DEFINITION Fibonacci sequence Part of the Mathematics glossary: The Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers that starts with a one or a zero, followed by a one, and proceeds based on the rule that each number (called a Fibonacci number) is equal to the sum of the preceding two numbers. If the Fibonacci sequence is denoted F ( n ), where n is the first term in the sequence, the following equation obtains for n = 0, where the first two terms are defined as 0 and 1 by convention: F (0) = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ... In some texts, it is customary to use n = 1. In that case the first two terms are defined as 1 and 1 by default, and therefore: F (1) = 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ... The Fibonacci sequence is named for Leonardo Pisano (also known as Leonardo Pisano or Fibonacci ), an Italian mathematician who lived from 1170 - 1250. Fibonacci used the arithmetic series to illustrate a problem based on a pair of breeding rabbits: "How many pairs of rabbits will be produced in a year, beginning with a single pair, if in every month each pair bears a new pair which becomes productive from the second month on?" The result can be expressed numerically as: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ... Fibonacci numbers are of interest to biologists and physicists because they are frequently observed in various natural objects and phenomena. The branching patterns in trees and leaves, for example, and the distribution of seeds in a raspberry are based on Fibonacci numbers. A Sanskrit grammarian, Pingala, is credited with the first mention of the sequence of numbers, sometime between the fifth century B.C. and the second or third century A.D. Since Fibonacci introduced the series to Western civilization, it has had a high profile from time to time. Recently, in The Da Vinci Code , for example, the Fibonacci sequence is part of an important clue. Another application, the Fibonacci poem , is a verse in which the progression of syllable numbers per line follows Fibonacci's pattern.This was last updated in July 2007Posted by: Margaret Rouse Related Terms DEFINITIONS Leonardo Fibonacci (Pisano) - Leonardo Pisano, also known as Fibonacci (for filius Bonacci, meaning son of Bonacci), was an Italian mathematician who lived from 1170 - 1250. ( Fibonacci poem (or Fib) - A Fibonacci poem (or Fib) is a multiple-line verse based on the Fibonacci sequence so that the number of syllables in each line equals the total number of syllables in the preceding two lines. ( Fibonacci poem (or Fib) Part of the Mathematics glossary: A Fibonacci poem (or Fib) is a multiple-line verse based on the Fibonacci sequence so that the number of syllables in each line equals the total number of syllables in the preceding two lines. The Fibonacci sequence begins with either zero or one, followed by one, and proceeds based on the rule that each number (called a Fibonacci number ) is equal to the sum of the preceding two numbers. Technically, the first line in a Fibonacci poem with n = 0 has no syllables, and therefore constitutes a moment of silence. This is an important consideration, just as standard syllable and rhythm patterns are critical to other forms of verse such as haiku, limerick, and iambic pentameter. (If n = 1, then there is no initial moment of silence.) Here's an example: What is a Fib? A poem mathematical Syllables are arranged in lines according to Fibonacci's sequence of numbers: One, one, two, three, five, eight, thirteen, twenty-one, thirty-four, fifty-five and so on. Because the lines have ever-increasing syllables, the composition of long Fibonacci poems is very challenging. As a result, most have only six or seven lines. The last syllable in each line may rhyme with the last syllable in one or more other lines, although rhyme is not a requirement. Fibs have become popular among geeks as well as literati. According to some enthusiasts, this new poetic structure has the capacity to spark communication among mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists and poets, despite the gulfs that often seem to prevail between their disciplines in other respects. The Fibonacci poem, like the mathematical concept it's based on, is named for Leonardo Pisano (1170 - 1250), an Italian mathematician also known as Fibonacci . The poetry form probably goes back much earlier than Fibonacci. Fibonacci is said to have found instances of his sequence used in Sanskrit poetry of the 12th century. The sequence itself was reportedly discovered by the Sanskrit grammarian Pingala, in 500 BC. Much more recently, Gregory K. Pincus coined the term Fib in his blog , to refer to a six-line, twenty syllable version of the form. Pincus elicited attempts from his readers, sparking interest in the Fib, a mention onSlashdot , and a great number of examples