Supplementary Data For: Plant Cell Reports Title: Molecular cloning and characterization of an isoflavone 7-O-glucosyltransferase from Pueraria lobata Jia Li1†, Zhaobo Li1,2†, Changfu Li1, Junbo Gou1, 2, Yansheng Zhang1* 1 CAS Key Laboratory of Plant Germplasm Enhancement and Specialty Agriculture, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430074, China 2 * University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: Table S1. Primers used for expression profile analyses of glycosyltransferases from P. lobata by qRT-PCR Genes Actin Primer 5' to 3' sequence (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT1 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT2 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT3 PlUGT4 (upstream) PlUGT8 PlUGT10 PlUGT11 PlUGT12 PlUGT13 (upstream) (upstream) (upstream) PlUGT16 GTGATTTTGGTGGAGGAA TTAGTAGAAGTACAAACGGAAC AAGGTGAGGAAGGGAAGA GGATTCATTGCTCGAAAG GGGAAAGAAATTAGACAGAAA TTATTGAGAAAGAGATTAAGC TACTTGGCCTCTATTTGC GAGAAGACCCACCATTTT (upstream) GGTGATTATGGTGGAGGA (upstream) GTCAAATTATCAATCAAC GGAGCAGAGGCTGAATAG (downstream) AAAGCAACAAGCGAAGAC (upstream) AGAAGGTTCCAGAAGCGA (downstream) TTTGTACCAAAACAGAGT (upstream) CGGAGCAGAGGCTGAATA (downstream) CGAAAGCAACAAGCGAAG (upstream) GAGCCAAAGAATGGAGAC (downstream) GGGCCAAGACATGGTTAG (upstream) GCAAGTGAGTTGGAGGAA (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT15 GAATAAATTGTGCTTAGT (downstream) (downstream) PlUGT14 GTGATTTTGGTTGAGGAA CGATTGGGAATAATGGTG (downstream) PlUGT9 AGCTTTTGTACAGAAATCACA (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT7 GGGAAAGAAATTAGACAGAAG CCATTCTCTCAGATCTCG (downstream) PlUGT6 CGGTGAGAAGAACAGGGT (downstream) (downstream) PlUGT5 GGGGTGATGGTTGGGATG (upstream) CTGTGAAATCGTTGACCC GCTGGTGAGAAGAGTGATG CACCGTAAACTGAAGAAGAT TAGCAATACATCGCACCT (downstream) AGACCAACTCTACGCAAG (upstream) GGTAAAGGAATGCGTGAA (downstream) PlUGT17 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT18 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT19 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT20 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT21 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT22 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT23 (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT24 PlUGT25 PlUGT26 PlUGT27 PlUGT28 (upstream) PlUGT32 PlUGT34 GGAACAAAGGGAAGAAGA ATGCCACTACCATACCAA GGTGAATGAGGAAGGGAT GCATTTATTATGGGCAAACATC GACTATGGAAAGTTTGGCTTCG AGCCTCCTTCCTTGACAGCT GCAACTGCTTGGGAATGA GCTAAACTGCGTCTTCTT AAGGTAAAGGAATGCGTGAA TTGGGATCAACTAACACTCTGT GGTGGAACTCAACTCTGG (downstream) CCTGGATTAGCTGGGTCA (upstream) GGGGTGCCAATGGTTA (downstream) TTAGAATGAGAAGAGCC (upstream) GTGGATTATAGGGTGGGT (downstream) GGTACTACTAGCATGGGTTG (upstream) TGTGCTGGTGTGCCAATGTT (upstream) (upstream) (upstream) TTTTAGAAACGCCTCATT GAAGCAGAATAGGGTGGT AGAAATCAATGTCAAATC TAAGAGGGACAAAATAGAG ACAAAGGAGTAAGTTAAAAG TGGTTCATAGGAGGGACG (downstream) ATGCTGGCTGCATTCTTG (upstream) TTTGGTGGATGTATTTGG GGAACATAACATAAAGGGA (upstream) AGGCAGACCAAAGCACTA (downstream) TTCCACCCTCAGAAACAG (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT35 TTCCACCATCACTAACAACT CCTGCCAATGCTTACTTG (downstream) PlUGT33 TCAAAGCACAAATGCCAAGC (upstream) (downstream) PlUGT31 CACCTGGACTAACACTCTTG CTCATTCTTTCACGCATT (downstream) PlUGT30 TGTGCCTATGATTTGCTG (downstream) (downstream) PlUGT29 GCAGCAATACATCCCAGA (upstream) (downstream) AGTAGGAGGCTGAAGGTT TGGAAGGACTCTAAATCG AAGAAGATGGGTTTGTGAGT GATACCAATTCCAGTCCA PlUGT36 PlUGT37 