Faculty of Science and Engineering appendix

August 2015
Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Plymouth University. You are
joining a dynamic research community with currently more than 1100 students
studying for a research degree.
The Faculty has received awards for excellence from the Government for the quality
of its teaching and is host to one of the largest environmental research facilities in
the UK. It has an international reputation for the quality of its research.
In choosing to study at Plymouth University you will be awarded a top qualification
recognised in industry and research.
This Postgraduate Research Information Book Appendix contains information which
the Graduate School hopes will answer some of your initial questions about your
research studies here in Plymouth.
This booklet should be used in conjunction with the generic postgraduate research
students’ information booklet.
The Faculty of Science and Engineering consists of four Schools, each with their
own, Head of School (HoS), and Research Coordinator (RC). The Schools consist
School of Biological Sciences (HoS – Dr Mairi Knight (email:
mairi.knight@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)1752 584636), RC – Prof Awadhesh
Jha (email: A.Jha@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)1752 584633).
School of Computing and Mathematics (including Electronic Engineering) (HoS –
Prof Steven Furnell (email: S.Furnell@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)1752
586234), RC – Prof Kurt Langfeld (email: kurt.langfeld@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44
(0)1752 586876).
School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences (including the Centre for
Sustainable Transport) (HoS – Dr Mark Anderson (email:
M.Anderson@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: (+44) (0)1752 584768), RC – Prof Paul
Worsfold (Chemistry and Environmental Science), (email:
P.Worsfold@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)1752 584579) Prof Gregory Price
(Earth Sciences) (email: G.Price@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)1752 584771),
Prof Geoff Wilson (Geography) (email: geoff.wilson@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44
(0)1752 585981).
School of Marine Science & Engineering (including Civil, Marine, and Mechanical
Engineering) (HoS – Prof Neil James (email: M.james@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44
(0)1752 586102), RC – Professor Long-yuan Li (Engineering) (email: longyuan.li@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)175 2586180) & Dr Murray Brown (Marine)
(email: M.T.Brown@plymouth.ac.uk ; tel.: +44 (0)1752 584614).
Please call in to the Graduate School, 3rd Floor Link Building at your earliest
convenience, where the Research Office is located and staff there will be able to
help with enrolment.
 francesca.niedzielski@plymouth.ac.uk;
+44 (0) 1752 586079
 c.watson@plymouth.ac.uk ;
+44 (0) 1752 586040
 mandarin.macdonald@plymouth.ac.uk (from October 2015);
+44 (0) 1752 584539
 catherine.mccoulough@plymouth.ac.uk (until October 2015);
+44 (0) 1752 584539
 sharon.healy@plymouth.ac.uk ;
+44 (0) 1752 588925
On Arrival at the University
Meet with your Director of Studies.
Go to Room 305 Link Building to collect your Research Degrees Handbook
and any other necessary information.
Make yourself known to your School Office.
Office Location
Biological Sciences
Portland Square A410
Claire Benwell
Geography, Earth and
Environmental Science
Portland Square A504
Donella Bone
Marine Science and
003 Reynolds Building
Barbara Fuller
Computing and
A311 Portland Square
Joanna Graham
Your school office will inform you of your desk space arrangements.
Sort out where your mail is delivered with your School Office.
Complete any Swipe card/Key access forms.
Request any necessary alarm codes.
Collect a Safety Handbook via your School Office or Technicians, if
Complete any other forms given to you at enrolment.
Once you have your computing account you need to inform your School
Office as they may need to add you to the correct School Outlook distribution
Maintenance Grant/ Bursary payments (if applicable): If the Faculty is aware
of your Bank details, all grants will be electronically transferred directly into
your account via BACS. Otherwise, contact Pat Shepperd/Julie Platt, +44
(0)1752 584521/+44 (0)1752 586031 (Room 015 Smeaton Building).
The minimum benchmark facilities to be provided for PGR students in order for them
to complete their studies within the required time period has been established by the
Graduate School (see Research Degree Handbook for details). With respect to
work-space all full-time (FT) PGR students based on the Plymouth campus will
normally be provided with a desk or workbench for sole use (sometimes both are
appropriate) and all part-time (PT) PGR students will normally be provided with a
desk or workbench that may be shared or be given access to a ‘hot-desk’.
On entering the writing-up mode of study (i.e year 4 for FT PhD, year 5/6 for PT
PhD) students may be required to vacate their desk/bench and switch to a ‘hotdesk’. This will be determined according to the availability of desk space.
The School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, The School of
Biological Sciences, and Marine Sciences Programmes.
