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Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
Katie Fischer, Union President
Colin Plunkett, Student Project Manager
Kathryn W. von Below, Proj. Manager, Ex-Officio X
John Skic, Student Appointee
Brigid Hogan, Student Appointee
Courtney Severson, Student Appointee
Mark Guthier, Union Director
Hank Walter, Union Associate Director
John Sharpless, UW Facutly/Staff Rep
John Staley, UW Faculty/Staff Rep
Mark Haebig, UW Alumni Rep (MUBA)
Tom Smith, UW Alumni Rep (MUBA)
Kelli Kruschke, ASM Chair Designee
Rachael Smith, ASM Appointee
Eleanor Wroblewski, ASM Appointee
Katie Ruocco, ASM Appointee
Ted Crabb, Emeritus Director, Ex-Officio
Guests: Del Wilson, Angela Limbach, Jake Immel.
Call to Order
Ms. Fischer called the meeting to order on December 1, 2011 at
Open Forum
Mr. John Feith submitted a statement to the Design Committee
through Mr. Sharpless who distributed it to the committee. Mr.
Feith spoke of the oak trees on the terrace and made two distinct
points. First, he requested experts determine the area around oak
tree #1 (near the Theater) that needs to be reserved, if the tree is
saved. Second, to seek another opinion on the matter. Mr. Feith’s
note was distributed to the committee.
Ms. Katherine Woodward submitted a statement, not summarized,
but made available to the committee as well. Both statements can
be received upon request from Colin or Katie.
Approval of
Ms. Fischer asked for any comments or actions toward the
November 1, 2011 Design Committee meeting minutes, where Mr.
Smith MADE A MOTION to accept the minutes as submitted.
Ms. Ruocco SECONDED. The MOTION PASSED 9:1 with a
single abstention.
Union Council Update:
Ms. Fischer reported as President of Union Council that the group
moved to approve the budget sheet with added amendments as
previously approved by Design Committee.
Terrazzo to tile flooring decision:
Mr. Wilson stated the greatest concern for the Theater is the
choice of flooring surface for the north end Lobby and east side
Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
entrance. Terrazzo would affect acoustics as people move about
the floor on an unlevel ground. The total cost is $11,000 over the
original estimate.
Mr. Crabb asked what area is located under the space in the
Theater where the possible noise would occur, where Mr. Wilson
answered that noise could source from Hoofers areas, and
specifically local corridors. The noise would come across in the
Theater and possibly disrupt performances or events.
Mr. Walter stated Terrazzo looks much nicer and has a longer
maintainable lifetime, and noted concern in regards to the project
budget and available finances.
Ted added the Theater Lobby floor is the worst as far as condition
with its soft rubber tile floor. In winter months, salt dragged
inside from outdoor easily scrapes the surface.
Ms. von Below mentioned Resiliant flooring offers more than a
single option. Wendy stated that rubber would be at the bottom of
her recommendation list.
Mr. Skic asked the initial cost of Terrazzo use, where Del
answered the amount listed in the budget plus an additional
$11,000. A different style of floor choice could result in saving
Del also mentioned that this could be a good idea fro putting this
project up for bid on the market with different companies as an
add/alternate item.
Mr. Walter MOVED to ask the architects to treat the flooring area
outside the Play Circle/Theater as an add/alternate item. Mr.
Smith SECONDED. Being no discussion, the call to question
was made, where the MOTION PASSED 9:2.
Approval Process
of the Project
Ms. von Below spoke in clarification to the project’s direction
path. Currently the project is tying up loose ends of Design
Development to provide approval and recommendations to Union
Council. The second through fifth floors have been approved by
both Design Committees and Union Council. The Board of
Regents is meeting soon and the Design Team will be present.
The Board of Regents will vote on the project staying within its
budget. Then Design Team will look to the State Commission for
permission to begin construction. Wendy made it clear that this is
a delicate process, and approval by each group needs to be reached
in order to move forward.
Mr. Sharpless asked about the Joint SE CAC and the approval and
presentation process, where Wendy answered that it is a state
process. The City process needs to meet and receive approval
from the previously mentioned groups as well. The project is
currently on track in terms of construction, but if a hitch occurs,
Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
the schedule would prove difficult to accomplish. John expressed
concern for rushing the project forward and making decisions too
quickly. He also noted that a review of the entire budget has not
happened recently, and the previously constructed budget review
sheet is outdated.
