Case Submission Form - University of Saskatchewan

Western Conference of Veterinary Diagnostic Pathologists
October 12-13, 2012 – Calgary, Alberta
Urinary Tract Pathology
Case Introductions
Case # 1
Oscar Illanes
The kidneys and ureters from a finisher pig slaughtered at the St. Kitts Abattoir were submitted for examination.
Nematodes, identified as Stephanurus dentatus, were found within the minor calyces and around the renal pelvis
and ureters.
Case # 2
Dale Miskimins
A ten-year-old mare developed a mandibular fracture three weeks after foaling. The fracture was surgically
repaired. Four weeks after surgery the mare was euthanized for weight loss and bloody vaginal discharge.
Necropsy lesions included a fractured right mandible, multifocal pale nodules in the kidneys and blood tinged
urinary bladder contents.
Case # 3
D06-053741 F
Kimberly Pattullo
A 7-month-old domestic short hair cat was spayed on September 18th with an uneventful procedure and recovery.
The owner reported vomiting 2 days after the procedure and on September 29th, the owner reported that the cat had
decreased activity and anorexia. Examination revealed a fever (103˚F) and weight loss (1 lb). The cat was treated
with antibiotics, subcutaneous and IV fluids and pain medication over the next several days, but by October 5th, the
cat had gotten progressively worse and the owner elected euthanasia. Gross necropsy findings included a swollen
left kidney and ureter. There were numerous adhesions around the ligature on the uterine stump that extended
between the urethral attachment on the urinary bladder and the colon. The adhesions were larger on the left side of
the bladder than on the right and the suture could not be fully dissected out.
Case # 4
D08-39785 G
Jason Struthers
A 2½-year-old, female, spayed, 4.7 kg, shih-tzu presented to the veterinarian with a 4 day history of vomiting and 1
day history of anorexia. Acute renal failure was diagnosed based on the increased BUN, Creatinine, and
Phosphorus combined with the decreased urine specific gravity of 1.008. The owner is concerned about the creek in
the back yard and the neighbor’s dog that also died of renal failure recently. The dog was treated with subcutaneous
fluids, Penicillin and metoclopramide to no avail and euthanized 3 days later. The cortical surfaces of both kidneys
were mottled tan and red. The medulla of both kidneys contained numerous linear red streaks, which were often
wedge-shaped, ranging from 1 mm to 8 mm wide. The left and right kidneys weighed 27 and 30 grams,
respectively (the expected kidney weight for a 5 kg dog is around 15 grams).
Case # 5
S. Raverty/Jason Struthers
An adult male California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) live stranded on the outer coast of Vancouver Island,
British Columbia. The animal was dehydrated, emaciated and died shortly after hauling it out onto the beach. Both
kidneys were enlarged, pale tan-to-grey. Disseminated punctate depressions were noted throughout the renal
cortices and on cut surface, these areas corresponded to tan-red striations extending deep to the corticomedullary
junction and medulla.
Case # 6
Josh Ramsay
A 1-week-old mixed-breed calf was found dead by the owner (no reported clinical signs) and necropsied by the
referring veterinarian (no gross lesions). All other calves are clinically normal.
Case # 7
Adrienne Schucker
A 6-month-old Rex Rabbit was found dead in its zoo enclosure with no previous clinical signs. Gross necropsy
findings included: emaciation, dehydration, and multifocal, beige liver nodules, less than 2 to 3 mm in diameter
(<2% of liver parenchyma) that oozed beige turbid fluid on cross section. There were no significant macroscopic
lesions in the urinary tract.
Case # 8
S. Raverty/Steve Scott
An adult male harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) was recovered from Nanaimo, BC. The animal was in poor
body condition. On incision of the thoracic cavity, the lungs were massively enlarged and did not collapse.
Elevating above the visceral pleura, extending throughout and effacing up to 90% of the lung parenchyma, there
was nodular to diffuse granulomatous pneumonia. The hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes were enlarged,
multinodular and on cut section, variegated red-black with cavitations and turbid red mucus exuded. Bilaterally, the
kidneys were moderately enlarged with numerous subcapsular petechiae. There was a small amount of turbid
yellow-white urine.
