July 2015 Dear Parent/carer I am writing to inform you of the reformed GCSE Mathematics qualification which is due to commence teaching in September 2015. The intention, by Ofqual’s Chief Regulator, is to reform GCSEs so that they set expectations of rigour and challenge that match those in the highest performing jurisdictions. A summary of the changes to the Mathematics curriculum, established by Ofqual and the DfE are as follows: Greater teaching time compared to the current GCSE Mathematics; Greater total examination time than the current GCSE Mathematics; Coverage of broader and deeper mathematical content, delivered through a single extended GCSE; Additional requirements to provide clear mathematical arguments; A greater focus on problem solving. This broader mathematical curriculum has seen the introduction of many topics being added which are significantly more demanding than the current curriculum content. On top of these changes to the mathematics curriculum, we have seen a reform in the curriculum across all subjects, prioritising English and Mathematics. These changes include: New grading. These will be numbered 1-9, where 9 is the highest. Falling below the standard required for a 1 will result in a U grade. The Foundation Tier will give access to grades 1-5, and the Higher Tier 4-9. This means there will be a total of ten possible outcomes, unlike the nine grades of A* to U at present – so a correspondence between the old and new systems is not immediate There are currently no grade descriptors, nor any indication of what “expected progress” will look. From 2016, Mathematics and English will be double weighted to count for 20% of the Progress 8 floor standard. (More about this will be explained in the Options evening talk on 25th February 2015) Increased curriculum content. Requirement for increased curriculum time for English and Mathematics, We have been reassured that GCSEs will continue to be universal qualifications, entered by the same proportion of students as they are currently. Alongside this, we are relieved to be told that Mathematics will continue to be tiered, however cannot assume that the same profile of students will be entered for Higher and Foundation as at present. The new GCSE curriculum will be taught in school using resources through Pearson publishers, using their online resource. This will mean that homework and practice will be set through this electronic resource as opposed to having a textbook. If you wish your son to have a textbook, then the department will be offering him the opportunity to purchase one at the discounted price of £15.00 (£22.50 RRP), alternatively, the ISBN numbers are (higher tier) 978-1-4479-8020-9 and (foundation tier) 978-1-4479-8019-3. All orders need to be placed before Friday 11th September 2015 (with the understanding that set changes may occur during your son’s KS4 period of study). If you have any questions regarding the curriculum changes or would like to discuss any of the points in this letter, please contact me at the school the school. Yours sincerely Miss S. Pullan Assistant Headteacher and Head of Mathematics.