FP 100 – Health certificate HA Name:_________________________________________Date of birth/CPR-No.:___________________________ Occupation:_________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________Postal code:______City/town:___________________________ To the applicant: You must contact your doctor (GP) to have this certificate filled in. Please be sure to inform the doctor, that your appointment is concerning the filling in of a Health Certificate FP100. You must read the answers and sign the cerficate to confirm that all health issues are included. It is your responsibility that the certificate is answered correctly. According to the Danish Insurance Contract Act, the insurance may be cancelled or coverage reduced if the information is incomplete, incorrect or information has been withheld. To the doctor: The certificate is a general health certificate and alle questions must therefore be answered. In this case please supply additional information concerning: ____________________________________________________ PART I: DOCTOR’S INFORMATION 1 a Are you the doctor normally used by the applicant? b Do you know the applicant? No Yes If YES, since when?_________(month/year) If NO, how did you determine the identity of the applicant?____________________________________ PART II: DOCTOR’S QUESTIONS TO THE APPLICANT WITH NOTES ON THE PATIENT. 1 Please question the patient about previous and current illnesses, examinations, treatments, use of drugs/medicine, alcohol, tobacco and stimulants. Please enclose relevant patient notes, for example doctor’s notes or certificates, discharge letters and laboratory results. 2 Do not inform about the results of genetic testing with regard to the patient’s risk of certain future diseases (predictive genetic testing). 3 Please be aware of the consequence for the patient, if incomplete information is supplied, cf. the Danish Insurance Contract Act (see above). 1 Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Does the applicant suffer from or has the applicant previously suffered from: a Infectious diseases (except ordinary colds), for example cerebrospinal meningitis, rheumatic fever, tropical diseases, malaria, HIV/AIDS? No Yes No Yes No Yes Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. b Tumours (benign and malignant tumours), for example cancer, including early stage cancer, blood and lymphatic cancer, polyps, cysts and other benign tumours? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. c Diseases of the blood, for example Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. No Yes e Mental conditions, for example depression, nervousness, anxiety, stress, mental reaction etc.? No Yes Has the patient had suicidal tendencies or been subject to cases of poisoning? No Yes No Yes anaemia, bone marrow diseases , coagulation and immunological diseases and diseases of the spleen? Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. d Metabolic disorders, for example diabetes (including glucosuria and gestational diabetes), struma or metabolic disturbances and elevated blood cholesterol? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. NB: For endocrine disorders (including dyslipidemia) please state laboratory measurements and treatment. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. f Diseases of the nervous system (including eye or ear diseases), for example headache or migraine, vertigo/dizziness, epilepsy, fainting or cramps, paralyses or mobility disturbances, cerebral haemorrhage, blood clot in the brain, sensation disturbances including multiple sclerosis (MS)? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. g Cardiac, circulatory or vascular disorders, for example hypertension, chest pain (angina pectoris), palpitation or irregular heart rhythm, blood clot, heart or heart valve disease, varicose veins or phlebitis, blood clot in legs, intermittent claudication (claudicatio intermittens)? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Side 2 NB: In case of hypertension please state initial bloodpressure, present treatment and for how long treatment has taken place. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. h Pulmonary or respiratory diseases, for example asthma, hay fever or allergy, bronchitis, COPD/COLD, tuberculosis, blood clot in a lung, lung infections, silicosis, emphysema and sarcoidosis? No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. i Diseases of the digestive system (stomach, intestinal, liver, gall bladder and pancreas), for example ulceration (ulcus) or bleedings, oesophagus discomforts or reflux, indigestion (irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease or allergy), colitis, ileus, polyps, jaundice or hepatitis, gallstones, fatty liver (steatosis), abnormal liver count (demonstrated through blood tests), pancreatitis? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. j Skin diseases, for example eczema (including allergy), skin cancer, psoriasis, infections (including abscesses), blisters and venereal diseases? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests (including histology results). k Diseases in or discomfort from the neck, back or loin, for example muscle tensions, ischias, discusprolaps, low back pain, whiplash, diseases of the spine, scoliosis? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. l Diseases of the joints, tendons, bones or connective tissue, for example injuries to tendons or joints, osteoarthritis, arthritis/rheumatism, fibromyalgia, osteroporosis, hypermobility or pelvic girdle pain? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Side 3 Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. m Kidney or urinary diseases and diseases relating to male or female genitals (including complications during pregnancy), for example nephritis, cystitis, kidney or bladder stone, blood, protein or bacteria in the urine, removal of kidney, malformations or cysts, female gynecological problems or male urinary problems (including prostatic enlargement? No Yes No Yes No Yes Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. n Other diseases than the above mentions, apart from non-complicated childhood diseases, ordinary shortterm and non-recurring infectious diseases and complications due to cosmetic treatments? Please state: Diagnosis, time of debut of symptoms, time of diagnose, progress and present symptoms. Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. 2 a Has the applicant ever been injured? If YES, when?_________________________ Month/Year What was the nature of the injury?_______________ ___________________________________________ If YES, are there any complications? ___________________________________________ Please enclose supplementary patient notes including the results of paraclinical tests. Questions 2. b, c and d about illness in the family is answered on the basis of information from the applicant himself only. b Has one of the applicant’s close relatives (parents, siblings, children) been diagnosed with cancer before the age of 55? If YES, which symptoms as well as percentage of permanent injury (if any)? ________________________ No Yes If YES: Which relative?