John also added interest in holding additional open public forums.
Wendy stated that Del prepared an updated budget sheet however
not at the level of the previous one, which can be made available
upon request.
Ms. Fischer made a point of clarification: there have been two
public forums, and they have been occurring every month.
Ms. Kruschke mentioned informative communication would be a
good idea to provide a “listening aspect” to the public, and to do
this before the Board of Regents meeting. She stated her desire
for additional public forum opportunities.
Mr. Crabb suggested taking out an ad in the campus newspapers to
provide public access and communication. This is a chance to
respond back to the community. Mr. Walter and Mr. Sharpless
added support to Ted’s idea.
Terrace Tree
Colin presented Dr. Allison’s research and findings regarding the
oak tree study on the Terrace. The large oak tree just east of the
Theater wing shows great concern and the study showed a very
large amount of decay within the tree. After the study, Dr. Allison
felt the situation poses a safety issue later in its existence. He also
conducted the study for other trees on the Terrace (the report was
included in meeting materials). In March, the Schematic Design
floor plans showed the basement area being placed into the area
where the tree is currently located. Design Committee voted on
the floor plan back in March that takes over the area now inhabited
by the oak tree. Executive Team, Design Committee, and Union
Council have all approved the floor plans with the knowledge that
the tree would have to be removed.
Mr. Sharpless stated he did not think the decision to remove the
tree in question is finalized. He referred to John Feith’s statement
in that he did not oppose a decision to remove the tree, but simply
because the tree is ‘old’ and has rot inside of it does not mean it
should be ripped out of the ground. Katherine’s notable statement
brought up the possibility to obtain a second opinion. She
suggested the tree(s) may not necessarily be damaged simply due
to construction trauma.
Colin made note of the Canopy Project is set to take place once
construction finishes, revitalizing the ‘green’ of the Terrace.
Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
Mr. Skic MADE A MOTION to continue with the floor plan
footprints to remove the tree near the Theater wing. Ms. Hogan
SECONDED. No discussion occurred therefore the call to
question was made, where the MOTION PASED 10:1.
Basement & 1st
Floor Approval
Ms. von Below presented the most recent floor plans for the
Basement and First Floor from the Design Team’s Design
Development meetings.
1st Floor Layout:
 Lakefront kept in place
 Peet’s Coffee moved
 Daily Scoop moved
 Badger Market addition
 Der Rathskeller kept in place
 Restroom facilities addition
 Bar area and Der Stiftskeller/Games Room addition
 New Rehearsal Room (2 story space)
 VIP/Box Office addition
 Theater Back-of-House space addition
 Vestibule addition
 Proposed Theater Lounge addition
All items approved at the 15% process moving into Phase I.
Phase I Components:
 Der Stiftskeller bar/Games Room
 Bus Stop Lounge/Lobby area
 Elevator
 Rehearsal Room
 Theater Back-of-House/VIP/Box Office
 Park Street curb adjustment
 Upper Terrace Deck
Wendy presented the First Floor Theater Wing room by room with
explanations for each aspect of the layout. Items of note included
the VIP area glass corner addition and additional restrooms added
by Design Committee. Mr. Smith mentioned that at the recent
MUBA meeting, one Trustee stated the “Bus Stop Lounge” term is
too negatively worded. Wendy acknowledged the message and
the term confirmed as dropped in future instances.
Mr. Crabb mentioned the doors located on the side of the Theater
wing building, stating there was no need for them. Del clarified
that there is not a required need for these doors. Ted stated
Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
potential acoustical disturbance if the doors were to be removed,
where Del stated discussion will take place on the matter with the
Design Team. Historical Society guidelines prevent the altering of
the façade and potentially the doorway.
Ms. Kruschke asked for clarification on the ramp issue. Wendy
answered the ramp needs a specific shape, the U-shape provides
the desired effect.
Colin MADE A MOTION to approve the First Floor plans, where
the Theater Lounge will be noted as a separate discussion from
this motion. Ms. Hogan SECONDED. Being no discussion, the
MOTION PASSED unanimously, 11:0.
