 °C ± 5 °C. The manufacturer may request that any of the durability tests be See Sl no. 9 excluded if it can be clearly demonstrated [to the approval authorities authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency] that this does not affect the emissions from the fuel storage tank. 7/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 24 Annex B.3.2 7.1. Fuel line assembly permeation physical testing procedure See Sl no. 9 The manufacturer shall ---- follows: (a) in accordance ------series production; or 15.5 0C to 35.5 0C in 60 minutes (b) the manufacturer may use a proprietary test procedure if it can be demonstrated [to the approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency] that this test is just as severe as test method (a). 25 Annex 3.3 Figure B.3.3-1 The figure may be replaced with the figure given below Figure with a change of temperature units from K to 0C. Figure B.3.3.-1: Flow chart – evaporative emission SHED test 8/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 26 Annex 3.3 3.1. India had suggested this language for The chassis dynamometer shall meet the requirements of Annex 6 taking care of three wheeled vehicles of GTR No 2 provided that in the case of 3 wheeled vehicles the (Sl. No.18 of EPPR-10-07). This chassis dynamometer shall be capable of accommodating 3 inclusion is required since current wheeled vehicles (e.g. 2 rollers , long single roller) GTR 2 does not anticipate a three wheeled vehicles 27 Annex 3.3 3.4.1. The fuel storage tank heating system shall consist of at least two See Sl no. 9 separate heat sources with two temperature controllers. A typical heat source shall be a pair of heating pads. Other heat sources may be used as required by the circumstances at the request of the manufacturer to the satisfaction of the [approval of the Contracting party or its designated agency] / [certification] authority for [compliance] / [approval] testing. Temperature ----- recommended both for the fuel and the vapour. 28 Annex 3.3 3.9.1 At the request of the manufacturer [and with the agreement of the See Sl no. 9 approval authority of the Contracting party or its designated agency, the technical service] may authorise the use of alternative equipment provided that it can be demonstrated that it gives equivalent results. 29 Annex 3.3 4.2.2. The vehicle is placed on a chassis dynamometer and driven a single Editorial correction time through the test cycle specified in Annex 5 of GTR No 2 as appropriate for the class of vehicle being tested, in the case of category 3-3 vehicles. The cycles used for the Type I test prescribed in the national regulation of the Contracting Party in the case of other categories of vehicles. 9/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 30 Annex 3.3 Following the tank breathing losses test, the vehicle is pushed or otherwise manoeuvred onto the chassis dynamometer with the engine switched off. It is then driven through the driving cycle specified for the class of vehicle on test. At the request of the manufacturer, exhaust emissions may be sampled during this operation, but the results shall not be used [for the purpose of exhaust emission type-approval]. It is felt that the permission to measure the exhaust emissions is a redundant requirement and may be deleted. 31 Annex 3.3 The fuel and vapour may be artificially heated to the starting Editorial correction. temperatures of 15.5 °C and 21.0 °C ± 1 °C K respectively. An initial -----e shall be followed. 32 Annex 3.3 4.4.1. At the request of the manufacturer [, with the agreement of the technical service and to the satisfaction of the approval authority of See sl. No 9 the Contracting party or its designated agency ] alternative methods may be used to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Annex. In such cases, the manufacturer shall satisfy the technical service that the results from the alternative test can be correlated with those resulting from the procedure described in this Annex. This correlation shall be documented and added to the information folder. 33 Annex B.3.3 5.1 V = net enclosure volume in cubic metres corrected for the volume of the vehicle. If the volume of the vehicle is not determined, a volume of 0.14 m3 in the case of two wheeled vehicles and [0.25]m3 for three wheeled vehicle shall be subtracted; Srl. No. 22 of the comments from India (EPPR-10-07e), India had mentioned that volume of three wheeled vehicles will be indicated after collecting data. Typical average volume of Indian 3 wheelers has been found to be 0.25 m3 10/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 34 Annex B.3.4 Figure B.3.4-1: Replace existing figure with following figure: For better clarity as per the text Figure B.3.4-1: carbon canister gas flow diagram and ports 35 Annex B.3.4 2 A carbon canister representative of the propulsion family of the two- [and three-]wheeled vehicle as set out in Annex B.3.6. shall be selected as test canister [Canister aging shall be conducted at the choice of manufacturer by the canister aging procedure A or B.] 36 Annex B.3.4 2.1 Canister ageing test procedure [A] In the case of a multiple canister system, each canister shall undergo the procedure separately. The minimum number of test cycles of canister loading and discharging shall correspond to the number set out in Table B.3.4-1: Since reference is made to Annex B3.6, it is felt that generic description two and three wheeled vehicle is sufficient in this clause. The options for using procedure A or B also have been accepted. Hence the square bracket may be removed 1. India understands that agreement has reached regarding options of canister ageing procedure A and B. Hence the square bracket may be removed. 2. India supports the deletion of the word “minimum” proposed by Japan vide EPPR-11-03. 