Case # 9
Maria Spinato
A 6-month-old, male Himalayan cat was examined due to lethargy and pyrexia. A grade II/IV systolic murmur was
detected upon physical exam. The cat responded well to fluids, meloxicam and antibiotic therapy, although it
continued to be mildly febrile. Approximately 2 weeks following initial presentation, the cat collapsed and died
unexpectedly. At necropsy, 1-2 mm diameter creamy irregular vegetations were firmly attached to all three aortic
valve cusps. Several smaller nodules were also adherent to the left atrioventricular valve. Both kidneys contained 2
mm wide, depressed, wedge-shaped cortical foci that ranged from yellow to red in color. Lungs were markedly
congested and edematous.
Case # 10
Maria Spinato
A 500 sow farrow-to-wean operation experienced increased rates of late stage abortions and stillbirths. Live piglets
were often weak at birth, and subsequently died by 3-4 days of age. The referring veterinarian necropsied two
piglets and noted pulmonary edema and hemorrhage, fibrinous pericarditis and hepatomegaly. Tissues were
submitted from two 2-day-old piglets for histopathology and bacterial culture.
Case # 11
Rosemary Postey
In an apparently healthy slaughter pig, bilaterally enlarged pale kidneys were observed on routine post-mortem
Case # 12
Jen Davies
The body of a 1-year-old, Quarterhorse colt was submitted for post-mortem examination. The animal had been
observed the day before and was reported to be healthy. The next day the colt was found dead with no evidence of
a struggle. No other animas on the premises were sick. Post-mortem exam revealed multi-systemic petechiae and
ecchymoses. Bilaterally, within the renal cortices, there were innumerable, pin-point, white foci. Severe and
bilateral congestion of the renal medulla was also noted.
Case # 13
Jen Davies
A 3-year-old, Appaloosa mare presented with a history of weight loss in August 2011. Abdominal ultrasound
revealed a mass within the right kidney. The mass was biopsied in august and again in late October. In both
instances, histopathology revealed a chronic, non-suppurative, interstitial nephritis. In early January 2012, the
ultrasound was repeated and revealed a 22 cm abscess in the kidney. A nephrectomy was attempted, but the kidney
was adherent to the diaphragm and the duodenum, and could not be resected. The horse was euthanized and the
right kidney was submitted for histopathology.
Case # 14
Lindsay Fry
Tissues from a 9-day-old, female, Labrador retriever puppy. Puppies began to fade away and die at 7 days of age,
and 5/6 puppies in the litter died.
Case # 15
Marie Gramer
This adult, female, Brown Swiss cow was purchased near the end of her gestation, transported 300 miles, then had
difficulty calving. A dead calf was removed 36 hours after calving began. Partial placenta remnants were cleaned
from her uterus 3 days later. The cow was recumbent and failed to respond to treatment. She died 6 days after the
dead calf was removed from her uterus.
Case # 16
Carissa Embury-Hyatt
A one-year-old neutered, male, rabbit presented to a Winnipeg veterinarian for being unusually docile and ‘limp’
with signs suggestive of severe liver failure. In the vet’s office the animal had seizures followed by cardiac arrest.
Gross necropsy findings included icterus, hepatopathy, nephropathy and pulmonary congestion.
Case # 17
OV 11-14061
K. Marek Tomczyk
A 2-year-old, pregnant female ewe (2 months pregnant with 1 fetus), in good body condition, went down over one
day and died. Filed necropsy revealed: “Severely icteric mucus membranes, petechial and locally diffuse
subcutaneous hemorrhages; congested lungs and flabby heart, dark yellow liver and dark brown kidney.” Fresh and
fixed tissues were received for further diagnostics (lung, liver, kidney, heart).
Case # 18
CN 09-08210
K. Marek Tomczyk
A mature, neutered, male Poodle presented for anorexia, lethargy and foul smelling urine. Chemistry panel
revealed increased BUN, Creatinine and Phosphorus. Euthanasia was elected due to kidney failure. Several dogs in
the area had died recently and malicious poisoning was suspected. The animal was sent for the necropsy which
revealed that renal capsules were bilaterally difficult to remove and cortices were focally pitted. Triangular areas of
pallor were present in the cortices of both kidneys.
