Draft conditions for Permit EP003 Permit Conditions. 1. The permit holder will have a set of defined areas from which they may harvest beachcast marine algae. Absolute geo-referencing for each harvest area will be published as an appendix to the permit. 2. Along the coastal extent of the permit, a minimum of 50% will be included in exclusion zones. Harvest of any beachcast marine algae in an exclusion zone is prohibited. Absolute geo-referencing for each exclusion zone will be published as an appendix to the permit. 3. The permit holder may only harvest beachcast marine algae pursuant to this permit. 4. Within the areas where harvesting is permitted all beachcast macro-algal material of the Divisions: Chlorophyta (green algae); Phaeophyta (brown algae); or Rhodophyta (red algae) may be harvested. 5. Harvest of marine algae may be assisted by a mechanical winch or a mechanical grapple harvester. 6. Only unattached beachcast marine algal wrack may be disturbed during the harvesting activity. 7. The harvesting activity must be designed to avoid the removal of sand and minimize the disturbance to marine fauna and infauna. Where possible, sand taken incidental to the harvesting activity is to be returned to the foreshore. 8. Where sand dunes are present no harvesting activity is to take place within four metres of the base of fore dune. 9. Harvest operations are prohibited within 100 metres either side of an area where Thinornis rubricollis (hooded plovers) that are nesting and/or caring for dependent young. 10. Vehicles may transit through exclusion zones in order to transport material or equipment to and from areas where harvesting is permitted. 11. Access to harvest areas must be via existing access routes. 12. All permit holders are required to submit a return recording the daily catch and harvest activities in respect of each calendar month within 15 days of the end of the month to which it relates. Information to be recorded includes: Date of harvest Permit/permit number Name of person recording data Key marine algal types harvested The volume (estimated) of harvested marine algae The exact location (latitude and longitude) of the harvest activity The estimated area of beach of harvest including the estimated length and width of the beach harvested (in metres) The method used to collect the resource The volume of product sold each month and the form of that product Photographic images taken immediately prior to and immediately after each harvest activity. Images are to be taken from a point at one end of the harvested area that clearly includes all of the area of wrack harvested. Images are to be dated and geo-referenced 13. All permit holders are required to complete records of any interactions with threatened or protected species (under State and Federal legislation), including shorebirds in the Wildlife Interaction Logbook. For the benefit of monitoring migratory bird activity this will include bird sightings and alarm flights as well as negative bird interactions. Appendix 1 –Area of permit The permit holder may harvest beachcast marine algae wrack pursuant to this permit from the foreshore between the high water mark and the low water mark of coastal beaches in the area between points on the shore at or near 37° 30' 38.59" S, 140° 05' 29.29" E and 37° 33' 01.41" S, 140° 07' 53.47" E except for the areas described as exclusion zones as geo-referenced in schedule 1 below: Schedule 1: Exclusion Zones Exclusion zones are the areas between the following points: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) 37° 33' 01.41" S, 140° 07' 53.47" E and 37° 34' 12.21" S, 140° 06' 57.64" E 37° 34' 12.21" S, 140° 06' 57.64" E and 37° 51' 48.37" S, 140° 21' 41.18" E 37° 51' 48.37" S, 140° 21' 41.18" E and 37° 53' 38.95" S, 140° 22' 30.64" E 37° 53' 38.95" S, 140° 22' 30.64" E and 37° 53' 54.84" S, 140° 22' 42.20" E 37° 53' 54.84" S, 140° 22' 42.20" E and 37° 57' 04.33" S, 140° 28' 11.44" E 37° 57' 04.33" S, 140° 28' 11.44" E and 37° 57' 25.23" S, 140° 29' 00.65" E 37° 57' 25.23" S, 140° 29' 00.65" E and 37° 57' 26.13" S, 140° 29' 05.41" E 37° 57' 26.13" S, 140° 29' 05.41" E and 37° 59' 11.82" S, 140° 30' 47.94" E 37° 59' 11.82" S, 140° 30' 47.94" E and 38° 00' 38.27" S, 140° 34' 10.26" E 38° 00' 38.27" S, 140° 34' 10.26" E and 38° 01' 37.60" S, 140° 35' 02.73" E 38° 01' 37.60" S, 140° 35' 02.73" E and 38° 02' 35.98" S, 140° 49' 00.00" E 38° 02' 35.98" S, 140° 49' 00.00" E and 38° 02' 52.42" S, 140° 53' 38.40" E 38° 02' 52.42" S, 140° 53' 38.40" E and 38° 03' 23.18" S, 140° 57' 57.71" E The area of the permit with exclusion zones are shown in Figure 1: