Cover page for BTEC1015 Plasmid Identification Report Both a printed and an electronic version of your report must be submitted to your instructor. In order to prevent possible unintentional plagiarism, this pledge must be attached to the front of your Plasmid ID report. The consequence of plagiarizing is a zero on the assignment and a possible (even probable) failing grade in the course. Please refer to the links below to acquire more information on how to avoid plagiarism. Students’ pledge: This report is entirely my own written work. I have checked each sentence of my report (especially the introduction) and attest I have not copied and pasted sentences or phrases from any source, including the Internet or another student. I also understand that Wikipedia, while possibly useful for gaining a preliminary understanding of a topic, is not a citable source. I understand that I may use information given to me by my instructor, but that this should be written in my own words and probably requires a citation. I have used the information in the Plasmid Report Guidelines to properly cite my sources. NAME: DAVID JOHN BARLOW SIGNATURE:DAVID BARLOW 12/09/2011 David Barlow Biotechnology 1015 11/25/2011 Biotechnology 1015 Plasmid Identification Project IntroductionA plasmid, “is a small, Circular self-replicating double-stranded DNA molecules found primarily in bacterial cells”(Thieman 2009; Palladino 2009). Restriction enzymes, “are used to cut DNA or plasma in a specific sequence (restriction sites) and are mainly found in bacteria ”(Barlow 2011, pers. comm.). Gel electrophoresis, “ is a laboratory procedure that involves using an electrical charge to move and separate biomolecules of different sizes, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins through a semisolid separating gel matrix. Examples include agarose gel electrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) ”(Thieman 2009; Palladino). The goal of this experiment is to identify a unknown plasmid out of four plasmids (pAMP,pBLU,pGEM,pGLO). This experiment has one main purpose to Salt Lake Community College, there purpose is to evaluate if a student can use the skills that they have learned in Biotechnology 1015, and apply them in a real world situation. The mystery plasmid that was given to the students is going to be digested and run through an agerose gel electrophoresis (which separates based on mass) to help determine the plasmid. A longer incubation period was used so that the enzymes could work to there full potential. MethodsThe plasmid NA has a concentration of 17.4 µg/mL. The process that the concentration of a plasmid is calculated is through spectrophotometery. Absorbance can also be calculated through Beer’s law, A=C/ε. The DNA ladder is the 1Kb ladder from New England Biolabs. The source of the enzymes and the buffer solution was from New England Biolads. The digestion recipe 11.5µl of NA, 1.5 µl of NEB 4 buffer solution, 1µL of Dral, and 1µl of dH20, the total volume of the solution was 15µl. The second double digest consisted of 11.5µL of NA, 1.5µl of NEB 4 buffer, 1µL of Dral, and 1µL of BamHI. The NA digest incubated for 8 hours at a temperature of 37° degrees Celsius (approximately 98.6° Fahrenheit). After the incubation of NA, the experiment called for a 1% agerose gel to perform agerose gel electrophoresis (to examine the effect of the digestion). This required a solution that called for 0.5 grams of agerose and 50mL 1x TEA. It was then heated in a microwave for 30seconds, taken out and examined to check if the agerose had completely dissolved, placed back into the microwave for two 15 second session and from there it was placed in ice for 15 seconds so that the beaker is cool enough to grasp. After that it is pored into the sealed gel tray (with the comb placed in the designated slot). Buffer that was used for both of the gels in the solutions was the #4 buffer solution (provided by New England Biolabs). To predict the sizes of the segments, the online wed tool NEBcutter was used to predict where and how large the segment sizes should come out to. NEBcutter was located at the url, “http//”. In this experiment the fragments where apparent they all had very distinct marks, which indicates that the digest worked correctly. Results and Conclusions- The beginning plasmid had a concentration of 17.4µg/mL and the Plasmid NA that was given is actually pBLU. Due to the connection between the sizes of the segments, and how they related to the picture that was taken. But because the segments didn’t quite line up with the estimated positions it make it nearly impossible to use segment size to tell what NA was. The possible error that might have been made was that our sample could have been mislabeled (this is possibly why the DNA ladder was in the center of the gel). So greater precautions would be made to eliminate such errors from occurring again in future labs. ReferencesBOOK- Thieman, Palladino, A.C., 2009:Introduction to Biotechnology Second Edition. Glossary G1-G18. Website- New England Biolabs, 2011: NEBcutter. Internet: <>. 3000 DraI Digest 2500 2413 2313 DNA Fragement Size (BP) 2000 1500 1000 692 500 0 14 Dral (mm) 16 Base Pairs 14.5mm 2413 15.5mm 2313 21mm 692 18 20 DIstance in MM 22 The blue diamonds in graph above represent the distance that the DNA fragments traveled(in millimeters. The line is a line of best fit that links the points together in a logarithmic manner.