
Short Bio ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Long Bio ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Quick Reviews .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Long Reviews ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Testimonials ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Contact ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Tech Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Short Bio
Diana Rowan, M.M., Ph.D
Born in Ireland, harpist Diana Rowan has lived and studied extensively throughout Europe, on the East Coast
and the Middle East before settling in Berkeley, California. Each place profoundly influenced her music,
which weaves Western classical sensibilities with Balkan, Sephardic and Middle Eastern inspirations,
emphasizing the primal and ethereal aspects of the harp both ancient and modern in origin. This breadth of
knowledge and global awareness has infused Diana's playing with "unusual power and beauty."
With over thirty years of performing experience as a soloist and collaborator, Diana has made a name for
herself as a world-class professional spanning many roles including musician, scholar, composer, author,
teacher, artist, and music advocate. Performing internationally and recording frequently, Diana can be heard
on many CDs and soundtracks for film and TV, including her two solo albums Panta Rhei and The Bright
Knowledge. Within every innovative and interactive performance, Dr. Rowan integrates both the elevating
sounds of the harp and her transcendent dialogue into a timeless encounter that moves between worlds
while bringing her audience back to themselves emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Long Bio
Music That Moves Between Worlds: Tales from the Harp
International musical artist currently performing and recording both solo
and in collaboration, Diana Rowan’s playing and compositions have
unusual power and beauty derived from her ability to integrate the
musical traditions of the many countries in which she has lived and
traveled. Diana's forthcoming album As Above, So Below reflects her
recent travels in Asia and PhD research into the unusual harps of Ethiopia
and Persia - the original harps. Combining both virtuosic technique from
classical training and soulfulness from immersion in folk traditions, Diana
explores the unique scope and liminal boundaries of the harp's voice.
Born in Ireland and raised the child of an Irish diplomat, Diana has
traveled, lived and performed all over the world, including the Europe,
East Coast, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. Each country left a strong
impression on Diana's music, which interweaves Celtic, Eastern European,
Near Eastern and classical arts, spirituality and mythology.
Diana’s thirty year performance career reaches worldwide from the
World Harp Congress in Australia, to Washington DC's Smithsonian
Institution, to the US Embassy in Vietnam, to Eastern European
cathedrals and beyond.
She can be heard on many CDs and soundtracks for film and TV, including
her two solo albums Panta Rhei, The Bright Knowledge, and the
forthcoming As Above, So Below. Diana recently released the first Celtic
harp and Persian percussion fusion album with tombak master Pezhham
Akhavass, entitled The Sky at Dawn.
Diana holds a PhD in Music Theory (harp composition) from the National
Academy of Music Bulgaria, plus an MM in Piano Performance. Besides
teaching to advanced level, Diana presents workshops and lectures
Elementally, Diana believes in the restorative power of music and plays
often in hospitals and healing centers via her company Sage Harpists. She
also performs regularly via Bread & Roses for audiences who don't
normally experience live music, such as at low-income preschools,
assisted living facilities, homeless shelters and prisons.
"Which is first - breadth of repertoire or musicianship? No matter. The sum
total will titillate even the most jaded audience. Diana is an astounding
harpist - playing pieces that range from inspired traditional-based tunes to
improvisational skin-prickling scats. Consider it a blessed time, to have this
music seep into your being." Anne Emerick, Wisteria Ways concert series,
Oakland CA
Quick Reviews
"...a true aural delight, Diana Rowan complemented the ethos of the piece perfectly with her dramatic
style." - SF Examiner
"Extremely beautiful playing...most gratifying...such fine musicianship..." - San Francisco Classical
Long Reviews
“This is a disc that finally takes the harp to a serious space, something rarely done. Thus, if you're serious about
harp, one way or another, you're going to end up listening to Diana Rowan.” - www.acousticmusic.com
"A delicious piece of work, both in arrangement and performance..."Panta Rhei" is a brilliantly conceived program,
mixing the familiar and (for most of us) the exotic, shifting from contemplative to dance-like, to romantic, from solo
to ensemble, from vocal to instrumental." - Mitch Landy, Folk Harp Journal
"This CD is a treat. At times, it floats you along on a captivating Ladino love song, then bursts forth into a wild
Greek dance like a refreshing shot of sea spray. Lilting, crystal-pure vocals on another captivating tune – Yo
m’enamori d’un aire – melt into a Balkan hornpipe
discovered by Bartók, and finish with a lovely medievalsounding wedding song from Cyprus. Diana celebrates
the allure of the islands and the dynamic cultures that
thrive along the sea through the rich textures of folk
music from Ireland, Scotland, Greece, Cyprus, Israel
and Eastern Europe, weaving a subtle spell as she
draws on contemporary as well as traditional
arrangements." - Shawna Spiteri, Harpbeat
"A unique blend of melody and percussion makes this
album sparkle: Diana Rowan blows away any
misconceptions one may have about the harp and 'harp
music.' Harps are as versatile as guitars, pianos,
accordions and other instruments used in creating
music in many genres, and have been embraced by
many world cultures. Joined with her musical partner
Pezhham Akhavass, the two create a rich and unique
tapestry of melody and percussion. As a harp player
working toward professional quality myself, I have
heard almost no music that combines these two kinds
of instruments. For me, anyway, the sign of a good
album is inspiration - that is, taking the musical ideas
heard, and combining them with your own unique
musings to create new music. An impressive display of
musicianship, and highly recommended!" CD Baby review of The Sky at Dawn CD
"I always thought harps were sissy, delicate
instruments. The way Diana Rowan plays makes even
non-harp fans sit up and notice. Not exactly Celtic, but
international, melodic, rhythmic, syncopated, complex.