11/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 37 Annex B.3.4 2.2 and its sub clauses The square bracket may be removed India understands that agreement has reached regarding options of canister ageing procedure A and B. Hence the square bracket may be removed. 38 Annex B.3.4 2.2.3. Total distance is followed as the durability distance India supports the Japan proposal for accumulation test cycle (type V test) applied by a following same cycle as for procedure A. Contracting Party. Each test cycle is equivalent to 100 km (EPPR-11-03) on the road.] The number of test cycles of canister loading and discharging shall correspond to the numbers set out in Table B.3.4-1. 39 Annex B.3.4 3.1. India is awaiting information from IMMA regarding the SAE standard. The present clause has many difficulties The durability test shall actuate control valves, cables, and linkages, where applicable and be representative for the operation conditions of these parts during the useful life of the vehicle if used under normal conditions and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The accumulated distance and operation conditions of the type V durability test may be regarded as representative for the useful life of the vehicle. 1. Type V test is still to be finalized. 2. The useful life in this document is in terms of no. of cycles for canister durability. 3. Even if the useful life in terms of kilometre is known, the simulation of test cycle for rig testing and correlating to a vehicle will differ from model to model. In case the SAE standard is not available, India will reiterate the stand that this requirement be kept for a next stage till a proper test procedure is formulated based on the duty cycle. 12/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes Justification 40 Annex B.3.5 2.1.2 The net internal volume is determined by subtracting 0.14 m3 in Srl. No. 26 of the comments from the case of two wheeled vehicles and [0.25]m3 for three wheeled India (EPPR-10-07e), India had vehicle from the internal volume of the chamber. Alternatively, mentioned that volume of three the actual volume of the test vehicle may be subtracted. wheeled vehicles will be indicated after collecting data. Typical average volume of Indian 3 wheelers has been found to be 0.25 m3 41 Annex B.3.3. Annex B.3.4.: 2.0, 2.1, 2.1.1,,,,, 2.1.2., 2.1.3,,, 2.2. Annex B.3.7 The term “canister” in these clauses may be replaced as “carbon India suggest that, the term canister” “canister” wherever appears in this GTR as appropriate may be rephrased as “carbon canister” A note at appropriate place in the document may be added for the which are currently available by term “carbon canister” as below technology. Note: or the canister with HC adsorbent material or other equivalent. Freedom is suggested to use other equivalent materials due to technology change.,, 13/16 EPPR-11-07e No Section Para Proposed changes 42 Annex B.3.6 New clause 2.1 Insert a new clause: 43 Annex B.3.6 New clause 2.2 Annex B.3.6 New clause 2.3 Insert a new clause: Annex B.3.6 Table B.3.6.-1 Pl see the revised table below 44 45 Justification The current table covers the family 2.1 In the case of Evaporative emission class C, the details given definition for class C (for SHED test). For Class A and B tests only in Table 3.6-1 the related parameter need to be Insert a new clause: mentioned. 2.2 In the case of Evaporative emission class B, the details given at serial no. 2.1, 2.2.4, 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 of Table 3.6-1. 2.3 In the case of Evaporative emission class A, the details given at serial no. 2.1, 2.2.4 and 2.2.6 in Table 3.6-1. 14/16 EPPR-11-07e Proposed changes in Table 3.6-1 # Classification criteria description 1. Vehicle Category; 1.1. Note: Class 3-3 and 3-4 are considered to be same family 1.2. Note: Will become applicable after SR1 includes subcategories 2. System 2.1 Applicability of Evaporative emission test class A, B or C, subject to provisions of item 2.4.4 of Section B.3 Test type IV X Fitment of side car does not affect the evaporative emission performance X At present SR1 does not have a subcategory. Once EC proposal is finalized, this clause will become applicable X Since CPs have freedom to mandate any of the classes of evaporative emission test, this should be reflected in this table. Subcategory; 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 propulsion (not) equipped with evaporative emission control system; evaporative emission control system type; operation principle of evaporative emission control system (active / passive / mechanically or electronically controlled); identical basic principle of fuel/air metering (e.g. carburettor / single point injection / multi point injection / engine speed density through MAP/ mass airflow); identical material of the fuel storage tank and liquid fuel hoses is identical; Note: Material of all metallic fuel storage tanks are considered to be identical. liquid fuel hoses is identical and the surface area is lower; the fuel storage volume capacity declared by the manufacturer ;is within a range of +/- 50 % - +10%/50% the nominal volume Remarks X X X X X To incorporate the proposal Indian proposal (Sl. No 27 of EPPR-10-07 with changes carried for better clarity and taking into consideration the discussion in the 10th EPPR X X India accepts the reservation from Japan (EPPR-11-##) regarding permitting +50%. Data shows that a decrease on the nominal volume of the fuel tank will not adversely affect the evaporative emission and -50% can be 15/16 EPPR-11-07e permitted. 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9 2.2.10 the fuel storage relief valve pressure setting is identical or higher; Identical method of storage of the fuel vapour (i.e. trap form and volume, storage medium, air cleaner (if used for evaporative emission control) etc.); identical method of purging of the stored vapour (e.g. air flow, purge volume over the driving cycle); identical method of sealing and venting of the fuel metering system; X X X X 16/16