G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 1 Overview The G2S v2.1 Certification Requirements Checklist, on the following pages, is used to identify the Functional Groups to be certified for EGMs that implement the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1, its extensions, and its errata. The checklist identifies the Functional Groups in which a product may be certified. Operational and jurisdictional requirements will determine which Functional Groups must be certified. Each Functional Group corresponds to a specific set of functionality defined within the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 specification or a GSA-approved extension. The Detailed Certification Requirements, which follow the checklist, identify the specific commands within the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 specification or a GSA-approved extension that are associated with each Functional Group. The Communications Configuration Requirements, which follow the Detailed Certification Requirements, identify the specific configuration options within the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 specification that must be configurable for the communications class. The Option Configuration Requirements, which follow the Communications Configuration Requirements, identify the specific configuration options within the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 specification or a GSA-approved extension that must be configurable for each Functional Group. 1.1 Eligible Versions The following versions of the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 specification and GSAapproved extensions are eligible for certification. From time-to-time, as new versions, extensions, and errata are released, this list may be updated and a new version of these Certification Requirements may be released. 1.2 GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 GSA G2S Message Protocol Extension 1k Technical Bulletins From time-to-time, Technical Bulletins regarding the G2S Message Protocol may be issued by the Gaming Standards Association (GSA). The Technical Bulletins contain critical information regarding corrections, clarifications, and certification requirements for the G2S Message Protocol. Information contained in the Technical Bulletins may have a direct impact 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 1 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 on the requirements of the G2S Message Protocol v2.1, its errata, and its extensions. Information contained in the Technical Bulletins may also have a direct impact on and the requirements for GSA certification of implementations of the G2S Message Protocol v2.1, its errata, and its extensions. It is strongly recommended that implementers of the G2S Message Protocol review the Technical Bulletins on a regular basis for corrections and clarifications that may affect their implementations. The Technical Bulletins are available in the download area of the GSA website www.gamingstandards.com. 1.3 Transport Requirements The GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 specification does not specify the transport required to communicate G2S messages. However, to be certified, implementations of the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1 MUST use a GSA-approved transport. A list of those transports may be found on the GSA website at gamingstandards.com. 1.4 Certification Requirements To be certified, implementations of the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1, its extensions, and its errata MUST meet the requirements of the version of the protocol under test and the requirements identified in this document. Released versions of the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1, its extensions, and its errata can be found on the GSA website at www.gamingstandards.com. Implementations of the GSA G2S Message Protocol v2.1, its extensions, and its errata MUST adhere to the following requirements to be GSA certified. From time-to-time, as new versions, extensions, and errata are released, these requirements may be updated and a new version of these Certification Requirements may be released. The manufacturer of the implementation MUST comply with all requirements of the GSA Certification Program Guide. This document can be found on the GSA website at www.gamingstandards.com. All messages generated by an implementation MUST comply with the messagehandling requirements of the GSA G2S Message Protocol under test. Within the GSA G2S Message Protocol specification and its errata, requirements are identified by the terms MUST, MUST NOT, and REQUIRED. Some requirements may not be specifically tested by the testing agency. All messages generated by the implementation MUST be well-formed, syntactically correct, and semantically correct. All messages generated by the implementation MUST contain all required elements and attributes. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 2 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 All messages generated by the implementation MUST contain all optional elements and attributes necessary to construct a semantically correct message. Optional elements and attributes MAY be omitted provided that the default values associated with the elements and attributes convey the proper semantic meaning to the recipient of the message. At a minimum, the implementation MUST be certified for the following Functional Groups. The implementation MAY be certified for other Functional Groups. o Core Communications Functionality o Core Event Reporting Functionality o Core Cabinet Functionality o Core Meter Reporting Functionality o Core Game Play Functionality o Core Handpay Functionality To be certified for a Functional Group, the implementation MUST comply with all requirements for the Functional Group. Within the GSA G2S Message Protocol specification, its extensions, and its errata, requirements are identified by the terms MUST, MUST NOT, and REQUIRED. Some requirements may not be specifically tested by the testing agency. To be certified for a Functional Group, the implementation MUST support all commands that are received by the implementation within the Functional Group and the implementation MUST generate all commands within the Functional Group when the action that causes the command occurs. If the action that causes a command to be generated does not occur within the implementation, there is no requirement that the command be generated. To be certified for a Functional Group, for each request that is received within the Functional Group, the implementation MUST generate a semantically correct response to the request or generate a response that contains a semantically correct error code. o For example, to be certified for the Core Game Authentication Functionality, when an implementation does not support any special functions, the implementation must still support the getSpecialFunctions request, returning a semantically correct response – that is, a specialFunctions command containing an empty list of special functions. Similarly, if the implementation receives a request to run a special function, the implementation must respond with a semantically correct error code in its response – that is, G2S_GAX002 Special Function Unknown. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 3 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 1.5 To be certified for a Functional Group, all events within the Functional Group MUST be generated by the implementation when the action that causes the event occurs. If the action that causes an event does not occur within the implementation, there is no requirement that the event be generated. To be certified for a Functional Group, when the Core Option Configuration Functionality is also to be certified, all options within the Functional Group that are configurable MUST be configurable by a host using the optionConfig class. See Option Configuration Requirements for more details about configurable options. The descriptor list for the implementation MUST include all devices supported by the implementation regardless of whether the devices are to be certified. Certification Record Requirements For an implementation to be certified, the testing laboratory MUST provide a written Certification Record for the implementation to the Certification Authority. The Certification Record MUST include the complete results of the conformance testing performed on the implementation. 1.6 The Certification Record MUST identify all Functional Groups supported by the implementation regardless of whether a specific Functional Group was actually tested. For each Functional Group supported by the implementation, the Certification Record MUST indicate whether the Functional Group conformed to the requirements for the Functional Group, whether the Functional Group did not conform to the requirements for the Functional Group, or whether the Functional Group was not tested. The implementation MAY contain functionality that is not part of any Functional Group. For example, the implementation might contain a private extension. If any such functionality is present in the implementation, the Certification Record, at a minimum, MUST indicate that other functionality was present in the implementation. Further details of the functionality MAY be withheld from the Certification Record. The Certification Record MUST NOT include any indication of whether the functionality was tested or whether the functionality conformed to a set of requirements. Restrictions Due to Operational Capabilities In some cases, the operational capabilities of an implementation will limit the range of possible values for an option. For example, when a game only allows a single credit to be wagered, the only possible value for the maxWagerCredits option is 1 (one). In such cases, it may be necessary for the implementation to restrict the range of possible values for an option to a subset of the values allowed by the protocol. In some cases, this may result is only one possible value for an option. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 4 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Minimum values, maximum values, and/or enumeration lists can be used by an implementation to identify the range of values that meet its operational capabilities. When only one possible value exists for an option, the implementation can simply prohibit changes to the option – for example, by setting the canModLocal and canModRemote attributes for the option to false. The intent of the protocol and these certification requirements is that options, which are intended to be configurable, actually be configurable. Manufacturers must not restrict the range of possible values for an option simply to avoid implementing a required option. Any restrictions must reflect true operational limitations of an implementation. Any such limitations must be based on specific jurisdictional or operational requirements. For example, it is reasonable to restrict the list of languages available for the localeId option of the cabinet to languages that are actually supported by the EGM. And, it is reasonable to restrict the largeWinLimit option of the cabinet to a value that is less than the maximum value permitted by the protocol. However, it is not reasonable to restrict the noResponseTimer for a communications device to 0 (zero). It is not reasonable to restrict the requiredForPlay option for a voucher or wat device to false. It is not reasonable to restrict the largeWinLimit option for the cabinet to a fixed value. Any such limitations MUST be noted on the implementation’s Certification Record. Any disagreements between testing labs and manufacturers regarding the reasonableness of restrictions imposed by manufacturers should be resolved by following the appeals process described in the GSA Certification Program Policy Guide. See Communications Configuration Requirements and Option Configuration Requirements for more details about configurable options. 1.7 Errors and Ambiguities Should an error or ambiguity be discovered during certification testing, the Certification Authority should use the following guidelines to resolve the issue. 1.8 Errors and ambiguities should be resolved in a manner that is consistent with subsequent released versions of the GSA G2S Message Protocol or, in the absence of a released version, with clarifications or corrections that have been approved by the GSA G2S Technical Committee for inclusion in a future version of the GSA G2S Message Protocol. Errors and ambiguities should be resolved in a manner that will do the most to promote interoperability. Deprecated Functionality Functionality within released versions of the G2S Message Protocol specification, its extensions, and its errata may be identified as deprecated. This indicates that the GSA no longer recommends that the functionality be implemented. Implementations SHOULD NOT 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 5 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 include deprecated functionality. However, to maintain backwards compatibility, implementations MAY include deprecated functionality. Functionality may also be identified as deprecated in subsequent released versions of the G2S Message Protocol specification, its extensions, and its errata. Implementations MAY omit any such deprecated functionality. However, before doing so, manufacturers SHOULD verify that the functionality is not needed for interoperability with other end-points. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 6 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 2 EGM Certification Requirements Checklist 2.1 How to Use Checklist To indicate that a specific Functional Group is to be certified, check the box next to that Functional Group. Functional Groups that are required for certification are pre-checked. Classes may include a “Core” Functional Group as well as optional Functional Groups. When a “Core” Functional Group exists for a class, if an optional Functional Group is to be certified, the “Core” Functional Group MUST also be certified. In such cases, certification of the optional Functional Group is dependent on certification of the “Core” Functional Group. Within the checklist, “Core” Functional Groups are identified by a large checkbox on the left side of the “Certify” column. Optional Functional Groups are identified by a small checkbox on the right side of the “Certify” column. When certification of one optional Functional Group is dependent on certification of another optional Functional Group, the dependency will be noted with the optional Functional Groups. In such cases, both the optional Functional Group and the Functional Group upon which it is dependent MUST be certified. For each “Core” Functional Group that is selected, indicate the maximum number of devices within that class that may be concurrently active and owned by G2S hosts. Devices that may only be owned by the EGM are not included in this count. A minimum of one device is required for each “Core” Functional Group that is selected. Operational and/or jurisdictional requirements may specify a value greater than one. The number of devices may be “theoretically unlimited”, indicating that there is no set fixed upper limit to the number of devices that can be active concurrently – the only constraint on the number of devices is the physical limits of the EGM. For example, if an EGM can support up to seven communications devices, the “Devices” column should indicate “7”. If an EGM can support a theoretically unlimited number of game play devices, the “Devices” column should indicate “unlimited” or “∞”. If an EGM only supports one device within a “Core” Functional Group, the “Devices” column should indicate “1”. Provided that an EGM supports a particular host-oriented class, the EGM is required to support one device within that class for each host that it supports. Thus, provided that the EGM supports such a “Core” Functional Group, the number of devices specified for the Core Event Reporting Functionality, Core Meter Reporting Functionality, Core Option Configuration Functionality, and Core Game Authentication Functionality MUST be the same as the number of devices specified for the Core Communications Functionality. To be certified for a “Core” Functional Group, the Testing Laboratory MUST verify that the number of devices specified can be concurrently active and assigned to G2S hosts, and that all devices comply with the requirements of the protocol under test. When the number of devices is “unlimited”, the Testing Laboratory MUST verify that all supported devices, up to a reasonable number of devices, comply with the requirements of the protocol under test. Note that the “Devices” column MUST only include devices which can be owned by a G2S host. Devices that can only be EGM-owned MUST NOT be included in the count. Any EGMowned devices that can perform the intended functionality of the class MUST be noted on the implementation’s Certification Record. Within this document, checkboxes can be toggled by clicking on the checkboxes. Alternatively, the list may be printed out and completed by hand. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 7 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 2.2 Certification Checklist Certify Functional Group Devices Core Communications Functionality (Required) Multicast Message Support Core Cabinet Functionality (Required) 1 Remote Restart Support Operating Hours Support (Extension gtkOH) Master Reset Support (Extension GtkMR) Time Zone Offset Support Occupancy Meter Support (Extension g2sOC) Player-Initiated Configuration Changes Basic Substitution Token Group Player Tracking Substitution Token Group Wager Match Substitution Token Group Formatting Substitution Token Group Core Event Reporting Functionality (Required) Core Meter Reporting Functionality (Required) Audit Meter Support (Extension g2sAM) Core Game Play Functionality (Required) Configure Accessible Games & Denominations (Extension gtkGC) Game Outcome Support (Extension 1k) Core Game Theme Functionality Core Device Configuration Functionality 1 Core Communications Configuration Functionality 1 Core Option Configuration Functionality Core Software Download Functionality 1 Software Upload Support Pause / Resume / Abort Support (Extension gtkDL) Core Handpay Functionality (Required) 1 Core Coin Acceptor Functionality Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support Core Note Acceptor Functionality 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 8 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Certify Functional Group Devices Promotional and Non-Cashable Note Support Core Coin Hopper Functionality Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support Core Note Dispenser Functionality Promotional and Non-Cashable Note Support Core Printer Functionality Host-Initiated Printing Support Restrict Printing to Specific Players (Extension igtPrn) Core Progressive Functionality EGM Discovery of Host Progressive Configuration Core ID Reader Functionality Host-Controlled ID Reader 1 EGM-Controlled ID Reader 1 Multi-Lingual Support Enable / Disable Marketing-Oriented Messages for Specific Players Core Bonus Functionality Bonus Award Limits (Extension igtBonus) Wager Match Bonus Support (Extension igtWM) Multiple Jackpot Time Bonus Support (Extension igtMJT) Core Player Tracking Functionality 1 Display Limit Support (Extension igtPlayer-limits) Wager Match Player Support (Extension igtWMP) Multi-Lingual Support Core Voucher Functionality Issue voucher Support Redeem voucher Support Core Wagering Account Functionality EGM-Controlled User Interface Core Game Authentication Functionality Special Function Support Core Central Determination Functionality Core Media Display (PUI) Functionality (Extension igtMediaDisplay) 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 9 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Certify Functional Group Devices Core Storage Requirements Functionality (Extension gtkST) 1 Core Remote Cash-Out Functionality (Extension GtkCO) Core Informed Player Functionality (Extension tleIP) 1 Player Authentication Using PINs Core Smart Card Functionality (Extension igtSC) Core Hardware Inventory Functionality (Extension g2sHW) 1 Core Employee Tracking Functionality (Extension g2sEM) 1 Employee Activity Code Reporting Core Tournament Functionality (Extension g2sTR) 1 EGM-Controlled Tournament Registration Tournament Standings Support Core Direct Funds Transfer Functionality (Extension g2sDF) – Host-Controlled ID Reader, EGM-Controlled ID Reader, or both MUST be selected when Core ID Reader Functionality is selected. 