Nicole Noel Hoier 2147 Valkaria Rd Malabar, FL 32950 PH. (321) 501-1496 Email: DEGREES Educational Specialist (ED.S), 12-2000 Science Education, Integrated Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, Florida (GPA=3.92) Bachelor of Arts (BA), 06-1978 Education (minors in English, Art) NCATE and K-12 State Certification University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (GPA=3.5) Master of Science (MS), 05-1995 Science Education-Biology/Ecology Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, Florida (GPA=3.86) Associate of Fine Arts (AA), 01 -1976 Landscape/Portrait Photography, Painting San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, Ca (Studied under Ansel Adams, Jerry Uhlesman) WORK EXPERIENCE 2008- Director, Professional Enrichment Programs, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Florida Tech. Build programs and execute onsite/online courses, grants and seminars for certification and CEU credit. Topics include technical and recreational courses, complex software applications, leadership/management, team building, science, Scuba diving and the arts. 2007- Associate Director, Professional Development Programs, University College Florida Tech. Initiate and execute long and short courses, grants and seminars for certification and CEU credit. Topics include but are not limited to complex software applications, technical skillsets, leadership/management, team building, science and the arts. 2005-2007: Director, Technology Enhanced Content, Florida Tech. Lead faculty, staff and students in research, development and dissemination of new and current technologies in coordination with the Instructional Technology Department. Investigate grant opportunities that use digital technology as scientific assessment and teaching tools. Expand digital motion and audio technologies to include integration of animation output (Matlab, ProEngineer etc.) with digital video applications for educational displays. 2006-Present: Adjunct Faculty, undergrad and grad courses in ‘Visual Communication in the 21st Century’ Use of digital technology and online learning tools to organize and teach class—reach audiences of different learning modalities. Investigate the use of color, shapes, 2 and 3D mediums to teach complex situation-based concepts and environments. Experiment with motion technologies and comprehension—memory and retention. 1 2000-2007: Digital Video Research and Design, SISA Grants, Development, rendering and compression of raw digital video (research) movie footage into educational, public awareness and web-based multimedia (stand alone or integrated) learning modules. Scientific use of this data includes digital compression into archived cd and DVD material while preserving original quality of the raw media. 2000-2003: Project Manager, Bio-monitoring: "DEP/SEFC " Deployment, side-band sonar mapping and biological monitoring of clean debris in 4 artificial reefs over four COE permitted reef development sites between 7 and 12 miles offshore from Sebastian Inlet, FI. 1999-2000: Project Manager/Offshore Artificial Reef Coordinator, Biological Applications: SISA Artificial Reef Development and Monitoring (DEP-SEFC-NOAA) Sebastian, Fl. 1998-2006: Digital Media Research and Development, Laboratory Management: Applied Computing Center, Media Services and Development, Information Technology Dept., Florida Tech, Melbourne, Fl. 1995-1998: GSA and Interim Manager: Networking, Software and Program Support, Micro Computer Center, Academic and Research Computing, Florida Tech, Melbourne, Fl. 1996-1999: Principal Investigator/Offshore Artificial Reef Coordinator, Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing Association (SISA) Melbourne, Fl. 1996-97: Web Page Development: Third International Ocean Pollution Symposium (31OPS). Symposium Coordinator /Assistant. 1995-1996: Consultant, EEL, Brevard County Environmentally Endangered lands. Land use development and education programs; publication and graphics editor. 1995-1997: Paralegal, Wayne L. Allen, Esq., Attorney at Law, Melbourne, Fl. 1994-95: Graduate Research Assistant, Florida Tech, Science Education Department. NSF grant: "The Central and South Florida Middle-School Partnership Program" (Science curriculum development and attitude/knowledge instrument development/assessment) Melbourne, Fl. 1994: Graduate Research Assistant, Florida Tech, "Environmental Ed. Literacy Assessment" (Science curriculum development, research design and attitude/knowledge instrument development) Melbourne, Fl. 1993: Graduate Student Assistant/Director, Florida Tech, Science Education Department. NSF grant: "Elementary Math/Science Specialist Program" (EMSSP). Director of a 3-semester course in Applied Science, Mathematics and Computer Technology for teachers. Melbourne, Fl. 1986-93: Educator, Environmental Education, Science, Art, English Literature and writing, Marion County, Fl. 1986-93: President and Treasurer, Wewa Nursery Inc., Xeriscape and Groundcover plants, Micanopy, Fl. 1989-90: Assistant to Field Coordinator, (Costa Rica), Lindblad 'Special Expeditions' Eco-tour Cruise Lines. 