APPLICATION FOR A WGS SANDWICH PHD At the end of this form you will find an explanation / instructions per question. Please consult these before filling in the form. Incomplete applications, applications in a different format, or applications that do not meet the conditions as mentioned in this form or in the instructions, will not be taken into consideration by the selection committee. Make sure that all the required documents concerning the PhD candidate are attached. Applications should be submitted at the latest on ......Send your application + annexes in one compiled file (digital only) through SURFfilesenderto A professor of Wageningen University may only submit 1 WGS Sandwich PhD application. Graduate School: Department: Chair group(s): 1. APPLICANT (i.e. Supervisor) (Full name and address): HOME INSTITUTE (Full name and address): Note: add documents that indicate support of the home institute of a PhD-candidate 2. PROPOSED PhD Student (make sure to attach the required documents, see Instructions) a. Particulars (Full Name, Nationality, Address). b. Alumnus Wageningen University YES NO 3. PROJECT TITLE (incl. in the title the name(s) of the country(ies) where the research will be carried out): 4. FUNDING: a. Intending to apply for additional or future funding YES NO If YES, please specify b. 5. 6. Budgetary breakdown for the entire PhD Programme (not only the WGS Sandwich PhD budget) SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT (max. 200 words, add word count:) DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (max. 1200 words, add word count:) WGS SANDWICH PHD APPLICATION 201. 7. SUPERVISION: in Wageningen and the home institute of the PhD candidate. Also provide a CV of the supervisor in the home institute 8. RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION (max. 300 words, add word count:) 9. WORKPLAN AND PUBLICATIONS a. Detailed work plan for the first period in Wageningen (max. 200 words, add word count:) b. A rough work plan for the rest of the period (max. 100 words, add word count:) c. Type of publications to be expected (max. 100 words, add word count:) 10. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME 11. INTENDED STARTING DATE AND LENGTH OF THE PROJECT Starting date* : Length : Year of termination : * Candidates must visit Wageningen University as a part of the WGS sandwich PhD programme within 6 months after the WGS sandwich Phd is awarded. If this is requirement is not met, the WGS sandwich PhD will be revoked. 12. STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTION to the graduate school and to the chair group within which the applicant will work 13. SIGNATURE Chairman of Group(s) Name: Applicant (i.e. Supervisor) Name: Date: Date: Signature: Signature: 14. LITERATURE REFERENCES WGS SANDWICH PHD APPLICATION 201. INSTRUCTIONS 1. APPLICANT Applicants must be a professor at Wageningen University. Only one application per professor may be submitted A senior researcher of a Graduate School can also be an applicant but he/she needs the approval of a professor. The full name and address of the home institute must be provided. Also add proof of institutional support of the PhD candidate: see criteria. Employment of the PhD candidate (after completion of the PhD Programme) at the home institute is a prerequisite. Applications for PhD students without any further linkage to the home institute will not be taken into consideration. 2. PROPOSED PhD student Candidates from Middle and South-America, Africa, former member states of the Soviet Union, Asia (except candidates from Japan, South Korea and Singapore) can apply for a WGS Sandwich PhD . Candidates must already be in the possession of a MSc degree (or equivalent) at the time of submission of the application. Provide the name, nationality and full address of the PhD student. Note: Dutch nationals (or double nationality) are not accepted as Sandwich PhD candidates. The following documents must be included: a CV including date of birth, nationality, academic degrees (place, title and date(s) of graduation), work experience, affiliation / connection to local organisations, title of MSc thesis and a list of publications) a copy of academic diplomas (BSc and MSc), if not in English also include official translations in English transcripts of Academic Records (BSc and MSc), if not in English also include official translations in English proof of proficiency in the English language (TOEFL or IELTS certificate)* a copy of the candidate’s valid passport If you are not Dutch, from a non-Anglophone country and you have not completed your higher education with English as the language of instruction, you have to submit an internationally recognised Certificate of Proficiency in the English Language. Minimum required scores: o o o o TOEFL internet-based 90, with minimum sub-score 23 for speaking IELTS 6.5, with minimum sub-score 6.0 for speaking Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) with minimum grade B Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) any grade Test results must be dated within 24 months prior to your application. 3. PROJECT TITLE Provide a short but informative project title 4. a. ADDITIONAL AND/OR FUTURE FUNDING: Wageningen University encourages application for future or additional grants to improve the opportunities for good research and implementation. This could be a grant of WOTRO ( ), Rockefeller Foundation (, Ford Foundation (, DELTA ( ), the Neys van Hoogstraten Foundation ( ), etc. If you intend to apply for additional funding, please indicate where and for what part of the total project. Additional Funding must not be detrimental to building a research link and/or institutional co-operation. b. The WGS Sandwich PhD only finances 18 months of the PhD programme at Wageningen University. Provide an overview of the budget for the entire (not only the WGS WGS SANDWICH PHD APPLICATION 201. Sandwich PhD finances) PhD programme, including additional / future funding to finance research at the home institute. Please note that if additional funding is covering the same costs as the WGS sandwich Phd, external funds will replace the WU-funds. 5. SUMMARY Provide a summary of 200 words at maximum. The summary contains the problem definition and objectives and indicates the methodology. This text will be used for further processing in research summaries. 6. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (references under 15) This is the main body of the project description. Provide a condensed description, with a maximum of 1200 words, containing at least the following elements: scientific significance/ innovative aspects research problem, research objective(s) and research questions research methodology background of the project and available knowledge in literature 7. SUPERVISION Elaborate on the supervision in Wageningen and at the home institute. Also state the contribution of each of the supervisors. The following documents must be attached with the application: a. Proof of supervision and support of the home institute (in writing). (see also ‘Selection Criteria’, below). b. A CV of the supervisor in the home institute 8. RELEVANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION Provide in less than 300 words the relevance of the research subject for society and how results could be implemented. Include here formal linkages with (inter)national policy making groups, NGOs, etc. 9. WORKPLAN AND PUBLICATIONS a. Detailed work plan for the first period in Wageningen. Indicate the length of the first period in Wageningen and the activities to be performed (including training). (max. 200 words) b. A rough work plan for the rest of the period. Indicate at least whether there is a second period in Wageningen before finishing the research at Wageningen University. It should be clear that after finalising the thesis (the approval of the supervisor) and submitting it, there is a period of at least 3 months before graduation. (max. 100 words) c. Type of publications to be expected (max. 100 words) 10. EDUCATION PROGRAMME Provide here the courses/seminars/summer schools, etc., the student intends to attend. If he/she has already attended PhD courses, please provide the information (place, time and credits) and indicate that they are completed. The internet site provides an overview of Graduate Schools, Courses, etc. 11. INTENDED STARTING DATE AND LENGTH OF THE PROJECT The starting date can be adjusted to available courses, the field work period, etc. Candidates must however visit Wageningen University as a part of the programme within 6 months after the WGS sandwich PhDis awarded. If this is requirement is not met, the finances will be revoked. 12. STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTION Provide a short description of the strategic contribution of this research project to the graduate school(s) and to the chair group within which the sandwich applicant will work. 13. SIGNATURE The project proposal must be signed by the applicant and the chair of the group(s) 14. LITERATURE REFERENCES Provide references in the usual way for scientific research WGS SANDWICH PHD APPLICATION 201. Selection Criteria: The following criteria are used to select the best proposals; A] The 1. 2. 3. candidate’s linkage with the home institute Quality and infrastructure of the supervising groups Institutional support (in writing), from the countries concerned*) Quality of the relationship between the home institute and Wageningen University. B] The 1. 2. 3. quality of a candidate as shown by: Curriculum Vitae. Diplomas Publications C] The quality of the proposal 1. Originality and innovative aspects of the proposed research 2. Clarity of the proposal: problem definition, research methodology (comparable to a WOTRO pre-proposal, no full proposals are accepted) *) The intention of the WGS Sandwich PhD is to support brain-gain for the home institute of your Sandwich PhD candidate, in partnership with Wageningen University. Sandwich PhD candidates are therefore required to conduct most of their research at the institutes in their home countries. It must be clear from the application that the candidate’s PhD training will contribute to the brain-gain of the home institute: 1. Proven (financial) support during the fieldwork period is a prerequisite. 2. Employment of the PhD candidate after completion of the PhD Programme at the home institute is a prerequisite. Applications for PhD students without any further linkage to the home institute will not be taken into consideration. Outline of the WGS sandwich Phd: A WGS Sandwich PhD comprises: Personnel expenses Visa, tewerkstellingsvergunning, IND International travel expenses Settling allowance, book allowance, sending home study material Field visit supervisor Use of facilities Total Nr of payments 18 x € 1900 3 x € 1000 3 x € 1400 1 x € 550 2 x € 2.250 18 x € 500 Total € 34.200 € 3.000 € 4.200 € 550 € 4.500 max. € 9.000 € 55.450 max. Please note that the Sandwich PhD candidate will be offered a PhD-L labour contract to cover the months spent at Wageningen. The monthly allowance will be the same as the legal Dutch minimum wage ± €1500,- Questions: If you have any questions about this form or the procedure, please contact WGS SANDWICH PHD APPLICATION 201. CHECKLIST FOR WGS SANDWICH Phd APPLICATIONS In the last rounds of the WGS sandwich PhD , many of the applications were submitted incomplete, and/or past the deadline. This has caused delays in the selection of the PhD’s. The checklist below is therefore developed as a reminder of the documents that must be included in the application. Applications, including all required additional documents (as listed below) must be submitted through SURFfilesenderat the latest on........... ( Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration. Checklist of Required Documents Letter of support form the local institute involved CV of the supervisor in the home institute Photocopy of the passport of the candidate (necessary for a visa application. Please make sure the passport is valid) CV of the candidate Photocopy of the BSc diploma* (if not in English, include the copies of the original diploma as well as official translations) Photocopy of transcripts of BSc records (if not in English, include the copies of the original transcripts as well as official translations) Photocopy of the MSc diploma * (if not in English, include the copies of the original transcripts as well as official translations) Photocopy of transcripts of MSc records (if not in English, include the copies of the original transcripts as well as official translations) TOEFL or IELTS test results** Other documents included in the application (publications, MSc theses, etc) will not be forwarded to the selection committee. This includes certificates of participation in workshops, awards etc. It suffices to mention these in the resume of the candidate. * Diplomas The required BSc and MSc documentation is necessary for the official evaluation of diplomas: in case a WGS sandwich Phd is awarded, these documents will be sent to NUFFIC for a diploma evaluation. This is part of the process of formally admitting PhD candidates to Wageningen University, as described under Dutch law. ** English requirements Proof of English proficiency is a prerequisite for entering the PhD Programme of Wageningen University. Only TOEFL or IELTS test results are accepted as such. This means that statements by supervisors or the local institute cannot be accepted. Please note that the TOEFL or IELTS exams must be scheduled well in advance. The test results may not be handed in after the deadline for sandwich applications. TOEFL or IELTS test results are not necessary if the candidate: is a national from an Anglophone country obtained an MSc degree in an Anglophone country, or the language of instruction was English. is an alumnus of Wageningen University or any other Dutch University.