PlUGT38 PlUGT39 PlUGT40 GT04F14 (upstream) CTTAGGAGTCCCAACAGT (downstream) AAGAACTTCCACCTTCAC (upstream) AAACGAATGCGGTTGTGC (downstream) CCAGTTTTCCTAAGCCAA (upstream) AAAATGGCTTGGTGGAAA (downstream) AGGCAAAGATCCCTAACA (upstream) TGGAGCATTCCGCCTTAC (downstream) TCTATGAGCGCCGTGAGA (upstream) AAGGATGAAGATGGGTTT (downstream) TGTATCATAGCACCGTAGA (upstream) AGGTTTGGTTGTGCCTTC (downstream) CCACTATGCCATCCTCGT Table S2. Primers used for 5' RACE of glycosyltransferase genes from P. lobata Gene PlUGT1 Primer 5' to 3' sequence GSP1: GCTAGTGCTCTCTCCAAAC GSP2: CACTAACCTATTCAATGCCATGATG GSP: TTGCTTCGTTGGCACTCA PlUGT13 GSP1: AACCCAACCAAGTCATTC GSP2: TCCACCATCGCTGAGTGC GSP: AGCCACCTTCATCTCCTCAA PlUGT18 GSP1: TGCTTCTCGTCGCACAACCT GSP: CTTCCAAACATCTGCCATAA PlUGT22 GSP1: TTGCCCACCTTTAATTGAGT GSP: TTCCCAAGCAGTTGCTCCAC Table S3. Primers used to clone the glycosyltransferase genes from P. lobata to protein expression vector Genes Primers 5' to 3' sequence For pESC-His PlUGT1 PlUGT13 PlUGT18 PlUGT22 PlUGT35 PlUGT39 PlUGT40 For pET28a PlUGT1 PlUGT13 (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) CCCGGATCCATGAAGGACTCCATTGTTC CCCGTCGACCTAGTGCTCTCTCCAAACTTCC CCCGGATCCATGAAGGGCACCATAGTTCT CCCCTCGAGTCATTGCATCCACAACCC CCCAGATCTATGGAGAAGAAAAGCATAACA CCCGTCGACTTATGAATGAAACAAGTTATTTG CCCGGATCCATGGGTATCCCTCACTTTCT CCCGTCGACCTACTTCGCCCAGTTAATAAAC CCCGGATCCATGCAACAAGAAGAAACAATAG CCCGTCGACTCAGATACCAATTCCAGTCC CCCGGATCCATGGAAACAACACCAGGAGC CCCGTCGACTCAGTGATTCCCATTCACAT CCCGGATCCATGGCAGAAACAGAAGGAAAAC CCCCTCGAGTCACTCTTTCAAATGGATTTTTT (upstream) (downstream) (upstream) (downstream) CCCCATATGAAGGACTCCATTGTTC CCCGTCGACCTAGTGCTCTCTCCAAACTTCC CCCGGATCCATGAAGGGCACCATAGTTCT CCCCTCGAGTCATTGCATCCACAACCC Table S4. Accession data of the glucosyltransferases used in the phylogenetic analyses GenBank accession Number Plant Protein name ADV71364 Pueraria lobata GT04F14 ADV71362 ADV71365 ADV71369 P. lobata P. lobata P. lobata GT03H14 GT07O02 GT14A05 ABI94020 Medicago truncatula UGT73C8 ABI94021 M.truncatula UGT88E1 ABI94022 M.truncatula UGT88E2 AAW56092 M.truncatula UGT71G1 ABI94023 ABI94024 M.truncatula M.truncatula UGT84F1 UGT85H2 ABI94025 M.truncatula UGT78G1 ABI94026 M.truncatula UGT73P1 BAF64416 Glycine max BAC78438 Glycyrrhiza echinata BAM29362 BAA83484 AEE86330 EFH43393 AED92377 BAD52003 BAM37964 AFI71901 G. max Scutellaria baicalensis Arabidopsis thaliana A. thaliana A. thaliana Dianthus caryophyllus Nicotiana tabacum Paeonia lactiflora GmIF7GT (UGT88E3) GeIF7GT (UGT73F1) UGT73F2 UBGT UGT73B1 UGT73B2 UGT78D2 DicGT1 Nt3GT1 F3GT Function active with isoflavone, flavone, flavonol and coumarin substrates weak activity toward liquiritigenin active toward 6,7,4-trihydroxyisoflavone catalyzed glycosylation of luteolin on the 7-hydroxyl and of quercetin on the 3and 4'-hydroxyls active with isoflavone, flavanone, flavone, flavonol and isoliquiritigenin active with isoflavone, flavone, flavonol, coumesttrol and isoliquiritigenin active with isoflavone, flavanone, flavone, flavonol, coumesttrol and isoliquiritigenin active with triterpenoid , isoflavone, flavanone, flavone, flavonol, coumesttrol and isoliquiritigenin active with flavonol active with flavonol, isoliquiritigenin and biochanin A active with isoflavone, flavanone ,flavone, flavonol, coumesttrol and isoliquiritigenin active with liquiritigenin, kaempferol and quercetin isoflavone 7-O-glucosyltransferase isoflavone 7-O-glucosyltransferase isoflavone 7-O-glucosyltransferase flavonoid 7-O-glucosyltransferase