proliferating online as a result. This was last updated in March 2011Posted by: Margaret Rouse Leonardo Fibonacci (Pisano) Leonardo Pisano, also known as Fibonacci ( for filius Bonacci , meaning son of Bonacci ), was an Italian mathematician who lived from 1170 - 1250. Fibonacci is sometimes called the greatest European mathematician of the middle ages. As a boy, Fibonacci travelled, with his father, to North Africa, where he learned the Arabic numeral system. Subsequently, Fibonacci studied under leading Arabic mathematicians. Fibonacci is best known for introducing mathematical concepts he learned in the Middle East to the Western world, including the decimal system and theFibonacci sequence , a series of numbers beginning with zero or one and proceeding in such a manner that each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Prize-winning Fibbers! AAA Part of the Personal computing glossary: Finest Fibs We've come to the end of the Fib contest and contest judge Greg Pincus has made his selections -- not, I might add, without a great deal of difficulty. We had a LOT of great entries! And now, without further ado (drumroll, please!), it gives us great pleasure to announce our winners: Penny Phillips was selected the best Fibber. Penny, we'll get the Web cams on their way to you. Runners-up, in no particular order: Tom O'Connor, Donna Gagnon, Joe Hullender and John Petersen. You get neat prizes like coffee mugs and t-shirts. Here are the winning entries: First place: Penny Phillips We now have learned for certain after many trials that repeatedly pushing 'print' will not fix the problem that the printer is having. The Runners-Up: Tom O' Connor: Night. Dark. Sleepless, Just sitting, I should be coding, But the Fibonacci calls me! Donna Gagnon: words can make me hot and then something inside cries 'why don't you own a web cam, eh?' Joe Hullender: bit byte micro computer forty years ago I did my work with a slide rule! John Peterson: Mouse Clicks. Keyboard Fingers tap. Fans hum and things beep Technology sounds fill the air Sweet and melodic like a symphony to us geeks. The main Fib page has lots more. Just because the contest is over there's no reason to stop Fibbing. Inspired to write a geeky Fib? We'd love to post it, along with links to your blog or Web site, if you'd like.Here's our definition and another example, to get you started. Send your Fib(s) to . We'll post your Fib online along with your name (let us know if you want to be anonymous). This was last updated in May 2006 Posted by: Margaret Rouse HTTP://CURIOSITY.DISCOVERY.COM/QUESTION/HOW-FIBONACCI-NUMBERS-RELATE-NATURE Α VIDEO ON FIBONACCI PATTERNS HOW DO FIBONACCI NUMBERS RELATE TO NATURE? ANSWERED BY DISCOVERY CHANNEL 1. GROUP DISCOVERY CHANNEL FIBONACCI'S EXPERIMENT SHOWS THAT OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, A PAIR OF RABBITS WILL REPRODUCE AT A RATE EXPRESSED IN HIS IDENTIFIED SEQUENCE OF NUMBERS. ONE PAIR OF RABBITS WILL CREATE A PAIR OF OFFSPRING. WHEN THOSE RABBITS MATURE, THEY WILL CREATE ANOTHER PAIR OF OFFSPRING, AND DURING THAT TIME, THE OLDER, ORIGINAL PAIR OF RABBITS WILL HAVE CREATED AN ADDITIONAL PAIR OF OFFSPRING, ETC. SCIENTISTS HAVE DOCUMENTED THE OCCURRENCE OF THIS PATTERN AND RELATED SEQUENCE OF NUMBERS OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN NATURE IN PLANTS, INSECTS AND ANIMALS. MORE ANSWERS FROM DISCOVERY CHANNEL » HTTP://WWW.MIT.EDU/~LEVITOV/FIBONACCIPHYLLOTAXIS.PDF HOW MUCH NUMBER THEORY DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW TO BE A ….? CHECK FILE DOWNLOADED ‘FIBONACCI PHYLLOTAXIS’ 1. THE FIBONACCI SERIES. EACH NUMBER IS THE SUM OF THE PREVIOUS TWO.. THE RATIO OF SUCCESSIVE FIBONACCI NUMBERS CONVERGES TO THE FAMOUS GOLDEN SECTION OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE, (5 - 1) / 2.FOR A SITE DEVOTED TO THE ROLE OF THIS SERIES IN MATHEMATICS, GO TO. PROFESSOR RON KNOTT'S FIBONACCI NUMBER SITE.. 2. ALAN TURING: A SHORT BIOGRAPHY - 8 ALAN TURING: A SHORT BIOGRAPHY BY. ANDREW HODGES. THIS SHORT ON-LINE BIOGRAPHY OF ALAN TURING IS BASED ON THE ENTRY I WROTE FOR THE BRITISH. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. IN 1995. THE EIGHT PARTS CORRESPOND ROUGHLY TO THE EIGHT SECTIONS OF MY FULL BIOGRAPHY. ALAN TURING: THE ENIGMA.. THERE ARE NO HYPERLINKS I 3. ALAN TURING SCRAPBOOK - WONDROUS LIGHT THE LAST TWO DRAMATIC YEARS OF ALAN TURING'S LIFE: GAY HISTORY AND THE COLD WAR; NEW MATHEMATICS OF BIOLOGICAL GROWTH, AND HIS MYSTERIOUS SUDDEN DEATH. 