
A Quick Review of Graph Terminology
Graph– set of vertices and set of edges.
o More formally, a graph G = (V, E) is an ordered pair of finite sets V and E.
 The set V is the set of vertices. In the graph below, the vertices are
 The set E is the set of edges. In the graph below, the edges are 1-5,1-2,52,4-5,4-3,3-2,6-4
Edges can have an annotation describing the edge. If the annotation is a
value, weight, or cost, it is termed a weighted graph. In the graph below
the nodes could be homes and the edges could represent the cost of laying
cable between those homes.
The edges can have direction (The edge between 5 and 11 could mean "I
am to go from 5 to 11" or "5 supplies 11" or "5 likes 11".). A graph with
directed edges is termed a directedgraph or digraph. Otherwise, we call it
Successor– the follows relationship in a directed graph (e.g., 8 follows 7.)
Degree– the number of edges incident to or touching a vertex. (The degree of 11 is 5)
o In-degree– the number of edges coming into a vertex (digraph only). (e.g., the
in-degree of 11 is 2.)
o Out-degree– the number of edges going out of a vertex (digraph only). (e.g., the
out-degree of 11 is 3.)
Predecessor– the precedes relationship in a directed graph. (e.g., 11 and 8 precede 9)
Two common methods of traversal are Breadth-First Search ( BFS ) or DepthFirst Search.
A Breadth-First Search. When a node is visited, all the siblings of the node
are visited before the children of the node are visited.
A Depth-First Search. When a node is visited, all the descendants of the
node are visited before the siblings of the node are visited.
Graph Traversal
To watch a short demonstration video click here.
Drawing Tools:
New Graph - Creates a random graph
Node tool - Used to insert new nodes. Click to place the node.
Hand tool - Used to select a node by clicking on the node or to move a node
click and drag the node.
Edge tool -Used to add an edge by clicking and dragging between two edges.
Eraser tool - Used to delete an edge or node. Click on the edge or node to
delete it.
Visit tool - Used to select the nodes in the order of traversal. Click on the
nodes in the order they should be traversed.
Edge Marking tools - Used to markForward, Back and Cross edges. Click on
the edge to mark it with the selected tool.
Standard Operations:
Find Path - Searches for a path from the highlighted start node to the node
containing the search value entered in the Search Valuetextfield.
Traverse - performs a traversal starting at the selected node.
Check - checks to see if the colored traversal is correct for the selected
Clear Highlights - Resets the graph to an untraversed state.
Clear All - Deletes the entire graph
Additional Options:
Let Me Try - Allows you to select the nodes in the correct order of traversal
and label the edges.
Speed - Adjusts the Speed of the animation
Graph Options:
Directed - Specify a Directed or Undirected graph.
Weighted - Specify a Weighted or Unweighted graph.
Color Edges - Specify if the edges should be labeled as forward, back, and
cross edges.
Show Key - Controls the visibility of the color-key code used to color nodes
and edges
Search Options:
BFS - Specifies the traversal or search will be performed using a Breadth-First
DFS - Specifies the traversal or search will be performed using a Depth-First
Dijkstra - Specifies the traversal or search will be performed using Dijkstra's
Algorithm. The edges must be weighted to use this algorithm.
Submit -Submits the graph to the instructor.
Print - Prints the graph.
Graph Traversal
To watch a short demonstration video click here.
Drawing Tools:
New Graph - Creates a random graph
Node tool - Used to insert new nodes. Click to place the node.
Hand tool - Used to select a node by clicking on the node or to move a node
click and drag the node.
Edge tool -Used to add an edge by clicking and dragging between two edges.
Eraser tool - Used to delete an edge or node. Click on the edge or node to
delete it.
Visit tool - Used to select the nodes in the order of traversal. Click on the
nodes in the order they should be traversed.
Edge Marking tools - Used to markForward, Back and Cross edges. Click on
the edge to mark it with the selected tool.
Standard Operations:
Find Path - Searches for a path from the highlighted start node to the node
containing the search value entered in the Search Valuetextfield.
