SLO Template: Student Learning Objective (2013-14)


1. Basic Information

Teacher Name:


Grade Level(s):


Student Learning Objective (SLO) Template

2013-14 SLO Field Test Phase 2

(January 2014)

Employee ID#:

School #:

# of Students

Addressed by SLO:

Interval of

Instruction for


☐ Full Year

☐ Semester

☐ Quarter 4

☐ Other:

2. Standards Addressed by SLO:

List the standards that align with Common Core State Standards, international, national, state, local or industryrecognized standards. Please list a summary of the standards or the full standards rather than simply the standard heading (e.g., RH.6-8.2)

3. Assessment:

Provide the name of the assessment being used to measure the student learning target. Provide the rationale if the assessment is not selected from the list in the SLO guidebook. If the assessment is teacher-created, describe the assessment and explain how it was developed and how it will be scored. For guidance, refer to the SLO guidebook for Phase 2.

4. Baseline Data:

Include what you know about the targeted students’ performance/skills/achievement levels at the beginning of the year/semester, as well as any additional student data or background information used in setting the target. The student roster and relevant baseline data may be copied into this section or attached to the template.

5. Student Learning Target:

State your specific target for student achievement by the end of the instructional period identified for this SLO.

The target should be ambitious but achievable, given your students' baseline data.

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Student Learning Objective (SLO) Template

2013-14 SLO Field Test Phase 2

(January 2014)

6. Rationale for SLO:

Explain why you picked this student learning objective. Explain how this SLO will measure student learning of critical content.

7. Potential Instructional Strategies to Reach Objective:

Provide examples of instructional strategies you will employ to support students to meet the objective you set.

(Teachers should give their evaluator an idea of what they think are their most effective and targeted

instructional strategies to reach their objective and should make them as content-specific as possible.)

8. Potential Progress Monitoring Strategies:

State which evidence you will use to monitor students’ progress toward the objective.

( Teachers should describe interim assessment and other progress checks they will use during the school year/semester to see whether

students are on track to meet their stated target.)

9. Scoring Plan:

See Scoring Plan Guidance chart below for consideration.


Attainment of Target

(1 point):

The teacher has demonstrated an insufficient impact on student learning by falling far short of the target.

Achievement Range:

Partial Attainment of

Target (2 points):

The teacher has demonstrated some impact on student learning, but did not meet the target.

Achievement Range:

Full Attainment of

Target (3 points):

The teacher has demonstrated a considerable impact on student learning by meeting the target.

Achievement Range:


Attainment of Target

(4 points):

The teacher has demonstrated an outstanding impact on student learning by surpassing the target by a meaningful margin.

Achievement Range:

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Student Learning Objective (SLO) Template

2013-14 SLO Field Test Phase 2

(January 2014)

Scoring Plan Guidance

Below are guidelines for developing the achievement ranges in the scoring plan:

 Start with FULL ATTAINMENT: It should range from your SLO target at the low end up to 9 percentage points above that level for students who exceeded (except for tiered targets)

 Then complete EXCEPTIONAL ATTAINMENT: Range will be 10 percentage points above full attainment up to 100%

 Now complete PARTIAL ATTAINMENT: This range starts 10 percentage points below full attainment and goes up to just below full attainment

 INSUFFICIENT ATTAINMENT comes last: Zero to just below partial attainment

Example: A target of 80% of students reaching the target would have achievement ranges of the following:

 Level 1 (Insufficient Attainment): Zero to 69%

 Level 2 (Partial Attainment): 70% - 79% (because 10 percentage points below 80% is 70%)

 Level 3 (Full Attainment): 80% - 89%

 Level 4 (Exceptional Attainment): 90% - 100% (because 10 percentage points above 80% is 90%)

In addition, it helps to cite the number and percent of students in each category.

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