flavonoid 7-O-glucosyltransferase flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase flavonol 3-O-glucosyltransferase AEM37036 AFD61601 Brassica rapa subsp. campestris Hevea brasiliensis UF3GT1 ANGT1 flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanidin 3-O-glucosyltransferase BAA89008 ADZ54786 BAD83701 AAM91686 BAA36421 BAA89009 BAC54093 BAA36423 BAD99560 CP002685 Petunia x hybrida Prunus avium Iris x hollandica A. thaliana Perilla frutescens var. crispa Petunia x hybrida Torenia hybrid cultivar Glandularia x hybrida Rosa hybrid cultivar A. thaliana PGT8 3GT1 Ih3GT UGT75C1 PF3R4 PH1 5GT HGT8 RhGT1 UGT73C6 BAE48239 BAE48240 CAQ77160 Antirrhinum majus Linaria vulgaris Oryza sativa Am4'CGT L4'CGT OsCGT anthocyanidin 3-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanidin 3-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanidin 3-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanidin 5-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanidin 5-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase anthocyanidin 5, 3-O-glucosyltransferase flavonol-3-O-glycoside-7-O-glucosyltran sferase chalcone 4-O-glucosyltransferase chalcone 4-O-glucosyltransferase flavoniod C-glucosyltransferase Table S5. Sequence analysis of the PlUGT genes with relatively higher transcription in roots compared to stems and leaves. Glycosyltransferase PlUGT1 BLAST homology search PREDICTED: anthocyanidin 5, 3-O-glucosyltransferase-like Amino acid identities 93% [Glycine max] (NCBI Reference Sequence accession no. XP_003548142) PlUGT13 PREDICTED: anthocyanidin 5, 3-O-glucosyltransf erase-like 92% [Glycine max] (NCBI Reference Sequence accession no. XP_003533970) PlUGT14 glycosyltransferase GT01K01 [Pueraria montana var. 100% PlUGT16 lobata] (GenBank accession no. ADV71360) glycosyltransferase GT04F14 [Pueraria montana var. lobata] 98% PlUGT18 (GenBank accession no. ADV71364) PREDICTED: UDP-glycosyltransferase 74E2-like 93% [Glycine max] (NCBI Reference Sequence accession no. XP_003554595) PlUGT22 PREDICTED: UDP-glycosyltransferase 83A1-like 87% [Glycine max] (NCBI Reference Sequence accession no. XP_003552563) PlUGT23 glycosyltransferase GT04F14 [Pueraria montana var. lobata] 86% PlUGT35 (GenBank accession no. ADV71364) glycosyltransferase GT19J14 [Pueraria montana var. lobata] 98% PlUGT39 (GenBank accession no. ADV71373) glycosyltransferase GT18P15 [Pueraria montana var. lobata] 97% PlUGT40 (GenBank accession no. ADV71372) glycosyltransferase GT21C20 [Pueraria montana var. 99% lobata] (GenBank accession no. ADV71374) Fig. S1 Mass spectra of the products detected in the yeast culture extract. a, b and c showed the mass spectra of the authentic standards daidzin, genistin and ononin respectively; d, e and f showed the mass spectra of the products that PlUGT1 reacted with daidzein, genistein or formononetin respectively; g, h and i showed the mass spectra of the products that PlUGT13 reacted with daidzein, genistein or formononetin respectively. The collision energy is 10 V. The MS/MS data of the each product were consistent with corresponding authentic standards. Fig. S2 UV spectra of the products detected in the yeast culture extract in methanol. a, b and c showed the UV spectra of the authentic standards daidzin, genistin and ononin respectively; d, e and f showed the UV spectra of the products that PlUGT1 reacted with daidzein, genistein or formononetin respectively; g, h and i showed the UV spectra