Traverse - performs a traversal starting at the selected node.
Check - checks to see if the colored traversal is correct for the selected
Clear Highlights - Resets the graph to an untraversed state.
Clear All - Deletes the entire graph
Additional Options:
Let Me Try - Allows you to select the nodes in the correct order of traversal
and label the edges.
Speed - Adjusts the Speed of the animation
Graph Options:
Directed - Specify a Directed or Undirected graph.
Weighted - Specify a Weighted or Unweighted graph.
Color Edges - Specify if the edges should be labeled as forward, back, and
cross edges.
Show Key - Controls the visibility of the color-key code used to color nodes
and edges
Search Options:
BFS - Specifies the traversal or search will be performed using a Breadth-First
DFS - Specifies the traversal or search will be performed using a Depth-First
Dijkstra - Specifies the traversal or search will be performed using Dijkstra's
Algorithm. The edges must be weighted to use this algorithm.
Submit -Submits the graph to the instructor.
Print - Prints the graph.
BFS Traversal
Use the applet to the left to create a graph structure.
Then click Traverse to watch the applet traverse the graph structure.
#1 Why does the applet use a queue when performing a BFS?
Create a new graph structure.
Select Let Me Try and practice traversing the graph in the correct order.
Remember the idea of a queue.
To check if your traversal is correct click Check. Don't worry right now about
labeling the edges.
DFS Traversal
Use the applet to the left to create a graph structure.
Select DFS as the Search Method
Then click Traverse to watch the applet traverse the graph structure.
#2 Why does the applet use a stack when performing a DFS?
Create a new graph structure.
Select Let Me Try and practice traversing the graph in the correct order.
Remember the idea of a stack.
To check if your traversal is correct click Verify. Don't worry right now about
labeling the edges.
A common property used to describe graphs is connectedness.
A strongly connected graph is a graph such that there is a path from any
given node A to all other nodes.
A weakly connected graph is a graph such that if the edges were undirected
there would be a path from any given node A to all other nodes.
A graph that is not connected is a graph such that if the edges were
undirected, there would exist a node A such that there was not a path to
another node B
#3 Can you use graph traversal to determine the connectedness of a graph?
Does it matter if you used a DFS vs BFS? Would you expect this to be the
most effecient method to determine the connectedness of a graph?
Topological Ordering
Another common thing to do with graphs is to order the nodes
usingtopological ordering.
In order for a graph to have a topological order it must be adirected acyclic
graph ( DAG ) or in simpler terms a directed graph that has no cycles or
A topological order is used when precedence matters ie. A must be done
before B. A DAG is topologically ordered if the nodes are ordered such that
for each edge (i, j) i precedes j in the ordering.
#4 Can you use graph traversal to determine a topological ordering of a
graph? Does it matter if you used a DFS vs BFS? Would you expect this to
be the most effecient method to determine a topological ordering of a graph?
What is the big O runtime of this algorithm?
Shortest Path
Another common thing to do with graphs is to find the shortest path between
two nodes.
#5 Suppose you want to know the shortest path from node A to node E in an
unweighted graph. How could you use graph traversal to find the answer?
Would you want to use a DFS or a BFS?
Edge Labels
Edges can be label for a given traversal.
Tree Edge is an edge in the traversal path.
Back Edge is an edge that connects a vertex to an ancestor for a given
Forward Edge is an non tree edge that connects a vertex to a descendant.
Cross Edge is any other edge in a graph. It connects vertices in two different
trees or two vertices in the same tree neither of which is the ancestor of the
In Let Me Try Mode traverse a graph and then try labeling the edges.
#6 Can a BFS Traversal ever have all four types of edges? If not, which one
will it be missing?
Detecting Cycles
By labeling the edges of a graph, one can easily determine if that graph is
A cyclic graph is a graph that has a loop or a cycle or in other words, a graph
such that there exists some node A such that there is a path from A to A.
#6 How can edge labels be used to detect cycles?