4. TURING: A NATURAL PHILOSOPHER: PART 12 TURING: A NATURAL PHILOSOPHER - BOOK BY ANDREW HODGES 5. WHAT WOULD ALAN TURING HAVE DONE... PHILOSOPHY AREA. WHAT WOULD ALAN TURING HAVE DONE AFTER 1954? LECTURE AT THE TURING DAY, LAUSANNE, 2002 BY. ANDREW HODGES. ON 28 JUNE 2002 I SPOKE AT THE. TURING DAY. AT THE SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, LAUSANNE (EPFL) CELEBRATING THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF ALAN TURING'S BIRTH. MY LECTURE WAS ON THE IMPOSSIBL HTTP://WWW.TURING.ORG.UK/SEARCH/RESULTS.ASP ALAN TURING DARED TO ASK WHETHER A MACHINE COULD THINK. HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO UNDERSTANDING AND ANSWERING THIS AND OTHER QUESTIONS DEFY CONVENTIONAL CLASSIFICATION. AT THE CLOSE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, THE 1936 CONCEPT OF THE TURING MACHINE APPEARS NOT ONLY IN MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, BUT IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE AND THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. HIS 1950 PAPER 'COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE,' DESCRIBING THE SO-CALLED TURING TEST, IS A CORNERSTONE OF THE THEORY OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. IN BETWEEN, TURING PLAYED A VITAL ROLE IN THE OUTCOME OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR, AND PRODUCED SINGLE-HANDEDLY A FAR-SIGHTED PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF AN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER. HE THOUGHT AND LIVED A GENERATION AHEAD OF HIS TIME, AND YET THE FEATURES OF HIS THOUGHT THAT BURST THE BOUNDARIES OF THE 1940S ARE BETTER DESCRIBED BY THE ANTIQUE WORDS: NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ALAN TURING'S IMMERSION IN AND ATTACK UPON NATURE WAS A UNITY; DIVISIONS BETWEEN MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY IN HIS WORK HAVE TENDED TO OBSCURE HIS IDEAS. HE WAS NOT A PROLIFIC AUTHOR; MUCH REMAINED UNPUBLISHED IN HIS LIFETIME; SOME REMAINED SECRET INTO THE 1990S. PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS SHED A LITTLE MORE LIGHT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIS THOUGHT, A SUBJECT ON WHICH HE WAS GENERALLY SILENT. WE SHALL SEE, FOR INSTANCE, HOW HE CAME TO LOGIC AND COMPUTATION FROM A YOUTHFUL FASCINATION WITH THE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF MIND. BUT WE HAVE ONLY HINTS AS TO THE FORMATION OF HIS CONVICTIONS AMIDST THE SECRECY OF WARTIME CRYPTANALYSIS, AND SUGGESTIONS OF FRESH IDEAS ARE LOST IN THE DRAMA OF HIS MYSTERIOUS DEATH. THE NATURE OF TURING'S WORLD ALAN MATHISON TURING WAS BORN IN LONDON ON 23 JUNE 1912, AND FROM THE BEGINNING SHOWED A PERSONALITY OUT OF PLACE IN THE UPPER-MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOLING UNDERGONE BY SONS OF INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE OFFICERS. CONFORMITY TO CLASS MEANT UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE TO THE RITUALS OF THE BRITISH PREPARATORY AND PUBLIC SCHOOL. BUT THE BOOK NATURAL WONDERS EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW OPENED HIS EYES TO THE CONCEPT OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION, AND FROM THEN ON NATURE AS OPPOSED TO HUMAN CONVENTION COMMANDED HIS ATTENTION, AS MANY NAGGING REPORTS DEMONSTRATED. DUTY, HIERARCHY, MASTERS, SERVANTS, RULES AND GAMES WOULD LATER PLAY A STRIKING ROLE IN THE ILLUSTRATION OF HIS IDEAS; BUT WHILE AT SCHOOL HE WAS MORE BAFFLED AND INCOMPETENT THAN REBELLIOUS AT THE DEMANDS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE, IGNORING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHILE PURSUING HIS OWN PRIORITIES. IN 1925 HE WROTE TO HIS MOTHER [1]: 'I AM MAKING A COLLECTION OF EXPERIMENTS IN THE ORDER I WANT TO DO THEM IN. I ALWAYS WANT TO MAKE THINGS FROM THE THING THAT IS COMMONEST IN NATURE AND WITH THE LEAST WASTE OF ENERGY.' HIS EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY INCURRED DISPLEASURE, AS DID POOR HANDWRITING AND UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS IN HIS MATHEMATICS. HE WAS BOTTOM OF THE FORM IN ENGLISH. THE HEADMASTER WROTE, 'IF HE IS TO STAY AT A PUBLIC SCHOOL, HE MUST AIM AT BECOMING EDUCATED. IF HE IS TO BE SOLELY A SCIENTIFIC SPECIALIST, HE IS WASTING HIS TIME AT A PUBLIC SCHOOL' AND THIS JUDGMENT ON BRITISH RULING-CLASS PRIORITIES WAS ALMOST CORRECT. TURING WAS NEARLY PREVENTED FROM TAKING THE EQUIVALENT OF GCSES. THEREAFTER, HE FOUND HIS LEVEL IN EINSTEIN'S OWN EXPOSITION OF RELATIVITY AND EDDINGTON'S VIEW OF QUANTUM MECHANICS IN THE NATURE OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD. BUT THIS WAS ISOLATED PRIVATE STUDY, AND HE MIGHT NEVER HAVE FELT THE URGE TO COMMUNICATE BUT FOR AN IMPOSSIBLY ROMANTIC STORY. HUMAN NATURE BROUGHT HIM TO LIFE; BUT IT WAS HIS OWN HOMOSEXUAL NATURE, BRINGING REVELATION AND TRAUMA IN EQUAL MEASURE. HE FELL IN UNREQUITED LOVE WITH CHRISTOPHER MORCOM, A VERY TALENTED YOUTH IN THE SCHOOL SIXTH FORM, AND HIS LONGING FOR FRIENDSHIP BROUGHT HIM TO COMMUNICATE. A BRIEF FLOWERING OF SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION PERISHED WHEN MORCOM SUDDENLY DIED IN FEBRUARY 1930. TURING'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE DEAD BOY'S