After School Zone 465 Westgate Pkwy Dothan, AL 36303 E NTRANCE D ATE : _____________________________________________________ C HILD ’ S N AME : ______________________________________________________ DOB : _________________ GRADE: _______ AGE: ________ SEX: _________ S PECIAL N EEDS : ______________________________________________________ A LLERGIES : ___________________________________________________________ C URRENTLY P RESCRIBED M EDICATION : _______________________________________ A DDRESS : ______________________________________________________ STREET CITY STATE ZIP F ATHER : ___________________________ H OME P HONE : _____________________ E MPLOYED B Y : ______________________ P HONE : _______________________ M OTHER : __________________________ H OME P HONE : _____________________ E MPLOYED B Y : ______________________ P HONE : _______________________ P ARENT E- MAIL A DDRESS : ________________________________________________________ C HILD ’ S L IVING A RRANGEMENTS : __________________________________________ P EDIATRICIAN ’ S N AME : __________________________ P HONE : ________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT OTHER THAN PARENT OR DOCTOR N AME : _____________________________ P HONE : _________________ A DDRESS : ___________________________________________________________ R ELATIONSHIP T O C HILD : ________________________________________________ The child may be released ONLY to the person(s) signing this application and those listed below: NAME PHONE # RELATIONSHIP P ARENT S IGNATURE _____________________________________ D ATE _______________ After School Zone A non-profit organization operated by After School Zone, Inc. 2015-16 School Year POLICIES & PARENT AGREEMENT 1. After School Zone serves children ages 5-13 years. 2. After School Zone will be open from school dismissal until 6:00 pm. 3. I understand After School Zone is a Christian program, including prayers and scripture as a part of our program. 4. If my child has a “special need”, I agree to inform ASZ management of this need upon registration. 5. I agree to pay the registration fee of $25, per child, at the time of enrollment. If I withdraw my child from the ASZ, I understand that the registration fee is nonrefundable and must be renewed upon re-enrollment. 6. In the case of withdrawing my child from the ASZ, I agree to give one week’s notice. If this notice is not given, I agree to pay one week’s tuition in lieu of the notice. 7. I agree to pay, IN ADVANCE, a weekly tuition fee of $39.00 for each week. Payment should be received no later than Monday at 6:00pm for the upcoming week. A late fee of $25.00 will be added after 6:00pm Monday. Your child may not be permitted to attend the ASZ unless fees are paid in full. ASZ has the right to take legal action to recover any unpaid accounts and to recover any fees associated with the collection of said tuition. 8. I agree that there will be no reduction in tuition for absenteeism. 9. I agree to pay a $30 fee for a returned check. ASZ will then have the right to refuse any future check. 10. The ASZ will be open from 3:30pm until 6:00pm. 11. I understand that my child must be signed out daily and will not be allowed to exit the building without being signed out by a parent or approved adult that I have designated on my initial application/registration. 12. I understand my child may not be dropped off at the door when attending ASZ Day Camp during school holidays. I agree to pay $12.00 per day, per child, in addition to weekly tuition, when ASZ is open for Day Camp during school holidays. Day Camp hours are 6:30am-6:00pm. (President’s Day, Labor Day, Fall Break, etc.) 13. I agree to pay a $5.00 late fee for each 15 minutes past 6:00pm that I am late picking up/signing out my child. 14. If a child, scheduled to be picked up by ASZ from public or private school, does not need transportation for any given day, the parent MUST NOTIFY the ASZ at least one (1) full hour before the scheduled pickup time. Violation of this policy will result in a warning for the first occurrence. Subsequent violation will result in a penalty of $5.00 per occurrence. Repeat violations may result in disenrollment of the child/children. By signing this agreement, you are giving the ASZ permission to transport your child/children to the ASZ facility by the ASZ buses. 15. IF SCHOOL IS DISMISSED DUE TO BAD WEATHER, ASZ WILL NOT PICK UP YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN. PARENTS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PICKING UP THEIR CHILD/CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL. 16. Parents will be called to pick up children who become ill. Parents will have one (1) hour to pick up the child after being called. Children with contagious diseases may not return to the ASZ without a signed statement from a physician indicating that the child is no longer contagious. 17. By signing this agreement, I give ASZ staff my permission to administer first aid or obtain emergency medical treatment in the child’s best interest, in case of an emergency. 18. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ASZ & THE FUN ZONE DOES NOT CARRY LIABILITY INSURANCE OR ACCIDENT POLICIES. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. By signing this agreement, you are acknowledging this. 19. I understand that personal items, including toys, iPods/mp3 players, or handheld games are not allowed at the ASZ. If items are brought, it will not be the responsibility of ASZ if lost, damaged, or stolen. 20. Discipline and guidance during the ASZ is consistent and based on individual needs and development. We will promote self-discipline and positive behavior. Physical punishment is NEVER permitted. Instead, we use supervised ‘time-outs’. If consistent, privileges may also be taken away. If discipline issues continue, parents will be notified immediately for discussion with the staff/counselors. 21. Should the management of the ASZ determine for any reason, in its sole discretion, that a child should be released from the program, the child’s enrollment may be discharged and this agreement terminated. 