Stage: 5 Module 6: Where We Are In Place and Time Dates: November 4th to December 20th Learning Objectives – an overview Framework Code Learning Objective Ongoing (O) Unit ref (1A, 2B etc) Use of English Use English accurately and clearly to respond, ask and express when speaking and writing (Cambridge ESOL)5UE4 use a growing range of determiners including all, other on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5UE1 use a growing range of noun phrases describing times and location; on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often, how long; use a growing range of tag questions; on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5UE3 use a growing range of participle adjectives and a growing range of adjectives in the correct order in front of nouns on a range general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5UE6 use a growing range of personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns including someone, somebody, everybody, no-one on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5UE15 use common verbs followed by infinitive verb/verb + ing patterns; use infinitive of purpose; on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5UE12 use a growing range of adverbs, including adverbs of degree too, not enough, quite, rather; use pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs; on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a growing range of general Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 and curricular topics (Cambridge ESOL)5UE14 use a growing range of prepositions of time, location and direction; use by and with to denote agent and instrument; use prepositions preceding nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases; on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE16 use conjunctions if, when, where, so, and, or, but, because, before, after to link parts of sentences in short texts on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV3 spell and make correct use of possessive pronouns, e.g. their, theirs, my, mine. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV11 revise grammatical homophones, e.g. they’re, their, there. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV16 collect synonyms and opposites and investigate shades of meaning. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV13 identify unfamiliar words, explore definitions and use new words in context. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV18 identify word roots and derivations to support spelling and vocabulary, e.g. sign, signal, signature. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV10 investigate ways of creating opposites, e.g. un-, im- and comparatives, e.g. -er, -est. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV15 use a thesaurus to extend vocabulary and choice of words. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV19 Module 4 investigate the origin and appropriate use of idiomatic phrases. Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE8 use future will and shall to make offers, promises, predictions, on a growing range of general and curricular topic Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE9 use a growing range of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE11 use common impersonal structures with it, there on a growing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE7 use simple perfect forms to express what has happened [indefinite and unfinished past with for and since] on a growing (Cambridge ESOL) 5UE17 range of general and curricular topics NEW use subordinate clauses following think, know, believe, hope, say tell; use subordinate clauses following sure, certain; use a growing range of defining relative clauses with which, who, that, where; on a growing range of general NEW LISTENING Use active listening strategies to enhance listening comprehension (Cambridge ESOL)5EL1 listen attentively to others and demonstrate understanding of longer sequences of supported classroom instructions Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Young Hoon) 5YHSL1 listen and remember a sequence of instructions Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL) 5EL5 listen attentively to others and demonstrate understand most specific information and detail of supported , extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL) 5EL4 listen attentively to others and demonstrate understanding of, with limited support, the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 3 (Cambridge ESOL) 5EL8 listen attentively to others and demonstrate understanding of narratives, including some extended talk , on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge ESOL) 5EL6 listen to others and deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge ESOL) 5EL3 listen attentively to others and demonstrate understanding of more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics NEW READING (Author Study) Use the general skills and strategies of the reading process to comprehend (Cambridge PECF)5PSV1 investigate the spelling of word-final unstressed vowels, e.g. the unstressed ‘er’ at the end of butter and unstressed ‘ee’ at the end of city Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5 ER1 recognize, identify and sound, with little or no support, a wide range of language at text level Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF)5PSV2 recognize a range of less common letter strings in words which may be pronounced differently. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV4 identify ‘silent’ vowels in polysyllabic words, e.g. library, interest Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV9 extend earlier work on prefixes and suffixes, recognizing that different spelling rules apply for suffixes which begin with vowels and those that begin with consonants Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV6 learn spelling rules for words ending in -e and -y, e.g. take/taking, try/tries Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF)5PSV7 know rules for doubling consonants and investigate patterns in the use of single and double consonants, e.g. full/-ful Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF)5PSV8 investigate spelling patterns for pluralisation, e.g. -s, -es, y/-ies,-f/-ves Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5GPR4 identify direct and reported speech. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5GPR3 Use conventions of standard English, e.g. agreement of verbs. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Young Hoon) 5YHRF1 extend the range of common words recognized on sight. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Clay, Marie) 5YHRC1 self-monitor reading behaviors to watch oneself as a reader and take responsibility and solve the problem for decoding or comprehension Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHRC2 (Clay, Marie) use meaning to support the reading process including semantics: illustrations, vocabulary, concepts and background knowledge; and pragmatics: understanding the implicit rules of communication Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHRC3 (Clay, Marie) use structure of the text to support the reading process including syntax: language or sentence structure governed by grammar rules grammar: rules that prescribe the composition of sentences , phrases and words. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHRC4 (Clay, Marie) use visual cues: phonetic awareness of common letter/sound relationships, beginning and ending consonants, vowel sounds, blends, word patterns such as syllables, basic prefixes, suffixes, root words, compound words, spelling patterns, contractions, to decode unknown words. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHRC5 (Clay, Marie) search and reread to look for information to fix up the tricky part Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHRC6 (Clay, Marie) crosscheck and reread one kind of information with another such as words with picture or prior knowledge Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHRC7 (Clay, Marie) self corrects by monitoring, searching and crosschecking to fix up the tricky part Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Young Hoon) 5 YHRfnf ask critical questions before , during and after reading to support comprehension Ongoing from module 3 (Young Hoon) 5 YHRfnf visualize the text using background knowledge to make pictures and or a movie of what is read including position, distance, time, size, color, sounds, smells, Ongoing from module 3 (Young Hoon) 5 YHRfnf activate background knowledge, Text to text, self and the world, to support comprehension Ongoing from module 3 (Young Hoon) 5 YHRfnf infer, merging background knowledge with clues in the text to come up with an idea that is not explicitly stated by the author (Harvey ch. 9, 2007) Ongoing from module 3 (Young Hoon) 5 YHRfnf compare and contrast to explain how things are the same or different Ongoing from module 3 (Cambridge ESOL) 5ER7 state the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on Ongoing 4 a limited range of general and curricular topics (Cambridge ESOL) 5 ER4 restate the main points of a range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics by using contextual clues Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge ESOL) 5 ER5 restate, with little or no support, specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Rf3 compare the structure of different stories Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Rf8 consider how a writer expresses their own point of view, e.g. how characters are presented Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Rf4 comment on a writer’s use of language and explain reasons for writer’s choices. Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Rf7 identify the point of view from which a story is told Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Rf2 provide accurate textual reference from more than one point in a story to support answers to questions. Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Rf5 begin to interpret imagery and techniques, e.g. metaphor, personification, simile, adding to understanding beyond the literal Ongoing from module 5 (Young Hoon) 5Rn1 identify the elements of the story, e.g. characters, setting, plot, problem, solution and conclusion. Ongoing from module 5 (Young Hoon) 5Rn2 identify the text features of a narrative: title, author, illustrator, illustrations, single and two page spread Ongoing from module 5 (Cambridge PECF)5Rf10 compare and evaluate the print and film versions of a novel or play. Ongoing from module 5 (Young Hoon) 5Rfas 1 make connections, with a no support between the author’s life and work, to understand their process i.e. from where do they get their ideas? (Young Hoon) 5Rfas 2 identify with no support, the techniques the author uses. i.e details, structures, use of illustrations and text features see Appendix Techniques framework Lucy Calkins (Young Hoon) 5Rfas 3 critically analysis with support the relationship between the text and the illustrations see appendix New New New Techniques framework Lucy Calkins (Young Hoon) 5Rfas 4 identify the theme or message, in the story see Appendix Theme Chart Lucy Calkins (Young Hoon) 5Rfas 5 identify similarities and differences in characters, setting plot, problems and resolution across books read New New SPEAKING Use oral language to respond, ask and express (Cambridge ask questions to find out general information on a range Ongoing from ESOL)5ES2 of general and curricular topics module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5ES4 respond, with limited flexibility, at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 5YHS1 answer questions and explain further when asked Ongoing from module 2 and 3 5YHS2 communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during pair, group and whole class exchanges (to describe a procedure) Ongoing from module 2 and 3 (Young Hoon)5YHSL1 organise talk at sentence level using connectors on an increasing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5ES7 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 Cambridge PECF5SL1 shape and organise ideas clearly when speaking to aid listener. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Young Hoon) 5YHSL adapt tone of voice, use of vocabulary and non-verbal features for different audiences Ongoing from module 4 (Young Hoon) 5YHSL speak clearly and confidently in a range of contexts, including longer speaking turns Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge ESOL) 5ES8 relate some extended stories and events on a limited range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 5 Cambridge PECF 5SL10 convey ideas about characters in drama through deliberate choice of speech, gesture and movement. Ongoing from module 5 Young Hoon (YLE Syllabus Flyers 1,12,19, and 20) 5YHSL respond to basic questions on a range of general and curricular topics NEW (YLE Syllabus Flyers-5 20) Young Hoon 5YHSL describe basic present and past actions on a limited range of general and curricular topics NEW Cambridge PECF 5SL3 talk confidently in extended turns and listen purposefully in a range of contexts. NEW WRITING (Author Study) Use the general skills and strategies of the writing process (Cambridge ESOL)5EW6 use, with little or no support, appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge ESOL)5EW1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level, with support, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 Young Hoon 5YHWf use fiction texts as a model for writing fiction (Cambridge ESOL) 5EW2 write, with support, about factual and imaginary past events,activities and experiences in a paragraph on a limited range of general and curricular topics (Cambridge ESOL)5EW5 link, with little or no support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using a variety of basic connectors on a growing range of general and curricular topics Young Hoon 5YHWf (Cambridge PECF) 5Wf6 Ongoing from module 5 use paragraphs more consistently to organize and sequence ideas. begin to attempt to establish links between paragraphs using adverbials Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 Ongoing from module 5 Ongoing from module 5 Ongoing from module 3 Blue book English Grammar pp. 365-386 Young Hoon 5YHWNF1 elaborate on basic information with detail with limited support Ongoing from module 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5PSV9 extend earlier work on prefixes and suffixes, recognizing that different spelling rules apply for suffixes which begin with vowels and those that begin with consonants Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Young Hoon) 5YHPSV secure the spelling of high frequency words and common irregular words. Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 (Cambridge use effective strategies for learning new spellings and Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 PECF)5PSV5 misspelt words (Cambridge ESOL) 5EW8 punctuate written work at text level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics with some accuracy when writing independently Ongoing from module 3 (Cambridge PECF) 5GPW4 use an increasing range of subordinating connectives sentences. although, before, until, while, because, and if Because we were bored, we decided to go to the movies Ongoing from module 4 (Cambridge PECF) 5Wf4 choose words and phrases carefully to convey feeling and atmosphere Ongoing from Module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5Wf8 use imagery and figurative language to evoke imaginative response Ongoing from Module 5 (Cambridge PECF) 5GPW3 begin to set out dialogue appropriately, using a range of punctuation Ongoing from Module 5 Cambridge PECF) 5GPW6 use pronouns, making clear to what or to whom they refer Ongoing from Module 5 Young Hoon 5YHwf explore alternative openings and endings for stories Ongoing from Module 5 Young Hoon 5YHwf use varying tenses within texts, e.g. in dialogue. Ongoing from Module 5 5YHW use the elements and appropriate text features of narrative writing to create the final product Ongoing from Module 5 (Young Hoon) 5YHWas1 emulate an author’s style and process to create an original text (Young Hoon) 5YHWas2 use the techniques, i.e. details, structures, illustrations and text features the author uses to create a story (Cambridge ESOL)5EW4 use joined-up handwriting in a wide range of written work across the curriculum with speed and fluency MATH Use and reflect upon the concepts of problem solving Using techniques and skills in solving mathematical problems 5Pt1 understand everyday systems of measurement in length, weight, capacity, temperature and time and NEW NEW Ongoing from module 1, 2 and 3 use these to perform simple calculations. 5Pt2 solve single and multi-step word problems (all four operations); represent them, e.g. with diagrams or a number line. 5Pt3 check with a different order when adding several numbers or by using the inverse when adding or subtracting a pair of numbers. 5Pt4 use multiplication to check the result of a division, e.g. multiply 3.7 × 8 to check 29.6 ÷ 8. 5Pt5 recognise the relationships between different 2D and 3D shapes, e.g. a face of a cube is a square. 5Pt6 estimate and approximate when calculating, e.g. using rounding, and check working. 5Pt7 consider whether an answer is reasonable in the context of a problem Using understanding and strategies in solving problems 5Ps1 understand everyday systems of measurement in length, weight, capacity, temperature and time and use these to perform simple calculations. 5Ps2 choose an appropriate strategy for a calculation and explain how they worked out the answer. 5Ps3 explore and solve number problems and puzzles, e.g. logic problems. 5Ps4 deduce new information from existing information to solve problems 5Ps5 use ordered lists and tables to help to solve problems systematically. 5PS6 describe and continue number sequences, e.g. –30, –27, �, �, – 18...; identify the relationships between numbers. 5PS7 identify simple relationships between shapes, e.g. these triangles are all isosceles because ... 5Ps8 investigate a simple general statement by finding examples which do or do not satisfy it, e.g. the sum of three consecutive whole numbers is always a multiple of three. 5Ps9 explain methods and justify reasoning orally and in writing; make hypotheses and test them out. SCIENCE 3 Sharing the Planet/Where we are in Place and Time Construct knowledge and understanding of the main ideas and concepts of science and apply these to interpret, integrate and extend their knowledge as it applies to Biology, Chemistry and Physics Physics The Earth and Beyond 5Pe1 describe and explain, through modeling, how the sun does not move; its apparent movement is caused by the Earth spinning on its axis 5Pe2 describe and explain how the Earth spins on its axis once in every 24 hours 5Pe3 describe and explain how the Earth takes a year to orbit the sun, spinning as it goes 5Pe4 research the lives and discoveries of scientists who explored the solar system and stars