Paredes Becoming an Astrophysicist Essay

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Becoming an Astrophysicist
Danielle Paredes
6th Period Reading/Language Arts
Richard Rorabaugh MAEd
January 16, 201
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Becoming an Astrophysicist
The sky that we see is decorated with billions of stars and a lone moon. Surpassing the
human eye, the sky that we know is a universe filled with trillions of celestial bodies, such as,
black holes, planets, stars, and galaxies. Many are interested and are sucked into finding what
happens in the universe. Astrophysicists study this unknown region and give answers to those
questions. With the feeding of our curiosity comes much responsibilities and work for an
“Astrophysicists use the principles of physics to study the solar system, stars, galaxies,
and the universe.”(Infobase Publishing p. 174). The job of an astrophysicist may seem to be
simple and can be easily achieved; however, there is much more to the job than what meets the
eye. “As you mature in your career you’ll start doing more coordinating tasks, by which I mean
designing new projects, coordinating other researchers, designing the telescopes and instruments
needed to make the observations, and writing the funding requests necessary to get the money
needed to make those projects a success.”(The University of Queensland para. 10). However,
there are students that have majored in astrophysics and grew into the job as a research assistant
for higher level astrophysicists.
The hours of how long an astrophysicist works is not exact. It will depend on what
position or level he or she is at. Though, the time of an astrophysicist is tedious. They are often
required to pull all-nighters to finish or improve their projects.
Jobs in astrophysics require a great deal of traveling to be able to share their works with
other astrophysicists. “Typically it is necessary to spend several years overseas in various
postdoctoral positions and if you are limited to a certain location then it can be hard to find a job
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at the time you need one.”(The University of Queensland para. 12). Traveling is also required to
help view the universe from different parts of the world and make more accurate observations.
There are many habits that can be conjured up in middle school, such as, viewing the,
stars, or planets daily with binoculars or a telescope. There are also local clubs that feature
astronomy and physics that educate children about the universe. “Joining local astronomy clubs
and participating in related events can be an early way for aspiring astrophysicists to meet people
in the field and develop an understanding of the scientific community.”(Education Portal para.
There are basic classes taken in high school to contribute to their growth for astrophysics.
The basic classes are science and mathematics and there are also more advanced classes still
based off of the subject. However, there are also prestigious programs that greatly help fill up
the student’s knowledge about astrophysics. “These programs teach students about relativity,
quantum mechanics, nuclear and particle physics, molecular physics, thermodynamics, and
electromagnetism.”(Astrophysicist para. 5).
The degree an astrophysicist must earn after college is extremely hard to reach and is a
long process. “With a bachelor’s degree in physics, astronomy, or mathematics, you may find
work as a research assistant. You must earn at least a master’s degree and preferably a Ph.D. to
conduct research or teach.” (Infobase Publishing p. 175). There are many ways to achieve that
high degree by doing hands-on experience. “They also complete laboratory and planetarium
course work to gain hands-on experience.”(Degree Finders para. 2). Students now also begin
early in astrophysics and try to experience the daily job of an astrophysicist. “Many aspiring
astrophysicists complete internships and conduct research with experienced astrophysicists to
gain practical experience in the field.”(Degree Finders para. 2).
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Present-day astrophysicists and future astrophysicists have gone through much and will
continue to work harder in their projects. The future will soon be filled with knowledgeable
astrophysicist and continue to unlock the secrets of the universe.