Case # 19
Susan Detmer
An 11-month-old, female, spayed bulldog had an acute onset of anorexia. The dog was initially seen by its regular
vet, but was transferred and treated an emergency clinic with epistaxis, melena, low glucose, hypotension, and an
opisthotonic posture. The owner elected euthanasia and the necropsy revealed mild hemothorax, hemopericardium
and hydroabdomen. The lungs were diffusely dark red and sank in formalin. There were myocardial and
gastric serosal hemorrhages. The stomach and stomach contents of the stomach were brown to black and
granular feeling. The small and large intestines were pale with red to black contents and the liver was friable with a
yellow and red lobular pattern.
Case # 20
D07-17858 D
Susan Detmer
A 10-year-old, Male, Neutered, Shih-Tzu presented to an emergency clinic for vomiting of 3 days duration. Blood
work revealed a BUN 213, Creatinine 12.8, phosphorus 16.1, calcium 12.6, and potassium 6.1. Acute renal failure
was diagnosed. The dog was euthanized and necropsy was relatively unremarkable except that the left and right
kidneys weighed 14 and 13.9 grams, respectively (the expected kidney weight for a 8 kg dog is around 20 grams)
and the kidneys felt “granular” on cut surface.
Case # 21
R0538062, L3
Maria Spinato
A 9.5-month-old, female, Maremma Sheepdog underwent routine ovariohysterectomy with intraoperative IV fluids
and IV metacam and post-operative metacam (PO, SIDX2). Six days later, the dog presented with a 3 day history
of vomiting, polydipsia, and anorexia. Blood work revealed severe azotemia, hyponatremia and hyperkalemia. No
abnormalities were identified upon ultrasound of the kidneys and there was no evidence of UTI. The dog improved
after 3 days of hospitalization on IV fluids and returned home. One week later, the dog was again anorexic and
severely azotemic, and subsequently euthanized. The referring veterinarian removed both kidneys and submitted
formalin fixed to the diagnostic lab.
Case # 22
Kristyna Musil
Miss Boo is a 7-year-old, female, spayed cat who presented with a two day history of anorexia and acute blindness.
Chemistry panel revealed marked azotemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis consistent
with oliguric renal failure.
Case # 23
Jennine Ochoa
A 512 Kg, 12-year-old Haflinger stallion presented to the Washington State University Teaching Hospital for large
colon impaction. Biochemistry panel revealed azotemia (Creatinine 3.7, BUN 4.4) and urinalysis revealed
hematuria. The horse was started on intravenous fluids and the urine cleared after 3 hours (PCV 39%, at that time),
but the horse was found agonal 16 hours later and then died. Gross necropsy findings: severe right doral colon
impaction, mild to moderate bicavitary effusion and severe bilateral renal papillary necrosis.
Case # 24
Danielle Nelson
A young adult, female, German Shorthair Pointer was bitten by a western rattlesnake. The dog was taken to a local
veterinarian, who treated with steroid and sent the dog home. It died the next morning and was brought in for
necropsy. Gross lesions included puncture wounds (presumptive snake bite) at the commissure of the lips, severe
hemorrhage and edema of the head and left forepaw and multifocal myocardial necrosis.
Case # 25
Nick Nation
U of A
One kidney section is included from each of two 48 hour old York X piglets that were part of a
biomedical study. Piglets became ill following preventive gentamycin treatment for sepsis.
Case # 26
Monica Salles
Tissue from a 4-year-old cow. After weaning their calves, a group of 45 cows were confined in a small (half
hectare) lot. After three days, the cows were released to a bigger pasture. Between eight and ten days after being
released from the small lot 15 cows died after presenting with weight loss, black diarrhea, dehydration, tremors and
aggressiveness. At the necropsy, this cow presented brisket edema, hydrothorax, hydropericardium and ascites.
Edema was also present in the abomasal and gall bladder walls, in the perirenal fat, mesentery and mesocolon.
Multifocal petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages were seen in the serosa of abdominal organs and pericardium.