MOTHER GIVES INSIGHT INTO THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIS IDEAS IN THE AFTERMATH. HE WAS CONCERNED TO BELIEVE THE DEAD BOY COULD STILL EXIST IN SPIRIT, AND TO RECONCILE SUCH A BELIEF WITH SCIENCE. TO THIS END HE WROTE FOR MRS MORCOM AN ESSAY, PROBABLY IN 1932. IT IS THE PRIVATE WRITING OF A TWENTYYEAR-OLD, AND MUST BE READ AS TESTAMENT TO BACKGROUND AND NOT AS A THESIS UPHELD IN PUBLIC; NEVERTHELESS IT IS A KEY TO TURING'S FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. [2] NATURE OF SPIRIT IT USED TO BE SUPPOSED IN SCIENCE THAT IF EVERYTHING WAS KNOWN ABOUT THE UNIVERSE AT ANY PARTICULAR MOMENT THEN WE CAN PREDICT WHAT IT WILL BE THROUGH ALL THE FUTURE... MORE MODERN SCIENCE HOWEVER HAS COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT WHEN WE ARE DEALING WITH ATOMS AND ELECTRONS WE ARE QUITE UNABLE TO KNOW THE EXACT STATE OF THEM; OUR INSTRUMENTS BEING MADE OF ATOMS AND ELECTRONS THEMSELVES. THE CONCEPTION THEN OF BEING ABLE TO KNOW THE EXACT STATE OF THE UNIVERSE THEN MUST REALLY BREAK DOWN ON THE SMALL SCALE. THIS MEANS THAT THE THEORY WHICH HELD THAT AS ECLIPSES ETC. ARE PREDESTINED SO WERE ALL OUR ACTIONS BREAKS DOWN TOO. WE HAVE A WILL WHICH IS ABLE TO DETERMINE THE ACTION OF THE ATOMS PROBABLY IN A SMALL PORTION OF THE BRAIN, OR POSSIBLY ALL OVER IT. THE REST OF THE BODY ACTS SO AS TO AMPLIFY THIS... IN STATING THE CLASSIC PARADOX OF PHYSICAL DETERMINISM AND FREEWILL, TURING IS INFLUENCED BY EDDINGTON'S ASSERTION THAT QUANTUM MECHANICAL PHYSICS ('MORE MODERN SCIENCE') YIELDS ROOM FOR HUMAN WILL. EDDINGTON ASKED HOW COULD 'THIS COLLECTION OF ORDINARY ATOMS BE A THINKING MACHINE?' AND TURING TRIES TO FIND SOME ANSWER. HIS ESSAY GOES ON TO ESPOUSE BELIEF IN A SPIRIT UNCONSTRAINED BY THE BODY: 'WHEN THE BODY DIES THE 'MECHANISM' OF THE BODY, HOLDING THE SPIRIT IS GONE AND THE SPIRIT FINDS A NEW BODY SOONER OR LATER PERHAPS IMMEDIATELY.' LETTERS SHOW HE RETAINED SUCH IDEAS AT LEAST UNTIL 1933. TURING WAS MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL IN UNDERGRADUATE WORK THAN AT SCHOOL, AND KING'S COLLEGE LENT HIM A PROTECTIVE AMBIENCE SYMPATHETIC TO HOMOSEXUALITY AND UNCONVENTIONAL OPINION. HE WAS NOT, HOWEVER, ONE OF ITS ÉLITE SOCIAL CIRCLE, NOR IN A POLITICAL GROUP. POLITICALLY, HE RESPONDED BRIEFLY TO THE 1933 ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT, BUT NOT TO THE COMMUNIST PARTY AS OTHERS OF HIS CLOSE ACQUAINTANCE DID. NOR DID TURING SHARE THE PACIFISM OF HIS FIRST LOVER, FELLOW MATHEMATICS STUDENT JAMES ATKINS. IN A SIMILAR WAY TURING FOUND A HOME IN CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICAL CULTURE, YET DID NOT BELONG ENTIRELY TO IT. THE DIVISION BETWEEN 'PURE' AND 'APPLIED' MATHEMATICS WAS AT CAMBRIDGE THEN AS NOW VERY STRONG, BUT TURING IGNORED IT, AND HE NEVER SHOWED MATHEMATICAL PAROCHIALISM. IF ANYTHING, IT WAS THE ATTITUDE OF A RUSSELL THAT HE ACQUIRED, ASSUMING THAT MASTERY OF SO DIFFICULT A SUBJECT GRANTED THE RIGHT TO INVADE OTHERS. TURING SHOWED LITTLE INTELLECTUAL DIFFIDENCE ONCE IN HIS STRIDE: IN MARCH 1933 HE ACQUIRED RUSSELL'S INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PHILOSOPHY, AND ON 1 DECEMBER 1933, THE PHILOSOPHER R. B. BRAITHWAITE MINUTED IN THE MORAL SCIENCE CLUB RECORDS: 'A. M. TURING READ A PAPER ON 'MATHEMATICS AND LOGIC.' HE SUGGESTED THAT A PURELY LOGISTIC VIEW OF MATHEMATICS WAS INADEQUATE; AND THAT MATHEMATICAL PROPOSITIONS POSSESSED A VARIETY OF INTERPRETATIONS, OF WHICH THE LOGISTIC WAS MERELY ONE.' AT THE SAME TIME HE WAS STUDYING VON NEUMANN'S 1932 GRUNDLAGEN DEN QUANTENMECHANIK. THUS, IT MAY BE THAT EDDINGTON'S CLAIMS FOR QUANTUM MECHANICS HAD ENCOURAGED THE SHIFT OF TURING'S INTEREST TOWARDS LOGICAL FOUNDATIONS. AND IT WAS LOGIC THAT MADE ALAN TURING'S NAME. [1] LETTER TO TURING'S MOTHER, MRS E. SARA TURING, NOW IN THE TURING ARCHIVE AT KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. [2] A COPY OF TURING'S UNDATED MANUSCRIPT NATURE OF SPIRIT IS ALSO IN THE TURING ARCHIVE. © 1997, ANDREW HODGES. HTTP://WWW.TURING.ORG.UK/PHILOSOPHY/EX1.HTML HOLOCOSMICS: BEYOND THE NEW HORIZON OF A UNIFIED THEORY IN THE META-SCIENCES BY HAJIME FUJIWARA HISTORICAL REVIEW TRADITIONAL SCIENCE HAS BEEN DOMINATED BY NEWTON'S LAWS. NEWTON'S THEORY WAS THE FIRST TO ELUCIDATE AND EXPRESS MOTION AND INERTIA, THOUGH FOLLOWING A LIMITED AND LINEAR MODE OF THINKING. AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY, ALBERT EINSTEIN SUGGESTED THE PRESENCE OF INERTIA IN THE LAWS THAT CONTROL NATURE. HE REFINED NEWTON'S LAWS THROUGH THE TIME SPACE NEXUS WHICH WAS A MAJESTIC SIMPLIFICATION OF SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT (#1; EINSTEIN A .; 1905). ACCORDING TO EINSTEIN, THE LAWS OF NATURE HAD TO BE WRITTEN IN SUCH A WAY THAT THEIR FORMS WERE IDENTICAL NO MATTER HOW TIME AND SPACE WERE DISTORTED; "THAT LAWS MUST BE INDEPENDENT OF ALL