1 3 Detailed Certification Requirements The following tables identify the Functional Groups in which an implementation can be certified and the commands associated with those Functional Groups. The Functional Groups are organized by class. All commands not specifically associated with an optional Functional Group must be supported as part of the “Core” functionality for the class. For convenience, the following tables also identify the commands associated with the “Core” Functional Groups. 3.1 communications Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Communications Functionality commsOnLine commsOnLineAck commsDisabled commsDisabledAck commsClosing commsClosingAck keepAlive keepAliveAck getCommsProfile commsProfile 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 10 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 setCommsState commsStatus getCommsStatus getDescriptor descriptorList setKeepAlive setKeepAliveAck Multicast Message Support getMcastKeyUpdate mcastKeyUpdate joinMcast joinMcastAck leaveMcast leaveMcastAck getMcastList mcastList mcastKeyAck 3.2 cabinet Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Cabinet Functionality getCabinetStatus cabinetStatus getCabinetProfile cabinetProfile setCabinetState setCabinetLockOut setDateTime cabinetDateTime getDateTime Remote Reset Support resetProcessor resetStarted Operating Hours Support setOperatingHours getOperatingHours opertaingHoursList Master Reset Support masterReset authorizeMasterReset 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 11 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 cancelMasterReset getMasterResetStatus masterResetStatus masterResetStatusAck Time Zone Offset Support setTimeZoneOffsets getTimeZoneOffsets timeZoneOffsetList Occupancy Meter Support 3.3 None eventHandler Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Event Reporting Functionality eventReport eventAck getEventHandlerProfile eventHandlerProfile setEventSub setEventSubAck getEventSub eventSubList clearEventSub clearEventSubAck getEventHandlerStatus eventHandlerStatus getEventHandlerLogStatus eventHandlerLogStatus getEventHandlerLog eventHandlerLogList getSupportedEvents supportedEvents 3.4 meters Class Functional Group 2014/7/29 Associated Commands ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 12 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Core Meter Reporting Functionality meterInfo meterInfoAck getMeterInfo meterInfo setMeterSub meterSubList getMeterSub clearMeterSub Audit Meter Support 3.5 None gamePlay Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Game Play Functionality setGamePlayState gamePlayStatus getGamePlayStatus getGamePlayProfile gamePlayProfile setActiveDenoms gameDenomList getGameDenoms getRecallLogStatus recallLogStatus getRecallLog recallLogList Configure Accessible Games & Denominations None Game Outcome Support getOutcomeLogStatus outcomeLogStatus getOutcomeLog outcomeLogList 3.6 gameTheme Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Game Theme Functionality getGameThemeProfile 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 13 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 gameThemeProfile 3.7 deviceConfig Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Device Configuration Functionality deviceChangeStatus deviceChangeStatusAck enterDeviceConfigMode deviceConfigModeStatus getDeviceConfigModeStatus getDeviceConfigProfile deviceConfigProfile getDeviceList deviceList setDeviceChange getDeviceChangeStatus cancelDeviceChange authorizeDeviceChange getDeviceChangeLogStatus deviceChangeLogStatus getDeviceChangeLog deviceChangeLogList 3.8 commConfig Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Communications Configuration Functionality commHostList commHostListAck commChangeStatus commChangeStatusAck enterCommConfigMode commConfigModeStatus getCommConfigModeStatus getCommConfigProfile commConfigProfile getCommHostList 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 14 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 setCommChange cancelCommChange authorizeCommChange getCommChangeLogStatus commChangeLogStatus getCommChangeLog commChangeLogList 3.9 optionConfig Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Option Configuration Functionality optionList optionListAck optionChangeStatus optionChangeStatusAck enterOptionConfigMode optionConfigModeStatus getOptionConfigModeStatus getOptionConfigProfile optionConfigProfile getOptionList getOptionSeries optionList setOptionChange cancelOptionChange authorizeOptionChange getOptionChangeLogStatus optionChangeLogStatus getOptionChangeLog optionChangeLogList 3.10 download Class Functional Group 2014/7/29 Associated Commands ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 15 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Core Software Download Functionality packageStatus packageStatusAck scriptStatus scriptStatusAck setDownloadState downloadStatus getDownloadStatus getDownloadProfile downloadProfile addPackage deletePackage getPackageStatus readPackageContents packageContents getPackageList packageList getPackageLogStatus packageLogStatus getPackageLog packageLogList setScript scriptStatus cancelScript getScriptStatus authorizeScript getScriptList scriptList getScriptLogStatus scriptLogStatus getScriptLog scriptLogList getModuleList moduleList getSupportedProtocols supportedProtocolList 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 16 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Software Upload Support createPackage uploadPackage Pause/Resume/Abort Support abortPackageTransfer pausePackageTransfer resumePackageTransfer 3.11 handpay Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Handpay Functionality handpayRequest handpayAck keyedOff keyedOffAck getHandpayProfile handpayProfile setHandpayState handpayStatus getHandpayStatus setRemoteKeyOff remoteKeyOffAck getHandpayLogStatus handpayLogStatus getHandpayLog handpayLogList 3.12 coinAcceptor Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Coin Acceptor Functionality setCoinAcceptorState coinAcceptorStatus getCoinAcceptorStatus getCoinAcceptorProfile coinAcceptorProfile 3.13 noteAcceptor Class Functional Group 2014/7/29 Associated Commands ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 17 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Core Note Acceptor Functionality setNoteAcceptorState noteAcceptorStatus getNoteAcceptorStatus getNotesAcceptedStatus notesAcceptedStatus getNotesAccepted notesAcceptedList getNoteAcceptorProfile noteAcceptorProfile 3.14 hopper Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Coin Hopper Functionality setHopperState hopperStatus getHopperStatus getHopperProfile hopperProfile 3.15 noteDispenser Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Note Dispenser Functionality setNoteDispenserState noteDispenserStatus getNoteDispenserStatus getNotesDispensedStatus notesDispensedStatus getNotesDispensed notesDispensedList getNoteDispenserProfile noteDispenserProfile 3.16 printer Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Printer Functionality getPrinterProfile 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 18 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 printerProfile setPrinterState printerStatus getPrinterStatus getPrinterTemplates printerTemplateList getPrintLogStatus printLogStatus getPrintLog printLogList Host-Initiated Printing Support printTicket printComplete Restrict Printing to Specific Players None 3.17 progressive Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Progressive Functionality progressiveHit setProgressiveWin progressiveCommit progressiveCommitAck setProgressiveState progressiveStatus setProgressiveValue progressiveValueAck setProgressiveLockOut getProgressiveProfile progressiveProfile getProgressiveStatus getProgressiveLogStatus progressiveLogStatus getProgressiveLog progressiveLogList EGM Discovery of Host Progressive Configuration 2014/7/29 getProgressiveHostInfo progressiveHostInfo ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 19 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 3.18 idReader Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core ID Reader Functionality setIdReaderState idReaderStatus getIdReaderStatus getIdReaderProfile idReaderProfile