Özgeçmiş... - Fen Fakültesi

Prof. Dr. Ali İhsan Demirel
1957 yılında Konya’da doğan Prof. Dr. Ali İhsan Demirel, 1982 de Atatürk Üniversitesi
fizik bölümünü bitirdikten sonra 1989 yılında aynı üniversitenin Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
fizik Anabilim Dalında Yüksek Lisans eğitimini tamamladı. 1995 yılında İngiltere’nin
Bristol Üniversitesinde (University of Bristol UK) Yoğun Madde Fiziği ve Süper
İletkenler ile ilgili çalışmalarıyla Doktora eğitimi tamamladı. 2007 de Doçent, 2013 te
Profesör olan Demirel, Aralık 2014 te Bartın Üniversitesi fen Fakültesi Dekanı olarak
göreve başladı.
Çok iyi derecede İngilizce ve orta derecede Fransızca bilmekte olan Prof. Dr. Ali İhsan
Demirel evli ve dört çocuk babasıdır.
Yüksek Lisans
: Atatürk Üniversitesi, 1982, Erzurum.
: Atatürk Üniversitesi, 1989, Erzurum
: Bristol University, 1995, Bristol (İngiltere)
: Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2007, Van.
: Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2013, Van.
: Bartın Üniversitesi fen Fakültesi Dekanı, Aralık 2014
Bilimsel Yayınlar (Adet)
Bilimsel ve Sanatsal Faaliyetler
Bilimsel Dergi Hakemliği
: 26 Makale (12 tanesi SCI-Expanded kapsamındadır)
: Yurtiçi 11 (onbir), Yurtdışı 1 Bildiri
: Modern Physics Letters B
1. Title: Granularity aspect of the high temperature superconductivity (HTSC) materials
made by metal organic chemical vapour deposition method
Author(s): Demirel A. İ., Yılmaz R, Arasoğlu A and Zahrir A.
Source: Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol 38, (2000) pp. 815-820
2. Title: Some Structural and Fluctuation Properties of Superconducting YBCO Thin Films
Author(s): Demirel A. İ.
Source: Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14 (2001) 978-980
3. Title: An İnvestigation of Superconducting YBCO Thin Films Grown on Different
Author(s): Demirel A. İ.
Source: Supercond. Sci Technol. 15 (2002) 923-926
4. Title: Tunneling Properties Between YBa2Cu3O7-d and Ba1-xKxBiO3 Thin Films
Author(s): Demirel A. İ.
Source: Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 16, No. 20 (2002) 843-851
5. Title: Magnetic relaxation and flux creep in superconducting YBCO thin films
Author(s): Demirel A. İ.
Source: Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 17, No. 20-21 (2003) 1075
6. Title: Pinning mechanism and flux motion in YBa2Cu3O7 thin films
Author(s): Demirel A. İ.
Source: Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 18, No. 7, (2004) 999-1006
7. Title: Electron gas statistics in size quantized thin films with non-parabolic energy spectra
Author(s): Eminbeyli R., Guliyev B., Demirel A. I. and Yaman A.
Source: Modern Physics B, Vol. 19, No.25 (2005) 3825-3834
8. Title: Measurement Method and Results ofthe Thermal Conductivity Coefficient at High
Author(s): Ceferov E. O., Penahov E. Z. and Demirel A. İ.
Source: Physica Scripta Vol. 73, No. 1 (2006) 117-119
9. Title: Magnetoresistivity Properties and Effective Activation Energy in YBa2Cu3O7-d
Superconducting Thin Film
Author(s): Demirel A. İ., Orak S.
Source: Modern Physics Letters B Vol. 20 No. 29, (2006)
10. Title: . Energy Generation and Amplitude of Thermomagnetic Waves in the Conducting
Author(s): Hasanov E. R., Novruzov M. F., Panahov A. Z., Demirel A. İ.
Source: Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 22, No. 06 (2008)
11. Title: Measurement of Coster-Kronig Enhancement Factors for Yb, Lu, Os and Pt
Author(s): Yılmaz R., Öz E., Tan M., Durak R., Demirel A. İ.
Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry 78 (2009) 318-322
12. Title: The Nonlinear Theory of Gunn’s Effect
Author(s): Hasanov E. R., Gasinova R. K., Panahov A. Z. and Demirel A. İ.
Source: Proggress of Theoretical Physics Vol. 121, No. 3, (2009) 593 PP.593-601
13. Title: Energy Radiation Theory of Nano-Dimensional Extrinsic Semiconductors Having
Electron and Hole Conductivities in an External Electric Field
Author(s): Demirel A. İ., Hasanov E. R., Panahov A. Z.
Source: Applied Physic Research Vol 5. No.3 (2013)
14. Title: The peculiarities of the electrical and thermo electrical properties of p-type Ag2Te
Author(s): Demirel, A.I., Aliev, S.A., Aliev, F.F., Guseynov, F.Z., Orak, S.A.
Source: Turkish Journal of Physics 23 (6) (1999), pp. 989-994
15. Title: The local pair mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity at di and
trivalent sites
Author(s): Wilson J. A. ,and Demirel A. İ.
Source: Turk J. Phys. 21 (2000), 105-113
16. Title: Resistivity Properties of Superconducting Material (Ba/K)BiO3 in Magnetic Field
Author(s): Demirel A. İ., Batı . and Yılmaz R.
Source: Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences Vol. 18D (No.1) (1999); P.13 16
17. Title: Superconducting Film İnteractions with Substrate Depending on Temperature
Author(s): Demirel A. İ, and Zahrir A.