1986-88: Technical Writer, College of Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl. 1985-86: Assistant Bio-Consultant, Development of the Mussolo/Kissama Biosphere Reserve, Angola, West Africa. UNESCO Division of Ecological Services, Man and Biosphere Program (MAB) Paris, France. 1985-86: Educator, Roosevelt Roads Middle/High School, Antilles Consolidated School System Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, Puerto Rico. 2 1984-85: Biological Research Assistant, Florida State Museum, University of Florida. Under contract with Naval Facilities Command, Atlantic Division, Norfolk, VA 23511 1983-84: Operations Assistant, "Development of a Right Whale Sighting Network in the Southeastern United States" University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography. Marine Mammal Commission, Washington, DC, MM2324805-6, and World Wildlife Fund, US-259 1983: Research Assistant, "Survey of the Sea Turtles and Sea Turtle Habitats of the Republic of Angola, West Africa". Under contract with the Animal Research and Conservation Center, New York Zoological Society Logistical support: UNESCO (Paris, France). REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS 2007: Co-author: Fish Populations on Artificial Reefs off Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Final Report – FWCC grant fy04. 2006: Co-author: Student Faculty Collaborative Learning: The Production of an Entertaining Educational Video Titled Patenting and Infringement. Conference paper, Dr. Carolyn Fausnaugh, Nicole Hoier Ed.S, Tuan Meng Lee 2005: Co-author: “Human resource allocation applications of stochastic maintenance models with superreserve backups”. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Wiley InterScience, ( 2005: Producer and Director: Sebastian Inlet, Treasure of the Space Coast. A 35 minute natural history documentary about the development and current status of Sebastian Inlet and Sebastian Inlet State Park. Funded by PADI Project Aware Foundation, Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing Association, and Sebastian Inlet District. 2004: Producer, Director and Videographer: Sara Observatory Documentary. A ½ hour documentary on the NSF funded Sara Telescope project at Kitt Peak, Arizona. This is a summer internship program in Astronomy and Physics at Florida Tech (15 years), under Dr. Terry Oswalt and Dr. Matt Wood. The documentary features 5 standalone learning modules and a complete video featuring all the modules in an integrated sequence. 2003: Co-author: Fish Populations on Artificial Reefs off Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Final Report - FWCC-00097. 2002: Co-author: Fish Populations on Artificial Reefs off Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Year 2 - FWCC-00097. 2001: Co-author: Fish Populations on Artificial Reefs off Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Year 1 - FWCC-00097. 1996: Co-author: "Bridging the Gaps to Experiencing Nature" A workshop of ideas for making nature accessible to people of diverse needs. Published by the Brevard County Endangered Lands (EELS) program. 1995: Hoier and Shearouse: "Current Status and Options for Solid Waste Management in Brevard County" A study and multi-media presentation sponsored by the Brevard County League of Women Voters, for the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners. 3 1995: Hoier: "A Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes of Local Malabar Owners/Residents Regarding Non-market Value of Lands Designated for Conservation" Masters Thesis Project, Science Education Department, Florida Tech, Melbourne, Fl. 1991: Carr and Carr: "Surveys of the Sea Turtles of Angola" Biological Conservation 0006-3207 91/SO3.50 C 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd. England. 1988: Marion and Hoier: "4-H Wildlife Handbook" IFAS Pub. SP-86, University of Florida. A guide to common wildlife species in Florida habitats, and landscape management techniques. 1986: Carr and Carr: "Recommendations for the Establishment of a Biosphere Reserve in Angola, with an Emphasis on Sea Turtle Habitat" Prepared for the Government of Angola and the Division of Ecological Services, Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB), UNESCO, Paris, France. 1986: Carr and Carr: "Dermochelys coriacea Copulation" Herpetological Review, v. 17(l) March 1986 pp. 24-5. 1985: Carr and Carr: Poster (co-author/illustrator) "The Distribution and Abundance of Manatees in Puerto Rico" U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Workshop on Sirenia, Fourth International Theriological Congress, Edmonton, Canada. 1985: Carr and Carr: "The Distribution and Abundance of Manatees and Sea Turtles in Puerto Rico, with Emphasis on Roosevelt Roads Naval Station" U.S. Department of Commerce. 1984: Carr and Carr: "A record of the Sub-Antarctic Fur Seal (Arctocephalus tropicalus) in Angola" The South African Journal of Zoology Vol. 20(2). 1984: Carr and Carr: "Trionyx triungis" (Nile Soft-shelled Turtle); HABITAT, Life History Notes, Herpetological Review 1985 Vol. 16(l). 