of the products that PlUGT13 reacted with daidzein, genistein or formononetin respectively. The UV spectrum of the each product was consistent with corresponding authentic standards. Fig. S3 HPLC analysis of the activities of PlUGT1 and PlUGT13 toward genistein. PlUGT1 converted nearly all genistein to genistin (Peak 1) and PlUGT13 only converted part of genistein to genistin (Peak 2). WAT11 (pESC-HIS), the yeast strain carrying the empty vector pESC-His as a control; WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT1), the yeast strain expressing PlUGT1; WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT13), the yeast strain expressing PlUGT13. For the mobile phase, solvent A was Milli-Q water and solvent B was HPLC grade methanol. Samples were separated with 45% B for 60 min. Genistin and its isomer sophoricoside (glycosylated isoflavone aglycones at the 4'-hydroxy) have different retention times. The retention times of the products (Peak 1 and Peak 2) were consistent with genistin. Fig. S4 Purification of the recombinant protein PlUGT1 and PlUGT13 from E. coli Rosetta (DE3) cells. Lane M, protein molecular mass standard; lane 1, PlUGT1; lane 2, PlUGT13. Fig. S5 HPLC analysis of the activities of WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT1, pESC-TRP-IFS) and WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT13, pESC-TRP-IFS) toward liquiritigenin. Both WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT1, pESC-TRP-IFS) and WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT13, pESC-TRP-IFS) converted liquiritigenin to daidzin (Peak 1 and Peak 3) and WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT1, pESC-TRP-IFS) showed a relatively higher activity. Daidzein (Peak 2 and Peak 4) could be detected as well. WAT11 (pESC-HIS, pESC-TRP), the yeast strain carrying the empty vector pESC-His and pESC-TRP, served as a control; WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT1, pESC-TRP-IFS), the yeast strain expressing PlUT1 and IFS; WAT11 (pESC-HIS-PlUGT13, pESC-TRP-IFS), the yeast strain expressing PlUGT13 and IFS. The retention times and UV spectra of the products (Peak 1 and Peak 3) were consistent with daidzin. Fig. S6 Effect of MeJA on daidzin production at different concentrations. The time on the x-axis refers to the days after the subculture of the cell line (see the experiment section in the main text file). The homogenous cell line was treated with MeJA on the 4th day after the subculture. The daidzin content on the 4th day showed the baseline level before induction. After the 4th day, the effect of MeJA on daidzin production was investigated every two days till the 18th day. Fig. S7 The content of puerarin and daidzin in different organs. Error bars represent the standard errors (s.e.) from three biological replicates. To measure the content of daidzin and puerarin in different organs (roots, stems, and leaves) of P. lobata, 40 mg of dried plant materials were extracted with 1 ml ethanol and repeated for three times. The ethanol extracts were air dried at room temperature and re-dissolved in methanol for HPLC analysis. The HPLC method of measuring the content of daidzin and puerarin is same as those described previously (Li et al. 2014). For chemical quantifications, a standard calibration curve was assembled from a range of concentrations (1–100 µg ml–1) of each chemical standard. Fig. S8 Structures of the substrates used in in vitro enzyme activity assays.