"The Bi-Weekly" Your Newsletter from your Advisor This week in "The Bi-Weekly” November 29, 2015 1. Spring Scheduling reminders- Major restrictions/Waitlisting 2. What can you do with a degree in Biology? – Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals 3. More Summer Internships **Upcoming Dates** November 23-25, November 30- December 1: Freshman Time Ticket December 2- January 18: Open registration December 10: All College of Science advisors will be UNAVAILABLE December 14-19: Finals Week December 21: Residence Halls close for Winter break December 23: Fall semester grades post in myPurdue December 24-January 4: Winter Recess, ALL University offices will be CLOSED January 11: Spring semester begins ==================== 1. Spring Scheduling reminders- Major restrictions & Waitlists Registration reopens to all students on December 2 at 9:00 AM. Wait lists are available at this time. Many courses with major restrictions such as on PSY, SOC, SPAN, and COM will be removed on or after December 2. Please keep checking back to add the course(s). - For “How to Waitlist”, please see attached. -The best times to look for changes in class space are after semester grades come out (December 23) through the first week of classes (January 17). -Eight credits are considered full-time for billing purposes. 12 credits are required for a full-time academic load. If a class you need is full, please contact your advisor for options. Often, the best advice is to select an alternate course and wait it out to see if space opens. ==================== 2. What can you do with a degree in Biology? – Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) - A comprehensive career resource center. http://biocareers.com/ Biotechnology Career Guide: http://www.bio-link.org/home/sites/files/careersinbiotech20088e-j.pdf Biotech Career pathways provided by North Carolina state: http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/docs/cte/curriculum/clusters/bio-technology.pdf Clinical Research Careers: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2002_04_05/nodoi.1549571 7378751859676 Careers in Clinical Research: http://career-advice.monster.com/job-search/company-industryresearch/careers-in-clinical-research/article.aspx Pharma, Biotech, Medical-Device Sales: Which Is for You?: http://career-advice.monster.com/jobsearch/company-industry-research/pharma-biotech-medical-device-sales/article.aspx Going from Science to Sales: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/24816/title/Goingfrom-Science-to-Sales/ A day in the life of a sales rep: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/24817/title/A-day-inthe-life-of-a-sales-rep/ Research careers in Biotech: Where’s the Heat? http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2006_06_16/science.opms.r 0600013 Biological Sciences Technology: http://techworks.asttbc.org/profiles/bio.html Careers in Nanobiotech: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2001_02_02/noDOI.142680 68777065424474 The Other Life-Sciences Industry- Medical devices: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2008_10_31/caredit.a08001 59 Short Term- Contracting in Biotech: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2007_12_14/caredit.a07001 81 Careers in Technology Transfer: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2002_10_18/noDOI.605799 5942179614228 Technology Transfer: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/1999_11_05/noDOI.700160 3612801335202 Educating the Biotechnology Workforce Career Scenarios: http://www.bio-link.org/careers What is Biotechnology: https://www.bio.org/node/517 Drug Discovery Careers: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2004_03_05/noDOI.182528 45357374503996 Interdisciplinary Training for Drug Discovery Careers: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2008_03_07/science.opms.r 0800049 About Pharmacology: http://www.aspet.org/knowledge/what-is-pharmacology/ Advice for BioPharm: http://biopharmguy.com/advice/ Pharma Offers Bench-to-Bedside Opportunities: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2009_05_22/caredit.a09000 68 Preparing for a Career in Industrial Research: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2005_07_29/noDOI.115546 66889543526650 Safety First! Careers in Drug Safety and Toxicology: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2009_03_13/science.opms.r 0900068 Careers in Biodefense, NIH videocast: http://videocast.nih.gov/Summary.asp?File=11519 Biodefense careers: http://biocareers.com/bio-careers-blog/alternative-careers-science-phds-part-ivbiodefense Building a science career in the defense industry: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2009_05_22/caredit.a09000 67 Careers with Biofuels: http://biotech-careers.org/job-areas/biofuels Biofuels product development careers: http://myfootpath.com/careers/science-careers/biofuel-andbiodiesel-product-developer-careers/ ==================== 3. Summer Internships ►UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROGRAM (URP) AT COLD SPRING HARBOR LAB (CSHL) URP FOR BIOLOGY STUDENTS The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) at CSHL provides an opportunity for undergraduate scientists from around the world to conduct first-rate research. Students learn the scientific process, technical methods and theoretical principles, and communicate their discoveries to other scientists. Approximately 20 students come to CSHL each summer for the 10-week program, living and working in the exciting Laboratory environment. URP participants work on a real research project in one of CSHL's expert labs. Research at CSHL focuses on: Molecular Biology & Cancer Genetics & Genomics Neuroscience Plant Biology Quantitative Biology In addition to doing research in the lab, URP participants attend a series of specially designed workshops, seminars and collegial events. Workshops focus on learning particular skills, such as Python programming, while seminars cover research topics, responsible conduct of research, and career development. At the URP Symposium at the end of each summer, students present their research to the entire CSHL community. URP participants live and work among CSHL scientists. They are invited to all Laboratory social activities - including two exclusive dinners, one with CSHL President Bruce Stillman and one with Chancellor emeritus and Nobel Prize winner James Watson. On