Source: Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences (Vol. 18D No.1) (1999); P.79- 84
18. Title: Calculation of energy levels of some deformed even-even nuclei and B(E2) values
Author(s): Rasimgil R., Demirel A. İ. and Çakır T.
Source: Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol. 20D (No.2) (2001), p-139-144
19. Title: Instabibility of thermomagnetic waves in the GeAs semiconductors with impurities
Author(s): Hasanov E. R., Novruzov M. F., Panahov A. Z. and Demirel A. İ.
Source: International Pure and Applied Physics ISSN 0973-1776 Vol. 4 No. 1 (2008) pp 2328
20. Title: Impurity Semiconductor as an Energy Radiator in Presence of Constant External
Electric Field
Author(s): Hasanov E. R., Hosseyn P. N., Panahov A. Z., Demirel A. I.
Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Vol. 5 No. 3 (2009), pp. 239-242
21. Title: Accruing Recombination Waves in Semiconductors with Deep Traps
Author(s): Demirel A. İ., Hasnov E. R., Hosseyn R. N., Panahov A. Z.
Source: International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 7, No. 1(2011), pp. 89-95
22. Title: Ultrahigh Frequency Generation in GaAS-type Two-Walley Semiconductors
Author(s): Hasanov E. R., Gasimova R. K., Panahov A. Z., Demirel A. İ.
Source: Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 3, (2009), no.8, 293-298
23. Title: Instability in Semiconducting with Deep Traps in the Presence of Strong External
Magnetic Field
Author(s): Hasanov E. R., Hosseyn P. N., Panahov A. Z., Demirel A. İ.
Source: Adv. Studies Teor. Phys., Vol. 5 (2011), no. 1, pp.25,- 30
24. Title: Radiations of Electron-Type Conductivity in Electric and magnetic Field
Author(s): Demirel A. I., Hasnov E. R., Panahov A. Z.
Source: Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 6, (2012), no.22, pp. 1077-1086
25. Title: High frequency energy radiation of n-type semiconductors at constant electric and
magnetic field
Author(s): Hasnov E. R., Panahov A. Z. And Demirel A. I.
Source: Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 7, 2013 no 21-24, 1035-1042
26. Title: Electrical Properties of PbS Thin Films
Author(s): Aliyev B. Z., Hasanov E. R., Panahov A. Z. and Demirel A. I.
Source: Fundamental Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 6 (2013), No. 1-2 pp. 11-16
B1. Erdoğan H, Düzgün B. ve Demirel A. İ., “Kurşun Monokristalinin Plastik
Deformasyonu”, 11. Fizik Kongresi (TFD 10) 1987 Bodrum
B2. Demirel A. İ., Dahman A. Z., and. Wilson, J. A “New MOCVD Technique for Preparation
of YBCO Thin Film”, Condensed Matter Physics Conference (CMPC) 1994 (p-222)
Coventry UK (Poster bildiri)
B3. Demirel A. İ. ve Orak S., “Vakumda Bazı Metalorganik Bileşiklerin Kimyasal
Buharlaştırılmasından Elde Edilen İnce Film Kristallerinin Karakterize Edilmesi”, 16.
Fizik Kongresi (TFD 16) 1996 (s.36) Ayvalık
B4. Orak S. Ve Demirel A. İ., “ Bazı Hf İzotoplarının İncelenmesi”, 16. Fizik Kongresi (TFD
16) 1996 (s. 36) Ayvalık
B5. Demirel A. İ., Orak S, Zahrir A. Dahman, “Transport Properties of Superconducting
Thin Films”, 1. Kızılırmak Fen Bilimleri Kongre Kitabı (s.113) 1997 Kırıkkale
B6. Orak S. and Demirel A. İ., “Os İzotoplarının İncelenmesi”, 1. Kızılırmak Fen Bilimleri
Kongre Kitabı (s.319-327) 1997 Kırıkkale
B7. Demirel A. I. Magnetoresistance and Activation Energy Measurement of YBa2Cu3O7
Uluslar arası Kızılırmak Fen Bilimleri Kongresi (s.402-408) 1998 Kırıkkale
B8. Demirel A. İ., Özduran M., Yılmaz R. Ve Mutlu E., “Süperiletken Filmlerin Karakterize
Edilmesinde Ölçüm tekniği”, TFD 19. Fizik Kongresi 26-29 Eylül 2000 (s.111) – Fırat
Üniversitesi –Elazığ
B9. Demirel A. İ., BATI B ve Arasoğlu, A “Y-Ba-Cu-O Süperiletkenlik Filmlerinin
Sentezinde Sıcaklığın Film Kalitesi Üzerindeki Etkisi”, YMF Kongresi 2001 (s.97)
B10. Demirel A. İ., “Magnetic Field Penetration Depth and The Lower Critical field in
YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) High Temperature Superconductors (HTSC)”, TFD 21. Fizik Kongresi
11-14 Eylül 2002, (s.413) –SDÜ–Isparta
B11. Demirel A. İ. and A. Yaman, Thermal Conductivity Properties of YBCO
Superconductor , 4. Ulusal Süperiletkenler Sempozyumu , 10-13 , Trabzon, Türkiye
, Ağustos 2009
B12. A. İ. Demirel, A. Yaman, T. Sarıca and H. Şenel, Some Transport Properties of high
temperature superconductors, International conference on Superconductivity and
Magnetism, 25-30, Antalya, Türkiye, April 2010