This harp music has cojones. Diana plays absolutely
gorgeous music effortlessly. You cannot believe she gets so much sound out of her instrument while making it
appear as if she's just sitting down. Rachel Durling, violin and Peter Maund on percussion play with such
assuredness that the combination sounds exactly right—as if there should be more trios like this. Don’t miss a
chance to hear The Bright Knowledge." - Steven Friedland - 5th St Farms Concert Series
“Diana's innovative composition and arrangements, her choice of vocalists and musicians with whom to
collaborate and her consummate skill all come together perfectly in this, her second, CD. Haunting melodies, rich
vocal harmonies and skillful playing are a delight. Diana is able to elicit strong, rich tones from an instrument
known for its delicacy. She can be gentle, too, coaxing soft, moody tones. Don't miss this one. 5 stars.” - Ahmet
Aydogan - CD Baby
“To really appreciate where Diana Rowan is taking the harp, you have to start at the fifth cut, a classically
composed piece inspired by Auden's anti-war poem The Shield of Achilles. It's a moody threnody alternating
between lyrical plaint and studied introspection, coloring perfectly in cautions and admonitory airs. With that under
the belt, it's easier to see where the follower, The Marvelous Year, is a Debussy-ish composition, not a New Age
cut, as one might expect. Live Without Thought of Dying is another song styled after classical thoughts, this time
St. Catherine's, and, thus, The Bright Knowledge escapes a trap inherent in New Age releases appearing similar
to this one, with their harps as gelded as the saccharine shakuhachis always seeming to accompany everything in
that genre. The addition of Rachel Durling's violin is equally affective, furthering an ancient feel to the melodies. In
several cuts, Rowan infuses segments from masterpieces—Clair de Lune, Gregorian chant, etc.—and then looks
to European cutures for more exotic inspirations. Yishru Shalom, for instance, is akin to a Voix Mysteres de
Bulgare piece, and at least two cuts have Carnatic raga basings, Devoted being another melancholy beauty. In
other words, this is a disc that finally takes the harp to a serious space, something rarely done. Georgia Kelley
didn't cut it in years past, and the only LP I can think of that considered the instrument as something other than
New Age sopor was Art in America, a prog-pop delight that placed the stringed behemoth front and center. Thus, if
you're serious about harp, one way or another, you're going to end up listening to Diana Rowan.” - Long version www.acousticmusic.com
“A recording of original compositions by up and coming traditional harper, Diana Rowan. Beautiful, contemplative
and evocative. The compositions range from a piece based on Homer's The Illiad where Rowan seems to attack
the harp strings with all the fury of Achilles, to an exploration of the harper's own process of creation in The
Roaring Silence.” - Lezlia Kinyon, Ed. - Coreopsis: A Journal of Myth and Theatre
“Which is first-- breadth of repertoire or their musicianship? No matter. The sum total will titillate even the most
jaded audience. Diana is an astounding harpist---playing pieces that range from inspired traditional-based tunes to
improvisational skin-prickling scats. Consider it a blessed time, to have this music seep into your being.” - Anne
Emerick - Wisteria Ways House Concert Series
“A house concert last night with sirens of song Diana Rowan (Celtic Harp) & vocalist Bon Singer has replenished
my soul! Drinking directly from the cup of the Muse Herself, the mysteries & magic of eons seemed to fill the room
with grace, port...ent, and power. Marvelous & wonderful, seek ye therefore the nectar of these exquisite
songstresses!” - Marko Zanko
“Thank for this positive and transformative musical experience. The purity and beauty of your music took me on a
journey towards self-realization that I need to live my life now, embracing all that is good and right for my life. What
a glorious treat. You are so passionate, whether you are performing an epic or sweet shepherd song. What a
blessing it was to be in the room!” - Liz Faletti
“I hear things in your playing and in your harp that I just don’t hear
anywhere else.” -Ray Kolling
“I so enjoyed your CD. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.
The Indian touches were appreciated and you really made the harp
sound like a sitar & tambura, capturing the flavor of Indian music.
Congratulations!” - Karen Gottlieb
“Diana Rowan with Deepak Ram swept listeners to far off places
and mystically blended the distant past with modern times.” Review of the 19th Festival of Harps
“Thank you for bringing more enchantment into my world!” - Wendy
Your concert last night was transporting -- the music was lyrical and
powerful at the same time, a lovely combination of romance and
thoughtfulness. Thank you so much.” - Thekla Hammond
“Diana Rowan brought her unique performance to the Paschal
Winery Cellar for a special Valentine's show on February 14th. She
treated us to a performance of extraordinary beauty and grace.