COORDINATE SYSTEM"(#2; PEAT, D.; 1991). THIS TRANSFORMATION FROM NEWTON'S F=MA TO EINSTEIN'S E=MC2 FORCED US TO "DIMENSION JUMP" WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO "LEAPING" FROM THE LINEAR TO A NON-SPECIFIC, NON-LINEAR, OR A SPECIFIC CURVILINEAR. THIS SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY IS MATHEMATICALLY BASED ON LORENTZ' TRANSFORMATION WHICH EXPLAINS ALL THE BASIC EQUATIONS NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH THE RELATIVITY OF TIME AND SPACE. NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATE, RICHARD FEYNMAN WAS AN OFF-BEAT SCHOLAR WITH A CLOUD OF MYTHS LIKE A GADFLY, A RAKE, A CLOWN, A NAIF, A SUPER-GENIUS AND A MAGICIAN. NEVERTHELESS, HE CONTRIBUTED A GREAT DEAL TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF QUANTUM MECHANICS. FEYNMAN SAID TO DAYSON [FREEMAN], AND DAYSON AGREED, THAT EINSTEIN'S GREAT WORK HAD SPRUNG FROM PHYSICAL INTUITION AND THAT WHEN EINSTEIN STOPPED CREATING IT WAS BECAUSE 'HE STOPPED THINKING IN CONCRETE PHYSICAL IMAGES AND BECAME A MANIPULATOR OF EQUATION' (#3; GLEICK,J.; 1992) TO OVERCOME THE CRITICAL WEAKNESS OF EINSTEIN'S GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY, WERNER HEISENBERG SUGGESTED ABANDONING THE CONCEPT OF PHASE SPACE IN HIS UNCERTAINLY PRINCIPLE. AND, SOON THEREAFTER, ERWIN SCHRODINGER EXPLAINED QUANTUM STATES WITH HIS WAVE FUNCTION. FROM LINEAR TO CURVILINEAR THE THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT FROM NEWTON TO EINSTEIN, TO QUANTUM MECHANICS, SHOWS AN EVOLUTION FROM LINEAR TO CURVILINEAR CONCEPTS IN GEOMETRY. THE TRANSITION FROM LINEAR TO NON-LINEAR IS CHARACTERIZED BY THE EMERGING PHENOMENA TYPICALLY DEMONSTRATED BY THE COMPLEXITY SYSTEM AT THE EDGE OF CHAOS. THE FRACTAL GROWTH PATTERN OF MINERALS, THE RATIO OF HUMAN DIASTOLIC AND SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE LEVEL, THE FLUCTUATING MOVEMENT OF THE STOCK MARKET AND THE COMMODITY FUTURES PRICES, ALL SYSTEMS FROM ELEMENTARY PARTICLES TO THE UNIVERSAL SYSTEMS ARE SUBJECT TO THE FIBONACCI NUMBER (#4; FUJII N. & FUJIWARA H.; 1989). THE FIBONACCI NUMBER IS A DYNAMIC LAW THAT LIES AT THE HEART OF ALL SYSTEMS. AS A COSMIC LAW, IT CONTROLS THE SPONTANEOUS EMERGENCE OF STRUCTURE AND FORM IN NATURE, WITH A PERPETUATING PATTERN TOWARDS SELF-ORGANIZATION. THIS FIBONACCI NUMBER, ALSO KNOWN AS THE "GOLDEN SECTION" (A RATIO OF 1: 1.618 OR F) HAS BEEN WELL KNOWN SINCE EGYPTIAN AND GREEK TIMES. IT IS A DIVINE PROPORTION, WHICH STATICALLY REPRESENTS THIS FIBONACCI NUMBER. THE SECRET BEAUTY OF THE GOLDEN SECTION (F) IS DEMONSTRATED WITH THE FOLLOWING "CONTINUED RADICAL" AND "CONTINUED FRACTION" EQUATIONS: F (PHI)= (1-1) F, A "GENE-LIKE OPERATOR" IS THE DECISIVE LIFE-FORCE OF THE FIBONACCI NUMBER THAT EMBRACES ONLY A COMBINATION OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL NUMBER OF "1". THE SPIRALING MOTION OF THE FIBONACCI NUMBER TOWARDS INFINITY IS THE VERY FORMULA, WHICH CONTROLS THE HIDDEN SECRETS IN NATURE AND IN THE COSMOS. THIS FORMULA HAS A LOVELY NAME OF "GO-BACK SPIN-OFF ADVANCEMENT". (FIG 1) FIG. 1. : "GO-BACK SPIN-OFF ADVANCEMENT" OF THE FIBONACCI NUMBER THIS ADVANCEMENT DEPENDS MACROSOPICALLY ON THE STATIC REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR GROWTH. FURTHERMORE, THIS ADVANCEMENT ALSO DEPENDS MICROSCOPICALLY ON THE DYNAMIC REPRESENTATION OF CURVILINEAR GROWTH. (FIG 2) FIG. 2. : LINEAR AND CURVILINEAR GROWTH PATTERNS THE INTRODUCTION OF HOLOCOSMICS IN ORDER TO COMPLETE OUR PARAMOUNT THEORIZATION OR ADVANCEMENT FROM THE LINEAR TO CURVILINEAR GEOMETRIFICATION OF THE COSMIC "ONE-NESS-IZATION", WE ARE COMPELLED TO INTRODUCE THE TERM: "META-SCIENCE", WHICH EMBRACES THE CONCEPT OF HOLOCOSMICS. (FIG 3) FIG. 3. : HOLOCOSMICS PHYSICISTS HAVE RESTRICTED THE MEANING OF THE WORD "UNIVERSE". HOWEVER, BASED ON HOLOCOSMICS' CONCEPT, THE UNIVERSE SIMPLY REPRESENTS A SUBSYSTEM OF THE UNIVERSAL SYSTEM. THIS NEW CONCEPT LEADS TO A SUPER-SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (#5; CHANG K. & FUJIWARA H.; 1994). IN THE CONCEPT OF HOLOCOSMICS, NOT ONLY DOES A POINT MATHEMATICALLY REPRESENT A ZERO DIMENSION, BUT ALSO BEYOND THIS SINGULAR POINT, EXISTS "NOTHINGNESS". FURTHERMORE, BEYOND THE UNIVERSAL SYSTEM, THERE EXISTS "EMPTINESS". NOTHINGNESS IS A KEY CONCEPT OF TAOISM, EMPTINESS IS THE ESSENCE OF BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY AND, IN BETWEEN THESE TWO WORLDS EXISTS A "REAL WORLD" WHICH REPRESENTS THE FOUNDATIONS OF TRADITIONAL SCIENCE. MINKOWSKY'S "WORLD LINE" AND THE EXCLUSION OF THE "GHOST FIELD" IN 1905, EINSTEIN PUBLISHED A PAPER ON THE SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY. THREE YEARS LATER, HERMAN MINKOWSKY DEFINED THE "WORLD-LINE" WITH A MODEL OF THE "NULL CONE" AND SUCCEEDED IN EXPRESSING EINSTEIN'S THEORY IN A MORE PRECISE, MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE. THE