Fall 2011 Advisory Committee Summaries

Advisory Committee Update Summary
Fall 2011
18 meetings were held Fall semester
Architectural Design Minutes 11.16.11
For students who go on to a Construction Management degree at Ferris only 5-6 AR classes transfer into that program at Ferris. David is working with
Ferris to determine what “bundle” of GRCC classes we can put together and make sure the students get a GRCC degree before they go on to Ferris in
that program.
David informed the group that seven students are enrolled in the LTU program this year and we’re hoping for 12 next year.
The department is also considering a change to the math requirement in the Architectural Design program. The degree could then transfer into an
Interiors program at LTU (with one additional class) if this change is made.
Discussion about Revit certification and professional exam, possibly the students would finish AR120 or 121 and then take the exam and have Revit
certification. Brian said Revit was a preferred format in the industry but there are other formats available like Navisworks (but there is no certification
for Navisworks).Question was what does certification get them? It can enhance the credentials for a job interview if there is documentation of a
minimum skills set from a competency test that is looked upon favorably.
What is the job market like in the construction, architectural, and building industries? Comments from committee members included:
Companies are working harder for less money
Upbeat at the beginning of the year but projects dropped off
Not a lot of big projects, working on smaller projects
Thinking it will be another one or two years like this before things improve
Housing is better than a year ago
As far as hiring goes either it is in a holding pattern or down a couple of people
There was talk of expanding membership on the committee. What other industries, not currently represented, would it be beneficial to have served on
the committee? Response was one or two specialty contractors (such as mechanical or electrical) and interior design (not decorating) as well as a
question about a sustainability coordinator. If anyone on the committee has specific people to recommend please let David know.
Automotive Minutes 10.24.11.
Chad Lodenstein: is in the process of developing two online/hybrid classes. This will provide flexible learning opportunities to the students; however,
there is a challenge to find instructors who can cover any additional day courses.
o Dean Smith asked about the instructor coverage for winter classes. Chad is confident that there are enough instructors to cover classes.
o Chad does not think he will have to cancel any classes because of a lack of instructors.
Mike Black suggested that we should consider purchasing a John Bean aligner, so that we can teach students how to use the two leading systems found
in the industry. Multiple advisory members advised against purchasing Hofmann brand, as it is not a common brand found in local shops.
Auto Tech program data
o Students were tested for math and reading and the outcome is that these students need remedial for both subjects.
o How close are students to graduation?
Most are one or two classes away and we need to help them complete.
In future, program needs to be examined to determine reason(s) for low completion rates.
o Advisory Committee Members –
o Length of term?
o Need some new members. Need to set up a schedule to cycle members in and out.
Business Minutes_9.23.2011 Revised
o Add a one credit lab
o Research shows an MS Office market share, choosing Excel would be the right choice.
o From a Perkins standpoint, creating a one credit lab is the right thing to do.
o Right now the not so easy task is finding the right skill set.
Peg Schoenborn started a BPA chapter here at GRCC. Chapter has a president and other college affiliates work with our students.
Accreditation for the Business department, led by Ann Alexander, is in progress.
Computer Applications Minutes.10.4.11
The Networking program has gone through the POS and Web Design will begin shortly.
Tim Koets talked about trying to find one or more certification exams that would accompany a specific degree program. The challenge is that some
certification exams are too narrow and we don’t want to just “teach to the test.” Tim asked the committee how valuable a certification was and if the
committee had a recommendation as to the right test to offer. Tim said one of the challenges was for programming – do we pick just one language? If
the committee members have any suggestions on recommended certification exams they should contact Tim.
Would the committee be interested in hiring interns? Szymon suggested creating a consulting group, supervised by a full-time faculty member. The
department could offer companies a few specific options (development of a web page, mobile application development, etc.). The work would be done
by the students but coordinated and supervised by the faculty member.
Tim Koets gave a brief overview of the new Information Security degree. The department partnered with Davenport and Ferris to make sure the classes
here would align well with those two schools. It is geared toward being a transfer degree. Committee agreed that it should be a transfer/4-year degree.
An Associate’s degree may get a student into an internship position but more education would be necessary.
Dave Schippers said the students should know how to troubleshoot and have good problem solving skills. If a student knows programming or networking
and has good problem solving skills the programming language shouldn’t matter.
