Instructions for Symposia session (45 or 90 minute sessions

Instructions for Symposia session (45 or 90 minute sessions):
Please remove this page before submitting.
If submitting an Interest Group session symposium, please use this template and include your
Interest Group name in the submission abstract.
Title (approx. 12 words)
Stream/theme most appropriate to the ‘how to’ session
Presentation length (either 45 or 90 minutes)
Name and institutional affiliation of each author (first author, followed by co-authors/s)
Name/s of the presenter/s
Summary and rationale of the symposium (max. 350 words), describing the topic, objectives and
relevance of the individual contributions to the symposium
Name of the institutional affiliation of the convener
For each presentation within the symposium:
o Title of each presentation
o Name of institutional affiliation of each author ( first author, followed by co-authors/s)
o Name/s of each presenter/s
o Abstract for each presentation (max. 350 words) that includes the following:
Individual symposium presenters do NOT submit their own abstracts.
Instructions on lay out details are on the next page.
For empirical papers:
o Aim: State the primary objective and the research question posed or the major hypothesis
o Design: Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted
o Method: Describe the number of participants, how they were selected and methods of data
collection and analysis
o Results: Include numerical/textual data
o Conclusion: State conclusions that can be drawn from the study, including theoretical,
methodological, or applied/policy implications as appropriate and any key limitations of the
For review/theoretical papers:
o Background: Provide a concise statement which places the presentation in context
o Aims/objectives: State the aim or primary objectives of the presentation
o Method: Provide details of the procedures adopted and their rationale/key arguments and
theoretical positions
o Conclusion: State conclusions that can be drawn from the study, including theoretical,
methodological, or applied/policy implications as appropriate and any key limitations of the
Your symposium submission must begin with your 350-word summary and rationale abstract here,
ensuring you keep the font as it is (Arial 10pt, single-spaced). Please include the stream or theme
submitting to, topic and objective of the symposium, as well as the relevance of each individual
contribution to the symposium. Please use gender-inclusive language and avoid cumbersome phrases.
Abstracts will be available online prior to the Congress.
Presentation 1:
Enter your presentation title in sentence case here
SURNAME, First. (Affiliation), & SURNAME, First. (Affiliation)
Aim: Type your 350-word abstract here, ensuring you keep the font as it is (Arial 10pt, single-spaced).
Design: Please ensure that you have entered your presentation title in sentence case, with a capital letter
at the beginning of the first word and the rest of the title in lower case, except where a capital is
necessary or as the first letter after a colon. Method: All authors must be entered in the format illustrated
above, with surname and initial in capital letters, then affiliation in brackets. Where you have listed more
than one author, please bold the presenting author surname and initial. An email address is inserted on a
separate line, as per the example above, and please make sure the email address belongs to the
presenting author. Please use gender-inclusive language and avoid cumbersome phrases. Results: If
using headings such as ‘Aim’, ‘Method’, ‘Conclusion’, to identify different areas of your abstract, please
use bold font for these headings. Conclusion: Abstracts will be available online prior to the Congress.
Presentation 2:
Enter your presentation title in sentence case here
SURNAME, First. (Affiliation), & SURNAME, First. (Affiliation)
Aim: Type your 350-word abstract here, ensuring you keep the font as it is (Arial 10pt, single-spaced).
Design: Please ensure that you have entered your presentation title in sentence case, with a capital letter
at the beginning of the first word and the rest of the title in lower case, except where a capital is
necessary or as the first letter after a colon. Method: All authors must be entered in the format illustrated
above, with surname and initial in capital letters, then affiliation in brackets. Where you have listed more
than one author, please bold the presenting author surname and initial. An email address is inserted on a
separate line, as per the example above, and please make sure the email address belongs to the
presenting author. Please use gender-inclusive language and avoid cumbersome phrases. Results: If
using headings such as ‘Aim’, ‘Method’, ‘Conclusion’, to identify different areas of your abstract, please
use bold font for these headings. Conclusion: Abstracts will be available online prior to the Congress.