EINSTEIN-MINKOWSKY MODEL HOWEVER, FAILED TO EXPLAIN IDEAS BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT BECAUSE THE CONCEPT OF THE NULL, CONE WAS LIMITED BY THE PHOTON'S WORLD LINE (WHICH IS EQUAL TO THE SPEED OF LIGHT: 300,000 KM/SEC). (FIG 4) HOLOCOSMICS CONSISTS OF A MULTI-DIMENSION, WHICH ALLOWS FOR THE BEHAVIOR OF SHRINKEXPANSION BETWEEN EMPTINESS AND NOTHINGNESS, FORMING A REAL WORLD AND GHOST FIELD, WHICH ARE THE AREAS BEYOND THE PHOTON'S WORLD LINE. THE GHOST FIELD AND THE REAL WORLD SHOULD BE INTEGRATED INTO THE MOBIUS' CIRCULAR BAND OF NEVER-ENDING BEGINNINGS WHICH IN TURN, WILL BEGET THE COSMIC ELEMENT OR ALL OTHER STRANGE AND UNDISCOVERED, ULTIMATE SUB-PARTICLE. FIG. 4 : NULL CONE THE FIELD EQUATION AND HOLOCOSMICS EINSTEIN'S GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY IS BASED ON THE FIELD EQUATIONS, WHICH ARE REPRESENTED BY THE OPERATOR G. YOU MAY REGARD G AS AN OPERATOR; WHEN YOU APPLY IT TO ANY METRIC TENSOR AX, YOU GET A TENSOR GAX (THE EINSTEIN TENSOR), AND THE FIELD EQUATIONS READ: GAX=MX. (1-2) IN A VACUUM, WHERE THERE IS NO MATTER, THESE EQUATIONS READ: GAX=0 (1-3) THERE ARE THE EQUATIONS WHICH GOVERN GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS. WHEN WRITTEN OUT, THEY CONSIST OF TEN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF A VERY DIFFICULT TYPE, PERHAPS THE MOST DIFFICULT EQUATIONS OCCURRING IN THE WHOLE OF PHYSICS. (#6; SYNGE, J.L.; 1970) HOWEVER, THE FIELD EQUATIONS ARE NOT ADAPTABLE INTO THE GHOST FIELD-WHICH CONSISTS OF THE MONSTROSITY AND THE IMMENSITY OF NATURE. IN THIS, WE CAN WITNESS THE SPLENDOR OF THE MOBIUS BAND AND THE SINGULAR POINT OF ONENESSIZATION. THE GHOST FIELD AND THE REAL WORLD, FOUND BETWEEN THE EMPTINESS AND NOTHINGNESS, FORM THE HOLOCOSMICS THAT CAN BE EXPRESSED AS FOLLOWS: THE ABOVE REPRESENTATION OF HOLOCOSMICS DEVELOPS INFINITELY AND IS A VERY INTERESTING FUNDAMENTAL, COSMIC THOUGHT. THIS CONTROLS THE HIDDEN SECRETS OF NATURE AND OF THE COSMOS. THIS AREA IS THAT EINSTEIN COULD NOT ACCOMPLISH FOR IT REQUIRES A HIGHER STATE OF "GEOMETRIFICATION". TOPOLOGICAL AND CURVILINEAR APPROACHES ARE THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON NEEDED TO CONCEPTUALIZE THE 21ST CENTURY'S FORM OF GEOMETRY WHICH WAS "EVEN NEGLECTED BY GREAT GEOMETRICIANS SUCH AS DESCARTES", SAID LEIBNIZ. THE SIMPLEST MODEL OF COSMIC STRUCTURE THE RESULTS OF CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS INDICATE THAT ONLY THE TOPOLOGICAL APPROACH CAN EXPAND OUR THOUGHTS BEYOND ZERO AND INFINITY. THE MOST FAMILIAR SPHERICAL MODEL IN TOPOLOGY IS A TORUS, WHICH IS A DONUT SHAPE WITH THE SURFACE OF A WELL-BEHAVED GEOMETRICAL FIGURE. HOWEVER, WHEN INTRODUCED TO THE GEOMETRY OF A "STRANGE ATTRACTOR" FROM THE COMPLEXITY SYSTEM, THE SURFACE OF THE TORUS TRANSFORMS INTO AN INFINITE DIMENSION WITH LIMITLESS AND ENDLESS DETAIL. THE HIGHER GEOMETRY OF META-SCIENCE CAN CRYSTALLIZE HOLOCOSMICS INTO WONDERFUL GEOMETRIC CONFIGURATION. HERE IS ONE OF THE SIMPLEST ORIGINS AND STRUCTURES SHOWN AS A SPHERICAL MODEL. (FIG 5) FIG. 5 : SPHERICAL COSMOS MODEL EINSTEIN DESIRED THIS MODEL AS IT REPRESENTS THE CORE OF COSMIC ONENESSIZATION. THIS LED LEIBNIZ TO DECLARE THAT COSMIC SIMPLIFICATION MUST BE THE TEACHING OF AN ANCIENT ASIAN SAGE. (FIG 6) FIG. 6 : TORUS COSMOLOGY AND THAI CHI RECEIVING THE WISDOM OF THE 1 CHING (FUNDAMENTALS OF CHANGE) FROM A MISSIONARY FRIEND, LEIBNIZ WANTED TO GET THE TRANSFORMATION OF EINSTEIN'S PHILOSOPHY WHICH MEANT ACHIEVING A HIGHER LEVEL OF THE SYSTEMATIZATION OF EASTERN AND WESTERN SAGES' WISDOM. CONCLUSION WITH THE TRANSITION FROM THE 20TH TO 21ST CENTURY, AND AMIDST THE INFORMATION REVOLUTION, THESE WORKS ARE OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE. THE HOLOCOSMICS OF META-SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION IS THE BEST PRINCIPAL TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH A GREAT TASK. IN REALIZING THIS SUCCESS OF INTEGRATING THE PROMINENT WORKS OF NEWTON'S LAWS AND EINSTEIN'S THEORY OF RELATIVITY, WE CAN ENTER A TOTALLY NEW HORIZON OF BARTLAND RUSELL'S ADVANCED SCIENCE OF HUMAN INTELLECTUALIZATION". WE ARE EXPERIENCING THE EXCITEMENT OF DISCOVERY, MUCH LIKE THAT OF THE FAMOUS ENGLISH PHILOSOPHER, FRANCIS BACON, IN MAKING THIS PRESENTATION "A GIFT TO MANKIND". REFERENCES 1. EINSTEIN, ALBERT. ON THE ELECTRODYNAMICS OF MOVING BODIES; ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 17, 1905. TRANSLATED BY W. PERRITT & G. B. JOFFEERY. THE PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY; DOVER PUBLICATIONS INC., NY, 1952. 2. PEAT, DAVID F. THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE; BANTAM BOOKS, NEW YORK, 1991. 3. GLEICK, JAMES. GENIUS; VINTAGE BOOK, NY, 1992. 4. FUJII, NOBUHARU & FUJIWARA, HAJIME. INTER-BRAIN FANTASY (JAPANESE TITLE "KANNOGENSO"); TOKOSHOIN, TOKYO, 1988. 