1 FOR ONLINE PUBLICATION ONLY 2 Appendix A: iLand soil module 3 Soil dynamics 4 In developing a soil module for iLand our objectives were to capture the major processes of 5 detritus and soil C dynamics in forest ecosystems, and to potentially allow for dynamic 6 feedbacks on vegetation growth via dynamically simulated soil nutrient availability. However, 7 also parsimony and the ability to parameterize and initialize the model at the landscape scale 8 with widely available data (see Seidl and others 2009) were important factors for model design. 9 As the result of an extensive literature search with regard to these objectives we adopted the 10 ICBM/2N approach (Andrén and Kätterer 1997; Kätterer and Andrén 2001) for iLand. 11 Soil dynamics are simulated on annual time step in iLand, and are implemented at the spatial 12 level of resource units (RU, currently regular 100 m grid cells, see Seidl and others (2012)). Six 13 soil pools are modeled explicitly, that is, litter, coarse woody debris (CWD), and soil organic 14 matter (SOM) for C and N respectively. Mass dynamics builds on first order decay kinetics 15 where each pool is characterized by a pool-specific annual decomposition rate. This base rate is 16 modified by a climate response parameter representing the influence of climate on 17 decomposition. Adair and others (2008) recently tested a number of climate response functions 18 and found the empirically derived variable Q10 function of Lloyd and Taylor (1994) to be best 19 suited to capture the influence of temperature on decomposition. We thus adopt their function, 20 standardized to decomposition rates at 10˚C and optimum moisture, and implement it at a daily 21 time step in iLand. Water limitations on decomposition are calculated as monthly response to the 22 ratio between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (Adair and others 2008). Both 23 limitations to decomposition were multiplicatively aggregated to allow for trade-offs between 24 temperature- and moisture limitation, and averaged to derive an annual climate modifier (re). 25 Humification, that is, the flow between the detritus pools and the soil organic matter pool, is 26 driven by a site-specific humification constant (hr). N pools are linked to C dynamics via C:N 1 27 ratios and the efficiency of the soil microbial community (Kätterer and Andrén 2001). Soil 28 nutrient feedback on plant growth is implemented via plant-available N (Nav) in iLand (see Seidl 29 and others 2012), which can be calculated from ICBM/2N by summing the net mineralization 30 rates from the litter, DWD, and SOM pools for a given time step, and accounting for a site- 31 specific leaching rate (Kätterer and Andrén 2001; Xenakis and others 2008). For the current 32 study, however, we used static, external data on Nav to drive the model (see Figure 1), to be able 33 to separate first order effects of nutrient availability from other drivers in the factorial design of 34 the study. 35 36 Snag dynamics 37 All mortality events (with the exception of harvest and windthrow) lead to the creation of snags 38 in the model, that is, the stem compartment is transferred to standing woody debris (SWD). At 39 the RU level SWD is tracked in three size cohorts based on diameter at breast height (dbh) at the 40 time of death. C in SWD pools undergoes decomposition following first order decay kinetics, 41 applying a species- and compartment-specific decay rate and accounting for the effect of re. The 42 annual probability for snags (and the respective C and N) to transfer to DWD is calculated from 43 snag half life data assuming a negative exponential decay process. This generic half life is 44 modified by re so that the snag lifetime is decreased under favorable climate for decomposition 45 (see Harmon and Marks 2002; Harmon and others 2009). Foliage and fine root biomass of dead 46 trees are transferred to the litter pool in the year of death. Branch and coarse root biomass is 47 routed to the DWD pool in the five years following tree death. A detailed sensitivity analysis of 48 the iLand soil module can be found at http://iland.boku.ac.at. The soil- and detritus-related model 49 parameters used for this study are summarized in Table A1. 