Diana's wonderful personality and ease with her audience perfectly
balanced the intense beauty of her music. Those of us lucky enough
to be there were enthralled by her performance, her stories and the
beautiful stage design of Inge Brust.” - Phil Kavanagh - Morpheus
“Harps are synonymous with angles, heaven and pure beauty. The physical shape of the instrument is artful and
the harp duo team of Diana Rowan and Patrice Haan played these harps with pure musical beauty. With a variety
of styles and genres, Diana and Patrice transported the seniors at St. Anne’s Home to a realm of needed beauty
and splendor. The experience of the concert caused one of the seniors to reminisce about her friend of 62 years
that passed away two months prior. “I know she is here right now in spirit. She loved music and she played the
harp. I miss her with all of my heart but all I feel right now is joy.” It was a great day at St. Anne’s Home.” - Lisa
Starbird - Bread & Roses
“It's like throwing open all the windows of your house (on a nice day). Totally lovely.” - about The Bright
Knowledge Jim Krusoe
“You are truly a gift sent to me by the Harp Gods..you are the culmination of all my work, The highlight of my entire
harp making career. There is no one I've ever heard that is so "at one" with the Nova, and takes it on journeys that
can't even be imagined by others. The very first piece actually made me cry when I first heard it. It was like
recognizing all of the potential of the Nova, all at once. It was exactly like the first time I strung one up and played
it. I would have to say I was completely overcome with emotion hearing, for the first time, the true brilliance of the
harp and listening to it's soul. The rest of the CD does exactly what I've always wanted someone to do with the
Nova...touch it, feel it, start playing it, and guide it out into the open, then turn it loose and hang on. My intuitive
connection with this harp always has suggested that it needs to be let free, to take you on a journey, to change on
a whim, then take off again. It's amazing that you have managed to do just that.” - John Westling - Sandpiper
“Diana's shining soul and sparkling personality are conducted through her fingers through her harp to the very
heart of any listener. She could take Happy Birthday and interpret in such a way that you'd laugh, cry and change
your life.” - Bon Singer
“Greetings from lovely Istanbul, where I've come to light for a few days after a 10-day peregrination by rental car
through Anatolia, from Esbelli Evi to Kalehan Hotel via Konya, Antalya, Olimpos, Kas, Fethiye, Dalyan, Marmaris
and Bodrum. All along the way, the soothing musical waterfall of Diana Rowan's wonderful harp music helped me
to keep my composure in the madness of the Turkish highways.
Thank you SO MUCH!” - Tom Brosnahan
“Your CD has been playing literally for days here at home...Lovely and loving and lively and sumptuous and
healing/soothing...Best wishes always ...” - Corey Mason
“The CD did arrive today and I played it on my way to Orleans, was tempted to pull off my blouse and do a belly
dance while driving but resisted temptation. Please tell her that I love her compositions and the combination of
both Celtic and Mediterranean is wonderful! I appreciate your sharing her music with me. I have nothing like it and
it will be one of my long time favorites.”
“I'm loving your CD...very deep and magical...haunting with the Celtic-Mediterranean connection...seamlessly
“I just got an iPod and am so in love with this CD!!! I can hear the subtleties through the headset so much more
clearly now. My favorites are the Love Set and the Holy Trinity—divine and almost ecstatic! I have listened almost
non-stop for 2 days. Thank you, thank you.”
“I first heard your music on Rythmbox and fell madly in love with your harp. Wonderful music on what was a very
trying day for me. Thank you for making my day bright.”- John
“I have been spending a lot of time lately at the Kaiser Hospital in Walnut Creek as a dear friend has been in
critical condition for the past three weeks. The beautiful harp music of Dianna Rowan this afternoon turned my
whole day around. What a wonderful idea. What lovely kindness she offered to all within earshot. I intend to go to
Harps, etc. in Walnut Creek tomorrow a purchase a couple of your albums. I am also making a small donation. As
I have grown older I have come to believe that life really made up of the seemingly small things... it is made up of
seconds and inches. Thanks so much to Dianna and to your fine organization for adding some beautiful notes to
my "seconds" today. May you all be well and happy!” - Jim
“As I think I mentioned, I was thoroughly blown away by your set at the Festival of Harps last year and would love
to be able to hear you again.” - Patrick Ball, Harpist
“Diana Rowan was recently featured as the guest artist at the annual Harpeggio Music 'Twenty Harps for the
Holidays' concert. She enchanted an audience of approximately 400 with her performance of harp music inspired
by a variety of traditions, ranging from Irish to Middle Eastern to Indian. Enhanced by Diana's engaging
personality, the performance was by turns soulful and humorous, contemplative and lively, but always enthralling,
giving the audience a delightful taste of the richness of music available for this beautiful instrument.” - Rick
Leichner Janowski - Harpeggio Music
Website: www.dianarowan.com
Email: sirenharp@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/dianaharp
Tech Requirements
Small Venues (acoustic):
music stand
Large Venues:
Direct-in with a quarter inch jack
amp/sound system
music stand
speaker's microphone & stand