22. I understand it is my responsibility as a parent/guardian to notify the ASZ Staff of any change in contact & address information. This includes, but not limited to, name, address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc. ASZ is not responsible for consequences arising from outdated, incorrect, or missing information. 23. I understand that tuition for the ASZ program, during the school year, must be paid to hold a child’s place on the buses or vans. If your child is absent or missing a week, tuition is still due. We take drop-ins for the ASZ program when space is available. The full weekly amount must be paid. We will work with parents who share custody of their child/children. 24. To avoid any confusion between parents, staff, and children, once you have signed your child out for the day, you must take them with you. Parents/guardians of children who will participate in “parents’ night out” must notify staff. Children who have not been identified as ‘staying late’ will incur a $5.00 late fee per 15 minutes after 6:00pm. 25. The parent agreement is subject to change in whole or in part by the management upon one (1) week’s notice. I am in full agreement to the rules & policies outlines in this agreement. Printed name of Parent/Guardian Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of ASZ Director Date Date Thank you and we look forward to an enjoyable school year with your child/children! After School Zone Program 2015-16 School Year TRANSPORTATION RULES Vehicle safety is something that we take very seriously at Fun Zone. We have rules to cover some of the do’s and don’ts. Please read them and discuss them with your child. Seat belts must be worn at all times in vans/buses. They should be ‘snug’ around the waist. (If there are any questions about proper use of a seat belt, please make sure your child knows what ‘snug’ is, or ask us to show proper seat belt use.) Stay in your seat until your driver or leader opens the van/bus door. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves. No yelling or loud voices allowed on the vans/limo/buses. All personal items must stay in book bags or backpacks while on the limo. No eating or drinking on the vans/limo. Feet do not go on the seats or against the seat in front of us. Seat belts are safety tools. They are not to be yanked, tugged, or pulled hard. I have read and understand all of the rules as stated. I also understand that there may be other rules not listed that will be enforced for safety, fairness, and order. I also state that I have gone over these rules with my child that he/she understands them. Any infraction of these rules may result in ‘time-out’, or your child may be prohibited from riding in our vehicles. In severe cases, or repeat occurrences, suspension may result. Signature of Parent/Guardian Printed name of Parent/Guardian Printed Child’s Name Date After School Zone Program Although we do not like to hear it, there are rules in all aspects of life. Our rules here at the ASZ are designed to maintain safety and a spirit of fairness and fun for all. Some of the rules are as follows. Please read these and discuss them with your child. No running inside of the building. No gum inside Fun Zone. No foul language or words of mean intent (slander). No chasing or playing tag on the skate floor. No throwing objects indoors. No standing, walking, or climbing over tables and chairs. Feet should stay on the floor. No leaving your group without permission. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Physical violence will not be tolerated and will be disciplined in the correct manner. Only ride roller racers by sitting down. Do not ride them with your knees or by standing. Only go on the skate floor with skates on. Only walk on the skate floor when you are riding a roller racer. Hats and other headwear are not permitted while in the center. Shoes will be worn at all times, except while using roller racers. There will be no playing in the bathroom. They are strictly for changing and using the bathroom. Always be obedient and SHOW RESPECT TO ALL STAFF. I have read and understand all of the rules as stated. I understand that there are rules that are not listed, but will be enforced for safety, fairness, and order. I also state that I have gone over the rules with my child and he/she understands them. Any infraction of the rules may result in ‘time-out’. Based on the severity and occurrence, suspension may result. Signature of Parent/Guardian Printed Name of Parent/Guardian Printed Name of Child Date TODAY’S DATE: ________________ CHILD’S SCHOOL: _____________________________ CHILD EMERGENCY INFORMATION SHEET CHILD’S NAME: _________________________________ DOB: _____________________ ADDRESS _________________________ CITY______________ ST___ ZIP ____________ GUARDIAN #1 NAME: __________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD__________ HOME PHONE: _______________ CELL: _______________ WORK: _______________ GUARDIAN #2 NAME: __________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD__________ HOME PHONE: _______________ CELL: _______________ WORK: _______________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, WHEN NEITHER PARENT/GUARDIAN CAN BE REACHED, PLEASE CONTACT: NAME: __________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD: _____________________ HOME PHONE: _______________ CELL: ________________ WORK: _________________ FAMILY DOCTOR: __________________________ PHONE: _____________________ I GIVE PERMISSION TO AFTER SCHOOL ZONE TO USE WHATEVER EMERGENCY MEASURES ARE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR THE CARE AND PROTECTION OF MY CHILD, ________________________, WHILE UNDER THEIR SUPERVISION. IT IS UNDERSTOOD, THAT IN SOME MEDICAL SITUATIONS, THE STAFF WILL NEED TO CONTACT THE LOCAL EMERGENCY RESOURCE BEFORE THE PARENT, CHILD’S PHYSICIAN, AND/OR OTHER ADULT ACTING ON PARENT’S BEHALF. IN AN EMERGENCY, I UNDERSTAND THAT MY CHILD WILL BE TRANSPORTED TO FLOWERS HOSPITAL, BY THE LOCAL EMERGENCY UNIT FOR TREATMENT, IF THE LOCAL EMERGENCY UNIT RESOURCE DEEMS IT NECESSARY. THE CHILD WILL BE RELEASED ONLY TO THE GUARDIANS LISTED ABOVE, OR TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: NAME: _______________________________ PHONE: ___________________ NAME: _______________________________ PHONE: ___________________ NAME: _______________________________ PHONE: ___________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date