1984: Carr and Carr: "Surveys of the Sea Turtles of Angola" Report to the Animal Research and Conservation Center, New York Zoological Society, NY. GRANT AWARDS 2005: Co-P.I.: Bio-monitoring: "DEP/SEFC " Video monitoring and surveys of 4 artificial reefs over four COE permitted reef development sites between 12 and 15 miles offshore from Sebastian Inlet, Florida. In conjunction with Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing Association, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Fisheries Management, Southeast Fisheries Commission, NOAA and the Board of County Commissioners, Indian River County, Florida. 2004-2005: Principal Investigator/Producer: Project Aware Foundation and Sebastian Inlet District grant, “Sebastian Inlet State Park, an educational documentary on its unique marine life”. An intense collaboration between Florida Tech, Sebastian River High School and numerous organizations, to produce a 30 minute DVD documentary for education and public outreach. 2000-2003: Project Manager: Bio-monitoring: "DEP/SEFC " Deployment, side-band sonar mapping and biological monitoring of clean debris in 4 artificial reefs over four COE permitted reef development sites between 12 and 15 miles offshore from Sebastian Inlet, Florida. In conjunction with Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing Association, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Fisheries Management, Southeast Fisheries Commission, NOAA and the Board of County Commissioners, Indian River County, Florida. 4 1998: Principal Investigator "SISA Artificial Reef Development Plan" Deployment and biological monitoring of clean debris over four COE permitted reef development sites between 7 and 12 miles offshore from Sebastian Inlet, Fl. In conjunction with Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing Association, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Fisheries Management), and the Board of County Commissioners, Indian River County, Fl. 1992: "The Environment Room" An integrated science curriculum. Reddick Elementary School, Marion County, FL. An Eisenhower Foundation grant, 1992-93 "PEP" Project. 1992: "Tropical and Temperate: Sister-School Studies in Climate at the Village School of Tortuguero, Costa Rica, and Reddick Elementary School, Reddick, Fl, U.S.A.", MCSS Mini-grant Foundation, Ocala, Fl. 1991-92: "Plants 'R' Us", Consumer economic activities for students: establishing and operating a plant production/marketing business. Crown Grant Foundation, Palatka, FI. 1991: “Brotherhood, It's Elementary", Establishment of a 'Sister-School' Science partnership between the Caribbean coastal village school of Tortuguero, Costa Rica, and Reddick Elementary School, Reddick, Florida, U.S.A. MCSB Mini - Grant Foundation, Ocala, Fl. 1991: "Greenthumb Inc.", Establishment of a horticulture business utilizing the greenhouse at Reddick Elementary School for plant production, crop monitoring, quality control and marketing of flowering groundcovers. MCSB Mini-Grant Foundation, Ocala, Fl. 1990: "Foliage Enhancement", Arbor Day Grant for landscape design using native plants. Florida Nursery Growers Association, Orlando, Fl. 1990: "Project Sunshine", Establishment of a greenhouse for horticultural studies at Reddick Elementary School. MCSS Mini-grant Foundation, Ocala, Fl. EDUCATION 1995-2000: Ed.S Graduate Program, Science Education, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Fl. 1993-95: Master of Science Program, Science Education, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Fl. 1992-93: Florida Instructional Technology Project, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Fl. 1991-92: Florida Science Videodisc Project, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Fl. 1981-82: Master of Arts program, English and Technical Writing, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 1976-78: Bachelor of Arts degree program: Education, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl. 1975-76: Associate of Arts degree program: Fine Arts, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA. 1973-74: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 5 RELATED SKILLS—EXPERIENCE Completion of one year of core courses in the Florida Tech Engineering Management Program, as part of ED.S degree. 4.0 GPA (Project Engineering, Engineering Simulation and Modeling Design, and Quality Engineering). Additional skills include: Florida Tech Student Supervisor of the Year Award Fl State and NCATE teaching certification, K-12 Art Education, English, Science, 31 years Digital video: production, content, post production, conversion and compression, 12 years Computer applications, telecommunications, Internet and program development utilizing interactive Windows and Macintosh system software, 19 years Experienced leadership over up to 25 multi-national employees All Windows platforms, Macintosh and multi-platform network administration, maintenance, wiring and repair Experience with statistical and simulation software, and graphics (GUI) Design and application of marine, aerial and geological survey techniques Editorial consultant: dissertations, theses, manuscripts, digital and graphical media (18 years) Marine aerial observer (over 350 hours) - Open ocean small craft operator Certified Advanced Scuba diver, sky diver Competitive swimmer, National record holder, A.A. U. Junior Olympic Champion, 11 medals 12 years classical piano instruction ~References available upon request~ 6