CAPCSD Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 14-15, 2015 Newport Beach, CA Members in Attendance: Carol Dudding, Mary Hardin-Jones, Melody Harrison, Gregg Lof, Cheryl Messick, Peggy Nelson, Colleen O’Rourke, Mary Chavez Rudolph, Lisa Scott, Judith Vander Woude. 1. Welcome. Vander Woude convened the meeting at 8:41 a.m., welcomed the Board members, and reviewed the agenda. 2. Approval of March Minutes. The minutes of the March 12 Conference call were approved. 3. Executive Director’s Report. Chavez Rudolph announced that the current registration for this Conference is 477. She provided a summary of options for sites for the 2018 Conference. The Conference will be in San Antonio in 2016 and Charlotte in 2017. The Board discussed costs, travel, and hotel options in Austin, TX and Phoenix, AZ for 2018 and agreed to pursue a contract with the Hilton in Austin. 4. Treasurer’s Report. CSDCAS Update. Lof reported on the CSDCAS education days. The first one held in Florida will probably result in at least two new programs joining CSDCAS. The second day in Philadelphia generated interest in joining from several programs. A third education day will be in Dallas. Lof said this strategy of offering education days appears to be a good recruiting tool for CSDCAS. Some universities are looking at developing their own central application system for the entire university; unsure if this will impact CSD programs’ ability to join CSDCAS. Liaison will be here at the Conference to demonstrate the newest version of the software for CSDCAS. Current 2014-15 Budget Status. Lof reviewed the current budget (2014-2015); income and expenses are falling in line with projections. 5. Vice President for Communications. Website Update. Hardin-Jones noted that Scott and Marty will be meeting at the Conference to share ideas and clarify information for the website. Hardin-Jones asked the Board what web site information should be password protected. The Board agreed that entering directory information and job postings, as well as listserv discussions should be password protected. The Board also discussed the possibility of giving programs the option of selecting which faculty members (program director, clinic director, graduate director, other program leaders) should be listed in the directory and agreed it was a good idea. 2 CSD Education Survey. Hardin-jones announced the CSD Education Survey will open August 11. The response rate has been increasing every year and she expects this to continue. This year instead of drawing for both the free registration to the ASHA Convention and the CAPCSD Conference at an early date, the drawings will be staggered. Salary Survey. Hardin-Jones reminded the Board that the salary survey is scheduled for spring 2016. She will be meeting with Paula Curry at this conference to begin planning for it. The survey will be limited to including the salary of only full-time faculty (1.0 FTE). In the last survey a yes-no question was included about collective bargaining, but the results were not analyzed. The Board discussed whether this data point should be included and agreed it would not provide useful data at this time. Hardin-Jones noted that it is difficult to separate the stipend or salary increase for the department chairs from the salary of other associate and full professors. The suggestion was made to look at the salary surveys of other academic areas (e.g., physical therapy) to see what questions are being asked. The Board discussed ways to encourage programs to complete the survey. Unfortunately, the return rate from undergraduate-only programs has been low over many years and the Board decided not to include them in the 2016 survey. The survey will launch from CAPCSD rather than Calvin College. 6. Vice President for Academic Development. Nelson reported for Folsom. Report on Plural and PhD Scholarships. Seven Ph.D. scholarships will be awarded and two Plural scholarships. They will be announced at the banquet; two of the Ph.D. scholarship winners will be at the banquet. Scholarship Management. Folsom will be contacting Angie Singh regarding the implementation of the Plural scholarships in the future. Nelson noted that the requirements for the Ph.D. scholarships are clearly defined. She asked the Board if we might consider additional factors in the Laven scholarship application (i.e., diversity, first-generation college student, etc.) and the possibility of having the scholarship application due dates spread out across the year. Nelson and Folsom will present their recommendations for these changes to the Board. A suggestion was made to also consider ways to expand the pipeline for individuals from related disciplines (e.g., linguistics, psychology) through the award of scholarships. 7. Vice President for Research & Scholarship. Nelson raised the issue of reviewing applications for initiatives and scholarships. The Board agreed there should be an initial review by two individuals (to ensure applications meet the basic requirements) followed by a careful review and ranking by teams of reviewers. Nelson will provide written details about the review process. Update on Research and Scholarship Committee. Nelson noted that the Committee will help manage the implementation of the scholarship program and would assist on any future research initiatives. Update on Laven Scholarship. Nelson reported that over 40 applications were received. The winner has been selected and will be announced at the banquet. 3 8. Vice President for Professional Development. Leadership Academy. Scott confirmed that the 20 selected participants were all in attendance. She shared the notebook that all participants received containing information about CAPCSD, the bios of other attendees, and materials for the Academy presentation. A text group has been established so attendees can communicate with each other following the Academy. The Board will need to consider the next steps for this program (i.e., possible follow-up at the 2016 Conference with this group, how to track the outcomes for these individuals, etc.). Conference Planning Committee. Scott raised the issue of the number of individuals who should attend the Committee planning meeting. This past year the Vice President (Scott), Mary Chavez Rudolph and Josie Hall attended the meeting in addition to the Committee members. This next year Jennifer Taylor and Mark DeRuiter are co-chairs plus there is another at-large member on the committee. The discussion of how many individuals should attend the Committee planning meeting and the possibility of a separate planning meeting for the Leadership Academy will continue as the Board considers the 2015-16 budget. Abstract Management System. Scott explained that she, Chavez Rudolph, and Mormer reviewed abstract management systems to replace Survey Monkey. The systems would manage our submissions for the Conference, as well as scheduling, access to handouts, breakout groups, etc. In addition the system could handle the applications for scholarships, grants, and other initiatives. Scott recommended that CAPCSD select the Cadmium CD system. The cost would be approximately $12,500/year for only the Conference applications and $16,000/year for the Conference plus all the other applications. The decision needs to be made soon in order to have access to the system for the 2016 Conference. The Board agreed that we need to move forward with an abstract management system. Chavez Rudolph will get additional information about the cost and the Board will vote via e-mail if needed. 