5. CHANG, KINGSHUNG & FUJIWARA, HAJIME. FUTURE WISDOM OF META-SCIENCE (JAPANESE/CHINESE TITLE "UCHU JUNREI"); TOMEISHA, TOKYO, 1993 AND SOIRYOKU PRESS, TAIPEI, 1997. 6. SYNGE, J. L. TALKING ABOUT RELATIVITY; NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING CO., 1970. HTTP://FUJIWARAHA01.WEB.FC2.COM/FUJIWARA/PAPER/META/META.HTM YOU TUBE ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE PT.1 CONSCIOUSNESS, SACRED GEOMETRY, CYMATICS, ILLUSION OF REALITY (RARE FOOTAGE) HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=DVUU 3P5IHMA ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE FULL MOVIE HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=XAWF 3F8_ZQK&FEATURE=RELATED ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE PT.2 FIBONACCI SEQUENCE, GOLDEN RATIO, PHI IN NATURE, DNA, FINGERPRINT OF GOD HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=EYDW WBDHCEG&FEATURE=FVWREL THE INVISIBLE SCIENCE HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=DBCY1 JUZATU&FEATURE=RELATED (OFFICIAL MOVIE) THRIVE: WHAT ON EARTH WILL IT TAKE? HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=LEV5A FFCZ-S&FEATURE=RELATED DAVID ICKE - BEYOND THE CUTTING EDGE (FULL LECTURE) HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=TLWH MEZ2VWQ&FEATURE=RELATED Mind games: Why everything you thought you knew about yourself is wrong The decisions we make and even the memories we hold are based on delusions, according to a new book GILLIAN ORR MONDAY 29 OCTOBER 2012 1/3 So you remember your wedding day like it was yesterday. You can you spot when something is of high quality. You keep yourself well-informed about current affairs but would be open to debate and discussion, You love your phone because it's the best, right? Are you sure? David McRaney from Hattiesburg, Mississippi, is here to tell you that you don't know yourself as well as you think. The journalist and self-described psychology nerd's new book, You Are Not So Smart, consists of 48 short chapters on the assorted ways that we mislead ourselves every day. "The central theme is that you are the unreliable narrator in the story of your life. And this is because you're unaware of how unaware you are," says McRaney. "It's fun to go through legitimate scientific research and pull out all of the examples that show how everyone, no matter how smart or educated or experienced, is radically self-deluded in predictable and quantifiable ways." Based on the blog of the same name, You Are Not So Smart is not so much a self-help book as a self-hurt book. Here McRaney gives some key examples Expectation The Misconception: Wine is a complicated elixir, full of subtle flavours only an expert can truly distinguish, and experienced tasters are impervious to deception. The Truth: Wine experts and consumers can be fooled by altering their expectations. An experiment in 2001 at the University of Bordeaux had wine experts taste a red and white wine, to determine which was the best. They dutifully explained what they liked about each wine but what they didn't realise was that scientists had just dyed the same white wine red and told them it was red wine. The tasters described the sorts of berries and tannins they could detect in the red wine as if it really was red. Another test had them judge a cheap bottle of wine and an expensive one. They rated the expensive wine much more highly than the cheap, with much more flattering descriptions. It was actually the same wine. It's not to say wine-tasting is pointless, it's to show that expectation can radically change experience. Yes, these people were experts, but that doesn't mean they can't be influenced by the same things as the rest of us, whether it be presentation or advertising or price. This drives home the idea that reality is a construction of the brain. You don't passively receive the outside world, you actively construct your experience moment by moment. The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy The Misconception: We take randomness into account when determining cause and effect. The Truth: We tend to ignore random chance when the results seem meaningful or when we want a random event to have a meaningful cause. Imagine a cowboy shooting at the side of a barn over and over again with a gun. The side of the barn fills up with holes. If you walk over and paint a bullseye around clusters of holes it will make it look like you have made quite a lot of correct shots. It's a metaphor for the way the human mind naturally works when trying to make sense out of chaos. The brain is very invested in taking chaos and turning it into order. For example, in America it's very popular to discuss how similar the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations were. Elected 100 years apart, Lincoln was killed in the Ford theatre; Kennedy was in a Lincoln automobile made by Ford. They were