LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment

LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
edTPA Lesson Plan Template and
Information from edTPA Assessment Handbook
with LITR 3130 Requirements for Writing Lesson Plan
File Name for LiveText Writing Lesson Plan: Lastname_Firstname_Writing_Lesson_Plan
Key to fonts used:
Calibri font = edTPA related content, text, and/or expectation
Times New Roman font = LITR 3130 specific content
[text] = inserted text for explanation related to LITR 3130
Selections modified from the Elementary Literacy Context for Learning Information
(edTPA Elementary Education Assessment Handbook, 2013)
About the Students being Taught and Featured in This Lesson
1. Grade level: _______
2. Number of students in the class _____
males _____ females _____
3. Complete the chart below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications
for your students that will affect your literacy instruction in this [lesson] learning segment. As needed,
consult with your cooperating teacher to complete the chart. Some rows have been completed in italics
as examples. Use as many rows as you need. Consider the variety of learners in your class who may
require different strategies/supports or accommodations/modifications to instruction or assessment.
English language learners
Gifted students needing greater support or challenge
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans
Struggling readers
Underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge
Note: You may need to ask your mentor teacher to let you read or for her to tell you about the
accommodation plans for students; you will not read the actual IEP.
Students with Specific Learning Needs
IEP/504 Plans:
Example: Visual processing
Number of
Other Learning Needs
Number of
Example: Struggling writers
Supports, Accommodations, Modifications,
Pertinent IEP Goals
Close monitoring, large font on word processor,
lined paper with raised lines
Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
Word wall, vocabulary chart, leveled text for
informative writing, detailed graphic organizers
Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching
a. Prior academic learning and prerequisite skills: What do students know, what can they do and what
are they learning to do? (Assessment Handbook, p. 14)
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
Upon what pre-assessment data from previous lesson(s) are you building? In the chart (below), type the
following information:
1. (1) What did you read/look at to determine your students’ writing abilities, such as students’ journals,
narratives, learning journals? (2) How did the students perform on that writing? Type a brief description of
the pre-assessment data.
2. Type the number of students who performed at each level.
Partially Met:
Did Not Meet:
Give brief description of the pre- Give brief description of the preGive brief description of the
assessment data (i.e., Students
assessment data (i.e., Students
pre-assessment data (i.e.,
wrote a narrative of 5 sentences,
wrote a narrative of 3 sentences,
Students wrote a narrative of
including a beginning, middle,
including 2 of the 3: beginning,
2 or fewer sentences that did
and end.):
middle, and end.):
not give a sequence of
Give number of students.
Give number of students.
Give number of students.
b. Personal/cultural/community assets related to the central focus: What do you know about your
students’ everyday experiences, cultural backgrounds and practices, and interests? (Assessment
Handbook, p. 14)
edTPA Lesson Plan Template
with LITR 3130 Requirements for Writing Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate
Date of
Mentor Teacher Signature for Approval
School/Grade Level
Date of Approval
Estimated Lesson
(at least 2 days prior to teaching the lesson)
Central Focus: What is/are the important understanding(s) and core concept(s) that you want students to
develop with the learning segment? In other words, what is/are the big idea(s)? (Assessment Handbook,
p. 14
central focus:
essential literacy strategy: Identify this.
requisite skills: List/describe the requisite skills (absolutely essential skills) students need in order to
understand the lesson & participate fully.
reading/writing connections: Describe how the writing lesson connected to reading.
List the Common Core Georgia
Performance Standard(s), Georgia
Performance Standard(s), and/or
Georgia Pre-K Content Standard(s)
Objectives should be measurable
and aligned with the standard(s).
You may use the following
sentence frame:
List the type of assessment(s) that
will be used to assess student
learning (informal/formal).
Example: Graphic organizer
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
that align(s) with the learning
Grade 4 2. Write
informative/explanatory texts to
examine a topic and convey ideas
and information clearly.
b. Develop the topic with facts,
definitions, concrete details,
quotations, or other information
and examples related to the topic.
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What is the key
language demand?
What are the key
vocabulary and/or
*Refer to the
Handbook, p. 15.
The student will (insert
observable/measurable behavior)
to (insert action using language of
the standard).
