CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning As much as possible all courses are tailored according participants’ teaching contexts. This description is an overview of the content you can expect to cover in this course. All our courses support key outcomes required under the Europe 2020 Strategy in various formats with Europass available. Who is this course for? Teachers who teach, or will teach in the future, subjects (Maths, P.E., Science, History etc.) thorough English. Participants should have a level of at least B1 (Intermediate) or above. What is the course aim? To deepen the understanding if CLIL and its implications for teachers and learners To develop practical ideas for the implementation of CLIL To help teachers develop their language skills so that they feel more confident teaching in English What are the course outcomes? Enhancement of linguistic skills. Increased awareness of the link between language and culture Enhancement of participants’ knowledge, skills and competencies relating to their work practice Post course dissemination of effective CLIL practice to other teachers Promotion of innovative teaching practice internationally international co-operation and development in education What are the course objectives? Participants will have had the opportunity to; develop their language skills widen their range classroom language you need to teach experience and evaluate a variety of teaching techniques, materials, devices and procedures designed to help students acquire language and knowledge through CLIL observe working teachers within the school prepare teaching material for CLIL contexts and to give and receive feedback develop a personal action plan for continued professional development once the course has finished. Participants are encouraged to join the activity programme in the afternoon. This incorporates excursions, both social and cultural. Participants can also use this time to make use of our guided e-learning and self- study programme. An example 40 hour two week timetable is as follows. Week 1 9.00-10.50 11.10-13.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-16.30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Introduction, & Ice Breakers Language Development Language Development Language Development Introduction to CLIL Methodology Learner Styles &Promoting Learner Autonomy Supporting the Learning Process Through Guided E-learning The Present Tenses – Present and Future Meaning Language Development Modal Verbs and Expressing Functions The Passive Voice Language Development Language Development CLIL Methodology in the Classroom The Past Tenses The Conditionals Lunch Orientation of Dublin City Centre Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Defining and Describing Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Techniques for Teaching subject Specific Vocabulary The Receptive Skills Reading and Listening The Productive Skills Speaking and Writing Workshop: Exploiting the Course Book Task Based Learning Workshop: CLIL Lesson Design Workshop: Exploiting Websites Workshop: CLIL Lesson Design Presentation of Material and Rationales. SelfEvaluation Further Professional Development Action Plan Course Evaluation Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Lunch Excursion or SelfStudy Week II 9.00-10.50 11.10-13.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-16.30 Excursion or SelfStudy Excursion or SelfStudy An example 20 hour one week timetable is as follows. Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday27 Thursday 28 Friday 29 9.00-10.50 Introduction Ice Breakers Needs Analysis E-Learning Classroom Language The Receptive Skills Reading and Listening Workshop: Exploiting the Course Book and Authentic Material Workshop: Material Design and Evaluation 11.10-13.00 CLIL Methodology in the Classroom Lunch The Productive Skills Speaking and Writing Lunch Workshop: Exploiting Websites 13.00-14.00 Techniques for Teaching subject Specific Vocabulary Lunch Lunch Further Professional Development Action Plan and Course Feedback Lunch 14.00-16.00 Orientation of Dublin City Centre Excursion or SelfStudy Excursion or SelfStudy Excursion or SelfStudy Excursion or SelfStudy Please note: These timetables are provisional and subject to change depending on the needs of course participants.