 Kitchen has been minimally reconfigured
 Enclosed Brat Stand updated back to outdoor location
 Craftshop evolution
Wendy broke down the Hoofers floor plan in detail, including
additional Theater areas, the Trap Room, and Orchestra Pit area.
She made note that the changing areas are now inside the
Ms. von Below then presented the Hoofers Plan with
Items of note:
 Paint exhaust ventilation location
 Northeast Hoofer corner space modified
 Vestibule addition
Mr. Plunkett MOVED to approve the Basement Floor Plan as
presented, where Ms. Smith SECONDED.
Theater Lounge
Update &
Mr. Crabb asked where the North side of Hoofers doorway was,
where Wendy answered they were accidentally left off of the
report, but the architects conferred and included them.
Mr. Walter yielded his speaking time to Angela Limbach, current
President of Hoofers. Angela said Hoofers is very happy with the
space, and commented on the Scuba separating wall of the south
portion of the room near the pillar.
Mr. Skic added note for an amendment to the motion for the North
doors and Scuba wall, Mr. Plunkett and Ms. Smith accepted the
amendment. Being not further discussion, the MOTION
PASSED 10:1.
Mr. Wilson proposed a review of Theater Lounge data for
analysis. There are three new designs that were drafted by the
Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
Architects and Del presented them to Design Committee. He
noted Theater seats will be larger than exist in the current Theater.
There is a potential for 1,000 square feet reduction in space and
still comfortably hold the area components.
Option A:
 2,015 square feet
 25 x 80.5 feet
Del noted the stair from the Sunset Deck still exists as in previous
designs. Different views of the canopy were shown, a shortened
and extended example.
Option B:
 1,980 square feet
 30 x 66 feet
Del noted the pull-back effect of the canopy from the corner of the
building. With the pulled corner, a slope exists through the
canopy space. This allows for a better design option.
Option C:
 1,650 square feet
 25 x 66 feet
A summary of options was shown to compare to the previous
Theater Lounge scheme. Noted was the vast reduction in space
being intruded upon the Terrace. Furnishing and section
comparisons were made with the three options.
Del stated that Option B was chosen by the Design Team as the
best fit with the project’s desires and by Historical Society
requests and comments.
Mr. Sharpless asked about the strategy in the voting procedure
about to take place. He added his approval of the designs as they
fit the building style and the upper Terrace accessibility. John also
endorsed Option C.
Mr. Skic added thanks to the Design Team in developing these
special designs. John said Option C does not provide the study
space that is to be designated within the space. He made a
MOTION to remove Option C from the group. Ms. Severson
SECONDED. Being no discussion, Ms. Fischer called the
question, where the MOTION PASSED 9:1.
Ms. Fischer, Ms. Severson, Ms. Ruocco, and Ms. Hogan all gave
Memorial Union Reinvestment
Design Committee Meeting #7
December 1, 2011
Meeting Minutes 2011-2012
Old Madison East – Memorial Union
Interior Design
2nd Semester
Committee Dates
supporting comments to Option B. Mr. Crabb stated concern with
Option B that historical preservation was the prime factor of
design. Mr. Sharpless added Options A and B have different
advantages of their own and expressed interest in Option B.
Ms. Hogan made a MOTION to approved and accept Option B,
Mr. Plunkett SECONDED. Being not discussion, the call to
question was made, where the MOTION PASSED 11:0 without
Mr. Walter stated the Design Team met numerous times and was
not able to come to a solid agreement on a process of how to
proceed with the Interior Design Process. The plan is to design a
pallet of colors, words, fabrics, and more that would fit into the
interior design scheme of Phase I. The Design Team proposed
that Design Committee will develop and propose these items and
the Design Team can take direction from them.
Mr. Plunkett asked for discussion to set meeting date suggestions
for spring semester meetings. Monday or Thursday meetings
nights work with student and other Union committee schedules.
Ms. Fischer and Mr. Sharpless added support for Monday
meetings. Colin will set a schedule and distribute the spring
semester schedule of meetings by mid-January.
Mr. Plunkett made a MOTION, and without objection the
meeting adjourned at 8:50p.m.