
MEETING ON 24 November 2012
Mr Ian Forster (Chair), Professor Ella Ritchie, Dr John Hogan, Miss Laura Perry, Mrs
Pamela Stephens, Mr Mark Scrimshaw, Dr David Moffatt, Miss Sue Bevan, Dr Savvas
Papagiannidis, Professor Patrick Lavery.
In Attendance:
Mrs Jane Clubley, Miss Charlotte Ball, Miss Tania Angelopoulos.
Miss Helen Buckley, Professor Chris Brink, Mr Antony Jones, Dr Praminthra Chitsabesan,
Mr Alastair Mitchell, Ms Jeannette Strachan.
Minutes from the previous meeting
Matters arising from the minutes
Members Update
The Minutes of the meeting held on 01 September 2012 were
 ACG members met with Jane Clubley and Tania Angelopoulos
as part of a review.
 Tania Angelopoulos circulated the link to Graduate
Connections and encouraged ACG members to register.
 Ian Forster wrote to all Newcastle University branches to
inform them of the removal of ‘privileged places’ on the ACG
committee. There was no negative response from the branches.
 Laura Perry reported that her team are creating a ‘History of the
Students’ Union’ timeline that will be available in the hall
leading up to the History Room. Progress is slow.
 Ella Ritchie noted that a Library archivist has been appointed.
The Union will begin archiving/digitising the Courier.
 Mark Scrimshaw suggested we make an appeal to alumni for
memorabilia for display in the History Room and the timeline.
Laura Perry is working on a cataloguing system prior to this
being actioned by DARO.
 Graduates can’t currently retain their University email
accounts. John Hogan would like a paper prepared for the next
meeting. Jane Clubley to action.
 Pamela Stephens met with Jane Clubley and Tania
Angelopoulos as part of the review process. Pamela is also
attending the Student Initiative Fund meetings with Charlotte
 Savvas Papagiannidis is graduating in December. He’s been a
student for 16 years. Savvas met with Jane Clubley and Tania
Angelopoulos. There is an opportunity for another student
project within Savvas’s student cohort. ACG members &
DARO to update if they have any project ideas. Savvas is also a
member of the NE Branch for the Business School.
 David Moffatt suggested AGG members could align
themselves with the other societies/branches so that they have a
group they can represent. David could align himself with the
Agrics Society for example. David is also championing the
International Development Conference taking place in February
2013, working with student Joseph Smith and Tania
Angelopoulos to promote the event to all graduates. David
wrote a promotional piece for AlumNews.
Sue Bevan would like a role and remit and is interested in
supporting the discussion about the ACG’s Terms of
Reference. Sue met with Jane Clubley and Tania
Angelopoulos, they discussed Sue’s possible relationship with
the University of Newcastle upon Tyne Graduates Society
(North of England) and making use of Sue’s prior experience
with the Centre for Rural Economy and her wish to see it
develop the Northern Rural Network to engage a wide cross
section of rural practitioners as it had done in the past. Ella
Ritchie said that the University and Northumberland County
Council were having discussions on Social Renewal.
Patrick Lavery waiting to meet Jane Clubley and Tania
Angelopoulos. Patrick shared his memories of the ceremony in
which an Honorary Degree was awarded to Dr Martin Luther
King. Patrick was interviewed by Pick of the Week.
Ian Forster confirmed he is standing down as Chair of the
North of England branch and he’ll announce this at the AGM in
March 2013.
Ella Ritchie praised the Alumni event that was held in
Jane Clubley noted that DARO had held a joint event with
Santander in Madrid. Over 40 graduates attended. Joint Russell
Group events were held in New York, LA and San Francisco in
Mark Scrimshaw has met with Chris Carter, Head of Strategy
at the Business School. He’s picked the BBC to study. Mark
also attended the Honorary Fellows dinner.
 Mark Scrimshaw attended the funeral for John Cannon. He
was disappointed that there was no communication/notification
from the University. Further discussion confirmed that Veryan
Johnson informs members of staff via NU Connections and the
Alumni Office. Ella Ritchie and John Hogan will look into this
process and report back.
University Business
An update from John Hogan,
 Research Excellence Framework. This is subject to peer
review which funding depends on. Newcastle has been
involved since 1986 and is reviewed every 5-6 years. The
University has to submit the best research undertaken in the
past 5 years, there are two purposes: primary purpose to
allocate money to projects, secondary the University’s
reputation. The research has to be world leading. The
University submits in December 2013 and announced in
December 2014.
 International reputation is projected by a world ranking league
table. Newcastle University was at 146 (2011-12) and has
dropped to 186 (2012-13).
ACG Terms of Reference & Voting
 In the ACG meeting in September it was agreed that
Date and venue of forthcoming
Proportional Representation and Single Transferable Vote were
not deemed appropriate. DARO will proceed with the voting
system used in 2011.
 Perhaps the election of ACG members should be staggered 5
people elected for 2 years and then the next 5 people elected for
the next period.
 John Hogan discussed bringing the ACG and Convocation
together, however it was noted that the practical issue of the
Terms of Reference may cause a problem. Convocation’s
Terms of Reference are specified in the statutes.
 Mark Scrimshaw noted that the election for the role of Chair
has to be transparent and a separate vote must be conducted.
 It was agreed that the Vice-Chair is appointed from the 10
ACG members.
 John Hogan noted that any changes to the ACG Terms of
Reference/Constitution should be discussed and agreed at
Convocation in June 2013 before it is formally ratified.
 The paper prepared by Antony Jones removed the ViceChancellor as a member and added Tania Angelopoulos. This
was not agreed.
 DARO to arrange the logistics for the next ACG election.
 There was a lot of discussion around the Terms of Reference, it
was agreed that the Sub Group will meet and amend the Terms
of Reference ready to present at the next ACG meeting in
February. The initial Subgroup comprised of: Mark
Scrimshaw, Ian Forster, Praminthra Chitsabesan, Laura Perry
and Ella Ritchie. Other members of the ACG are most
welcome to join the group. Tania Angelopoulos to coordinate
available diary dates.
 Ian Forster to summarise meeting and send Antony Jones an
 Laura Perry highlighted that six sabbatical officers met with
23rd February, 11am, King’s Gate.
Agreed to hold the next ACG meeting on Friday 14th June, time to
be agreed.
Tania Angelopoulos
Alumni Relations Manager
Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO)
18th December 2012