Theories of Religion Essay

Matthew I. Arnold
Theories of Religion Essay
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Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world today. It is one of the three
Abrahamic religions which originated from the Fertile Crescent. Its followers span the entire
globe transcending national, racial, geographical, political boundaries and more. The theories of
the Holy Trinity, the role of Jesus Christ according to Christianity, along with many other
principles are what set it apart from the other two Abrahamic religions.
By talking about the significant aspects that set Christianity apart from Judaism and
Islam, everything really begins and is set up by the significance of the Holy Trinity to Christians.
The Holy Trinity is a key theory and aspect of Christianity, which makes it unique and adds to
the worth of the religion. The Holy Trinity is a topic of much discussion and debate within the
religious community. The holy trinity originated from a statement carved out by Constantine’s
request. This was at the Council of Nicaea in 325. The Nicene Creed is universally accepted by
the primary branches of Christianity: Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism.
Christians view God as a trinity; essentially three entities in one. This is a significant
point where people may consider Christianity to be a soft monotheism. The Holy Trinity consists
of God as the Father, God as the Son, and God as the Holy Spirit. Of the three in the Holy
Trinity, God as the Son is written about the most in almost all of the Christian texts. Also, all
three are considered to be equal to one another with regards to significance.
The Holy Spirit is something that is unique to Christianity. This Holy Spirit is believed to
be in everything and in everyone. Some people believe they can feel the presence of the spirit in
other people and objects they are near and come in counter with. This is different from the
Jewish view that there is a spirit of life, but it does not behave like Christianity’s Holy Spirit.
This is because the Jewish spirit only pertains to life and death. Also, the Islamic religion does
not believe that there is a Holy Spirit in any capacity; which is vastly different compared to the
other two religions in general.
The role of Jesus Christ within Christianity is significant beyond all doubt. He was born
from a Virgin Mary, he is the second entity in the Holy Trinity, and he is considered the Son of
God. Jesus’ mission on earth was to reconcile man to God. His death is considered necessary
because it completed his mission and that his message that he died on the cross for the sins of all
of mankind hold true for all eternity.
The role of Jesus Christ in the other monotheistic religions is another aspect which makes
Christianity unique. Christianity is the only monotheist religion that views Jesus Christ as the
Son of God. In Judaism, Jesus is viewed as an ordinary Jew who has no significant role in the
course of any religion. They also portrayed him to have a normal life and that he was crucified
because of his claim to be the next messiah as well as divine. In Islam, Jesus is viewed to be a
non-divine prophet sent by God. Also that he in fact did birth from a Virgin Mary.
One significant aspect which separates Christianity from the others is because both
Judaism and Islam choose to not show God in images or to even picture him in a human form.
Followers of Christianity constantly display sculptures, paintings, and even wear necklaces that
portray Jesus, the reincarnate of God in the human form. The followers of Judaism and Islam
choose not to do this in order to prevent the idolization of God. They believed it would distract
worshipers from the pureness of God. In the religions of Judaism and Islam repercussions among
extremist sects for showing the image of God can be excessive.
An example of such extremism took place with a satire magazine company in Paris,
France that made a cartoon with the image of Muhammed in one of their magazines a few
months ago. The magazine company received a large amount of threats and hate mail along with
a physically violent outburst in their building, resulting in the death of twelve people along with
international news coverage.
Another aspect that makes Christianity so significant is what is considered holy to the
majority of its followers. In Judaism, the Torah is considered to be the word of God brought to
them via Abraham. In Islam, the Quran is considered to be the law of God brought to them via
Muhammad. Both the Torah and Quran are ancient scriptures that form the basis of their
respective religions. Christianity on the other hand is different in a very significant way. The
most holy aspect is Jesus Christ himself, not the Bible or any other ancient holy scriptures.
Why is Jesus considered the son of God? This is a question that is very common to
people who have not had much exposure to Christianity, and it is a question I found myself
asking when I wanted to learn more about Christianity. “All things have been handed over to me
by my Father,” is the one specific quote of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew that specifically
makes this point true. Jesus being considered the Son of God is also mentioned in other places in
the bible, such as in the Gospel of John. The statement that Jesus is the Son of God is universally
accepted by the members of Christianity. In Judaism, Jesus is considered to be just a regular
person. He is not considered to be divine or significant at all. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a
profit. However, he is not considered to be of any relation to God.
This religion which spans the continents influences peoples of every color, ethnicity,
race, gender, and more. It is the largest of the Abrahamic religions, and its principles stemming
from the Holy Trinity, Jesus’ role as the Son of God, and Jesus’ divinity are what sets
Christianity apart from Judaism and Islam.
1. Prothero, Stephen R. God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World-and Why Their Differences Matter. New York: HarperOne, 2010. Print.
2. "Compare Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism - Compare Christianity Islam Judaism."
Compare Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism - Compare Christianity Islam Judaism. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.