Compulsory Modules (10 credits/module)
MPhil/PhD students in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental
Sciences (SoGEES) who do not hold a UK MSc or MRes qualification, must take
and pass the 20 credit module GEES503 Environmental knowledge: from field to
stakeholder. GEES503 is taught in the autumn term. Assessment for this
module is 100% coursework. Deadlines for this assessment is set by the Module
MPhil/PhD students in the School of Biological Sciences (SoBBS) who do not
hold a UK MSc or MRes qualification must take and pass one 20 credit module
BIO5131 Postgraduate Research Skills and Methods that runs in the autumn
term. Assessment for this module is by 100% coursework. The coursework is
(a) a Literature Review (approx 3000 words) on the topic of the PhD study, (b) an
Oral Presentation and (c) a Research Proposal (approx 1500 words) that should
include an outline of the key objectives, research design, methodologies,
practicalities and safety issues. Deadlines for these assessments are set by the
Module Leader.
MPhil/PhD students on the Marine Sciences programme who do not hold a UK
MSc or MRes qualification must take and pass either MAR531 Research Skills
and Methods or BIO5131 Postgraduate Research Skills and Methods depending
on which subject area you are specialising in.
Students who start at other times of the year and part-time/distance students
The compulsory modules are only taught once per year and should be taken by
students at the earliest opportunity.
Optional courses and modules for PhD students in SoGEES and SoBS or on
the Marine Sciences Programme
All registered MPhil/PhD students in SoGEES, SoBS, or on the Marine Sciences
programme wishing to engage in paid/unpaid demonstrating and marking must
take the Introduction to Teaching and Learning (ITL) course (previously General
Teaching Associates (GTA) course). This ensures that the University maintains
its standard of provision to undergraduate courses. For more information about
the course, including dates and how to apply visit https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/youruniversity/teaching-and-learning/qualifications-and-accreditation/itl
Following discussions with their supervisors, MPhil/PhD students may elect to
take additional credits of appropriate training selected from the list of taught
modules overleaf. All students are encouraged to obtain new skills through the
optional modules on offer.
It is compulsory for all students within the School of Biological Sciences to give
poster (first year) or oral presentations (2nd and 3rd year) in one of the research
events or in the seminar programme in consultation with their supervisors. It is
also required to participate regularly in the seminar programme arranged by the
For some schools, the training also requires essential attendance at School
seminars and production of the annual report.
ResM Programmes
Students taking this award take a minimum of 40 credits of taught modules up to a
maximum of 120 credits (can include up to 30 credits of stage 3 level modules).
These optional credits are determined by the supervisor and candidate depending on
previous experience and the needs of the proposed research project element.
Compulsory credits include a Research Methods module, appropriate to discipline
(20 credits), and taught module applicable to the subject area (20 credits). Optional
credits include taught modules as applicable to the student and topic chosen (up to
80 credits). These modules may be chosen from a variety of existing Taught Masters
Programmes and can span disciplines and faculties as appropriate, and by prior
arrangement could include a module(s) from another institution. If appropriate, then
the optional credits may also include the Graduate Teaching Associates
(GTA) course and/or courses from the Graduate Skills Programme
Please note there is a deadline to withdraw from modules that you are enrolled
on. Please contact your DTC Administrator to find out when this deadline has
been set.
The following is a Provisional List of Option Modules for MPhil/PhD Students
Please note this list is for information only - Up to date information will be
available on enrolment and in discussion with your supervisory team
Autumn Period
SoGEES, SoBBS and Marine Modules
Module Title
ANIM 5004
ANIM 504
Zoo Organisation and Business Management
Applied Animal Behaviour and Management
J. Eddison
S. Collins
100% CW
100% CW
BIO 504
BIO 5125
BIO 5131
Health and Production in Aquaculture
Sustainable use of Resources in Biological Systems
Postgraduate Research Skills & Methods
T. Hutchinson
R. Parkinson
M. Franco
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
BIOL 5001
Advanced Postgraduate Skills
J. Eddison
100% CW
Port and Harbour Engineering
Coastal Engineering
G. Iglesias
M. Hann
40% : 60%
100% CW
