MINUTES NAMI North Carolina Board of Directors May 17, 2014 9

NAMI North Carolina Board of Directors
May 17, 2014
Alamance Regional Medical Center
Room 1A114 (Video Conferencing Room)
1240 Huffman Mill Road, Burlington, NC 27215
The mission of NAMI North Carolina is to promote recovery and optimize the quality of life for those
affected by mental illness.
Members present: Mike Mayer, Carol Matthieu, Joanna Bowen, Art Springer, Anthony Pugh, Marc Jacques, Julie
McCormick (phone), Michael McDonald (phone), Mike McMichael (phone)
Members on leave: None
Members excused: Tim Nordgren, Amy Singleton, Victor Armstrong, Jack Glenn, Suzanne Martin, Virginia Hill
Members unexcused: Mary Mandell
ED and Staff: Deby Dihoff, Executive Director
Welcome and Introduction:
Board President Mike Mayer called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. A quorum is present.
Motion to approve the minutes of the NAMI NC Board meeting on March 15, 2014; Marc Jacques moved; Art
Springer seconded; motion carried.
Update on Consumer Council:
The Consumer Council continues to work with consultant Larry Swabe on meetings and communication. The Council
will hold its yearly retreat at Camp New Hope on June 7. Plans for the retreat topic and speakers were not available.
Discussion on Executive Committee options:
Mike Mayer reiterated the need for an executive committee to address timely business that arises between board meetings,
and that needs diverse input and discussion; recommends the committee remain as defined in the Bylaws.
Marc Jacques said the Consumer Council wants a consumer member on the Executive Committee because it needs lived
experience in the mix.
A board member recommended that the current Executive Committee poll its members to determine the number of
consumers already on the committee.
Mike Mayer suggested a statement from the executive committee to operate with intent to include diverse voices.
Motion to adopt a policy to stipulate that the Executive Committee include a “consumer with lived experience” in
the at-large seats; Marc Jacques moved; no second; motion failed on lack of second.
Motion to adopt a NAMI North Carolina “policy of preference” for the Executive Committee to include one or
more members with the lived experience of mental illness; Joanna Bowen moved; Marc Jacques seconded; motion
Financial Report and 2015 Budget Approval:
 Deby reported on behalf of Jack Glenn. Budget documents and reports were included in the Board packet.
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Mike Mayer commented that NAMI NC is in very financially stable condition with new opportunities to have greater
impact in all areas of support, education, and advocacy.
All the plans from the scope of work in the Division contract have been integrated – new staff, new programs,
additions to the helpline resources.
Deby has ask that Jennifer Rothman have signature authority when needed, and make other decisions as needed, while
she is gone for four weeks beginning late June. The Executive Committee approved this request at its last meeting.
Deby is adding money to diversity initiatives, specifically the Latino Council, to build on the momentum the group is
experiencing through volunteers; also added money to the CC, Vet Council, and affiliate incentives
She has contracted with Dani Glazer to plan the attorney pro bono work, using the Texas Appleseed Project as the
basis for our project; editing it to make it fit/useful in NC; Joanna Bowen has permission from the project to use the
materials; needs to be accessible to public defenders.
CIT grant is $33K for the conference; covers expected expenses with a planned profit
NAMI NC’s annual budget has now increased from $805K to $1.1M.
The LME education program grants continue to be funded and are increasing; Deby built this revenue source through
relationships with the LME’s; Brenda Piper continues to be an excellent liaison for these contracts that benefit
affiliates and NAMI NC.
Budget for the FY beginning 7/1/2014 includes 1.5% ATB increase after 6 months of employment; 3% bonus/merit
pay fund available for Deby to use; retirement match increase to 2.5%
We are seeing an increase in corporate memberships thanks to Robin Kellogg’s outreach to businesses and large
We will potentially spend around $15,500, or 5% of each endowment based on the criteria for each.
Motion to approve the NAMI NC Budget for FY2014-15; motion was made out of committee; motion passed.
Discussion of Membership Issues:
 Deby reviewed the membership report in the packet. Small affiliates struggle, membership (joining and renewing) is
a difficult process, decreased numbers of professionals who are members due to reduction in positions in the LME’s;
360 continues to be a problem.
 Recommend we separate renewal of existing memberships from a membership drive. NAMI has changed the rule of
I/Family membership status. Each $35 fee covers one person, not a couple or family. Mail can be sent, for example,
to a couple, but only one person is the actual member.
 360 continues to be difficult to maneuver; based on action at the 3/15 Board meeting, the office will do membership
for affiliates who ask; a personnel issue has led to backlog in membership records; may stop using Donor Perfect for
 In a membership drive, it is important to do outreach to traditional and non-traditional allies, friends of NAMI, get
past the stigma.