50 51 Soil initialization and parameterization 2 52 Besides the main species-specific parameters of the iLand soil module (see Table A1) initial pool 53 sizes and site specific process parameters need to be estimated. We initialized soil pools from 54 observed empirical data (see main text) and conducted a Monte Carlo parameterization of the 55 56 57 58 59 60 Table A1: Parameters of the iLand Soil Module symbol description level estimate source* kSWD SWD decomposition rate (dim.) species 0.04 1 klitter litter decomposition rate (dim.) species 0.22 1 kDWD DWD decomposition rate (dim.) species 0.08 1 kSOM SOM decomposition rate (dim.) site 0.0343 see Table A2 CNf C:N ratio foliage (dim.) species 60.3 2 CNr C:N ratio fine roots (dim.) species 9.0 3 CNw C:N ratio woody tissue (dim.) species 452 4 CNe C:N ratio of soil microbes (dim.) general 5 5 CNSOM C:N ratio of SOM (dim.) site 33.3 6, 7 hl snag half life (years) species 20 1 le leaching rate (dim.) site 0.367 8, 9 hr humification rate (dim.) site 0.368 see Table A2 ke1 microbial efficiency, litter (dim.) site 0.214 5, 10 ke2 microbial efficiency, DWD (dim.) site 0.267 5, 10 61 * 1= Harmon and Domingo (2001); 2= Adair and others (2008); 3= Harmon (2005a); 4= Harmon (2005b); 5= Kätterer and Andrén (2001); 6= Dyrness (2001); 7= Dyrness and others (2005), 8= Lajtha and others (2005); 9= Vanderbilt and others (2003); 10= Xenakis and others (2008) Values for species-specific parameters are given exemplarily for Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga 62 menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), values for site-specific parameters are averages over the 6364 ha HJA 63 landscape. Units are indicated in parenthesis. dim.= dimensionless, SWD= standing woody 64 debris, DWD= downed woody debris, SOM= soil organic matter. 65 66 site specific parameters under a steady-state assumption (compare Thornton and Rosenbloom 67 2005). We assumed that the observed C pools for current old-growth forests (Dyrness 2001; 3 68 Dyrness and others 2005; Smithwick and others 2002) constitute the steady state for our study 69 landscape. We thus used the deviance of the modeled steady state SOM C to the observed SOM 70 C as convergence criterion for parameterization in our Monte Carlo analysis. We assumed an 71 uniform prior distribution over the site-specific parameters from literature sources (Table A2), 72 and conducted 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations to determine the optimal parameter set for every 73 100 m grid cell. 74 For 95% of the resulting parameter combinations the simulated steady state SOM was within 75 ±10.5% of the observed values (Table A2). Furthermore, parameter estimates from the Monte 76 Carlo analysis were well in line with empirical observations and previous modeling studies in the 77 region (for example, Harmon and Domingo 2001). 78 79 80 Table A2: Prior and Posterior Distribution Parameters for the Site-specific Parameters Estimated 81 in a Monte Carlo Analysis prior distribution hr kSOM posterior distribution range source* 5th percentile mean ± sd 95th percentile 0.1 – 0.4 1, 2 0.310 0.368 ± 0.029 0.398 0.001 – 0.05 1, 3 0.022 0.0343 ± 0.0079 0.0467 82 * 1= Xenakis and others (2008), 2= Peltoniemi and others (2004), 3= Harmon and Domingo 83 (2001) 84 Posterior distribution data are given for the entire 6364 ha HJA landscape. For parameter 85 descriptions see Table A1. 86 87 88 89 90 4 91 References 92 Adair EC, Parton WJ, Del Grosso SJ, Silver WL, Harmon ME, Hall SA, Buke IC, Hart SC. 93 2008. Simple three-pool model accurately describes patterns of long-term litter 94 decomposition in diverse climates. Global Change Biology 14: 2636-2660. 95 96 Andrén O, Kätterer T. 1997. ICBM: The introductory carbon balance model for exploration of soil carbon balances. Ecological Applications 7: 1226-1236. 97 Dyrness C. 2001. Soil descriptions and data for soil profiles in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 98 selected reference stands, Research Natural Areas, and National Parks. Long-Term 99 Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. Available: 100 http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/data/abstract.cfm?dbcode=SP001 (accessed 2011- 101 10-02) 102 Dyrness C, Norgren J, Lienkaemper G. 2005. Soil survey (1964, revised in 1994), Andrews 103 Experimental Forest. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, 104 Corvallis, 105 dbcode=SP026 (accessed 2011-10-02) OR. Available: http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/data/abstract.cfm? 106 Harmon M. 2005a. Decomposition of Fine Woody Roots: a Time Series Approach. Long-Term 107 Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. http://andrewsforest. 108 oregonstate.edu/data/abstract.cfm?dbcode=TD031 (accessed 2011-10-02) 109 Harmon M. 2005b. Dimensions and volumes of bark and wood from logs, snags, and stumps 110 from multiple forests in the United States and Mexico. USFS PNW Ecosystem Processes 111 Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/ 112 data/abstract.cfm?dbcode=TD012 (accessed 2011-10-02) 113 Harmon ME, Domingo JB. 2001. A Users Guide to STANDCARB version 2.0: A model to 114 simulate the carbon stores in forest stands. http://lterdev.fsl.orst.edu/lter/pubs/ 115 webdocs/models/standcarb2.cfm (accessed 2011-10-02) 5 116 Harmon ME, Marks B. 2002. Effects of silvicultural practices on carbon stores in Douglas-fir – 117 western hemlock forests in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.: results from a simulation 118 model. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 863-877. 119 120 Harmon ME, Moreno A, Domingo JB. 2009. Effects of partial harvest on the carbon stores in Douglas-fir/ Western Hemlock forests: A simulation study. Ecosystems 12: 777-791. 121 Kätterer T, Andren O. 2001. The ICBM family of analytically solved models of soil carbon, 122 nitrogen and microbial biomass dynamics — descriptions and application examples. 123 Ecological Modelling 136: 191-207. 124 Lajtha K, Crow SE, Yano Y, Kaushal SS, Sulzman E, Sollins P, Spears JDH. 2005. Detrital 125 controls on soil solution N and dissolved organic matter in soils: a field experiment. 126 Biogeochemistry 76: 261-281. 127 128 Lloyd J, Taylor JA. 1994 On the temperature-dependence of soil respiration. Functional Ecology 8: 315–323. 129 Peltoniemi M, Mäkipää R, Liski J, Tamminen P. 2004. Changes in soil carbon with stand age— 130 an evaluation of a modeling method with empirical data. Global Change Biology 10: 131 2078–2091. 132 Seidl R, Rammer W, Lexer MJ. 2009. Schätzung von Bodenmerkmalen und Modellparametern 133 für die Waldökosystemsimulation auf Basis einer Großrauminventur. Allgemeine Forst- 134 und Jagdzeitung 180: 35–44 135 136 Seidl R, Rammer W, Scheller RM, Spies TA. 2012. An individual-based process model to simulate landscape-scale forest ecosystem dynamics. Ecological Modelling 231: 87-100. 137 Smithwick EAH, Harmon ME, Remillard SM, Acker SA, Franklin JF. 2002. Potential upper 138 bounds of carbon stores in forests of the Pacific Northwest. Ecological Applications 12: 139 1303-1317. 6 140 Thornton PE, Rosenbloom NA. 2005. Ecosystem model spin-up: Estimating steady state 141 conditions in a coupled terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycle model. Ecological Modelling 142 189: 25-48. 143 Vanderbilt KL, Lajtha K, Swanson FJ. 2003. Biogeochemistry of unpolluted forested watersheds 144 in the Oregon Cascades: temporal patterns of precipitation and stream nitrogen fluxes. 145 Biogeochemistry 62: 87-117. 146 Xenakis G, Ray D, Mencuccini M. 2008. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis from a coupled 3- 147 PG and soil organic matter decomposition model. Ecological Modelling 219: 1-16. 7 148 Appendix B: iLand regeneration module 149 The iLand regeneration module explicitly addresses the processes seed dispersal, establishment, 150 as well as sapling growth and competition up to the stem exclusion stage (that is, where trees are 151 recruited into the iLand individual-based competition module, Seidl and others 2012). 152 153 Dispersal 154 The dispersal approach taken in iLand closely follows established landscape models (for 155 example, Scheller and Domingo 2006), that is, it doesn't keep track of individual seeds of trees 156 explicitly but assumes probabilistic dispersal kernels around mature trees. The shape of the 157 dispersal kernel is highly influential on migration speed and occupation success of tree species, 158 and has been intensively discussed in ecology (see for example, Greene and others 2004). 159 Following Lischke and Löffler (2006) we chose a two-part exponential dispersal kernel in iLand 160 (Eq. B1), allowing the separate parameterization of wind and zoochorous dispersal for every 161 species. pseed e d / kK1 e d / kK2 1 kK3 kK3 kK1 kK2 Eq. B1 162 with pseed the seed probability (with pseed 0, 1), d the distance from the source, and kK1, kK2, and 163 kK3 empirical parameters (Table B1). Dispersal probabilities are further modified to account for 164 seed years. Occurrence of seed years is simulated by randomly drawing seed years to match a 165 mean seed year return interval (see Lexer and Hönninger 2001). In non-seed years the dispersal 166 kernel is reduced by a species-specific factor. Landscape scale synchrony in seed years is 167 assumed, that is, all individuals of a given species experience the same patterns of seed years 168 over time (see Koenig and Knops 2000). 169 Seed dispersal calculations are implemented at a 20 m grid resolution in iLand. For every grid 170 cell holding at least one 1 mature trees of a species (that is, a source cell) the dispersal 171 calculations described above are carried out. Probabilities from different source cells are 8 172 aggregated to derive the overall probability of seed availability for every cell in the landscape, 173 whereas source cells themselves are assumed to have maximum seed availability (He and 174 Mladenoff 1999). 175 The technical implementation of seed dispersal employs a pattern-based approach that uses pre- 176 calculated dispersal patterns, similar in concept to the spatially explicit light competition 177 calculations in iLand (Seidl and others 2012). 