There was serous atrophy of the epicardial fat. Multifocal ulcers were present in the oral cavity. The kidneys were
diffusely pale and had multifocal hemorrhages.
Case # 27
Gary Wobeser
A 3-year-old, spayed, female, Shar-Pei presented with a several day history of voiting, diarrhea, dehydration,
lethargy and severe azotemia (BUN >140, Creatinine 2146 mol/L). The dog was euthanized and necropsy
findings included sublingual ulcers, a cresecent-shaped, brown structure in the renal pelvises (interpreted as
papillary necrosis), pale streaking extending into the renal medulla and diffusely dark red, gelatinous lungs.
Case # 28
Hélène Philibert
This 2-week-old, male, Charolais calf has been staggering, falling down and not eating naturally since birth. Both
kidneys were pale and small with numerous small cysts throughout the cortex and very thin medulla.
Case # 29
D07-046125 D
Susan Detmer
A 16-day-old, male, Irish Wolfhound presented with vomiting, dehydration, lethargy, and white foul-smelling
diarrhea. The puppy died overnight and necropsy examination revealed asymmetric and pale kidneys. The right
kidney measured 5 x 2.6 x 2 cm and weighed 14.3 g. On section, the pelvis was dilated and filled with urine. The
right ureter was 2 mm in diameter. The left kidney measured 3.8 x 2.1 x 2 cm and weighed 8.8 g (expected organ
weights for large breed dogs are difficult to predict, but should be symmetric). There was focal indentation into the
surface at the cranial pole. On section, the medulla of the cranial pole was reduced. The left ureter was 1 mm in
Case # 30
Kathleen Potter/Alistair Johnston WADDL
In 1999-2000, 2 sheep flocks on the South island of New Zealand experience birth of multiple abnormal lambs that
were either born dead or died shortly after birth. Gross lesions included greatly enlarged kidneys with numerous
small cysts on cut surface. Cysts were also present in the liver, pancreas and the epididymis of male lambs.
Case # 31
Danielle Nelson
A 1.5-year-old, female, border collie was presented to the referring veterinarian with thin body condition, lethargy,
anorexia and labored breathing. Blood work indicated renal failure and possible liver failure. The dog did not
respond to fluids and oxygen and was euthanized with the owner’s consent. Limited cosmetic necropsy showed
small, mottled kidneys.
Case # 32
Lindsay Fry
The right kidney from a young female Sprague-Dawley rat was submitted following euthanasia and necropsy. The
kidney was grossly enlarged, with a single white nodule on the surface.
Case # 33
Brenda Bryan
A 9-year-old domestic shorthair cat presented for necropsy after he developed acute kidney failure with anuria and
euthanasia was elected. Upon gross examination, there was severe retroperitoneal edema, one kidney was slightly
enlarged and the ureters contained dark red to black, hard, intraluminal material. Additionally, there was severe,
diffuse, subcutaneous edema with thoracic and peritoneal effusion, and gingival and lingual ulcers.
Case # 34
Bruce Wobeser
Tissue from one of a group of 12 miniature horses vaccinated against Anthrax. Within 4 days, all
vaccinated horses were off feed and passing red tinged urine. 4 of these animals died. This sample is
from a 6 year old pregnant mare.
Case # 35
Brenda Bryan
A 4-year-old, male, Shih-Tzu presented to the WCVM small animal service for acute blindness (DX: bilateral
glaucoma and detached retinas). Blood work revealed severe azotemia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia and
aggressive fluid therapy was initiated. Gross exam revealed severe, generalized edema, along with hydrothorax (70
ml) and hydroabdomen (400 ml). The liver was rounded, weighing 322 g (210 g expected for a 7kg dog). There
were diffuse military, cortical petechia on the surface and cut-section of both kidneys. The urinary bladder lumen
was filled with a large blood clot.