Host-Controlled ID Reader setIdValidation EGM-Controlled ID Reader getIdValidation setIdValidation Multi-Lingual Support getIdReaderLocales idReaderLocaleList 3.19 bonus Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Bonus Functionality commitBonus commitBonusAck setBonusState bonusStatus setBonusLockOut setGameDelay getBonusStatus getBonusProfile bonusProfile bonusActivity setBonusAward bonusAwardAck cancelBonusAward cancelBonusAwardAck setBonusMessage bonusMessageAck getBonusLogStatus bonusLogStatus getBonusLog bonusLogList 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 20 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 skipGameDelay Bonus Award Limits None Wager Match Bonus Support None Multiple Jackpot Time Bonus Support None 3.20 player Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Player Tracking Functionality getCountdownOverride setCountdownOverride playerSessionStart playerSessionStartAck playerSessionEnd playerSessionEndAck setPlayerState playerStatus getPlayerStatus getPlayerProfile playerProfile setCountdownOverride setCarryOver carryOverAck setPointBalance setPlayerOverride setHostPoints hostPointsAck setPlayerMessage playerMessageAck getPlayerLogStatus playerLogStatus getPlayerLog playerLogList Display Limit Support None Wager Match Player Support None Multi-Lingual Support getPlayerLocales playerLocaleList 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 21 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 3.21 voucher Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Voucher Functionality setVoucherState voucherStatus setVoucherLockOut getVoucherStatus getVoucherProfile voucherProfile getVoucherLogStatus voucherLogStatus getVoucherLog voucherLogList Issue Voucher Support getValidationData validationData issueVoucher issueVoucherAck Redeem Voucher Support redeemVoucher authorizeVoucher commitVoucher commitVoucherAck 3.22 wat Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Wagering Account Functionality initiateTransfer authorizeTransfer commitTransfer commitTransferAck setWatState watStatus setWatLockOut getWatStatus getWatProfile watProfile 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 22 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 setWatCashOut initiateRequest requestPending cancelRequest cancelRequestAck getWatLogStatus watLogStatus getWatLog watLogList EGM-Controlled User Interface getWatAccounts watAccountList getWatBalance watBalance getKeyPair keyPair 3.23 gat Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Game Authentication Functionality verificationResult verificationResultAck getGatProfile gatProfile getComponentList componentList doVerification verificationStatus getVerificationStatus verificationStatus getGatLogStatus gatLogStatus getGatLog gatLogList getSpecialFunctions specialFunctions runSpecialFunction 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 23 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 specialFunctionResult 3.24 central Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Central Determination Functionality getCentralOutcome centralOutcome commitOutcome commitOutcomeAck getCentralProfile centralProfile setCentralState centralStatus getCentralStatus getCentralLogStatus centralLogStatus getCentralLog centralLogList 3.25 mediaDisplay Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Media Display (PUI) Functionality getMediaDisplayProfile mediaDisplayProfile setMediaDisplayState getMediaDisplayStatus setMediaDisplayLockOut mediaDisplayStatus loadContent releaseContent setActiveContent getContentStatus contentStatus showMediaDisplay hideMediaDisplay mediaDisplayAck 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 24 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 getContentLogStatus contentLogStatus getContentLog contentLogList 3.26 storage Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Storage Requirements Functionality getStorageInfo storageInfoList 3.27 cashout Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Remote Cash-Out Functionality setCashoutState getCashoutStatus cashoutStatus getCashoutProfile cashoutProfile initiateCashoutRequest cashoutRequestPending cancelCashoutRequest cancelCashoutRequestAck getHostCashoutLogStatus hostCashoutLogStatus getHostCashoutLog hostCashoutLogList commitCashoutRequest commitCashoutRequestAck 3.28 informedPlayer Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Informed Player Functionality setIpState getIpStatus ipStatus 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 25 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 getIpProfile ipProfile setIpMessage ipMessageAck setIpGameDelay ipStatusAck Player Authentication Using PINs getIpPinInfo ipPinInfo validateIpPin validateIpAck getIpKeyPair ipKeyPair 3.29 smartCard Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Smart Card Functionality setSmartCardState setSmartCardLockOut getSmartcardStatus smartCardStatus getSmartCardProfile smartCardProfile getSmartCardLogStatus smartCardLogStatus getSmartCardLog smartCardLogList hostMsg smartCardMsg transactionReport transactionReportAck 3.30 hardware Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Hardware Inventory Functionality getHardwareStatus hardwareStatus 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 26 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 getHardwareDevices hardwareDeviceList 3.31 employee Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Employee Tracking Functionality setEmployeeState getEmployeeStatus employeeStatus getEmployeeProfile employeeProfile getEmployeeLogStatus employeeLogStatus getEmployeeLog employeeLogList employeeSessionStart employeeSessionStartAck employeeSessionEnd employeeSessionEndAck Employee Activity Code Reporting getActivityLogStatus activityLogStatus getActivityLog activityLogList getEmployeeActivities employeeActivityList employeeActivity employeeActivityAck getEmployeeKeyPair employeeKeyPair getEmployeeDevices employeeDeviceList validateEmployeePIN validateEmployeeAck 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 27 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 3.32 tournament Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Tournament Functionality setTournamentState enterTournamentMode getTournamentStatus tournamentStatus getTournamentProfile tournamentProfile getTournamentGames tournamentGameList enterTournament enterTournamentAck activateTournament activateTournamentAck cancelTournament cancelTournamentAck closeTournament closeTournamentAck getTournamentLogStatus tournamentLogStatus getTournamentLog tournamentLogList tournamentStarted tournamentStartedAck tournamentEnded tournamentEndedAck tournamentSync tournamentSyncAck EGM-Controlled Tournament Registration getTournaments tournamentList registerTournament registerTournamentAck Tournament Standings Support tournamentStandingList tournamentStandingAck tournamentSummaryList 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 28 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 tournamentSummaryAck getPlayerList playerList playerListAck 3.33 dft Class Functional Group Associated Commands Core Direct Funds Transfer Functionality setDftState setDftLockOut getDftStatus dftStatus getDftProfile dftProfile requestDftTransfer dftRequestPending cancelDftRequest cancelDftRequestAck getDftLogStatus dftLogStatus getDftLog dftLogList initiateDftTransfer authorizeDftTransfer commitDftTransfer commitDftTransferAck 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 29 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 4 Communications Configuration Requirements The commConfig class contains commands that can be used to configure options associated with communications devices. The commands allow host identifiers and host URLs to be assigned to communications devices. The commands also allow owners, guests, and configurators to be assigned to devices supported by an implementation. For the most part, it is intended that those options be configurable through an administrative interface at the EGM or remotely via the commConfig class. However, there are cases where it is not intended that an option be configurable. There are also cases where an option should only be configurable when a specific Functional Group is also to be certified. For an implementation to be certified, Options that are intended to be configurable MUST be configurable. Options that are not intended to be configurable MUST NOT be configurable. Some options may only have meaning when a specific optional Functional Group is implemented. When such a Functional Group is to be certified, all such options MUST be configurable. When such a Functional Group is implemented, but is not to be certified, any such options MAY be configurable or not configurable. When such a Functional Group is not implemented, all such options MUST NOT be configurable and, in some cases, MUST be set to specific values or not reported at all. Options that are configurable MUST be configurable through the commConfig class or an administrative interface. When the Core Communications Configuration Functionality is to be certified for an implementation, the options that are configurable MUST be configurable through the commConfig class by a host using the G2S Message Protocol; the same set of options or a subset of the options MAY also be configurable through an administrative interface. The following table identifies the options that are available within the commConfig class and indicates the configuration requirements for those options. In the table, the following terms are used to categorize the configuration requirements: Required – the option MUST be configurable. Conditional – the option MUST be configurable when a specific optional Functional Group is to be certified; the option MAY be configurable or not configurable when the Functional Group is implemented, but is not to be certified; the option MUST NOT be configurable and, in some cases, MUST be set to a specific value or not reported at all when the Functional Group is not implemented. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 30 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 4.1 Prohibited – the option MUST NOT be configurable through the commConfig class. The option MAY be configurable or not configurable through an administrative interface based on the manufacturer’s preference. communications Configuration Options Element Option Configuration setHostItem hostIndex Prohibited. hostId Required. hostLocation Required. hostRegistered Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. timeToLive Required. noResponseTimer Required. allowMulticast Optional. displayCommFault Required. deviceClass Required. deviceId Required. deviceActive Required. deviceClass Required. deviceId Required. deviceActive Required. deviceClass Required. deviceId Required. deviceActive Required. ownedDevice configDevice guestDevice 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 31 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5 Option Configuration Requirements In each class, the device profile section identifies the standard configuration options available through the G2S message protocol. Those options allow devices to be configured to meet operational and jurisdictional requirements. For the most part, it is intended that these options be configurable through an administrative interface at the EGM or remotely via the optionConfig class. However, there are cases where it is not intended that an option be configurable. There are also cases where an option should only be configurable when a specific Functional Group is supported. In rare cases, there are options that may or may not be configurable based on the manufacturer’s preference. For an implementation to be certified for a Functional Group, Options that are intended to be configurable for the Functional Group MUST be configurable. Options that are not intended to be configurable for the Functional Group MUST NOT be configurable. Options that are intended to be configurable for the Functional Group based on the manufacturer’s preference MAY be configurable or not be configurable. Some options may only have meaning when a specific optional Functional Group is implemented. When such a Functional Group is to be certified, all such options MUST be configurable. When such a Functional Group is implemented, but is not to be certified, any such options MAY be configurable or not configurable. When such a Functional Group is not implemented, all such options MUST NOT be configurable and, in some cases, MUST be set to specific values or not reported at all. Options that are configurable MUST be configurable through the optionConfig class or an administrative interface. When the Core Option Configuration Functionality is to be certified for an implementation, the options that are configurable MUST be configurable through the optionConfig class by a host using the G2S Message Protocol; the same set of options or a subset of the options MAY also be configurable through an administrative interface. The following tables identify the standard configuration options for each class and indicate configuration requirements for those options. In the tables, the following terms are used to categorize the options: Required – the option MUST be configurable. Conditional – the option MUST be configurable when a specific optional Functional Group is to be certified; the option MAY be configurable or not configurable when the Functional Group is implemented, but is not to be certified; the option MUST NOT be 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 32 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 configurable and, in some cases, MUST be set to a specific value or not reported at all when the Functional Group is not implemented. 5.1 Optional – the option MAY be configurable or not configurable based on the manufacturer’s preference. Prohibited – the option MUST NOT be configurable through the optionConfig class. The option MAY be configurable or not configurable through an administrative interface based on the manufacturer’s preference. Configuration Identifiers The configuration options for each device include the configurationId option. This option is included for the host’s convenience and can be used by the host to assign a reference number to a particular configuration for a device. The host can check that reference number, rather than each individual option, to make sure that the correct configuration is in place for the device. When a device configuration is changed by an entity other than the configurator of the device (for example, through a local administrative interface), the configurationId is set to 0 (zero). In the following tables, the configurationId is specified as required. This means that the implementation MUST allow the host to set the configurationId using appropriate commands within the protocol, provided that those commands are supported by the implementation. The implementation MUST also set the configurationId to 0 (zero) when a device configuration is changed by an entity other than the configurator of the device. As noted in the Option Configuration sections for each class, the implementation MUST NOT allow the configurationId to be changed through the optionCurrentValues mechanism of the setOptionChange command. The canModRemote attribute for the configurationId option in the optionList command MUST always be set to false. 5.2 Configuration Date/Time The configuration options for each device include the configDateTime option. This option is used to keep track of the last date/time that the configuration of a device was updated. The G2S committee intends to deprecate this option in the next release of the protocol. Thus, in the following tables, the configDateTime option is specified as optional. 5.3 cabinet Class Options Element Option Configuration cabinetProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Optional; SHOULD be prohibited and SHOULD be set to true. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 33 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 machineNum Required. machineId Required. currencyId Required. reportDenomId Required. localeId Required. areaId Required. zoneId Required. bankId Required. egmPosition Required. machineLoc Required. cabinetStyle Required. largeWinLimit Required. maxCreditMeter Required. maxHopperPayOut idleTimePeriod Conditional; required when Core Coin Hopper Functionality is to be certified; prohibited when Core Coin Hopper Functionality is not implemented. Conditional; required when Core Coin Hopper Functionality is to be certified; prohibited when Core Coin Hopper Functionality is not implemented. Required. timeZoneOffset Required. acceptNonCashAmts Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. g2sResetSupported Prohibited. configDelayPeriod Required. enhancedConfigMode Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Player-Initiated Configuration Changes is to be certified; MUST be set to false when Player-Initiated Configuration Changes is not implemented. restartStatusMode Prohibited; MUST be set to true. cashOutOnDisable Required. faultsSupported Prohibited; MUST be set to G2S_true. timeZoneSupported Prohibited; MUST be set to G2S_true when Time Zone Offset Support is to be certified; MUST be set to G2S_false when Time Zone Offset Support is not splitPayOut 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 34 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5.4 propertyId implemented. Required. maxEnabledThemes Prohibited. maxActiveDenoms Prohibited. occupancyTimeOut Conditional; required when Occupancy Meter Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Occupancy Meter Support is not implemented. masterResetAllowed Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Master Reset Support is to be certified; MUST NOT be reported when Master Reset Support is not implemented. eventHandler Class Options Element Option Configuration eventHandlerProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. queueBehavior Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. disableBehavior Required. deviceClass Required. deviceId Required. eventCode Required. forceDeviceStatus Required. forceTransaction Required. forceClassMeters Required. forceDeviceMeters Required. forceUpdatableMeters Required. forcePersist Required. forcedSubscription 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 35 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5.5 gamePlay Class Options Element Option Configuration gamePlayProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. themeId Prohibited. paytableId Prohibited. maxWagerCredits Required. progAllowed Prohibited. secondaryAllowed Prohibited. centralAllowed Prohibited. setAccessViaConfig Conditional; required when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is not implemented. accessibleGame Conditional; required when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is not implemented. maxPaybackPct Prohibited. minPaybackPct Prohibited. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. denomMeterType Optional. themeName Prohibited. paytableName Prohibited. themeType Prohibited. minOutcomeLogEntries Optional. wagerCategory Prohibited. theoPaybackPct Prohibited. minWagerCredits Prohibited. maxWagerCredits Prohibited. wagerCategoryItem 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 36 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 winLevelItem gameDenom 5.6 winLevelIndex Prohibited. winLevelCombo Prohibited. progressiveAllowed Prohibited. denomId Conditional; required when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is not implemented. denomActive Conditional; required when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Configure Accessible Games & Denominations is not implemented. gameTheme Class Option Element Option Configuration gameThemeProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. themeId Prohibited. themeName Prohibited. 5.7 deviceConfig Class Option Element Option Configuration deviceConfigProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. minLogEntries Optional. 5.8 commConfig Class Option Element Option Configuration commConfigProfile configurationId Required. minLogEntries Optional. noResponseTimer Required. configDateTime Optional. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 37 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 configComplete 5.9 Optional. optionConfig Class Options Element Option Configuration optionConfigProfile configurationId Required. minLogEntries Optional. noResponseTimer Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. 5.10 download Class Options Element Option Configuration downloadProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. timeToLive Required. noResponseTimer Required. noMessageTimer Optional. minPackageLogEntries Optional. minScriptLogEntries Optional. minPackageListEntries Optional. minScriptListEntries Optional. authWaitTimeOut Required. authWaitRetries Required. downloadEnabled Required. uploadEnabled Conditional; required when Software Upload Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Software Upload Support is not implemented. scriptingEnabled Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. protocolListSupport Prohibited; MUST be set to true. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 38 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 transferProgressFreq Conditional; required when Pause / Resume / Abort Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Pause / Resume / Abort Support is not implemented. pauseSupported Conditional; required when Pause / Resume / Abort Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Pause / Resume / Abort Support is not implemented abortTransferSupported Conditional; required when Pause / Resume / Abort Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Pause/Resume/Abort Support is not implemented 5.11 handpay Class Options Element Option Configuration handpayProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. mixCreditTypes Optional; if not supported, MUST be set to true. requestNonCash Optional; if not supported, MUST be set to false. combineCashableOut Optional; if not supported, MUST be set to true. idReaderId Required. enabledLocalHandpay Required. enabledLocalCredit Required. enabledLocalVoucher Conditional; required when Core Voucher Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Voucher Functionality is not implemented. enabledLocalWat Conditional; required when Core Wagering Account Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Wagering Account 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 39 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 Functionality is not implemented. 2014/7/29 enabledRemoteHandpay Required. enabledRemoteCredit Required. enabledRemoteVoucher Conditional; required when Core Voucher Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Voucher Functionality is not implemented. enabledRemoteWat Conditional; required when Core Wagering Account Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Wagering Account Functionality is not implemented. disabledLocalHandpay Required. disabledLocalCredit Required. disabledLocalVoucher Conditional; required when Core Voucher Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Voucher Functionality is not implemented. disabledLocalWat Conditional; required when Core Wagering Account Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Wagering Account Functionality is not implemented. disabledRemoteHandpay Required. disabledRemoteCredit Required. disabledRemoteVoucher Conditional; required when Core Voucher Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Voucher Functionality is not implemented. disabledRemoteWat Conditional; required when Core Wagering Account Functionality is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set false, when Core Wagering Account Functionality is not implemented. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. localKeyOff Required. partialHandpays Prohibited; MUST be set to true when the EGM supports partial handpays; MUST be set to false when the EGM does not support partial handpays. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 40 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5.12 coinAcceptor Class Options Element Option Configuration coinAcceptorProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. promoSupported Prohibited. currencyId Prohibited. denomId Prohibited. token Prohibited. baseCashableAmt Required; MAY be restricted when the currency of the coin/token is the same as the base currency of the EGM. coinActive Required; MAY be restricted due to the operational capabilities of the physical device. basePromoAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is not implemented. baseNonCashAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is not implemented. coinData 5.13 noteAcceptor Class Options Element Option Configuration noteAcceptorProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 41 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 noteAcceptorData noteEnabled Required. voucherEnabled Required. noMessageTimer configDateTime Optional; if not supported, MUST be set to 0 (zero). Optional. configComplete Optional. promoSupported Prohibited. currencyId Prohibited. denomId Prohibited. baseCashableAmt Required; MAY be restricted when the currency of the note is the same as the base currency of the EGM. noteActive Required. token Prohibited. basePromoAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Note Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and NonCashable Note Support is not implemented. baseNonCashAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Note Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and NonCashable Note Support is not implemented. 5.14 hopper Class Options Element Option Configuration hopperProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. currencyId Prohibited. denomId Prohibited. token Prohibited. baseCashableAmt Required; MAY be restricted when the currency of the coin/token is the same as the base currency of the EGM. configDateTime Optional. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 42 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 configComplete Optional. basePromoAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is not implemented. baseNonCashAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and Non-Cashable Coin/Token Support is not implemented. hopperLimit Required. promoSupported Prohibited. 5.15 noteDispenser Class Options Element Option Configuration noteDispenserProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. promoSupported Prohibited. currencyId Prohibited. denomId Prohibited. baseCashableAmt Required; MAY be restricted when the currency of the note is the same as the base currency of the EGM. noteActive Required. token Prohibited. basePromoAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Note Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and NonCashable Note Support is not noteDispenserData 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 43 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 implemented. baseNonCashAmt Conditional; required when Promotional and Non-Cashable Note Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when Promotional and NonCashable Note Support is not implemented. 5.16 printer Class Options Element Option Configuration printerProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. idReaderId Conditional; required when Restrict Printing to Specific Players is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Restrict Printing to Specific Players is not implemented. hostInitiated Prohibited. customTemplates Prohibited. templateIndex Conditional; required when Host-Initiated Printing Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Host-Initiated Printing Support is not implemented; MAY be restricted due to the operational capabilities of the physical device. templateConfig Conditional; required when Host-Initiated Printing Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Host-Initiated Printing Support is not implemented; MAY be restricted due to the operational capabilities of the physical device. regionIndex Conditional; required when Host-Initiated Printing Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Host-Initiated Printing Support is not implemented; MAY be restricted due printerTemplateProfile printerRegionProfile 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 44 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 to the operational capabilities of the physical device. regionConfig Conditional; required when Host-Initiated Printing Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Host-Initiated Printing Support is not implemented; MAY be restricted due to the operational capabilities of the physical device. 