Example: Prewriting lesson: The
students will develop a topic on
informative text by including facts,
definitions, concrete details,
quotations, or other information
and examples related to the topic
on a graphic organizer.
assessed by criteria on rubric:
Students will complete a graphic
organizer on an informative topic,
giving facts, definitions, concrete
details, quotations, and other
information related to the topic.
Students will be assessed through
the use of a rubric.
Language Function: Identify the purpose for which the language is being used,
with attention to goal and audience – the one verb from the standard, e.g.
Academic Language Function: Identify one of the following: reading, writing,
listening/speaking, or demonstrating/performing. The demand will require more
or less scaffolding (support) depending on the needs of the students.
Language Vocabulary: Identify key words specific to the content area derived
from the standard. List each of the vocabulary words and/or phrases and give a
“child-friendly” definition of each that you could use to explain the word or phrase.
Directions: For this section, include what you and the students will be doing by sequentially describing the
instructional strategies and learning tasks that will be included in the lesson. Emphasize how you will
support the diverse needs of the students in your class by describing how you will accommodate/modify for
specific learner needs. Also describe how assessment will be incorporated within and throughout your
Grades k-5: If your lesson plan involves direct instruction, then use the guidelines below that address the
components of your lesson. These guidelines include components of the COE Observation Instrument.
Pre-k: If you are teaching pre-kindergarten students, then do not follow these guidelines; you will have to
follow the guidelines given by your mentor teacher and/or use my Tips for Writing Lesson Plan for Prekindergarten (2014). For the body of your Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks, you will describe how
you will design the learning opportunities for the pre-k students and what you will do to provide scaffolding.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
For direct instruction, explain how you will integrate the following:
 Spark the students’ interest and excitement about new learning.
 Tell the students what they will be learning (CCGPS and/or objective) (orally, in writing, or both).
 Tell the students what they will be doing (learning task(s)) (orally, in writing, or both).
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
 State the importance of the lesson to the students’ everyday / daily lives today.
 State the importance of the lesson to students’ future learning of similar content.
 Establish a connection to the students’ prior knowledge in the same and/or other subject areas and
students’ personal experiences.
 Make a connection to other subject areas.
 List questions that you plan to ask the students. Give the answers you will provide (if questions are
necessary), so I am able to determine your understanding.
For direct instruction teach and/or model the content relevant to the standard/objective.
 Instruction:
o Give an explanation, explain the process, and/or define terms.
 Demonstration or modeling:
o Describe how you will demonstrate or model the process of doing at least part of the project to be
completed during the lesson. You will be orally rehearsing your thinking processes during this
o Provide a model (example) of the completed project to be finished during the lesson. Explain how
your model meets your expectations for the assessment activity.
 If you plan to ask the students questions, list the questions and their answers where you plan to ask
them during the instruction, and/or modeling. List the questions, phrased as you will ask the students.
Do not ask yes/no questions. Do not ask, “Do you have any questions?” (This question alone will not
give you adequate feedback about their understanding.)
 Include a description of your/your students’ use of technology if used in this part of your lesson.
For direct instruction, if appropriate, provide practice and feedback related to the
- If this is not new information, practice may not be appropriate and/or necessary, so you may omit this.
- If this is new information, you may choose to have guided practice or independent practice. Do not
include the activity you will formally assess here. You may use this activity for your informal
assessment of their understanding of the objective.
 Describe the practice activity you will have students do.
 Explain your informal assessment strategy you will use to determine the students’ readiness to be
formally assessed.
 If you use a checklist during practice, then provide a copy of the checklist.
 List questions, phrased as you plan to ask the students. Give the answers you will provide (if
questions are necessary), so I am able to determine your understanding.
 Include a description of your/your students’ use of technology if used in this part of your lesson.
Formally assess the standard/objective.
- Describe the formal assessment activity that the students will do and you will use to determine if
the students have achieved the standard/objective. This MUST be a different activity from your
practice activity.
- Include a copy of any assessment sheet (i.e., directions, form) used by the students (i.e., graphic
organizer, data chart, or other print resource).
- Include a rubric you will use to assess student work related to the standard/objective.
 On every copy of the rubric, include the level competency for meeting, partially meeting, and not
meeting the standard(s)/objective(s) – for every element on the rubric and for determining meeting,
partially meeting, and not meeting the standard/objective. You will use this information to complete
the chart, Chart Summarizing Student Learning (below).