178 179 Establishment 180 Establishment is driven by three factors in iLand, the availability of seeds (pseed, described 181 above), abiotic environmental factors (that is, thermal environment, water and nutrient 182 availability, penv), and light availability (that is, shading from surrounding trees, plight). The 183 phenology-based, mechanistic model TACA (Nitschke and Innes 2008) is adopted to account for 184 the thermal limitations for tree establishment. After the winter chilling requirement has been 185 lifted (that is, a number of days with temperatures between +5˚C and -5˚C, counted from the end 186 of the previous vegetation period) growing degree days (GDD) above a species-specific 187 threshold are accumulated. In addition to a general GDD envelope – a first coarse filter for the 188 ability of a species to establish – the GDD required for bud burst are calculated and compared to 189 a species-specific threshold value. Acknowledging the importance of frost for tree establishment 190 and considering that frost-hardiness of plants varies throughout the year the calculation of frost 191 effects differs with season. A threshold for minimum winter temperature must not be exceeded 192 for a species to establish at a given site. The effect of spring frost is considered by resetting the 193 bud burst GDD counter if the daily mean temperature falls below zero. During the growing 194 season (that is, after bud burst), a minimum number of frost-free days are required for 195 establishment. All the above described thresholds are implemented as binary exclusion filters 196 (that is, if exceeded penv= 0 else penv= 1). 9 197 To account for the effect of growing season frost a continuous response function (fF) is applied to 198 allow for a hardening effect, that is, the first growing season frost event has the biggest impact 199 while additional events decrease in effect (Eq. B2). f F kEFT frost0.5 Eq. B2 200 with frost the number of frost days in the vegetation period and kEFT an empirical parameter. In 201 addition to this regeneration-specific establishment filters related to the thermal environment 202 (Nitschke and Innes 2008) also effects of water and nutrient availability are accounted for in the 203 iLand regeneration module. To that end we harness the detailed physiological calculations 204 conducted for adult trees in iLand (see Seidl and others 2012) to derive a process-based modifier 205 of annual physiological limitations to tree growth (Eq. B3). uAPAR eff f env min , 1 APAR f 0 ref Eq. B3 206 with APAR the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation of a given species, uAPAR the used 207 APAR, ε0 the potential light use efficiency, εeff the effective light use efficiency (see Seidl and 208 others 2012 for details), and fref an empirical scaling factor. Eq. B3 assumes that the 209 physiological status of a species under given conditions can be expressed by relating the 210 theoretical maximum light use to the actual light use for a given leaf area. The addition of fref, 211 which is the fenv derived for the most productive sites within a species range, scales fenv to a unit 212 scale for application as scalar modifier. This index has the advantage that it is based on 213 physiological principles, and grants consistency between saplings and adult trees with regard to 214 environmental responses. If the binary thermal requirements for GDD limits, winter frost, and 215 bud burst are fulfilled, penv is calculated as Eq. B4: penv f F f env Eq. B4 216 The effect of light availability on establishment is derived from executing iLands detailed light 217 calculations for the regeneration layer (Seidl and others 2012). Tree establishment probability is 10 218 finally calculated according to Eq. B5, assuming that all three factors (seeds, favorable abiotic 219 environment, light) are required for a species to establish (that is, est seed env light ). pest pseed penv plight Eq. B5 220 This calculation is conducted at a spatial resolution of 2 m grid cells (note that the involved 221 processes have different spatial resolutions, that is, pseed 20 m, penv 100 m, and plight 2 m) and, a 222 random number is drawn to determine whether a species establishes in a given year and cell. 223 224 Sapling growth and competition 225 After successful establishment, stand initiation stage vegetation development is modeled using a 226 mean tree approach at a 2 m cell horizontal resolution (see Rammig and others 2006). The main 227 tree attribute modeled is height growth, using a two-parameter Bertalanffy function to define 228 species-specific height growth potential (Eq. B6), ht 1 hmax h 1 1 t hmax 1 3 kg e 3 Eq. B6 229 with ht the tree height at time step t, hmax the maximum attainable tree height, and kg an empirical 230 parameter (Table B1). Rammig and others (2007) showed that this formulation, based on general 231 physiological principles, is a good middle ground between accuracy and parsimony. 