5.17 progressive Class Options Element Option Configuration progressiveProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. progId Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. noResponseTimer Required. noProgInfo Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. contributionMethod Optional. allowMulticast Prohibited. progHostInfo Prohibited. levelProfile levelId Required. gameLevelConfig gamePlayId Required. paytableId Required; MUST be set to the correct value for the corresponding gamePlayId. Required; MUST be set to the correct value for the corresponding gamePlayId. themeId 2014/7/29 denomId Required. winLevelIndex Required. winLevelCombo Prohibited. winLevelOdds Prohibited. numberOfCredits Required. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 45 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5.18 idReader Class Options Element Option Configuration idReaderProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. egmPhysicallyControls Conditional; optional when both HostControlled ID Reader and EGM-Controlled ID Reader are to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to true, when EGMControlled ID Reader is implemented but Host-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Host-Controlled ID Reader is implemented but EGMControlled ID Reader is not implemented. idReaderType Prohibited. idReaderTrack Required; MAY be restricted due to the operational capabilities of the physical device. idValidMethod Required; MAY be restricted due to the operational capabilities of the physical device. timeToLive Required. waitTimeOut Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. offLineValid Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. validTimeOut Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to a valid value, when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. removalDelay Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. attractMsg Required. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 46 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 idTypeProfile idReaderLocale 2014/7/29 waitMsg Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. validMsg Required. invalidMsg Required. lostMsg Required. offLineMsg Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. abandonMsg Required. msgDuration Required. limitLosses Optional. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. idEncoding Optional. noPlayerMessages Conditional; required when Enable / Disable Marketing-Oriented Messages for Specific Players is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Enable / Disable MarketingOriented Messages for Specific Players is not implemented. multiLingualSupport Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; MUST be set to false when Multi-Lingual Support is not implemented. idType Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. offLinePattern Conditional; required when EGMControlled ID Reader is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when EGM-Controlled ID Reader is not implemented. localeId Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 47 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 localeName Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. attractMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. waitMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. validMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. invalidMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. lostMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. offLineMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. abandonMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. 5.19 bonus Class Options Element Option Configuration bonusProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. noMessageTimer Required. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 48 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 2014/7/29 noHostText Required. idReaderId Required. maxPendingBonus Optional. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. eligibleTimer Conditional; required when Bonus Award Limits are to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Bonus Award Limits are not implemented. displayLimit Conditional; required when Bonus Award Limits are to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Bonus Award Limits are not implemented. displayLimitText Conditional; required when Bonus Award Limits are to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Bonus Award Limits are not implemented. displayLimitDuration Conditional; required when Bonus Award Limits are to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Bonus Award Limits are not implemented. wmCardRequired Conditional; required when Wager Match Bonus Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Bonus Support is not implemented. wmLimit Conditional; required when Wager Match Bonus Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Bonus Support is not implemented. wmLimitText Conditional; required when Wager Match Bonus Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Bonus Support is not implemented. wmLimitDuration Conditional; required when Wager Match Bonus Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Bonus Support is not implemented. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 49 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 wmExitText Conditional; required when Wager Match Bonus Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Bonus Support is not implemented. wmExitDuration Conditional; required when Wager Match Bonus Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Bonus Support is not implemented. allowMulticast Prohibited. multiLingualSupport Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; MUST be set to false when Multi-Lingual Support is not implemented. 5.20 player Class Options Element Option Configuration playerProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. displayPresent Prohibited. idReaderId Required. minTheoHoldPct Required. decimalPoints Required. inactiveSessionEnd Required. intervalPeriod Required. gamePlayInterval Required. msgDuration Required. welcomeMessage Required. sessionMessage Required. awardMessage Required. goodbyeMessage Required. countBasis Required. countDirection Required. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 50 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 playerLocale 2014/7/29 baseTarget Required. baseIncrement Required. baseAward Required. hotPlayerBasis Required. hotPlayerPeriod Required. hotPlayerLimit1 Required. hotPlayerLimit2 Required. hotPlayerLimit3 Required. hotPlayerLimit4 Required. hotPlayerLimit5 Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. allowMulticast Prohibited. multiLingualSupport Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; MUST be set to false when Multi-Lingual Support is not implemented. ptDisplayLimit Conditional; required when Display Limit Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Display Limit Support is not implemented. ptOverLimitMsg Conditional; required when Display Limit Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Display Limit Support is not implemented. ptEarnedLimit Conditional; required when Display Limit Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Display Limit Support is not implemented. uncardedSessionTimer Conditional; required when Display Limit Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Display Limit Support is not implemented. wmEarnPoints Conditional; required when Wager Match Player Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Wager Match Player Support is not implemented. localeId Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 51 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 localeName Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. welcomeMessage Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. sessionMessage Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. awardMessage Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. goodbyeMessage Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. ptOverLimitMsg Conditional; required Multi-Lingual Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when MultiLingual Support is not implemented. 5.21 voucher Class Options Element Option Configuration voucherProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. idReaderId Required. combineCashableOut Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. allowNonCashOut Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 52 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 2014/7/29 maxValIds Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. minLevelValIds Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. valIdListRefresh Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. valIdListLife Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. voucherHoldTime Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. printOffLine Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. expireCashPromo Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. printExpCashPromo Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. expireNonCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. printExpNonCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. propName Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 53 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 2014/7/29 propLine1 Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. propLine2 Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. titleCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. titlePromo Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. titleNonCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. titleLargeWin Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. titleBonusCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support and Core Bonus Functionality are to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support or Core Bonus Functionality are not implemented. titleBonusPromo Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support and Core Bonus Functionality are to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support or Core Bonus Functionality are not implemented. titleBonusNonCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support and Core Bonus Functionality are to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support or Core Bonus Functionality are not implemented. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 54 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 2014/7/29 titleWatCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support and Core Wagering Account Functionality are to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support or Core Wagering Account Functionality are not implemented. titleWatPromo Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support and Core Wagering Account Functionality are to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support or Core Wagering Account Functionality are not implemented. titleWatNonCash Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support and Core Wagering Account Functionality are to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support or Core Wagering Account Functionality are not implemented. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. allowVoucherIssue Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. allowVoucherRedeem Conditional; required when Redeem Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Redeem Voucher Support is not implemented. maxOnLinePayOut Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. maxOffLinePayOut Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. printNonCashOffLine Conditional; required when Issue Voucher Support is to be certified; prohibited when Issue Voucher Support is not implemented. cashOutToVoucher Optional. redeemPrefix Optional. ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 55 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5.22 wat Class Options Element Option Configuration watProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. idReaderID Required. interfaceMode cashOutMode Conditional; required when EGMControlled User Interface is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to G2S_hostControl, when EGM-Controlled User Interface is not implemented. Required. cashOutDelay Required. authRequired Conditional; required when EGMControlled User Interface is to be certified; prohibited when EGMControlled User Interface is not implemented. mixCreditTypes Optional; if not supported, MUST be set to true. Required. allowNonCash hashType Conditional; required when EGMControlled User Interface is to be certified; prohibited when EGMControlled User Interface is not implemented; MAY be restricted to due to operational capabilities. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. allowToEgm Optional. allowFromEgm Optional.. 5.23 gat Class Options Element Option Configuration gatProfile configurationId Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. minLogEntries Optional. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 56 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 timeToLive Required. idReaderId Required. minQueuedComps Optional. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. specialFunctions Prohibited. 5.24 central Class Options Element Option Configuration centralProfile configurationId Required. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. noResponseTimer Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. gamePlayId Required. themeId Required; MUST be set to the correct value for the corresponding gamePlayId. paytableId Required; MUST be set to the correct value for the corresponding gamePlayId. denomId Required. wagerCategory Required. centralGamePlay 5.25 mediaDisplay Class Options Element Option Configuration mediaDisplayProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 57 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 capabilityItem localEventItem localCommandItem screenItem minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. mediaDisplayPriority Optional. screenType Optional. screenDescription Optional. mediaDisplayType Optional. mediaDisplayPosition Optional. mediaDisplayDescription Optional. maxContentLoaded Optional. xPosition Optional. yPosition Optional. contentHeight Optional. contentWidth Optional. mediaDisplayHeight Optional. mediaDisplayWidth Optional. touchscreenCapable Prohibited. localConnectionPort Optional. audioCapable Prohibited. softwareType Prohibited. softwareVersion Prohibited. fileExtension Prohibited. eventCode Prohibited. eventText Prohibited. functionalGroup Prohibited. commandElement Prohibited. screenType Prohibited. screenDescription Prohibited. screenWidth Prohibited. screenHeight Prohibited. 5.26 cashout Class Options Element Option Configuration cashoutProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 58 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. 5.27 informedPlayer Class Options Element Option Configuration ipProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. timeToLive Required. noMessageTimer Required. noHostText Required. uncardedMoneyIn Required. uncardedGamePlay Required. sessionStartMoneyIn Required. sessionStartGamePlay Required. sessionStartCashOut Required. sessionEndCashOut Required. sessionStartPinEntry Conditional; required when Player Authentication Using PINs is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Player Authentication Using PINs is not implemented. sessionStartLimit Required. idReaderType Required. idReaderId Required. hashType Required; MAY be restricted due to operational capabilities. authenticationDevice 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 59 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 5.28 smartCard Class Options Element Option Configuration smartCardProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. idReaderId Prohibited. smartCardAppProtocol Prohibited. cashOutToSmartCard Required. cashOutMode Required. cashOutPendingMsg Required. noCardMoneyInDisable Required. msgDuration Required. cashOutInitiatedMsg Required. autoTransferMsg Required. transferToCardMsg Required. transferToEgmMsg Required. cardBlockedMsg Required. transactionFailedMsg Required. 5.29 employee Class Options Element Option Configuration employeeProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minEmployeeEntries Optional. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 60 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 minActivityEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. displayPresent Prohibited. inactiveSessionEnd Required. msgDuration Required. welcomeMessage Required. sessionMessage Required. goodbyeMessage Required. failedMessage Required. activitySupported idReaderType Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to G2S_none, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. Required. idReaderId Required. idReaderType Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. activityProtection activityCode activityGroup activityCode activityDescription activityOrder validationDevice authenticationDevice 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 61 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 idReaderId Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented. hashType Conditional; required when Employee Activity Code Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST NOT be reported, when Employee Activity Code Support is not implemented; MAY be restricted to due to operational capabilities. 5.30 tournament Class Options Element Option Configuration tournamentProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. idReaderId Required. offerTimer Conditional; required when EGMControlled Tournament Registration is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to 0 (zero), when EGM-Controlled Tournament Registration is not implemented. Required. closeTimer registrationSupported regsiterPlayers standingsSupported 2014/7/29 Prohibited; MUST be set to true when EGM-Controlled Tournament Registration is to be certified; MUST be set to false when EGM-Controlled Tournament Registration is not implemented. Conditional; required when EGMControlled Tournament Registration is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when EGM-Controlled Tournament Registration is not implemented. Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Tournament Standings Support is to be certified; MUST be set to false when ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 62 of 63 G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements – Release 2 displayStandings allowMulticast Tournament Standings Support is not implemented. Conditional; required when Tournament Standings Support is to be certified; prohibited, and MUST be set to false, when Tournament Standings Support is not implemented. Prohibited; MUST be set to true when Multicast Message Support is to be certified; MUST be set to false when Multicast Message Support is not implemented. 5.31 dft Class Options Element Option Configuration dftProfile configurationId Required. configDateTime Optional. configComplete Optional. restartStatus Required. useDefaultConfig Optional. requiredForPlay Required. minLogEntries Optional. timeToLive Required. idReaderID Required. allowToEgm Required. allowFromEgm Required. 2014/7/29 ©2014 Gaming Standards Association Page 63 of 63