 List questions that you may ask the students if you are using these questions as part of the formal
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
assessment activity. Give the answers you will provide (if questions are necessary), so I am able to
determine your understanding.
 Include a description of your/your students’ use of technology if used in this part of your lesson.
Explain how you will integrate the following:
 Summarize the standard/objective.
 Review the important concepts, skills, and essential questions.
 Help students to transfer the new knowledge or skills to future learning – in different content areas.
 State explicitly or elicit (through listing questions and possible answers for) connections to students’
everyday lives and other content areas.
 List questions, phrased as you plan to ask the students. Give the answers you want. Do not ask yes/no
questions. Do not ask, “Do you have any questions?” (This question alone will not give you adequate
feedback about their understanding.)
 Include a description of your/your students’ use of technology if used in this part of your lesson.
Assessment Materials
a. Include a copy of the rubric you developed and used to evaluate the formal assessment activity
related to the standard/objective.
b. On the rubric, describe the level of competency for meeting, partially meeting, and not meeting the
standard/objective – and for every element on the rubric indicate the level of competency for
determining meeting, partially meeting, and not meeting the standard/objective. You will use this
information when completing the chart, “Chart Summarizing Student Learning” (given below).
Student Work and Chart Summarizing Student Learning
Copies of ALL Students’ Writing and Rubrics
a. Include a copy of what you evaluated for every student. (These may be originals or legible copies.)
b. Attach to each student’s work a copy of the rubric you completed to assess the assessment activity.
c. Complete the chart (below) showing the percentage of students (who you taught and assessed) who
met, partially met, and did not meet the standard/objective (for each).
Chart Summarizing Student Learning
Number and Percentage
Number and Percentage of
Number and Percentage of
of Students who met
Students who partially met
Students who did not meet
the Standard/Objective
the Standard/Objective
the Standard/Objective
Analysis of Student Learning
a. Analyze student learning using specific examples from work samples to demonstrate patterns of
student learning consistent with the summary.
b. Describe patterns of learning for the whole class.
Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
What worked and for whom? Why?
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
a. What did students learn that they did not already know?
b. Why do you think you were effective? What did you do that contributed to these results?
Focus on YOUR introduction, instruction, modeling, practice, questioning, answering
questions, management, and using time appropriately.
What didn’t work and for whom? Why?
a. Did particular students experience difficulty during the lesson or did some students not meet
your standard/objective? If so, why?
b. What do you think you did that was ineffective? What did you do that contributed to these
results? Focus on YOUR introduction, instruction, modeling, practice, questioning,
answering questions, management, and using time appropriately.
What are your next steps based on the data gathered during this lesson?
a. What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?
b. What goals do you have for yourself as you plan future lessons?
c. If you were to teach this lesson to a similar group of students, what changes could you make
in planning, instruction, and/or assessment (as related to the standard/objective)? You must
give at least one change that you could make. Support your explanation with (principles
from) research and/or theory.
d. Provide an example of targeted support you could give to some individuals or a small
group to improve their learning related to the writing strategy you taught and the requisite
skills for this lesson. Support your example with (principles from) research and/or theory.
Instructional Materials/Resources
List pertinent material/resources needed for this
lesson, including technology.
We are NOT content experts. You must have a
published reference that you used to guide your
planning of your lesson. Remember your textbook;
however, you must give the specific page numbers you
read and applied to your lesson.
 List ALL materials you used during your planning and
your teaching.
 List ALL materials your students used, including all
you developed.
 Include a copy of all materials you and your students
used during your lesson.
A technology connection is required for this lesson by
doing the following:
 Describe the computer-based activity and when you (or
the students) are going to use the activity during your
lesson or how you will encourage the students to use it
at another time. OR
 Describe the Internet resource (information) and when
Reference for Each Instructional
Cite all materials/resources using current APA
 This includes your unpublished materials that you
developed for your lesson.
 Refer to the beginning of this Guidebook for
examples of APA citations.
Author’s last name, Author’s initial(s). (year
developed). Title of activity sheet, scoring
guide, or graphic organizer. Unpublished
activity sheet, scoring guide, or graphic
organizer (or whatever it is), Valdosta State
University, Valdosta, GA.
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
you used it during the lesson.