weekends, students are free to explore nearby New York City or the sandy beaches of Long Island. By the end of the summer, URP participants have first-hand experience of a career in scientific research. The 2016 URP Program will be held June 13 - August 13, 2016. The online 2016 application is available here Applying Current sophomores and juniors are eligible. Applications must be submitted online before January 15. Stipend & Housing In addition to free room & board, students receive a $5000 stipend for the summer. NSF REU at CSHL The NSF REU at CSHL focused on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology. For additional information, see http://www.cshl.edu/Education/Undergraduate-Research.html If you have questions, email urpadmin@cshl.edu ►AMGEN-UROP SCHOLARS PROGRAM AT MIT Now entering its tenth year, the Amgen-UROP Scholars Program invites undergraduates to participate in faculty-mentored summer research in MIT laboratories. This intensive nine-week program focuses on cultivating and supporting partnerships between MIT faculty and undergraduates in the areas of science and biotechnology. Students indicating a strong desire to engage in research collaborations within these areas will be selected from colleges and universities from around the U.S., as well as the MIT undergraduate population. Inspiring the Scientists of Tomorrow Objectives of the Amgen-UROP Scholars Program: y by engaging students in first rate research experiences in MIT laboratories; The Summer 2016 Program at MIT Students participating as Amgen Scholars will: -on lab experience and contribute to the advancement of science and engineering; ng faculty-led seminars; -summer symposium on research in the biotechnology industry, held at UCLA; and Compensation: Amgen-UROP Scholars working 40 hours per week for the nine-week period will earn $4,320, at an hourly wage of $12.00. In addition, an $800 meal allowance and on-campus housing is provided to all Scholars. Travel to and from MIT for the beginning and end of the Program is covered for visiting (non-MIT) students. Eligibility: Amgen Scholars U.S. Program applicants must be: -year colleges or universities in the United States, Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories; and Sophomores (with four quarters or three semesters of college experience), juniors or non-graduating seniors (who are returning in the fall to continue undergraduate studies). U.S. program applicants must also have: cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or above; and pursuing a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D. Eligible MIT Research Areas: ering/Biotechnology only) Program Dates: June 6, 2016 through August 5, 2016 To learn more about the MIT Amgen-UROP Scholars Program and how to apply, please visit: http://web.mit.edu/urop/amgenscholars/ For more information, please contact MIT Amgen-UROP Scholars Program staff at (617) 253-7306 or by emailing mit-amgenscholars@mit.edu Information for non-MIT students: – Aug. 5th http://web.mit.edu/urop/amgenscholars/apply.html -17, 2016: Mid-summer symposium at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA (travel expenses; room & board are covered) Program Contact: Sara Nelson Director, MIT Amgen Scholars Program 617.253.0751 mit-amgenscholars@mit.edu ►Summer Internships at University of Missouri We are now accepting student applications for summer internships at MU. Attached is the student application and information pack for summer 2016 internships (Animal Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry) at Mizzou. The application can be found at this link: http://www.undergradresearch.missouri.edu/programs-jobs/programs/cell-molecular.php Mizzou also hosts summer internships in Physics, Neuroscience, Computational Biology, Medical Sciences, and Psychology. You can find links to all of these programs/applications at this link: http://www.undergradresearch.missouri.edu/programs-jobs/programs/index.php This year, questions and information requests should be directed to our Assistant Director, Michael Cohen (CohenME@missouri.edu or 573-882-4818). Pam Cooper Fiscal Assistant University of Missouri Office of Undergraduate Research 150 Bond Life Sciences Center Columbia, MO 65211 573.882.5979 573.884.9395 fax CooperPJ@missouri.edu ►2016 SUMMER PROGRAM IN EPIDEMIOLOGY, HARVARD T.H. CHAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH The Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is extending an invitation to students who wish to participate in a summer program here at the Harvard Chan School. The four week summer program provides students with exposure to public health and the skills researchers utilize to investigate diseases and outbreaks. The program provides an overview of methods, principles and quantitative reasoning skills that are fundamental to epidemiology. The curriculum consists of three parts: introductory courses in epidemiology and biostatistics; formal lectures, which are provided by faculty members with different foci in epidemiology ranging from cancer to infectious disease; and group research projects where students will investigate a question of public health relevance. Students will learn about the key components of public health such as data collection and factors of a good research study, but ultimately, the program promotes overall public health awareness. Students will receive a summer salary, accommodations and roundtrip travel. This year’s Summer Program is now accepting applications! To apply, please submit an online application. Learn more about program information and eligibility requirements here. Application Deadline: February 26th, 2016 Program Dates: June 12–July 9, 2016 Summer Program website: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/epidemiology/diversity/summer-program-inepidemiology/ Application link: https://harvard.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_b8f29JiTuh4dv0N PDF Flyer (active links in PDF): https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wpcontent/uploads/sites/61/2015/11/Summer-Program-Brochure-2016.pdf Eric DiGiovanni | Graduate Studies Coordinator Department of Epidemiology | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 677 Huntington Ave, Kresge 902 | Boston, MA 02115 o: 617-432-1328 | f: 617-566-7805 edigiova@hsph.harvard.edu Check out our Twitter and YouTube pages for all Department news and spotlights! ====================