Macro Functional and Organizational Scorecard Job Aid

Organizational and Functional Macro Scorecard Job Aid1
Example Talent Management Organizational Macro
Scorecard Metrics
Turnover reduction
Recruitment cycle time
Productivity gain
Cost to recruit
Organizational Macro Scorecard Considerations
 Align initiative results with organizational strategic
 Map progress against key performance indicators
 Link KPI’s to performance management processes
 Analyze trends and employ corrective actions
Example Learning and Development Functional Macro Scorecard Metrics
Tier 1 Data Elements: Data Roll-up from all Lines of Businesses
Investment/Efficiency Data such as:
 Dollars invested/employee
 L&D spend as % of overall operating expenditures (or as % of payroll)
 Number of employees trained (trend over past 12 months)
 Training hours/employee/month (trend over past 12 months)
 Cost per employee training day
 % of courses available via eLearning
Activity Data such as:
 % Complete (trend over past 12 months)
 % Course availability (trend over past 12 months)
 Number of active courses (at least one session held in last 12 months)
 Number of classroom sessions held (monthly)
 Number of hours of training (monthly)
Impact Data – Overall Averages for each LOB
 Level 1 (Reaction) Data
 Level 2 (Learning) Data (expressed as a % score)
 Level 3 (Job Performance) Data (expressed as % score)
 Level 4 (Business Impact) Data (expressed as % of objectives met)
 Level 5 (ROI) Data (expressed as a %)
Tier 2 Data Elements: For Each Line of Business
Investment/Efficiency Data – same data elements listed in Tier 1
Activity Data – same data elements listed in Tier 1
Impact Data – (See Micro Learning Scorecard Job Aid) for each course or performance improvement program:
 Course Title and Applicable Code
 Course Business Objective(s)
 Alignment with Organizational Strategy
 Current average Level 1 Data Results
 Current average Level 2 Data Results (expressed as a % score)
 Current average Level 3 Data Results where available (expressed as a % score)
 Current average Level 4 Data Results where available (expressed as% of objectives met)
 Current average Level 5 Data Results where available (expressed as a %)
Functional Macro Scorecard Considerations
Each program must have stated business objectives.
The investment/efficiency and activity data will be unique for each organization and may be based simply on what data is
available. Eventually, however, the data elements should be refined to those that are the most important to the organization,
that is, those that tell a story. The organization may want to strive to collect this data to match those of organizations with
which they may want to benchmark, such as the data ASTD provides each year.
Level 1 instruments must be standardized throughout the organization in order that scorecard data is standardized.
Level 2 instruments must be collected based on learning instruments that have been designed and scored in a standard manner
that is both valid and reliable.
Level 3, 4 and 5 data must be collected and analyzed using industry-accepted standards.
Integrated Talent Management Scorecards, DeTuncq, T. and Schmidt, L., ASTD Press, Alexandria, VA 2013
Talent Management Initiative Micro Scorecard Job Aid2
Talent Management Initiative Micro Scorecard Template
Program Title:
Target Audience:
Number of Attendees:
Business Objectives:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Tangible Benefits
Intangible Benefits
Levels 4 & 5
Business Impact
Technique to Isolate Effects of Program:
Technique to Convert Data to Monetary Value:
Fully-loaded Program Costs:
Barriers to Application of Skills:
Talent Management Initiative Micro Scorecard Checklist
General Information
Level 4: business impact
o program title
o productivity
o target audience
o quality
o number of attendees
o cost control
o duration/length of program
o customer satisfaction
o business objectives
Level 1: end of course satisfaction and reaction
Level 5: Return on Investment (ROI)
o relevance of initiative to the job
o recommendation of initiative to others
o benefit/cost ratio (BCR)
o importance of information received
o fully loaded program costs
o intention to use skills/knowledge
o technique used to isolate
o overall course rating
o technique used to convert
o overall instructor rating
Level 2: participant learning
Intangible Benefits: measures benefits not converted to
o participant self-assessments of learning
monetary values
o test scores
o increased job satisfaction
o facilitator assessment
o reduced conflict
o reduced stress
o increase teamwork
Level 3: participant application of the training
Additional Information
o importance of skills/knowledge back on the job
o barriers to application of skills
o frequency of use of new skills/knowledge
o enablers for application of skills
o effectiveness of skills/knowledge when applied
o recommendations for next steps
on the job
Integrated Talent Management Scorecards, DeTuncq, T. and Schmidt, L., ASTD Press, Alexandria, VA 2013