… building communities that support and value the diverse-abilities of all people Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session Report November 21, 2013/ Updated and Revised September 15, 2014 Submitted by Pathways Abilities Society (formerly KDSCL) 555 Fuller Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 7W8 In November 2013, the Board of Directors for Pathways Abilities Society met to: to look forward from 2013 for the next 5 to 10 years at a high level to reaffirm/define our: o values that will guide our efforts and services o vision of ours organization in the future o mission … the goals and objectives that will allow us to reach that vision to review the responses of the online survey as they may impact some of our responses At this planning session, there were conversations regarding: what programs and services would we be offering in the future to reaffirm our commitment to the services we wish to provide create plans to support our desired future Asset development what criteria would be utilized in this decision-making process In a pre-session survey completed online by both staff and directors, the following topics for Conversation and Planning were revealed (in no specific order). 1. Finances 2. Building 3. Staffing 4. Services 5. Employment programs 6. Workplace culture 7. Public Relations When asked what the directors wanted to achieve from this process, the responses were to: have a better understanding of where we are going and how we will get there craft a plan that defines where we are going gain alignment with the board on that plan define how best we can serve our “clients” create parameters for our decision-making processes both at a higher level the methodology and the accountability address and discuss our financial challenges This report contains the results of those conversations and brainstorming. Pathways Board Planning Session Report Prepared by John Singleton (SCC) November 2013 1 Pathways Abilities Society (formerly KDSCL) 555 Fuller Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 7W8 Vision Statement: "The vision of Pathways Abilities Society is of welcome… building communities that support and value the diverse-abilities of all people”. Mission Statement: "The mission of the Pathways Abilities Society is to assist people with diverse-abilities to reach their individual goals and to participate and contribute as equal members of the community." Values Statement “We believe each person: - Has the same rights and freedoms given to all people in our society and therefore is unique and valued. - Is to be treated equally with dignity and respect. - Has the right to be informed on all matters that affect his or her life and make their own choices and decisions. - Has the right to speak for them self (self-advocate) or to choose someone to speak for them. - Has the right to live, socialize, work and participate in all aspects of community life in the least restrictive environment and should be taught the necessary skills to do so. Has the right to individualized service within the scope of what the society can provide. - Has the right to access employment in our community. - Has the right to expect that the society is accountable, advocates when requested or required and positively represents all people. - Has the right to opportunities that provide lifelong learning and an enriched life. - Has the right to a supportive network of personal relationships with family, friends and advocates. - Is entitled to good health, medical and dental care on a voluntary basis and is to be informed and give consent. - Is entitled to aides or adaptations (something changed or added) that may be needed for greater independence. - Is responsible for his/her own actions and therefore is responsible for the consequences.” Finances… Charisse will report updates to the Board 1. Provide information from Ted Talks to the directors. David by February 2014. 2. Keep housing and rent them. Charisse post move. 3. Pay off mortgages as soon as possible. Charisse and the Board. 4. Create a fund raising committee, consider methods to raise funds/develop, seek more private funders. Board by January 2015. 5. Research the possibility of a Pathways Foundation. David by March 2014. Pathways Board Planning Session Report Prepared by John Singleton (SCC) November 2013 2 Pathways Abilities Society (formerly KDSCL) 555 Fuller Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 7W8 6. Develop and implement Pixel Wall: Charisse and Adam by February 2014. 7. Consider methods to raise funds/develop employment using clients some may deem unemployable. Charisse by September 2014. 8. Raise $1 million. Board by January 2019. 9. Host mortgage burning Board by January 2019. 10. Identify our competitors and determine their impact on Pathways. Charisse by December 2015. Buildings… Charisse will report updates to the Board 1. Draft the mandate and the terms of reference for the building and maintenance committee to be recommended to the board. Charisse by January 2014. 2. Do not bring people in get them out … Do not segregate, congregate. Charisse ongoing-applies to service provision. 3. Adapt Franklyn to use for our clients and possibly other ventures, lease a portion. Charisse to assess February to July 2014. 4. Complete painting of the interior of 555 Fuller Avenue. Leslie by March 2014. 