232 Furthermore, they documented that parameter estimates were consistent over a wide range of 233 tree heights, which allows the parameter kg to be estimated from widely available yield table 234 growth curves for maximum site index. Potential height growth (ihpot) is derived from 235 differentiating Eq. B6, and actual height growth is calculated via the aggregated environmental 236 modifier of physiological growth limitations (Eq. B3). Furthermore, light availability is 237 accounted for via the species-specific light-use potential (that is, the light utilization index LUI 238 of Seidl and others 2012) to arrive at the realized height growth ih (Eq. B7). 11 ih ih pot f env LUI Eq. B7 239 In the mean tree sapling model intra-specific tree competition is not simulated explicitly, that is, 240 competitive pressure is only exerted by surrounding overstorey trees via LUI. For every species, 241 the 2 m cell is simulated as structurally homogeneous species cohort, and a fixed height-diameter 242 ratio for saplings is assumed. For accounting purposes and biogeochemical budgets sapling 243 numbers can be calculated from tree dimensions using Reinekes rule (Reineke 1933). We 244 currently don’t simulate effects of ungulate herbivory explicitly, but implicitly account for a 245 density effect via reducing Reinekes maximum stand density (SDIsap, see Table B1). If more than 246 one species establishes per 2 m cell, mean tree cohorts for every species are simulated as 247 described above. Inter-specific competition is an emerging property of different height growth 248 potentials (early vs. late seral species), different light-use potentials (LUI), as well as 249 environmental responses (fenv). If a species cohort fails to realize a specific minimum percentage 250 of its height growth potential for a subsequent number of years, mortality removes the species 251 from the respective cell (Keane and others 2001). Trees are recruited from the mean tree model 252 of the regeneration layer into the individual tree structure of iLand once they enter the stem 253 exclusion stage (currently defined generically as reaching a tree height of ≥ 4 m). For every cell 254 the species that first exceeds this threshold, that is, the species that is the most competitive in the 255 regeneration layer, is recruited while all other species cohorts on the same cell are discarded. 256 257 Biogeochemical cycling in the regeneration layer 258 The C and N budgets of the regeneration layer are calculated applying the species-specific 259 allometric equations used for adult trees in iLand (Seidl and others 2012). To that end an average 260 tree per species and resource unit (RU) is calculated as arithmetic mean over all tree cohorts on 261 regenerated 2 m cells (note that we deliberately ignore Jensens inequality here in order to 262 increase the computational performance in simulating large landscapes). Its’ C compartments are 12 263 derived from allometries and scaled to RU level by accounting for sapling stem numbers derived 264 from Reinekes rule. The C uptake of the regeneration layer can be calculated from translating the 265 annual height increment of all individual cohorts to changes in C compartments at the RU level. 266 Turnover of foliage and fine roots and their corresponding fluxes into the litter pool are handled 267 in a way similar to that used for adult individuals. Mortality fluxes from self-thinning (derived 268 from Reinekes rule as an effect of dbh growth) are routed directly to the respective litter and 269 downed deadwood pools (that is, saplings are not assumed to create snags). The model 270 parameters for the regeneration module are summarized in Table B1, and a technical 271 documentation can be found at http://iland.boku.ac.at. 272 273 13 274 275 276 277 Table B1: Parameters of the iLand Regeneration Module symbol description estimate source* amat maturity age (years) 20 1 aseed seed year interval (years) 7 1 pnsy fraction of seeds in non-seed years (dim.) 0.25 1 kK1 seed kernel parameter (dim.) 30 1, 2 kK2 seed kernel parameter (dim.) 200 1, 2 kK3 seed kernel parameter (dim.) 0.2 1, 2 kEtmin minimum winter temperature for establishment (°C) -37 1, 3 kEchill chilling requirement to break dormancy (days) 30 1, 3 kEGDDbase base temperature for establishment GDD (°C) 3.4 1, 3 kEGDDmin minimum GDD for establishment (GDD) 177 1, 3 kEGDDmax maximum GDD for establishment (GDD) 3261 1, 3 kEGDDbb GDD for bud burst (GDD) 255 1, 3 kEFF frost-free days