Case # 36
S. Raverty/Jamie Rothenburger AHC/WCVM
An adult male California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) was recovered from the outer coast of Washington
state. The animal was in poor body condition. The abdomen was markedly distended, taut and contained
approximately 10 L of white turbid fluid with a small amount of yellow-tan flocculent material. Throughout the
caudal abdomen, protruding from the serosal surfaces of the urinary bladder, colon, ureters and rectum, as well as
enlarging an partially obliterating numerous regional lymph nodes, there were multifocal to coalescing tan-red to
yellow, firm, to occasionally friable and necrotic nodules. A few nodules were evident immediately below the
capsular surface of the left medial liver lobe. A small amount of cloudy, yellow-white urine was in the urinary
Case # 37
Maria Spinato
A 10-week-old, Shorthorn full calf was first treated for pneumonia at 3 weeks of age. It was treated again for
pneumonia at 6 weeks and 8 weeks of age, and was subsequently euthanized due to a lack of clinical improvement.
Gross findings included chronic omphalitis and subacute cranioventral bronchopneumonia with sequestration and
abscessation. Both kidneys were firm in texture and contained extensive foci of white cortical streaking. Capsules
were adherent to the cortical surfaces which were characterized by prominent irregular white sunken scars.
Case # 38
NO82-5 7/14/10
Carmen Fuentealba
A 7-year-old male (intact), Kittitian mixed breed dog in adequate body condition was presented with a 2 day
history of anorexia and recumbency. The dog was extremely reluctant to ambulate and appeared to be having
severe back pain. At the owners’ request, the dog was euthanized and submitted for post-mortem exam. Most
significant gross post-mortem findings were intervertebral disk disease (severe degeneration of L7-S1) and
spondylosis, marked thyroid gland atrophy and the presence of relatively prominent coronary arteries.
Case # 39
WCVDP 2012 C
Rosemary Postey
Tissue from a kidney mass found incidentally at the time of slaughter of a market hog.
Case # 40
Katherine Gailbreath
A 1-year-old, intact female, Springer Spaniel was referred to WestVet Emergency and Specialty Center for a 1
month history of stranguria and hematuria. She had been previously diagnosed with a urinary tract infection that
responded to antibiotic therapy (bacteria no longer visible on urine sediment exam), but stranguria persisted.
Ultrasound revealed an irregular mass in the lumen of the urinary bladder. The results of cytology and a small
pinch biopsy (cystoscopy) were inconclusive. Cystotomy was performed and a large broadly pedunculated,
branching, polypoid mass was removed from the trigone.
Case # 41
Kathleen Potter
An 11-year-old, female, spayed, Pug dog was presented to the referring veterinarian for abdominal distensin of 2-3
weeks duration. Ultrasound showed hydronephrosis. Nephrectomy was performed and the left ureter was found to
be “abnormal.”
Case # 42
Josh Ramsay
A 30-year-old, female, mule presented with acute onset of disease and weight loss. A large renal mass was
identified on the right kidney by ultrasound. Gross necropsy findings: renal mass with metastasis to liver, adrenal
gland, lungs and mesentery.
Case # 43
11-10628 1-1
Juan Muñoz-Gutierrez
A female, adult, budgerigar, which belonged to a teaching flock, was noticed to be fluffed up. On clinical
examination, the abdominal region was markedly distended by a large mass. The bird was euthanized due to poor
prognosis and for diagnostic purposes. On necropsy, a 3.0 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm soft, pink to pale tan, multilobulate mass
replaced the left kidney. This mass was adhered to the peritoneum of the ventral coelom and displaced dorsally
intestinal loops.
Case # 44
Steve Mills
A 5-week-old, male, Bernese Mountain Dog presented for a one day history of vomiting, lethargy, and hematuria.
Blood work revealed azotemia and a metabolic acidosis; urinalysis showed a marked hematuria and pyuria. An
irregular thickening of the urinary bladder was detected 9 weeks later on abdominal palpation, and a mass was
subsequently removed via laparotomy.
Affiliation abbreviations:
Animal Health Centre, British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Abbotsford, BC
Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Veterinary Diagnostic Services Laboratory,
Winnipeg, MB
National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, CFIA, Winnipeg, MB
Prairie Diagnostic Services, Inc., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Ross University, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Kitts
Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
U of A
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Calgary, AB
University of Minnesota, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, St. Paul, MN
Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
WestVet Diagnostic Laboratory, Garden City, Idaho