Craig Paull indicated that mobile application development should be stressed and kept in mind with everything we teach. Mobile and web application
development makes said applications more vulnerable to attack so security is also important to stress.
Brian Scaturro asked if there was an “Intro to Languages” course. Answer was it is somewhat covered in CO-116. Also driving down web-based
development lower into courses before. Brian also suggested we cover mobile applications (“responsive design” “adaptive design”) – one site that adapts
to the device, marrying the technologies together, HTML-5 becoming more pervasive. He talked about security and frameworks (Ruby on Rail, PHP) as
Bode Miller suggested a project management component. Project management is different than servicing.
Szymon told the committee the department was looking at redesigning the Programming class (CO-116) to choose one language. He asked for
suggestions? Brian Scaturro said a class that used a strongly-typed language would be preferable. Tim said the department is looking at writing their own
textbook showing how things are done with a several different languages.
Corrections/Addiction Studies minutes 11-2-11.doc.
Update on Addiction Studies: 1st year this was offered was 2009-10, awarded 10 certificates. For 2010-11, 51 certificates were awarded. Reasons for
the dramatic rise: the first year, pre-requisites were in place but precluded many students from registering for needed courses. For year 2, students
knew about pre-requisite’s and were able to enroll.
Update on Programs of Study: Nikki presented her year 1 findings at Trends this year and was favorably received. Also presented with 2 adjuncts, see
Asked advise about new program potential, Michigan Sheriff’s Coordinating and Training Council Training Academy. This could be either a certificate or
Associate’s degree. KVCC offers both as does Alpena CC. Members were supportive of the idea and Nikki will follow up.
Members praised quality of intern students, citing knowledge base and work ethics.
Dental Hygiene & Dental Assisting minutes 10 28 2011
Eve Sidney briefed her committee on the upcoming accreditation site visit in February 2012 for both programs and their role in that visit.
Members revised by-laws
Electrical/Electronics 11-30-11 Minutes
Roger Kelley pointed out that EL 106/107 is really missing the breadth of electronics. He will be working to incorporate this into these courses.
Mike Kiss spoke of the biomedical possibility (new program). Most of the classes are in place, but due to lack of staffing, there isn’t capacity to take on
the new program development.
Much talk about certifications – the entire committee decided there wasn’t a national test that would encompass the entire curriculum and is industry
Discussion was held around a possible Accuplacer test score recommendation or perhaps a MA/RD pre-req on EL courses.
Fashion and Interiors Minutes 11-29-11_2.docx
Faculty are going to career days at High Schools to promote the programs.
Skill sets were discussed. Project Management seemed to be a gap in what GRCC offers and what is needed. (Business, accounting, marketing, business
plan, web base/design, entrepreneurship, sales). Perhaps we should look at the combination of classes that make up the degrees?
Sue Baglien spoke of the alignment with Baker College. Is she changing the CARPs?
HVAC Minutes 3-17-2011
The HVAC and Electronics departments are discussing the possibility of holding joint lab sessions. Amy asked make those connections with Jeff
Neumann, Roger Kelley, or Gideon Carlstrom to start those talks.
The feasibility of articulating credit for high school and career tech students is being looked at through Programs of Study. Don’s POS could result in a
one page pathway that we can use as a marketing tool to high school students.
Ron Stevenson is developing new labs for controllers.
Two new trainers received: Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Trainer, Programmable Controls Trainer.
Don Steeby is updating the original accreditation documentation. Once this is completed it will be submitted and then a site visit will be scheduled. In
the past several advisory committee members are requested to be in attendance during the site visit. We will keep the committee updated as the
process progresses.
Interesting discussion on addition a chemistry class to the curriculum, I look forward to those conversations. Do other HVAC curriculum incorporate
chemistry? Might be a starting point.
If the "OR" is taken out in terms of requiring EL 144 AND EG 110 what could we give up? I wondered the relevance of CO 101 as that would be a class
they take after going through a CAD class. Just a question to get you thinking.
Juvenile Services Minutes 10-26-11.doc
Update of Program of Study Work relative to sequencing of courses, and addressing writing deficits for students in this program.
informed the committee about collaboration with GVSU and LCC re: Juvenile Care Worker Certification
Asked for feedback from committee on: CBC on all CJ students (impact n internships and job placements); requiring a course for physical fitness and
wellness with emphasis on life balance and dealing with stress. The CJ department is planning a March symposium, ( March is National Criminal Justice
Month) and asked for input/ resources / speakers.