required during the veg. period (days) 65 1, 3 kEFT tolerance to frost during the veg. period (dim.) 0.5 1, 3 kg sapling height growth parameter (dim.) -0.0427 4, 5 kMrs relative stress threshold for sapling growth (dim.) 0.1 6, 7 kMra stress hardiness of saplings (years) 2 6, 7 hdsap height to diameter ratio of saplings (dim.) 112 4 SDIsap stand density index for the sapling layer (trees ha-1) 655 4, 8 fref annual physiological response at maximum growth (dim.) 0.503 9, 10 278 * 1= Burns and Honkala (1990), 2= Garman (2004), 3= Nitschke and Innes (2008), 4= McArdle and others (1961), 5= Rammig and others (2007), 6= Woltjer and others (2008), 7= Price and others (2001), 8= Reineke (1933), 9= Seidl and others (2012), 10= this study. All parameters are species-specific and are indicated here exemplarily for Douglas-fir 279 (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Units are given in parenthesis. dim.= dimensionless, 280 GDD= growing degree days. 281 282 References 283 Burns RM, Honkala BH. 1990. Silvics of North America, Vol. 1, Conifers. Washington DC: 284 U.S.D.A. 285 http://www.na.fs.fed.us/pubs/silvics_manual/table_of_contents.shtm (2011-10-03) Forest Service Agriculture 14 Handbook 654. 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 Garman SL. 2004. Design and evaluation of a forest landscape change model for western Oregon. Ecological Modelling 175: 319-337. Greene DF, Canham CD, Coates KD, LePage PT. 2004. An evaluation of alternative dispersal functions for trees. Journal of Ecology 92: 758-766. He HS, Mladenoff DJ. 1999. The effects of seed dispersal on the simulation of long-term forest landscape change. Ecosystems 2: 308-319. Keane RE, Austin M, Field C, Huth A, Lexer MJ, Peters D, Solomon A, Wyckoff P. 2001. Tree mortality in gap models: Application to climate change. Climatic Change 51: 509-540. Koenig WD, Knops JMH. 2000. Patterns of Annual Seed Production by Northern Hemisphere Trees: A Global Perspective. American Naturalist 155: 59-69. 296 Lexer MJ, Hönninger K. 2001. A modi®ed 3D-patch model for spatially explicit simulation of 297 vegetation composition in heterogeneous landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management 298 144: 43-65. 299 Lischke H, Löffler TJ. 2006. Intra-specific density dependence is required to maintain species 300 diversity in spatio-temporal forest simulations with reproduction. Ecological Modelling 301 198: 341-361. 302 303 304 305 McArdle RE, Meyer WH, Bruce D. 1961. The yield of Dougals fir in the Pacific Northwest. Technical Bulletin 201, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C. 74p. Nitschke CR, Innes JL. 2008. A tree and climate assessment tool for modelling ecosystem response to climate change. Ecological Modelling 210: 263-277. 306 Price DT, Zimmermann NE, van der Meer PJ, Lexer MJ, Leadley P, Jorritsma ITM, Schaber J, 307 Clark DF, Lasch P, McNulty S, Wu J, Smith B. 2001. Regeneration in gap models: 308 Priority issues for studying forest responses to climate change. Climatic Change 51: 475- 309 508. 310 Rammig A, Bebi P, Bugmann H, Fahse L. 2007. Adapting a growth equation to model tree 311 regeneration in mountain forests. European Journal of Forest Research 126: 49-57. 15 312 313 314 315 316 Rammig A, Fahse L, Bugmann H, Bebi P. 2006. Forest regeneration after disturbance: A modelling study for the Swiss Alps. Forest Ecology and Management 222: 123-136. Reineke LH. 1933. Perfecting a stand-density index for even-aged forests. Journal of Agricultural Research 46: 627-638. Scheller RM, Domingo JB. 2006. LANDIS-II Core Model Description. University of Wisconsin- 317 Madison. 318 2011-10-03) 319 320 http://www.landis-ii.org/documentation/ModelDescription5.1.pdf (accessed Seidl R, Rammer W, Scheller RM, Spies TA. 2012. An individual-based process model to simulate landscape-scale forest ecosystem dynamics. Ecological Modelling 231: 87-100. 321 Woltjer M, Rammer W, Brauner M, Seidl R, Mohren GMJ, Lexer MJ. 2008. Coupling a 3D 322 patch model and a rockfall module to assess rockfall protection in mountain forests. 323 Journal of Environmental Management 87: 373-388. 324 16 325 Appendix C: iLand evaluation 326 iLands competition modeling algorithms and production physiology have been thoroughly 327 evaluated previously (Seidl and others 2012). Here, we focused on evaluating the models ability 328 to simulate landscape scale forest dynamics and C cycling. At the stand level, we compared 329 simulated C compartments against the detailed data reported by Smithwick and others (2002) for 330 13 one hectare old-growth stands. Furthermore, we compared simulated aboveground live carbon 331 (ALC) at the landscape scale against the independent estimates based on Lidar data (see Table 332 3). In addition, variables of stand structure and composition were compared to landscape-scale 333 estimates of gradient nearest neighbor (GNN) imputation (Ohmann and others 2011). 