Information for requisite skills, central focus,
instruction, rubric (Delete and/or add to the list.)
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
Name __________________________________
LITR 3130 _____ (section)
Writing Trait &/or Stage ___________________________________
Major (circle):
Genre &/or Form of Writing __________________________________________
Print what you used for your technology enhancement on the last rubric element, “Technology: Write your technology here:” Without this,
a description in your lesson plan, and printed evidence of this, no points will be earned for this element.
Print your name, section, and major above; staple pages of the rubric; and print the stage/writing trait and genre/form. For each violation, 10 points will
be deducted.
As the header for each page of the assignment, include your first name, last name, LITR 3130 & section letter, and page number. Use the correct font, font
size, and double-space text. Label the pocket folder. For each violation, 10 points will be deducted.
Lesson must be taught before submitting the lesson plan to earn any points.
The completed and signed COE Observation Instrument (copy or original) must be included to earn any points.
LiveText requirements for lesson plan must be completed for any credit. No points earned for the LiveText requirement. After the due date, 2 points per
day will be deducted for late LiveText postings.
Follow the ECSE Lesson Plan Format and ECSE Lesson Plan Guidelines.
Write your lesson plan using appropriate language and vocabulary for your students. Correct errors in typing, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, grammar,
syntax, language usage, etc. Points will be deducted for these errors.
To be accepted, assignment must be submitted in a paper folder with pockets with this rubric.
“Late” (or “tardy”) assignments will have 10 points deducted per day, including after the beginning of class on the due date.
Writing Lesson Plan Scoring Guide (with Technology Element and edTPA Rubrics)
*Zero points will be earned for performance below the 2 pt. descriptor
Acceptable (8 pts.)
Partially Acceptable (5 pts.)
Not Acceptable (2 pts.)
Context for
All effectively completed:
 school information
 class information
 individual student information
 pre-assessment data
 requisite skills
edTPA Rubric Both:
 Candidate justifies why learning tasks
3: Using
(or their adaptations) are appropriate
using examples of students’ prior
of Students
academic learning
to Inform
 Candidate makes at least superficial
2 somewhat effectively completed:
 school information
 class information
 individual student information
Both somewhat effectively completed:
 pre-assessment data
 requisite skills
Candidate justifies learning
tasks with limited attention to
students’ prior academic
At least 3 somewhat effectively completed:
 school information
 class information
 individual student information
 pre-assessment data
 requisite skills
Candidate’s justification of learning tasks is
either missing OR represents a deficit view
of students and their backgrounds.
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
Teaching and connections to research and/or
All effectively completed:
written as a statement
written in observable terms
specific enough to be accomplished
appropriate for lesson content
Somewhat effectively completed:
 written as a statement
 appropriate for lesson content
Both effectively completed:
 written in observable terms
 specific enough to be accomplished
Somewhat effectively aligned with the
3 somewhat effectively completed:
 written as a statement
 written in observable terms
 specific enough to be accomplished
 appropriate for lesson content
Effectively aligned with the objective
edTPA Rubric
4: Identifying
Language demands identified by the
candidate are not consistent with the
selected language function OR task.
Language supports are missing or are not
aligned with the language demand(s) for
the learning task.
 All content is correct.
All effectively completed for
 Idea used to spark students’ interest and
excitement described
 Statement of what students will learn
and do given
 Importance of lesson to students’ lives
and/or future learning explained
 Connection to students’ prior
knowledge and/or personal experiences
-Candidate identifies vocabulary as
the major language demand
associated with the language
function. Attention to additional
demands is superficial.
-Language supports primarily address
definitions of vocabulary.
 All content is correct.
At least 3 effectively completed for
 Idea used to spark students’ interest
and excitement described
 Statement of what students will learn
and do given
 Importance of lesson to students’
lives and/or future learning explained
 Connection to students’ prior
knowledge and/or personal
experiences made
-Candidate identifies vocabulary and
additional language demand(s)
associated with the language function.
-Plans include general support for use of
vocabulary as well as additional
language demand(s).
 All content is correct.
 All content is correct.
All somewhat effectively completed
for standard/objective:
 Content relevant to the learning
outcome developed
 Process of doing project
 All content is correct.
