Dental Science II

Dental Science II
Course Number: 25.48900
Georgia Standard
Georgia HOSA Competitive
How It Relates
HS-DSII-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business & industry.
1.1 Communicate effectively through
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
writing, speaking, listening, reading &
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
*SS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
interpersonal abilities.
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Reading & interpersonal skills.
Poster (EHP)
EW – Writing & reading.
Extemporaneous Writing
JSS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading & interpersonal skills.
MR – Writing, reading.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
MRC – Communication & interpersonal skills.
Medical Reading (MR)
MS – Writing, speaking, listening, & reading.
Medical Spelling (MS)
PS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
RPS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Research Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Use multiple approaches to ask questions; debate.
multiple approaches to ask challenging Community Awareness (CA) CA – Creative procedures, methods, & products to raise awareness.
questions resulting in innovative
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Creativity in drawing to raise awareness.
procedures, methods, & products.
Poster (EHP)
HE – Creative procedures, methods & products to raise awareness.
Health Education (HE)
PH – Creative procedures, methods, & products to present to public.
Public Health (PH)
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking & problem
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills & career planning.
solving skills to locate, analyze, & apply Creative Problem Solving
CPS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, analyze, & apply
information in career planning &
employment situations.
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Apply information in career planning.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
JSS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, & career planning.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
1.4 Model work readiness traits
required for success in the workplace
including integrity, honesty,
accountability, punctuality, time
management, & respect for diversity.
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to
be productive in a changing,
technological, & diverse workplace to
be able to work independently,
interpret data, & apply teamwork skills.
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
Conference Dress Code
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Researched Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
Biomedical Debate (BD)
Community Awareness (CA)
Creative Problem Solving
Forensic Medicine (FM)
Health Career Display (HCD)
Health Education (HE)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test:
Transcultural Health Care
Medical Innovation (MI)
Parliamentary Procedures
Public Service
Announcement (PSA)
All Competitive Events
Conference Dress Code
MRC – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, apply information for
career planning, & employment situations.
*IS – Model work readiness traits.
*SS – Model work readiness traits.
Conference dress code models work readiness traits.
JSS – Model work readiness traits.
PS – Model work readiness traits.
RPS – Model work readiness traits.
BD – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CA – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CPS – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
FM – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HCD – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HE – Diversity, apply teamwork.
HB – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
KT-THC – Diversity within workplace.
MI – Technological environment, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
PP – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
PSA – Technological environment & apply teamwork.
1.6 Present a professional image
Dress code requires students to be in a navy blue or black suit at all
through appearance, behavior, &
HS-DSII-2 Classify the basic structural and functional organization of the human body and identify body planes, cavities, regions, directional
terms, tissues, organs and parts of the cell.
2.1 Define, list, and explain the body
systems, planes, and directions, and
cavities of the body, and describe the
structure and function of the cell.
2.2 Explain the functions, divisions,
parts, and structures of the body
2.3 Explain and identify the effects of
each body system relating to the oral
Dental Science (DS)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
DS – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
Dental Science (DS)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
DS – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
HS-DSII-3 Analyze the anatomy, physiology and basic pathophysiology of the head and neck.
3.1 Describe the function of the soft
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
tissue structures and soft palate
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
3.2 Differentiate between hard palate
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
and soft palate structures.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
3.3 Identify and explain the structures
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
and functions of the oral cavity.
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
3.4 Describe the function, location, and Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
ducts of the major salivary glands.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
3.5 Identify and explain the structures
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
and functions of the cranial bones and
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
the anatomical characteristics.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
3.6 Identify and describe the bones of
the face, including the mandible and
the anatomical characteristics
3.7 Identify the muscles of the head
and neck and explain the functions.
Dental Science (DS)
Forensic Medicine (FM)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
KT Pathophysiology (Patho)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Dental Science (DS)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
KT Pathophysiology (Patho)
Physical Therapy (PT)
Dental Science (DS)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
KT Pathophysiology (Patho)
Physical Therapy (PT)
DS – Testing
FM – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
Patho – Testing
PT – Testing
DS – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
Patho – Testing
PT – Testing
DS – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
Patho – Testing
PT – Testing
3.8 Identify and describe the functions
of the major muscles of mastication,
facial expression, floor of the mouth,
extrinsic muscles of the tongue, and
major posterior muscles of the mouth.