Ecological Survey, Evaluation & Mitigation
P. Lunt
100% CW
Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
F. Azizi
20% : 80%
Environmental knowledge: from field to stakeholder
Sustainability and Environmental Management:
Integrating Science, Law, Economics and Society
Sustainable Management of Freshwater Ecosystems
N. Tyrrell
I. Bailey
100% CW
60% CW :
40% practical
60% CW :
40% practical
MAR 501
MAR 502
MAR 513
Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy
Research Skills and Methods
P. Hosegood
J. Benhim
J. Schwarz
MAR 514
MAR 515
Marine Science
Management of Coastal Environments
A. Manning
G. Masselink
MAR 520
MAR 521
MAR 526
MAR 527
V. Abbott
A. Manning
P. Hosegood
J. Benhin
MAR 530
MAR 531
Acoustic and Oceanographic Surveying
Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy
Economics, Law and Policy for Marine Renewable
Managing Marine Ecosystems
Research Skills and Methods (PhD)
100% CW
100% CW
80% CW :
20% practical
100% CW
80% CW :
20% practical
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
J. Schwarz
100% CW
Molecular and Cellular Approaches in Marine Biology
Marine Ecology and Conservation
A. Foggo
A. Foggo
100% CW
100% CW
International Engineering Business Management
50% : 50%
PLG 502
PLG 503
PLG 505
Spatial Planning & Sustainable Development
Environmental knowledge: from field to stakeholder
Urban Design: theories, methodologies and practice
C. Balch
N. Tyrrell
C. Balch
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
Economics, law & Policy for Marine Renewable Energy
P. Downs
Computing, Robotics and Engineering Modules
Module Title
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics
Multimedia Communication Networks
G. Pan
A. Ambroze
30% : 70%
50% : 50%
Sensors and Actuators
D. Jenkins
50% : 50%
Information Security Management and Governance
Network Security and Penetration Testing
Intrusion Analysis and Incident Management
S. Furnell
P. Dowland
M. Papadaki
50% : Practical
60% : 40%
50% : 50%
Robot Software Engineering
I. Howard
70% : 30%
Multimedia Networking
Monitoring and Simulation
L. Sun
B. Ghita
50% : 50%
25% : 50%
25% Practical
Robotics and Control
S. Sharma
50% : 50%
Spring Period
SoGEES, SoBBS and Marine Modules
Module Title
ANIM 505
ANIM 506
Animal Health and Welfare
Animal Conservation
J. Eddison
D. Price
100% CW
100% CW
BIO 506
BIO 5208
BIO 5209
Food Systems and Sustainability
Contemporary Issues in Aquaculture
Seafood processing – current perspectives
R. Parkinson
D. Merrifield
V. Kuri
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
Investigation & Assessment of Contaminated
Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainable
J. Maskall
100% CW
L. Firth
80% CW :
20% practical
Climate Change: Science and Policy
T. Daley
Advanced Work Based Learning
Environmental Governance and Politics
D. Gilvear
S. Lavau
30% CW:
50% Exam :
20% practical
100% CW
60% CW :
40% practical
HYFM 504
Advanced Hydraulic Engineering
M. Borthwick
20% : 80%
MAR 504
MAR 507
MAR 509
MAR 512
MAR 516
MAR 517
MAR 518
Mechanics of Marine Renewable Energy Structures
Economics of the Marine Environment
Marine Planning
Assessment of Coastal Resources and Impacts
Contemporary Issues in Marine Science
Coast Erosion & Protection
Remote Sensing and GIS
D. Greaves
L. Rodwell
G. Glegg
50% 50%
50% 50%
50% 50%
50% 50%
100% CW
50% 50%
100% CW
D. Conley
M. Davidson
P. Russell
J. Schwarz
MAR 519
MAR 522
MAR 523
Modelling Marine Processes
Survey Project Management
Digital Mapping
Mechanics of MRE Structures
Marine Planning
Managing Marine Ecosystems
V. Vlasenko
G. Jones
K. Kingston
D. Greaves
G. Glegg
S. Fletcher
100% CW
50% 50%
50% 50%
50% 50%
50% 50%
100% CW
Advanced Engineering Analysis
Y. Rafiq
100% CW
PLG 501
PLG 504
PLG 506
PLG 507
Issues & Values in Planning Practise
Development Management & Delivery
Rural Planning
Sustainable Transport Governance: Policy and
Coastal Urban Regeneration
Marine Planning
S. Essex
C. Balch
G. Wilson
J. Shaw
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
100% CW
S. Essex
G. Glegg
100% CW
50% 50%
PLG 508
PLG 509
Computing, Robotics and Engineering Modules
Module Title
Research Professional and Research Skills with
P. Filmore
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics
Advanced Signal Processing
Integrated Power Systems
Digital and Wireless Communications
G. Pan
E. Efachor
Z. Ahmed
A. Ambroze
30% : 70%
70% : 30%
50% : 50%
30% : 70%
Secure Systems Architectures and Mechanisms
Digital Forensic Investigation
I. Stengel
N. Clarke
60% : 40%
50% : 50%
Advanced Routing and Switching
Servers, Datacentres and Cloud
L. Sun
A. Tsokanos
50% : 50%
50% : 50%
Topics in Advanced Intelligent Robotics
Science and Technology of Human-Robot Interaction
Robotic Visual Perception and Autonomy
G. Bugmann
T. Belpaeme
P. Culverhouse
50% : 50%
50% : 50%
50% : 50%
Timetables can be accessed from https://timetables.plymouth.ac.uk/