APPLICATION FOR UNIVERSITY OF ROEHAMPTON INTERNATIONAL (2025) AND SACRED HEART (RUSH) SCHOLARSHIPS SECTION 1: PROGRAMME DETAILS Please type this form or complete it legibly in black ink. Please return the form, preferably by email, with attachments, to or to Scholarships, Recruitment & Marketing, University of Roehampton, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PJ. Please do not staple any parts of your application, as they may be photocopied. Entrance Level of study: Full-Time Study Under graduate Masters PhD Part-Time Study Do you require campus accommodation? No Yes Have you already applied for campus accommodation? Yes No Scholarship(s) you are applying for: What is your proposed start date? What course have you applied for OR What is the title of your specific area of study? SECTION 2: PERSONAL DETAILS Title First name(s) Surname Preferred name (if different to the above) Previous Surname (if applicable) Date of Birth Nationality Country of Permanent Residence Student ID number (Can be found on Roehampton University offer letter) E-mail Address Mobile Number Permanent Home Address Address for Correspondence (if different) -1- -1- SECTION 3: ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EDUCATION Please give details of all tertiary level qualifications (for example, Certificate/Diploma in Higher Education, First Degree, Higher Degree). Institution Dates Attended Subject Level of Award Date of + Grade (Achieved or expected) Award SECTION 4: PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Please give details of any professional qualifications or other relevant qualifications not listed in section 3 above SECTION 5: OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Please give details of any experience or other information (e.g particularly voluntary work, paid employment, publications, research experience,) relevant to your application. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary. SECTION 6: FUNDING Are you in receipt of any other funding towards this programme? (Please tick) Yes No If yes: please detail the funding below, including any specific conditions attached to it: -2- -2- Please give details here if you intend to apply, or have already applied, for any other funding towards your course of study, particularly indicating any loans, family funding or family circumstances which may affect your ability to study: SECTION 7: REFEREES Please give details (including name, postal address, e-mail address and a contact telephone number) of two referees who will support your application. If able to, please include the member of academic staff at Roehampton you have been in discussion with about your course of study. It is preferable for you to provide a letter of support from your referees at the time of application. Referees’ letters should include how they are acquainted with you, their experience with/opinion of your academic work and their reasons for recommending your application. Name and Relationship to You Address Telephone Number & E-mail Address -3- -3- SECTION 8: STATEMENT INCLUDING COMMUNITY IMPACT Please outline the following: Why you want to study at Roehampton How you intend to use your qualification following your studies to benefit your own or the wider community Please give a clear overview of what you intend to do to have an impact on the community? Give as much detail as possible on ideas and concepts that you would like to implement (including organisations you may be able to work with, people you intend to contact and a basic idea of your vision and what way it will benefit the community). SECTION 9: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT a) I certify that the statements made by me on this form are correct b) I understand that in signing below I agree to the University of Roehampton processing my personal data (as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998), for administrative purposes as notified to the Office of the Information Commissioner. c) If awarded a RUSH scholarship I agree to my name being displayed on the University of Roehampton website. Signed:__________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ NOTES TO INITIAL APPLICANTS Alongside your application form you should include your 2 references. You are advised to send your application by email to, failing that by courier or recorded delivery to the address above. You will receive acknowledgement of receipt by email. ONLY successful candidates will be contacted further. Continuation of the award will be subject to satisfactory progress and conduct. Unsuccessful applications will be considered for the Roehampton University 2025 Scholarships -4-4-