both killed on a Friday, sitting next to their wives, by men with three names. And so on and so on. It's not spooky. People take hold of the hits but ignore the misses. They are pulled into the things that line up, and are similar or coincidental, but they ignore everything else that's not. The similarities are merely bullseyes drawn around the many random facts. Confirmation Bias The Misconception: Your opinions are the result of years of rational, objective analysis. The Truth: Your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information that confirmed what you believed, while ignoring information that challenged your preconceived notions. Any cognitive bias is a tendency to think in one way and not another whenever your mind is on auto-pilot; whenever you're going with the flow. Confirmation bias is a tendency to pay attention to evidence that confirms pre-existing beliefs and notions and conclusions about life and to completely ignore other information. This happens so automatically that we don't even notice. Say you have a flatmate, and you are arguing over who does most of the housework, and both people believe that they do most of the work. What is really happening is that both people are noticing when they do the work and not noticing when they don't. The way it plays into most of our lives is the media that we choose to put into our brains; the television, news, magazines and books. We tend to only pick out things that line up with our pre-existing beliefs and rarely choose anything that challenges those beliefs. It relays the backfire effect, which is a cognitive bias where if we're presented with contradictory evidence, we tend to reject it and support our initial belief even more firmly. When people watch a news programme or pundit, they aren't looking for information so much as confirmation of what they already believe is going in. Brand Loyalty The Misconception: We prefer the things we own over the things we don't because we made rational choices when we bought them. The Truth: We prefer the things we own because we rationalise our past choices to protect our sense of self. Why do people argue over Apple vs Android? Or one car company versus another? After all, these are just corporations. Why would you defend a brand as if you are their PR representative? We believe that we prefer the things we own because we made these deep rational evaluations of them before we bought them, but most of the rationalisation takes place after you own the thing. It's the choosing of one thing over another that leads to narratives about why you did it, which usually tie in to your self-image. There are at least a dozen psychological effects that play into brand loyalty, the most potent of which is the endowment effect: you feel like the things you own are superior to the things you don't. When you buy a product you tend to connect the product to your self-image, then once it's connected to your self-image you will defend it as if you're defending your own ego or belief structure. The Misinformation Effect The Misconception: Memories are played back like recordings. The Truth: Memories are constructed anew each time from whatever information is currently available, which makes them highly permeable to influences from the present. You might think your memory is a little fuzzy but not that it's completely inaccurate. People believe that memory is like a video or files stored in some sort of computer. But it's not like that at all. Memories are actually constructed anew each time that you remember something. Each time you take an old activation sequence in your brain and re-construct it; like building a toy airplane out of Lego and then smashing the Lego, putting it back into the box, and building it again. Each time you build it it's going to be a little bit different based on the context and experience you have had since the last time you created it. Oddly enough, the least remembered memory is the most accurate. Each time you bring it into your life you edit it a little more. In 1974 Elizabeth Loftus had people watch a film of two cars having a collision and divided them into groups. Asking each group the same question, she used a slightly different description: how fast were the cars going when they contacted, hit, bumped, collided or smashed? The more violent the wording, the higher they estimated the speed. The way in which questions were worded altered the memories subjects reported. They weren't looking back to the memory of the film they watched, they were building a new experience based on current information. Memory is actually very malleable and it's dangerous to think that memory is a perfect recording of a past event. 'You Are Not So Smart: Why Your Memory is Mostly Fiction, Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself' by David McRaney (Oneworld, £8.99)