Week of November 12th Day Monday 12th Tuesday 13th

Week of November 12th
Monday 12th
Bell Work- Adding and
Subtracting Integers.
Tuesday 13th
Bell Work- Adding and
Subtracting Integers.
Wednesday 14th
Bell Work- Adding and
Subtracting Integers.
Thursday 15th
Bell Work- Adding and
Subtracting Integers.
Friday 16th
Bell Work- Adding and
Subtracting Integers.
Begin Notes on The Real
Go over homework
Practice worksheet on
Pythagorean Theorem
Continue with notes on
3-9 Applying the
Pythagorean Theorem
and its Converse
Go over homework
Fill in Graphic organizer
Guided Practice
The real number system
worksheet Due tomorrow
Activity- The
Pythagorean Theorem
Notes over the
Pythagorean Theorem
Example 1 and 2 only
Quick Check
Homework – 134-135;
10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20,
27 Test Prep 31, 32 Due
Begin notes on 3-9
Work on pg. 142 1-23
Work on homework
Homework – 134-135; 10,
12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 27
Test Prep 31, 32 Due
Pg. 142 1-23 Due Friday
Quiz 3-5 through 3-9