Manufacturing 11-3-10 Minutes
Precision Manufacturing - More recruitment efforts are needed addressed to parents and high school counselors.
Plastics - The department is putting together a new marketing tool and they have been trying to get students and parents here to see the facilities and
talk about the program. A Lean Manufacturing (MN-102) class has been added in a 7 week format. Currently the labs are being updated.
Future Workforce Needs:
Students need better verbal and written communication skills. This is especially important because these communications become permanent
records in the companies.
They need to learn how to be adaptable.
Problem solving skills need to be stressed.
Requiring the same work ethic skills in class that are required for employability is important
Mechanical Design Minutes 11.14.11
The department is looking for new ways to connect students to the program:
 Visits to high schools. Present to the students. Kids seem receptive to our visits
 Push dual enrollment – get kids to campus to increase interest
David shared the “Career Avenues” brochure which shows students the answer to the question “What can I do with this degree?”
Promotional ideas: Summer Bridge Program – three weeks, one credit on GRCC campus, Bring robots and computer gear to high school visits, Robotics
competitions and science Olympiads
Will Gooch talked about work-based project opportunities, particularly an idea to link departments in more collaborative learning. Programs like
machining, plastics, welding doing projects with our program students. It provides students with more confidence as they are dealing with real world
experiences. It would be valuable since it shows students how things actually work and why things are the way they are. The committee supported this
Nursing Minutes 10-13-11
Member input about the adding a limit to the number of times a perspective nursing student could take the HESI exam.
Member support for a curriculum consultant to assist with program improvement efforts.
OTA Minutes 10-5-11.pdf
Advisory board members volunteered to help out with mock interviews.
Member participation in selecting OTA scholarship recipients.
Police Academy Minutes 7-25-11
Using committee members to assist in mock interviews for class of 2012.
Update on student successes
o Session 77
 38 students passed and graduated in 2010
 42% hired in law enforcement in Michigan (does not reflect out of state)
Session 78
 35 students entered 2011 police academy
 2 students dismissed due to failed firearms class
John Steele-Margaret Edwards has retired from MCOLES and is replaced by Lynn Reid. Every board member has a copy of LEIN system access policy
today regarding criminal convictions and access to LEIN, which includes any academy applicants, including felony convictions, and conviction of a
specified 92 day misdemeanor and juvenile adjudications. There are no exceptions for police academy students and a signed LEIN System Access
statement will be enforced for understanding of this policy before entering a police academy.
MCOLES received support documentation from squad members regarding the two dismissed students.
Radiologic Technology/Debbie Nordman Minutes 11.18.11
Included member suggestions for Perkins equipment requests
Sharing resources with sites such as phantoms
Committee approved potential CT online certificate
Members shared positive feedback re: MRI students
Member discussion re: increasing the number of clinical hours for 1st year students and utilizing 2nd shift for clinical assignments
S.I.C.E./Dan Gendler Minutes 11-2-11
Gave updates on academic program review; Perkins projects; departmental achievements such as Nations Cup, Cascade Iron Chef’s event, Wege Event,
Restaurant Week and impact on scholarships for SICE students.
Asked for feedback on aligning program dress codes with acceptable industry dress codes
Member approval re: potential new certificates in Cicerone/Brewers; Barista. Sommelier, Food Service Purchasing Manager
Welding Minutes 10-26-11
The department has chosen the NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute) Welding assessment battery as the assessment tool to
meet the Perkins 1P1 third party independent assessment requirement. This will be administered in the Winter 2012 semester.
The Welding program of study attempted to determine if student’s reading, writing, and mathematics levels at intake had a major impact on the
student’s overall success in the program. It was determined that there was no correlation between Accuplacer Test scores and success in the Welding
MN-134 (Basic Oxyacetylene Welding) is being changed from a 3 credit hour/4 contact hour class to a 2 credit hour/2 contact hour class effective Fall
Develop a 3 credit hour/4 contact hour Automation class with CAD to meet one night a week for Fall 2012.
Add Resistance welding to MN-230 (Fundamentals of TIG and MIG Welding) class.
Look at the feasibility of taking MN-230 and separating into two separate classes one concentrating on TIG and the other on MIG.