3.9 Identify and describe the nerves
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
and blood vessels of the head and neck. HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
PT – Testing
3.10 Describe the body planes,
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
directions, major cavities, and
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
structural units of the head and neck.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
KT Pathophysiology (Patho) Patho – Testing
HS-DSII-4 Investigate the development of oral embryology and tooth morphology.
4.1 Identify and describe the
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
morphology of the human dentition
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
(enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp). HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.2 Distinguish between primary and
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
permanent teeth and describe the
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
eruptiosequence of each tooth.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.3 Describe the histology of the
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
human dentition.
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.4 Explain the development of
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
embryology of the human dentition
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
(ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm). HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.5 Explain the structure and
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
development of the face.
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.6 Identify and describe the parts and Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
tissues of the tooth
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.7 Explain the morphology of teeth
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
and points of reference for
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.8 Discuss anomalies that affect tooth Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
and tooth formation and the entire
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.9 Identify and describe the major
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
anatomic landmarks of the oral cavity
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
and head.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
4.10 Describe the structure and
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
functions of the temporomandibular
Forensic Medicine (FM)
FM – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
HS-DSII-5 Perform appropriate dental charting utilizing recognized symbols, abbreviations, charts, and classifications and maintain
confidentiality when handling patient records adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines.
5.1 Demonstrate utilizing the universal Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure V
notation system.
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
5.2 Identify and explain the symbols
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
commonly used in charting oral
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
5.3 Evaluate charts that use symbols to Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
represent conditions present in the oral Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
5.4 Demonstrate adhering to the
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
systems used for charting permanent
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
and deciduous dentitions.
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
5.5 Classify common abbreviations
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
used to identify simple, compound, and Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
complex cavities.
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
5.6 Define the G.V. Black six
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
classifications of cavity preparations.
5.7 Perform dental charting and record Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure II
assessments of existing oral conditions
and conditions diagnosed by the
5.8 Demonstrate maintaining
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedures II, III, IV & V
confidentiality when handling patient
dental records and following the HIPAA
HS-DSII-6 Utilize office management skills necessary to maintain a dental office.
6.1 Identify and explain the dental
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII
office staff requirements and
6.2 Define and use terminology related Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII
to dental practice management.
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
6.3 Demonstrate maintaining an
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
appointment book (scheduling and
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
confirming appointments), patient
records, and recall system.
6.4 Identify and explain computerized
Dental Science (DS)
and manual systems for patient
Medical Assisting (MA)
6.5 Demonstrate maintaining supplies
Dental Science (DS)
for the dental office.
6.6 Inform patient of pre-medication
Dental Science (DS)
requirements for various procedures
6.7 Demonstrate completing dental
Dental Science (DS)
insurance forms.
Medical Assisting (MA)
6.8 Discuss and explain patient dental
Dental Science (DS)
coverage plans and the importance of
identifying eligibility.
6.9 Describe the American Dental
Dental Science (DS)
Association Nomenclature codes used
Medical Assisting (MA)
for insurance billing purposes
6.10 Demonstrate using CD-R codes to Dental Science (DS)
identify performed dental procedures. Medical Assisting (MA)
6.11 Describe the design of a dental
Dental Science (DS)
office and purpose of each area.
HS-DSII-7 Perform chair side assisting skills within scope of practice.
7.1 Demonstrate assembling
Dental Science (DS)
armamentarium for an initial oral
examination, returning examination,
and general practice procedures.
7.2 Demonstrate seating the dental
Dental Science (DS)
patient in preparation for treatment or
7.3 Demonstrate dismissing the dental Dental Science (DS)
patient after treatment or examination.
DS – Testing
MA – Testing
DS – Testing
DS – Testing & Procedure II
DS – Testing
MA – Testing
DS – Testing
DS – Testing
MA – Testing
DS – Testing
MA – Testing
DS – Testing
DS – Testing & Procedures VI & VII
DS – Testing & Procedure II
DS – Testing & Procedure III
7.4 Discuss the methods of instrument
transfer (including grasps, positions,
and transfer of instruments).
7.5 Demonstrate transferring of
instruments utilizing four-handed
7.6 Explain the hazards and safety
precautions involved when transferring
7.7 Demonstrate oral evacuation
techniques with a high-volume
evacuation (HVE) and a saliva ejector
7.8 Demonstrate the maintenance and
delivery of dental hand pieces.
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure VII
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure VII
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure VII
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure VI