2 somewhat effectively completed for
 Content relevant to the learning outcome
 Process of doing project demonstrated or
Teach &
model the
relevant to
All effectively completed for
 Content relevant to the learning
outcome developed
 Process of doing project demonstrated
Included but not aligned with the objective
 All content is correct.
2 effectively completed for
 Idea used to spark students’ interest and
excitement described
 Statement of what students will learn and do
 Importance of lesson to students’ lives
and/or future learning explained
 Connection to students’ prior knowledge
and/or personal experiences made
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
or modeled
 Examples or models of completed
project provided
edTPA Rubric  Plans for instruction build on each
other to support learning of skills with
1: Planning
clear connections to the essential
for Literacy
literacy strategy for composing text.
practice and
related to the
objective(s)if applicable.
assess the
edTPA Rubric
5: Planning
to Monitor
and Support
 All content is correct.
demonstrated or modeled
 Examples or models of completed
project provided
 Plans for instruction support
student learning of skills with
vague connections to strategies
for composing text.
 All content is correct.
 Examples or models of completed project
Any of the following:
 Candidate’s plans focus solely on literacy
skills without connections to any
strategy for composing text.
 There are content inaccuracies that will
lead to student misunderstandings.
 Standards, objectives, and/or learning
tasks are not aligned with each other.
 All content is correct.
All effectively completed for
 Practice related standard/objective
 Activity must not be an activity used
for assessment.
 On-going formative assessment
strategy(s) described
All effectively completed:
 Activity used to determine achievement
of standard/objective described
 Activity must not be an activity used
for practice.
 Standard/objective included for activity
All somewhat effectively completed
for standard/objective:
 Practice related to standard/objective
 Activity must not be an activity used
for assessment.
 On-going formative assessment
strategy(s) described
All somewhat effectively completed:
 Activity used to determine
achievement of standard/objective
 Activity must not be an activity used
for practice.
 Standard/objective included for
2 somewhat effectively completed for
 Practice related standard/objective described
 Activity must not be an activity used for
 On-going formative assessment strategy(s)
 Planned assessments provide
evidence to monitor students’ use of
the essential strategy and skills during
the learning segment.
 Planned assessments provide
limited evidence to monitor
students’ use of the essential
strategy OR skills during the
learning segment.
Any of the following:
 The assessments only provide evidence of
students’ use of skills.
 Assessments are NOT aligned with the
central focus and standards/ objectives for
the learning segment.
 All content is correct.
 All content is correct.
All somewhat effectively completed:
 Activity used to determine achievement of
standard/objective described
 Activity must not be an activity used for
1 somewhat effectively completed:
 Standard/objective are included for activity
 All content is correct.
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
All effectively completed for all
 Connections among the lesson parts
 Standard/objective summarized
 Important concepts, skills, & essential
questions reviewed
 Connections made to real life, present
day situations
 Transfer to new knowledge and skills
to future learning made
4 effectively completed for
 Connections among the lesson parts
 Standard/objective summarized
 Important concepts, skills, &
essential questions reviewed
 Connections made to real life,
present day situations
 Transfer to new knowledge and skills
to future learning made
3 somewhat effectively completed for
 Connections among the lesson parts
 Standard/objective summarized
 Important concepts, skills, & essential
questions reviewed
 Connections made to real life, present day
 Transfer to new knowledge and skills to
future learning made
Both effectively completed:
 Appropriately developed rubric reflects
 All copies of scoring guide identifies
Both somewhat effectively completed:
 Appropriately developed rubric
reflects all standard/objective
 All copies of scoring guide identifies
At least 1 somewhat effectively completed:
 Appropriately developed rubric reflects all
 All copies of scoring guide identifies levels
levels of competency for meeting,
partially meeting & not meeting
of competency for meeting, partially
meeting & not meeting standard/objective
All somewhat effectively completed:
 Work included for all students
 Rubric attached to each student’s work for
all students
 Chart Summarizing Student Learning
completed and included all students
Ineffectively completed but present:
 Student work accurately assessed using
Any of the following:
 The analysis is superficial or not
supported by either student work samples
or the summary of student learning.
 The evaluation criteria are not aligned with
the learning objectives and/or analysis.