334 335 Stand level 336 Comparing undisturbed 500 year model simulations against the upper bounds of C storage 337 estimated empirically by Smithwick and others (2002) resulted in good correspondence of iLand 338 simulations to observations (Figure C1). For the 13 stands investigated by Smithwick and others 339 (2002) in our study area the mean difference between predicted and observed total ecosystem C 340 was -30.3 Mg ha-1 (that is, -3.6%). Model and observations were in agreement with regard to C 341 stocks being highest in the mid-elevation zone of the HJA landscape. Soil and litter pools 342 simulated with the newly developed iLand soil module differed only moderately from 343 observations (on average -10.8 Mg ha-1 (-8.8%) and +1.2 Mg ha-1 (+6.3%), respectively), 344 whereas woody detritus was underestimated by the model (-24.8 Mg ha-1 (-18.3%) over all 13 345 stands). Overall, model performance with regard to stand level C pools was well in the range of 346 previous results with detailed stand level C models for the region (for example, Harmon and 347 Marks 2002; Harmon and others 2009). 348 17 predicted n=7 live C 800 0 200 400 Mg C ha 400 200 0 observed 600 1 800 600 1 Mg C ha 600 400 0 200 Mg C ha 1 800 1000 (c) 1000 (b) 1000 (a) observed predicted n=3 woody detritus C observed predicted n=3 litter C soil C 349 350 Figure C1: Carbon compartments in old-growth forests at the HJ Andrews experimental forest in 351 three vegetation zones (from low to high elevation): (a) Tsuga heterophylla zone, (b) transition 352 zone, (c) Abies amabilis zone. Observed data are taken from Smithwick and others (2002), 353 predicted data are results of 500 year simulations with iLand. n: number of 1 ha reference stands 354 analyzed per vegetation zone. 355 356 357 Landscape level 358 Structure 359 At the landscape level, iLand was generally able to reproduce structure and composition of old- 360 growth forests at HJA compared to GNN- imputed inventory data (Ohmann and others 2011). 361 Over the 2191 ha study region the distribution of simulated stand structure, that is, basal area 362 (BA), quadratic mean diameter (QMD), standard deviation of diameter distribution (SD dbh), and 363 number of trees at least 100 cm dbh (N100), fell well within the bounds of their empirical 18 364 distributions (Figure C2). Both the central tendency and extremes of the simulated distributions 365 corresponded well to the GNN-derived distribution of inventory data. In a cell to cell comparison 366 simulated stand structure matched GNN data well (Table C1). Because iLand simulates 367 individual trees explicitly, also the simulated canopy structure could be evaluated, using Lidar 368 95th percentile return heights as reference data. Simulated rumple indices matched Lidar-derived 369 data well, supporting iLands ability to simulate the complex 3D structure of old-growth forest 370 ecosystems (Figure C3). 371 372 373 Table C1: Comparison of Simulation Results to Independent Reference Values from Lidar 374 (Rumple Index) and GNN (All Other Variables) for Old-growth Forests at the HJ Andrews 375 Experimental Forest structure basal area (BA, m2·ha-1) quadratic mean dbh (QMD, cm) sd of dbh distribution2 (SDdbh, cm) trees >100cm dbh (N100, n·ha-1) rumple index (rumple, dim.) composition 376 Psme (% basal area) Tshe (% basal area) Thpl (% basal area) Abam (% basal area) Abpr (% basal area) Acma (% basal area) Alru (% basal area) Tsme (% basal area) For abbreviations see Table 1. reference simulation 59.9 35.2 24.3 14.8 2.32 52.9 33.9 22.4 18.2 2.24 mean pixel deviance -7.0 -1.3 -1.9 +3.4 -0.08 62.4 22.0 10.0 3.0 1.3 0.6 0.4 0.3 58.1 26.4 8.8 4.3 1.4 0.1 <0.1 0.4 -4.3 +4.4 -1.2 +1.3 +0.1 -0.5 -0.4 +0.1 377 378 Composition 379 iLand was well able to reproduce the species composition in old-growth forests of the western 380 Cascades. Overall, the HJA is a landscape strongly dominated by Pseudotsuga menziesii ((Mirb.) 381 Franco), which is well captured by the simulations (Table C1). The true fir species Abies 19 382 amabilis (Dougl. ex Forbes) and Abies procera (Rehd.) as well as Tsuga mertensiana ((Bong.) 383 Carr.) are specialists found in the mid to high elevation portions of our study landscape, a pattern 384 that is also well reproduced by iLand (Figure C4). In general the distributions of simulated 385 species shares fell well within the boundaries of the GNN-imputed empirical data (Figure C5). 