9. Vice President for Standards, Credentials, & Clinical Education. CAA Meeting. Dudding reported that the CAA met on February 20 and at that meeting Sue Hale, the CAA Chair, asked about the number of individuals vs. the number of applications in CSDCAS. The numbers received from Liaison indicate that 9,237 unique individuals submitted applications and a total of 31,126 applications were received during this past admissions’ cycle. Dudding shared that there is an increase in the number of programs in the accreditation process and CAA is asking CAPCSD to help recruit audiology site visitors. Both the CAA and the CFCC may move to holding three meetings each year. Dudding asked the Board if the CAPCSD Vice President should attend all the meetings. The Board supported Dudding’s attendance at all the meetings due to her close proximity to the ASHA National Office. The Board will reconsider the issue when there is a new Vice President. CFCC Meeting. Dudding explained that the CFCC is requesting feedback on the use of TOEFL scores. Currently when individuals are entering the United States and applying for a Visa, they need to submit a TOEFL score to ASHA and ASHA is considering increasing the score required for the Visa. ASHA is also looking at setting the required TOEFL score for certification when applying from a foreign country. The Board had no opinion on the TOEFL score for individuals seeking a Visa. The Board determined that if an individual goes through an accredited program (accredited by the CAA) in the United States, successfully completes 4 the entry level degree, and is recommended for certification by the academic program there is no need for that individual to submit a TOEFL score. Dudding informed the Board that the CFCC receives a lot of questions about the 400 clock hour requirement for certification in speech-language pathology and they would like to collaborate with CAPCSD on a white paper. They also want to collaborate with CAPCSD and SIG 18 to look at the use of telepractice in university programs, and on alternative clinical education models. The Board agreed that these are issues we should consider as we develop our new strategic plan. Clinical Education Update. Dudding noted that the term for the ad hoc committee members ends this week. Committee membership will be reduced to two members to follow through with the production and implementation of the clinical training modules. The RFP for the education modules will be sent to three or four companies; one is international, one is in Boston, one group is at James Madison University, and the last company is one with which Chavez Rudolph is familiar. Dudding reviewed the RFP with the Board and answered questions. The Board emphasized the importance of ensuring that the materials developed belong to CAPCSD. 10. Overview of This Year’s Work. Vander Woude led a discussion of the work accomplished this year and the status of CAPCSD’s initiatives. The following initiatives were completed and/or begun and will be continued into next year: Annual Conference CSDCAS Education days ASHA-CAPCSD HES CSD Survey PhD Scholarships (up to 10) Plural Scholarships Honors & Awards Leadership Academy Clinical Education Resources Website revision Connecting with other organizations (ASHA, AAA, CFCC, CAA) Ongoing IPE and Global Initiatives JMS learning about CAPCSD The following initiative was completed and will be reviewed for possible changes in future years: Educational Outcomes Grants The following initiatives were completed and need no follow-up at this time: Financial audit (audit will be completed every other year) Updating Board responsibilities By-Laws and Policies & Procedures Manual revisions Position statement on SLP Clinical Doctorate The following initiatives may be targeted for next year (or the future): Undergraduate mentoring grants 5 Financial Advisory Committee Salary survey New strategic plan Alternative grants Additional Scholarships (e.g., diversity; masters/AuD; undergraduates interested in research) 11. 2015-2016 Goals & Proposed Budget. Lof reviewed the proposed budget and the Board discussed each item. The Board agreed that the Conference registration will return to $300 and the rates for exhibitors will increase. It is anticipated that our CSDCAS income will be higher for next year. Vander Woude adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, 2105 Vander Woude called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 1. Summary and Completion of Previous Day’s Work. Vander Woude expressed her appreciation for the hard work of the Board in accomplishing CAPCSD’s initiatives. These initiatives will have a significant impact on our member programs. Vander Woude summarized yesterday’s discussions: we will continue our current initiatives; look at reworking the educational grants and not offer them in 2015-16; and consider additional scholarships in the future. The Board will be developing a new strategic plan in July and we need to think about long-term planning for CAPCSD. Our focus on leadership, education and advocacy will drive our planning. Tomorrow’s speakers will help us look at the future of higher education and will influence our future planning. The Board discussed the fiscal position of CAPCSD including the amount of money needed for annual operating funds and the amount of money that should be in savings vs. long-term investments. The Board determined it would be helpful to combine strategic planning with input from a financial advisor/planner. The Board approved the establishment of a Financial Advisory Committee; three members will serve 2-year terms, chaired by the Treasurer, and with Chavez Rudolph serving as ex officio. The tasks of the Committee will include consulting with a Financial Planner and providing the Board with recommendations for fiscal policies and procedures. Recommendations for potential members of the Financial Advisory Committee were discussed. 2. Continued Discussion of Budget. The Board continued the discussion on the 2015-16 budget and the presentation of it at the Business meeting. The Board was in agreement with the priorities identified. It was also suggested that in the future CAPCSD might consider an endowment to support scholarships. Vander Woude adjourned the meeting at 9:50 a.m.