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Board Meeting Minutes: 6:30PM May 21, 2014
Board Members Present: Will McCrink; President, Bob Holcomb; President Elect,
Rob Hamiline; Youth Hockey Director Elect, Julie Hammond; Director of Fundraising,
Randy Hirsche; Director of Referees, Jason Lawrence; Youth Hockey Scheduler Elect,
Julia Clarke; Secretary Elect
Not Present: Jorge Rodriguez; Treasurer, Kristina Rodriguez; Registrar
Guests requesting to speak before the board: Bob Mottl, Stacy Snoogle, Linda Scholl, Rod Ives, Alicia Avegenikos,
Stergos Avgenikos
Meeting called to order 6:36pm
Rod Ives to petition the board:
Petitioning to have Forest Ives, move up to play with the Pee Wee snow belt team.
To summarize, Rod feels Forest is a skilled skater, and will find a better challenge, as well as be better off playing at
that level. Rod may then be able to assist with some of the coaching.
Forest would also be able to play some time in net, as there is currently no goalie at house “snowbelt” Pee Wee
Questions comments and concerns: Hamiline points out the handbook does refer to top five being able to move
up, and there is past precedence. This is a two year jump, but Rod does feel safety is not a concern. Bob
(Holcomb) asks Rod if he would consider coaching if the petition is granted. Rod states he would assist a head
coach. There is concern that another child would bring the snow belt potential to 19. A query is put to the Pee
Wee Snow Belt parents present, if that would concern them, all reply “no”. (a later point is that perhaps there
could be two teams).
Will moves we go into executive session, Julie (Hammond) seconds motion carries
A conference call during executive session occurs to bring in the votes of Kristina, and Jorge Rodriguez, having
already read the petition, are brought up to speed on the ensuing discussions
Bob (Holcomb) motions that meeting come out of executive session, Jason (Lawrence) seconds, motion carries
Guest parents are asked to discuss their concerns
Linda (Scholl) said she would speak for the group: The group represents the parents who were concerned about
the spring tryouts for the Pee Wee Travel team, how it all happened, because as a result of it, two of our good
players have left Centerstate, and kids feel unhappy about it.
The general consensus is the team was already handpicked. Board brought in a new coach (Todd Manley), who
had an invite only March-May spring team. This team was comprised of new (not previously CSYH) U-12 players
invited by Coach Manley and the new assistant coach. The players were invited from Utica, Whitestown, Hamilton,
and five Center State Pee Wee 2013-14 players were invited as well.
The concern is, that this group then became the Pee Wee Travel team. Alicia asks if anyone from Center State who
was not part of the Pre-try out Coach Manley invitational made the team, states she would like to see both rosters.
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Bob (Mottl) says the appearance was that we did not have open tryouts, and that the assistant coach was a part of
the selection process, and did these independent judges know each other? (Hamiline states that they did) Just
don’t call it an open try-out. Stacy suggests if there are really only one or two spots open, than post it as such.
Julia (Clarke) whose son also tried out, states she believes the judging coaches having a pre-tryout invitational
spring league was a very bad idea.
Also, as these are volunteer coaching positions, why not just create transparency. You are blocking the spots for
the coach’s kids, as long as it doesn’t involve a safety issue. In this case three spots went to the coaches children.
Hamline says the iceplex will take in revenue from anyone looking for ice time. He does agree that it was not a
good idea to have had the assistant coach on the judging platform. And he does understand
Will (McCrink) and Bob (Holcomb), state there was no pre-selection done. The tryouts were open tryouts. Yes the
brought in a new coach, he applied for the job. Todd Manley applied last year, but was not selected at that time.
The board approved the new assistant coach. Tryouts were moved up this year, as the board had decided the
team was to be state bound.
Linda (Scholl): Do we have a list of possible snow belt coaches? Can we get a list of potential Pee Wee snow belt
members? Linda will spearhead things and get some of the information out to people for potential summer get
togethers, with potentially ice time. Jason (Lawrence) stated a team manager is the base of the team, and that is
who gets things done. Rob (Hamline) states that sometimes travel coaches know how to push, and get things
done, and he will offer help wherever he can if Snow Belt does anything over the summer.
Bob (Holcomb) makes a motion to go back into executive session, Julie (Hammond) seconds, motion carries
Voting is complete on aforementioned petition.
Will (McCain) motions to come out of executive session, Bob Seconds, motion carries
Rob: Would like to see what we are doing for pricing. He was brought into the loop on what was decided at the
past meeting. Learn to play schedules and pricing reviewed. Rob would like to start Learn To Play October 18th Dec 20, which would be 17 sessions. (17 or 18 sessions last year with approximately 35 kids) $85 -1 session, $1502 sessions. Second session to start Jan 10-March 7th , which will be 17 ice sessions you will need 25 kids to break
even, so we will be fine based on past counts.
Also would like to put up requirements for all coaching levels on Web page, Will (McCrink) verified it is already
there for travel, but says we have not done that in the past for house levels. Rob said this is needed to help the
snow belt teams move foreward. Randy brought up Will Cantor as a possible coach. Will agrees now is a good
time to start to find a snow belt coaches. Rob says the coaching committee should move foreward on that,
recruiting & reviewing. Rob believes the window should be September 1, to have snow belt coaches. Hard to find
level 3 & level 4 coaches. We need to find a level 3 that can work towards level 4.
Will brought up that the Midget team is of concern, and perhaps we should put out now that we are going to have
tryouts to bring kids in for snow belt. In the past they just register, and show up. Rob believes in designating a
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time frame to start. Rob thinks if we don’t create an official start, we will not have a team. Will said that would
be the same for all snow belt level teams. Bantams, same problem, low numbers. Will said we need to talk about
it and see where we are going. Rob would like to see the names of the potential returns to figure who will and
who will not return. Right now, signed up for bantam, estimated at 11+/-, house team, not travel.
If the numbers work out exactly as we believe, we have 21. The parents at the tryouts, were happy with the group
of kids that were there, and would be fine with the smaller team. Rob is concerned at the financials of that
Elections: Scheduler (Jason) needs to be made official, same with Rob (Hamline) and Julia (Clarke).We need to
officially elect Bob as president, for the board. Concession, tournament, and president elect are open. There will
be a 10 day window for the open positions, Will will take care of the survey monkey voting system and get it up
and running.
New Business: Midget non tournament, 15-18, there appears to be enough interest for a full year team. The one
possible coach, said he would only coach a wrap season. So the board needs to decide what direction full or wrap?
Randy: we already have 2 wraps, these kids want to play.
Will proposes it will be a full year team. Randy seconds, motion carries
Current 16 –U statebound is looking for October 4th and 5th to book an event.
It will officially be a Jamboree. They will be responsible for all booking, refs, Will believes refs are already booked.
Will: five high school teams are trying to form a summer league, must be USA hockey registered and rostered.
They will pay into a pool to cover ice costs. Centerstate is the host.
Jason says we will also potentially host Clinton, and suggests a $5 a head processing fee.
Jason makes a motion to charge a $5 fee if we host Clinton, Julie seconds, motion carries
Wills last meeting as President. A thank you from all for time served.
He will be coaching, and not looking for another position at this time.
He will keep the web-site going to help out the board.
Jason gives Will what is scheduled so far for the upcoming year, but currently has nothing for 18-U.
Next meeting June 9th. 6:30pm
Julie Motions to adjourn meeting, Randy seconds, meeting adjourned