2012 - 2013 Outcomes Assessment

Assessment of Learning Outcomes
University Counseling Center
2012 – 2013
Report Period 6/02/12 – 6/10/13
Student Learning Outcomes
A. Students will learn to improve their problem solving and coping skills.
B. Students will improve their decision-making skills and goal setting skills.
C. Students will achieve greater insight and understanding of self.
A. Assessment of Individual Counseling.
1. The assessment tool used was the “Student Feedback Form.” It was last
revised 01/09. The form looks at age, gender, ethnicity, year in college,
number of counseling sessions attended at time of filling out the survey,
and reasons for seeking counseling.
It has 16 questions that address learning outcomes, satisfaction and
quality issues on a 5-point scale. (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly
agree) It has four open ended questions. Two about “the most helpful”
and “least helpful” aspect of services received, one that asks about what
new services would like us to have in the future, and one that asks, “what
reaction do you have to your counselor that you would like him or her to
know?” They are kept in the waiting room and students are encouraged to
fill one out after one or more sessions.
Assessment of classes, seminars and groups.
1. The assessment tool used is the “Group/Seminar Evaluation form. It has
a 5 point scale that lets the student rate the facilitator, learning
outcome and quality of the presentation with four questions. It also has
three open ended questions that ask about what the most helpful and least
helpful part of the seminar was for them, along with suggestions for future
topics. Students in the class are given the feedback forms, fill them out
and turn them in at the end of the class.
Results. (45)
A. Individual Counseling (n = 45)
1. Students will learn to improve their problem solving and coping skills.
a. Responses to key questions. (% that answered with a 4 or a 5)
1). “Counseling has helped me learn better coping skills”
2) “Counseling has helped me improve my problem
solving skills” (84%)
2. Students will improve their decision-making and goal setting skills.
a. Responses to key questions. (% that answered with a 4 or a 5)
1) “Counseling has helped me to improve my ability to
make decisions and set goals” (78%)
3. Students will achieve greater insight and understanding of self.
a. Responses to key question.
1) My counselor has helped me understand myself better”
(91%) chose a 4 or a 5)
4. Average across all 4 measures = 83.25%
B. Group/Seminar Evaluation Form (n = 337)
1. Students will learn to improve their problem solving and coping skills.
a. (93%) chose either a 4 or 5 in response to, “I learned new
skills that will help me succeed academically”.
Additional Outcomes Measures (% that chose either 4 or 5)
A. Individual Counseling
1. “I have experienced improvement in the condition or problem for
which I sought services” (91%)
2. “My counseling sessions have helped me stay in school” (80%)
3. “My counselor has helped me reduce my stress level” (89%)
B. From Group/Seminars evaluation form.
1. “I would recommend this (group/seminar) to others” (97%)
Responses to Open Ended questions
A. Student Feedback Forms
1. 89% wrote a comment in response to the “Most helpful aspect of
services I have received” question. All comments were very positive.
2. 18% wrote a comment in response to the “least helpful aspect is”
a. Amount of time between appointments
b. “Um, the bathroom? Ha”
c. “Timing at least for the classes”
d. My counselor is spread too thin over many patients and so is
less available to me. But that is not the counselor’s fault, I
e. “My counselor kind of talks too much”
f. “Silence”
g. Walking through a well-populated area of campus fearing I
will pass a classmate.
3. 69% wrote comments in response to “What reactions do you have to
your counselor that you would like him or her to know?”
a. Comments were 100% positive with many extremely positive.
4. Eight students (18%) responded to our “What new services would you
like to see us have in the future?” The comments were:
a. Two said “More doctor appointments”
b. One said “A way you could set up appointment on line”
c. One said “group therapy”
d. One said “Amount of time between appointments”
e. One said“More appearances from counselors around school. It
would help people be more at ease when coming.”
f. One said “more hands on approach like arts and crafts or
something hands-on helps me retain information”
g. One said “A more discreet location”
B. Group Seminar Evaluation (n = 337)
1. 107 students (32%) responded to “Comments and or suggestions of
future topics for presentations”.
a. 70 students gave positive comments, such as “Thank you,” “I enjoyed the
seminar,” “Good presentation,” “Loved the handouts,” “Great
information,” etc.
b. Four students requested more information be presented about time
c. Four students commented that the presenter should speak louder because
there were distractions during the presentation, such as a lawnmower
running outside, the AC running inside, or other students coughing.
d. Three students requested that the presenter use more hands-on activities,
more audience participation, and/or a slideshow.
e. Three students requested more information on how to cope with anxiety
and nervousness.
f. Two students requested more information on how to help others (friends
or family members) who are suffering with depression or deteriorating
mental states, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.
g. Two students requested information more specific to nursing students.
h. One student commented that the packet is fairly large and may need to be
i. One student requested that the handouts include the office hours and office
phone number.
j. One student requested more information about how to deal with financial
aid issues.
k. One student commented that the presentation should be optional.
l. One student commented that the presentation should not be held as a
surprise seminar at the end of class at the end of the day.
m. One student requested more tips on how to relax from stressful factors.
n. One student commented that the presenter should smile more.
o. One student requested more information on how to get loved
ones/significant other to understand compulsions without fighting and
leading to anger and anxiety.
p. One student commented that the tips for reducing procrastination were
very helpful.
q. One student requested a group togetherness/teamwork workshop.
r. One student requested that an example of a completed time sheet be
s. One student commented that they had considered quitting but now they
want to try some of the methods from the presentation.
t. One student asked that the presenter not make the audience feel guilty
about caffeine use.
u. One student requested that the presentation focus more on organizational
v. One student commented that they were previously unaware that the
counseling services are free.
w. One student requested more information on how to be successful in
making friends.
x. One student requested more practice breath control and mindfulness.
y. One student commented that profanity could be considered offensive,
depending on the group.
z. One student commented that prayer should be added as a means to destress.
Changes in Response to Assessment
A. Individual Counseling
1. Every year we get comments from students who want to be seen
sooner or wait less time between appointments. We have increased
staff. But still don’t have enough staff to be available as fast as some
students would like, especially during our busiest periods, between
midterm and finals.
2. The student who requested “more doctor appointments” will see four
additional appointment times over a 12 month period, as our MD was
getting severely overbooked.
3. The student who asked for group therapy did not specify what sort of
group they were interested in and did not include their name so we
are not able to respond to this request at this time.
4. We do not use online scheduling as it is much more time consuming
and takes too long to reach closure on a time and date compared to a
phone call.
5. We do a lot of “appearances” around school with multiple presentations by each counselor and have added additional presentations for
the coming year.
For those wanting a “more discreet” location – we are not able to
move at this point and I am not sure where a location more “discreet”
than one we have now would be.
B. Group/Seminar Evaluation
1. Each single request from one student (.003% of the 337 total) would
be better served in a one-to-one session where their particular concern
can be addressed. We currently remind group sessions participants
about our services at the beginning of our sessions, we remind them at
at the end also.
2. The requests from three to four students (.0009-012%) requesting
additional information have to be weighed against the vast majority
who felt that the amount of information presented was the right
3. The two students looking for material specific to nursing students will
see a three part Nursing Department presentation done in response
to both professor and student requests.