 Membership renewal is a rolling process, therefore each person’s renewal date is different. A yearly membership
drive in an affiliate could focus on new partners, new segments of the community to learn about NAMI.
 Membership is an affiliate responsibility, they are the grassroots recruiters.
 Suggest NAMI NC create a media/marketing package for affiliates to use in recruiting members, targeted to different
audiences and non-traditional contacts in communities
Re-Affiliation Procedures – Preliminary Approval Process
Deby presented a draft plan for NAMI NC’s endorsement of affiliates. It will take approximately three years to cover all
NC affiliates. There are no deadlines associated with re-affiliation but the goal is to present the process as a way toward a
bigger and better organization. Presentation will be the key for keeping that goal in mind. NAMI NC will make it slow
and helpful with technical assistance that emphasizes something affiliates can do right away to jump start an area they
need to work on.
Endorsement begins with two staff reviewers doing an internal review of checklist, self-assessment, documents, etc.;
written findings reviewed by ED; then site visit and report from that
Suggestion: ask affiliate people to be part of the review process (but not for their own affiliate)
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Make the re-affiliation progress/status a regular agenda item for Board meetings with a brief update and details included
in the Board packet.
Motion to approve the NAMI NC Re-Affiliation Process for Endorsement of Affiliates; Carol Matthieu moved;
Marc Jacques seconded; motion passed.
Program Updates:
 NAMIWalks recap – An amazing event, and congratulations to Robin Kellogg as Walk Manager for her first
NAMIWalks. Deby commented that the days leading up to the Walk were very organized and went very smoothly.
We will continue to take donations until 6/30/14. Deby will get the Gator-Ade (not really) treatment if we reach our
goal of $130K by that date! Holly Hill was an amazing participant in the Walk with generous sponsorship and team
effort. Thank you Michael McDonald! Anthony Pugh was in his element as a greeter, talking personally with so
many people who came to be a part of this great event.
 Mental Illness, Your Client, and the Criminal Law – see budget discussion for more on Texas Appleseed Project
 CIT – A result of the statewide growth in CIT training occurred, unfortunately, after the death of a young man being
transported by EMT in Alexander County; Deby met with people associated with this tragedy; clearly a shift going
on in our state because of their post-event eagerness to change and listen after such an awful death of a seriously ill
and abused person.
 Mental Health First Aid – NAMI NC’s efforts will increase the number of people being trained
 Deby has been approached by Capital Broadcasting to participate in an Anti-Stigma Campaign project, some of the
work done by a film company in California. She sent an email several weeks ago about the project – an important
opportunity for us; will use some of the new contract money for this project.
NAMI NC Board Retreat – Need to plan for 11/15/14; ask Board for input on location and agenda; retreat Committee:
Mike Mayer, Virginia Hill, Anthony Pugh, and Carol Matthieu
NAMI NC Procurement Policy – new policy created to fulfill a requirement often found in grant applications; recently
needed for grants related to the CIT Conference
Motion to approve NAMI NC’s Procurement Policy; Carol Matthieu moved; Art Springer seconded; motion
Deby ask for Board action on a new affiliate, NAMI Healing Choices of Gaston and Lincoln Counties.
Motion to approve the new affiliate; Joanna Bowen moved; Art Springer seconded; motion passed.
New Business:
Mike Mayer asked for a letter of support from NAMI North Carolina for The Community Outreach and Wellness Center,
a facility/program being developed by his church, Word of Life Family Church, located in Burlington. The center is
being created to help address the needs of people in Alamance County who experience substance abuse and relapse and
co-occurring sa/mi. Based on data in the Community Needs Assessment for Alamance County, the average age for firsttime substance abuse is 12 and the age of first episode of psychosis resulting in an ER visit is 15.
Motion to write a letter of support to Word of Life Family Church for The Community Outreach and Wellness
Center, Burlington NC; Marc Jacques moved; Art Springer seconded; motion passed.
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Marc Jacques announced that he would like to run for the NAMI Board and is asking for the endorsement of the NAMI
NC Board to proceed with the paperwork. Marc is already serving on the Executive Committee of the NAMI Consumer
Council, chairs the NAMI NC Consumer Council, serves on the Board of NAMI North Carolina, and is employed as the
Executive Director of the North Carolina Mental Health Consumers Organization.
Marc was asked about his constituency in that election and who he actually represents. He would be representing the
entire national membership of NAMI since that is who votes for those board members. In response to a question about his
platform, he stated that he wants to work at the national level on policy around the use of assisted outpatient treatment
(AOT). He generally opposes AOT but acknowledges that it is appropriate for some people.
Motion to endorse Marc Jacques for NAMI Board nomination; Joanna moved; Mike McMichael seconded; motion
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 by consensus.
Next Board meeting will be September 20, 2014 at Alamance Regional Medical Center
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Matthieu, Secretary
NAMI NC Board of Directors
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