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Fairfield Compost
About the investee
Spokesperson and contact
Ian Trippier, Office Manager:
Social enterprise
What problem are they trying to
Fairfield provides a truly sustainable solution to a growing
environmental problem: how to dispose of organic wastes.
Their peat-free compost is the answer - an organic fertiliser
and a top-quality soil improver too.
What services or interventions do
Fairfield has developed a composting production model that
they run?
processes tonnes of fruit, veg, plant and woody waste into top
quality, peat-free, sustainable and BSI PAS100 accredited
Fairfield compost is a high quality material, rich in organic
matter and microbial population, which are essential
components to healthy and productive soils.
They produce:
locally-produced, high quality, peat-free compost
product consistency (Quality Protocol for Compost)
a product and service to help meet your sustainability
Who are their beneficiaries?
The environment, Greater Manchester
Area of service
Greater Manchester
Investment Overview
Total ACF Amount invested
2004- to invest in new machinery to relieve bottlenecks in the
production system and to provide revenue support
2005- to cover cash flow contingencies
To have a fully functioning new plant that enables the
production to run more smoothly. To give the organisation
breathing space to allow it to larger, more successful business.
☐ Becoming investment ready
☐Taking on debt finance for the first time
☐Taking on a community building
☐Helped by our investee support services
☒Running a local service
Impact Story
Ian Trippier, Office Manager at Fairfield Compost, spoke about the ACF investment:
How did the investment make a difference to your organisation?
Investment from the ACF allowed Fairfield to make a quantum leap into the professional world. Without
it Fairfield would have remained a micro-business.
The ACF investment was used to purchase some heavy plant which
required skilled operators. All Fairfield employees required training to
operate the plant and qualifications were gained up to NVQ level.
How did you find the report you received from ACF?
ACF personnel were very supportive of our project offering assistance in a
variety of fields especially training in book-keeping. There was always
someone to speak to at the end of the phone when you needed them.
Was there anything specific to the structure of the investment that made the investment
The ACF investment we received was a combination of grants and loans and the loans came with a
delayed pay-back schedule which was also very helpful. In the end we were able to pay back our loans
I would rate the investment from the ACF as a very positive experience which allowed Fairfield to very
quickly develop a significant profile in its chosen field and which enabled us to remain a serious player in
Manchester with an expanding business creating more and more employment and volunteering
Processing Waste
All over the UK, landfill sites are filling up; incineration of rubbish is dangerous, environmentally
damaging and unpopular, and other waste disposal options are becoming harder to find. The UK is
getting swamped with waste.
The compost industry is in the midst of dramatic change. Until relatively recently, composting has been a
largely low-tech process, with raw materials usually being green waste (leaves and trimmings from
gardens and municipal parks).
Fairfield has developed a composting production model that processes tonnes of fruit, veg, plant and
woody waste into top-quality, peat-free compost. They receive tonnes of biodegradable fruit, vegetable,
plant and flowers from the New Smithfield Market, and `green waste’ from landscapers, parks and waste
companies. Delivered material is processed using an 'in-vessel' composting method – the first such
installation on a wholesale market in the country. Waste material is processed using in-vessel, vertical
composting units (VCU).
As a result of the intensive, high temperature process, the production process of Fairfield's compost is
quick - 1 week in the VCU; 6 weeks to mature.
Their work helps Greater Manchester become more sustainable and they are committed to this goal.
Why Compost?
It improves soil!
Changing agricultural systems, chemical applications and urban sprawl have resulted in a global
deterioration of soil quality over the past 50 years Compost breathes life back into soil and provides all
the nutrients and fertilising benefits your soil needs.
Benefits of compost for gardens and allotments
Product versatility (varied plant and turf improvement benefits)
Helps soils retain nutrients – adds nutrients too
Eliminates need for artificial fertilisers and chemicals
Fixes poor soils nutritionally, physically and biologically
Allows for faster plant growth and healthier plants
Can help reduce compaction and reduce bulk density in heavy soils
Increase moisture infiltration and oxygen exchange in heavy soils
Improves moisture retention in light (sandy) soils
Promotes deep rooting/better establishment
“Fairfield's compost really is "black gold". It's the only stuff that I feel confident will condition my soil.
I've asked for Fairfield's compost for both my Christmas and birthday presents. My family think I'm mad".
John Grimshaw, Chairman of Whitehill Allotments, Stockport .