______________________________ kinship Which disease?______________________________ __________________________________________ At what age was the disease diagnosed? Side 4 __________ c Are there or have there been hereditary diseases among the applicant’s close relatives (parents, siblings, children)? No Yes If YES: Which relative?______________________________ kinship Which disease?______________________________ NB: Do not inform about the results of genetic testing with regard to the patient’s risk of certain future diseases (predictive genetic testing. __________________________________________ At what age was the disease diagnosed? __________ d Has one of the applicant’s close relatives (parents, siblings, children) been diagnosed with an arteriosclerotic disease before the age of 60? No Yes If YES: Which relative?______________________________ kinship Which disease?______________________________ __________________________________________ At what age was the disease diagnosed? __________ 3 Has the applicant been ill or unable to work for a longer period of time (more than one month? No Yes If YES: During which periods?_________________________ Month/year For which reason?__________________________ 4 Has the applicant (apart from the above mentioned) received medical treatment for more than one month or received recurring medical treatment, including tranquilizers or painkillers? No Yes If YES: For which reason?__________________________ During which periods?_________________________ At present? No Yes Month/year 5 Does the applicant use or has he used euphoriants (for example heroin, speed, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD), cannabis, organic solvents, anabolic drugs, or other stimulating or tranquilizing substances? No Yes If YES: During which periods?_________________________ At present? No Yes Month/year Which substances?____________________________ Any complications? No Yes Which?___________ ____________________________________________ 6 a Does the applicant drink beer, wine, dessert/fortified wine or liquor? No Yes If YES: Number ____ of drinks per week (on average) b Has the applicant previously had a larger consumption of beer, wine, dessert/fortified wine or liquor? No Yes If YES: Number ____ of drinks per week (on average) During which periods?_________________________ Month/year Side 5 c Has the applicant ever received treatment or counselling for an excessive consumption of beer, wine, dessert/fortified wine or liquor? No Yes If YES: During which periods?_________________________ At present? No Yes Month/year Which treatment/counselling?____________________ What was the effect of the treatment/counselling? ___ ___________________________________________ 7 a Does the applicant smoke? No Yes If YES: Daily consumption:_________________________ (number of cigarettes, cigars, pipes) b Has the applicant smoked previously? No Yes If YES: During which periods?_________________________ Month/year Daily consumption:_________________________ (number of cigarettes, cigars, pipes) I have reviewed the answers and hereby declare the above information to be true and accurate and that nothing has been withheld. I am aware that the insurance may be cancelled or coverage reduced if the information is incomplete, wrong or if information has been withheld. _________ Date ________________________________________ Applicant’s signature ___________________ CPR-No. Side 6 PART III: DOCTOR’S EXAMINATION 1 Applicant’s height and weight. Height (without shoes):________cm. Weight (in indoor clothes):_________kg. 2 Is there any abnormality of: No Yes b Eyes, including faculty of vision with best correction? Faculty (with correction) Right:____ Left:_____ c Ears, including sense of hearing with best correction? Sense of hearing (with correction):___________ d Chest, including deformities and mobility? e Lungs, including stethoscopy? a Head, oral cavity, pharynx, throat? If YES, please describe. Sense of hearing can be measured by whispering and speaking at a distance of 4 m. Peakflow measurements by lung disease: Measurement 1: Measurement 2: Measurement 3: For lung disease including asthma and bronchitis symtoms, peakflow measurements please include 3 (possibly a spirometri). f Heart and vessels including stethoscopy, pulse and blood pressure? 3 different recordings are required at an Pulse Blood pressure Rythm: ______ Systolic Frequency: Diastolic Measurem Measurem Measurem ent 1: ent 2: ent 3: interval of at least 1 minute after the applicant has rested for at least 5 minutes. ______ In case of newly discovered hypertension: Has further assessment or treatment been initated? Which?_______________________________________ including i Arms, legs and joints, for example varicose veins, oedemas, peripheral g Abdomen, i.e. palpable masses, organ tumours, soreness, scars? A gynaecological or rectal examination is not required. h Vertebral column, abnormal curving? Side 7 pulses, signs of existing or phlebitis, muscular dystrophy? 3 past j The skin and lymph nodes (neck, armpit, groin)? k Outer sexual organs, plapation of breasts? including l Examination of the nervous system, for example tremors, reflexes, abnormality of tactile sensations? Urine examination by stix. Albumin Sugar Blood If positive reaction, please state below the result of any immediately following check-up examination. Follow-up date:_____________________________ Result: Albumin No Yes In case of newly discovered reactions: Does anything in the applicant’s appearance or behaviour indicate any kind of weakness or sickliness including any mental disorder? Do you consider the applicant: Blood If YES: Which?______________________________________ Has further assessment or treatment been initated? 4 Sugar No Yes If YES: How?_______________________________________ ____________________________________________ Yes No If NO: 5 Well (without any signs of illnesses)? Fully capable of work? Why not?___________________________________ Why not?___________________________________ This health certificate has been completed by me in accordance with my notes on and knowledge of the applicant plus my questioning and examination which took place: Please forward the certificate in a closed envelope marked HEALTH CERTIFICATE to: _______________________________________ Date Doctor’s signature Full address (stamp): Side 8 Payment may take place to the NemKonto regisstered for the CPR-/CVR-/SE-number stated below. CPR-/CVR-/SE-number:_____________________ Giro/Bank: Registrationnumber and accountnumber: ________________________________________ The certificate has been approved by the certificate committee of the Danish Medical Association and will at once be paid by the insurance company after submission of an invoice for the price agreed with the Danish Medical Association. Side 9