386 40 60 80 100 120 10 0.8 0.4 0.0 20 40 60 (c) (d) 20 30 40 50 0.0 0.4 0.8 quadratic mean diameter (cm) 0.4 0 0 basal alrea (m²) cummulative probability density 20 0.8 0 cummulative probability density 0.0 0.4 0.8 (b) 0.0 cummulative probability density cummulative probability density (a) cm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 trees per hectare 387 388 Figure C2: Distribution of stand structure indicators in old-growth forests at the HJ Andrews 389 watershed (at 100 m grid resolution). (a) basal area, (b) quadratic mean diameter, (c) standard 390 deviation of the diameter distribution, (d) number of trees with a dbh greater than 100cm. The 391 panels show a comparison of simulated stand structure (red) against mean gradient nearest 392 neighbor (GNN) estimates (black) and the empirical 2.5th and 97.5th percentile (grey) calculated 393 from within grid cell variation, based on 30 m GNN data. 394 395 20 0.8 0.4 0.0 cummulative probability density 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 rumple index 396 397 Figure C3: Landscape scale distribution of canopy heterogeneity as represented by the rumple 398 index, calculated for 100 m grid cells. Black: Lidar; red= iLand. 399 400 401 Carbon density 402 Simulated mean ALC was slightly lower than Lidar-derived ALC (- 8.88%, see Table 3), 403 resulting mainly from moderately underestimated basal area levels in the simulations. However, 404 the simulated ALC distribution over the landscape fell well within the confidence bounds of the 405 empirical Lidar model (Figure C6). Some disagreement between the two estimates could be 406 detected for the spatial location of ALC hotspots estimated from Lidar and those derived from a 407 500-year model simulation with iLand (Figure C7). 408 21 409 410 Figure C4: Simulated and GNN-imputed distribution and abundance of the high elevation tree 411 species Abies amabilis (lower panels), Abies procera (middle panels), and Tsuga mertensiana 412 (top panels). Data are species shares in percent basal area, and the results are masked to the old- 413 growth forest area of the landscape. iLand data are results after a 500 year simulation. 414 22 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 (f) (g) (h) 0.6 basal alrea share 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 basal alrea share 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 basal alrea share 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 (e) 1.0 basal alrea share 1.0 basal alrea share 0.4 0.2 cummulative probability density 1.0 0.2 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.0 basal alrea share 0.2 0.0 (d) basal alrea share 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 cummulative probability density 0.0 415 (c) 1.0 (b) 1.0 (a) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 basal alrea share 416 Figure C5: Species distribution in old-growth forests (2191 ha, 100 m resolution) at the HJ Andrews watershed. (a) Pseudotsuga menziesii, (b) 417 Tsuga heterophylla, (c) Thuja plicata, (d) Abies amabilis, (e) Abies procera, (f) Tsuga mertensiana, (g) Acer macrophyllum, (h) Alnus rubra. The 418 panels show a species-wise comparison of simulated species share (red) against mean gradient nearest neighbor (GNN) estimates (black) and the 419 empirical 2.5th and 97.5th percentile (grey) calculated from within grid cell variation based on 30 m GNN results. 23 420 421 Figure C6: (a) Cumulative density distribution of aboveground live carbon (ALC) in old-growth 422 forests at HJ Andrews according to Lidar (black) and simulation modeling (red). The 5-95% 423 confidence interval of the empirical Lidar - ALC model is indicated in grey. (b) Pixel-wise (100 m 424 resolution) difference between aboveground live biomass estimated by Lidar and iLand. 425 24 426 427 Figure C7: Spatial distribution of simulated (iLand) and Lidar-based (Lidar) aboveground live C 428 (ALC) in old-growth forests at the HJ Andrews. Values are in Mg C·ha-1 and maps are masked to 429 the old-growth forest area within the HJ Andrews watershed (bold black line). 430 431 25 432 References 433 Harmon ME, Marks B. 2002. Effects of silvicultural practices on carbon stores in Douglas-fir – 434 western hemlock forests in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.: results from a simulation model. 435 Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 863-877. 436 Harmon ME, Moreno A, Domingo JB. 2009. Effects of partial harvest on the carbon stores in 437 Douglas-fir/ Western Hemlock forests: A simulation study. Ecosystems 12: 777-791. 438 Ohmann JL, Gregory MJ, Henderson EB, Roberts HM. 2011. Mapping gradients of community 439 composition with nearest-neighbour imputation: extending plot data for landscape analysis. 440 Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 660-676. 441 442 Seidl R, Rammer W, Scheller RM, Spies TA. 2012. An individual-based process model to simulate landscape-scale forest ecosystem dynamics. 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