 The analysis is not aligned with the learning
levels of competency for meeting,
partially meeting & not meeting
Student Work
and Chart
All effectively completed:
 Work included for all students
 Rubric attached to each student’s work
for all students
 Student work accurately assessed
using rubric
 Chart Summarizing Student Learning
completed and included all students
All somewhat effectively completed:
 Work included for all students
 Rubric attached to each student’s
work for all students
 Student work accurately assessed
using rubric
 Chart Summarizing Student Learning
completed and included all students
edTPA Rubric
11: Analysis
of Student
 Analysis uses specific examples
from work samples to demonstrate
patterns of student learning
consistent with the summary.
 The analysis focuses on what
students did right AND wrong and is
supported with evidence from the
summary and work samples.
 Patterns are described for whole
 Analysis includes some
differences in whole class
edTPA Rubric
Any of the following:
 Next steps do not follow from the
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
15: Using
to Inform
- Next steps provide targeted
support to individuals or groups to
improve their learning relative to
 the essential literacy strategy
 requisite skills
- Next steps are connected with
research and/or theory.
- Next steps propose general
support that improves student
learning related to
 the essential literacy strategy OR
 requisite skills
- Next steps are loosely connected
with research and/or theory.
 Next steps are not relevant to the
standards and learning objectives
 Next steps are not described in
sufficient detail to understand them.
Resources &
All effectively completed:
 All materials and equipment listed
 References written in correct APA
Style format
 Copies of all handouts, PowerPoints,
examples, transparencies, etc.
 Copy of original lesson included (if
lesson modified from Internet or
another source)
All somewhat effectively completed:
 All materials and equipment listed
 All references written in correct
APA Style format
 Copies of all handouts, PowerPoints,
examples, transparencies, etc.
 Copy of original lesson included (if
lesson modified from Internet or
another source)
3 effectively completed:
 Description of technology used is
included in the Instructional
Strategies and Learning Tasks &
Writing Lesson Plan Scoring Guide.
 Technology used is directly related
to standard/objective
 Reference information provided in
the Instructional Materials/
Resources and Instructional
 Printed evidence of the technology is
3 somewhat completed:
 All materials and equipment listed
 All references written in correct APA Style
 Copies of all handouts, PowerPoints,
examples, transparencies, etc. included
 Copy of original lesson included (if lesson
modified from Internet or another source)
3 x _______ = _______
1 x _______ = _______
Write your
All effectively completed:
 Description of technology used is
included in the Instructional Strategies
and Learning Tasks & Writing Lesson
Plan Scoring Guide.
 Technology used is directly related to
 Reference information provided in the
Instructional Materials/Resources and
Instructional References
 Printed evidence of the technology is
2 effectively completed:
 Description of technology used is included
in the Instructional Strategies and Learning
Tasks & Writing Lesson Plan Scoring
 Technology used is directly related to
 Reference information provided in the
Instructional Materials/Resources and
Instructional References
 Printed evidence of the technology is
(maximum = 17 for 136 pts.)
Total points
5 x _______ = _______
Note: For the complete edTPA rubrics, please see the edTPA Assessment Handbook (2013). There are 5 levels on the original rubrics;
LITR 3130 edTPA Integration with Writing Lesson Plan Assignment (Root)
however, most level 4 and level 5 descriptors were not appropriate for this single lesson and introductory assignment.
If any of the following are neglected, 7 points will be deducted for each violation.
 Header includes first and last names.
 Header includes course prefix, course number, & section letter.
 Pages are stapled.
 Text format is 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri).
 Text is double-spaced.
 Margins are 1 inch.
 Late/tardy: 10 points/day (After beginning of class, the assignment is late.)
 LiveText: No points are earned for the LiveText requirement. 5 points/day will be deducted for late LiveText submissions, according to
the due date on the course calendar, not the date given in LiveText.
Note: If text is smaller than 12 points or not Times New Roman or Calibri, then the assignment will not be graded until it is in the correct
size of font. The assignment will be considered late, with 10 points/day penalty (after the beginning of class).
Calculation of Points Earned – See * below.
points earned for assignment content (of 136 possible points)
points earned x .75 (of 100 possible points for assignment)
minus points related to assignment guidelines (see page, Guidelines for Emails, Assignments, and Tests) minus 1 point per 3 writing errors Total points earned for assignment (of 100 possible points for assignment)
* You must include the signed and completed “COE Observation Instrument” to earn any points; lesson must be taught prior to due
date to earn any points.