5. Develop a plan for purchasing assets. Board by June 2014. 6. Progress Project 26. Board via Gail and Chuck and Charisse ongoing. Staffing… responsibility of the executive director Charisse will report updates to the Board 1. Continuous staff training and satisfaction action planning. Charisse ongoing. 2. Educate on our values and continue to develop. Charisse ongoing. 3. Raise funds to allow for hiring more staff. Fundraising committee by February 2015. 4. Find systems and processes that create less reliance on staff and more interaction with community. Leadership team ongoing. Services… Charisse will report updates to the Board 1. Employment, volunteerism, flexibility and individualized services to be considered. Charisse and the leadership team on going. 2. More individual funding. Charisse ongoing as opportunities arise. 3. Use our own current services and programs as a springboard to outside employment for “clients”. Charisse and the leadership team ongoing. 4. Provide more opportunities for “clients” to be involved in the community both socially and otherwise. Charisse and the leadership team on going. 5. Focus on home share. Charisse via CLBC. 6. Complete the research and feasibility study of an industrial kitchen as a teaching ground and for social enterprise opportunities. Charisse by June 2014. 7. Create a partnership with Pathways and PLAN. David by December 2015. Pathways Board Planning Session Report Prepared by John Singleton (SCC) November 2013 3 Pathways Abilities Society (formerly KDSCL) 555 Fuller Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 7W8 Employment programs… Leslie will report to board on progress via regular staff report 1. Use “clients” in the workforce to train new workers and free up staff for social ventures and community employment. Leadership team implement January 2014. 2. Need more public relations on how well some people work in the community. Charisse and Adam implement January 2014. 3. Seek out more companies to employ our clients. Leslie will implement by January 2014. 4. Ensure the “fading out process” is paramount. Leadership team implement January 2014. Workplace culture … responsibility of the executive director Charisse will report updates to the Board 1. Use in-service days to ensure that staff is aware of our culture. Charisse by March 2014. 2. More education of our staff. Charisse ongoing. 3. Currently we have a good culture, the Q 12 theory to be reviewed. Charisse by March 2014. Public relations … Adam Less will continue to report and maintain his processes 1. Continue building on our name change. Charisse and Adam ongoing. 2. Continue with ads on radio regarding Pathways and or people. Charisse and Adam ongoing. 3. Need higher profile in the community, Adam does a great job just need to continue what we are doing. Charisse and Adam ongoing. 4. Continue to keep Adam on board with this program. Charisse ongoing. 5. Plan events for Pathways Week in October 2014. Charisse and Adam by April 2014. The Decision-Making process at Board level… 1. Change policy to reflect any asset acquisition over $10,000 must be reviewed at a face-to-face board meeting. If the purchase or acquisition must be made prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors, a special face-to-face board meeting will be called. Charisse by January 2014. Technology (Actions copied from the Technology Plan) 1. Continue to annually update and review the Technology Plan. Charisse February of each year. 2. Continue to explore and research other technological resources that effectively and efficiently support the management of not-for-profit organizations. When appropriate recommend systems to the board of directors for their consideration. Charisse monthly. Pathways Board Planning Session Report Prepared by John Singleton (SCC) November 2013 4 Pathways Abilities Society (formerly KDSCL) 555 Fuller Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 7W8 3. Continue to solicit input from staff, individuals and volunteers to determine what they believe Pathways technological needs are. Charisse ongoing however minimally formally twice a year. 4. Continue to regularly update the Pathways website. Charisse as required. 5. Continue to enter into a one year formal maintenance/servicing agreement with a reputable provider of choice. Charisse and Board February of each year. 6. Determine the implications of the new Canada Anti-Spam legislation which takes effect July 1, 2014 and ensure organizational compliance. Charisse by July 2014. 7. Continue to encourage and financially support staff to take external training to continually improve their technological knowledge, skills and abilities. Charisse ongoing. 8. Provide opportunities for individual’s receiving service to access computer training. Charisse via Alaina-each schedule. 9. Continue to fully utilize all appropriate ShareVision functions. Leslie ongoing. Session summary At the end of the session, the group was asked what they gained from this session. The responses were: we have a vision that is clear we have better communication now it seems our direction is quite straightforward I feel reassured that we are moving in the right direction we have some concrete actions and people responsible for them it is nice to see how it all works together and how we work together Pathways Board Planning Session Report Prepared by John Singleton (SCC) November 2013 5