Tennis Lesson Plan
MTE 551
Adam Olsen
Fred Gomeztrejo
University of Phoenix
July 21, 2012
My lesson that I have chosen to create covers the sport of tennis. I grew up playing tennis and played four years of high school tennis. I remember my tennis unit in high school, very little instruction on how to hit the ball and just covered the basic rules.
The teacher just gave us racquests and balls and said go play, I want to change that style of teaching. I have chosen a game that gets the entire class playing and helps me see and instruct students on proper mechanics of the game. This is a face paced game that keeps you on your toes and challenges students to hit all different types of tennis shots.
Grade Level:
9 th Grade Physical Education Class
Areas of Curriculum Integration:
Three Point Tennis
Unit Goals/Theme:
Tennis Unit
National Standard(s):
STATE GOAL 19: Acquire movement skills and understand concepts needed to engage in health-enhancing physical activity.
Demonstrate physical competency in individual and team sports, creative movement and leisure and work-related activities.
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in a self-selected individual sport, a team sport, creative movement and work-related activities.
Serve, Racquet, Volley, Lob, Overhead, Forehand, Backhand, Service line, Baseline,
Sideline, Alleyway, Center line, Drop shot, Let, Fault, Double Fault
Learning Objective(s):
After completing the lesson students will:
1. Understand the basics of the game of tennis.
2. Demonstrate proper technique when hitting a variety of shots: Drop shot, Overhead,
Serve, Volley
3. Identify and understand the different lines on the tennis court and their meanings.
4. Demonstrate understanding of tennis through reading and writing assignments.
5. Demonstrate proper sportsmanship while competing in a game.
6. Recall information from previous lesson throughout the tennis unit.
Assessment Tool(s):
I will be using two forms of assessment
1. Performance Based
- Students, while playing 3 point tennis, will demonstrate proper techniques learned throughout the unit. Each student will hit serves, forehands, backhands, overheads, and volleys. I will then score them using a rubric I created.
2. Formative Assessment
- Students will be given a short quiz answering questions relating to tennis and its rules.
Students will also be given a blank tennis court and have to what each line is on the court.
-Students will be required to complete a reading/writing assignment demonstrating understanding of tennis.
Instructional Strategies/Classroom Materials Management Plan:
I will be using a variety of instructional strategies to teach 3 point tennis.
1. Direct Instruction
- I will demonstrate the rules of the game and how it is played. Students will activate prior knowledge from previous lessons on how to properly swing a tennis racquet and their knowledge of the rules and incorporate it into the game.
2. Scaffold Instruction
- In the beginning of the unit many students needed lots of instruction on the proper techniques of tennis, as the unit has progressed students have grown gradually more independent. I will use this same technique with 3 point tennis. I will do a lot of instruction in the beginning and by the end I will not be saying much and allow the students to continue to play and become independent.
3. Activate Prior Knowledge Activation
- Students will need to activate prior knowledge from pervious lessons on tennis and the fundamentals to incorporate into 3 point tennis.
4. Cross Curriculum Incorporation
-Students will be required to complete reading/writing assignments to demonstrate proficiency and understand in a variety of disciplines.
Lesson Sequence
Time for Completion:
Time of Lesson: 45 minute class period
I will start by taking attendance in the gym then transition into a brief description and demonstration of the game. The class will then move outside to the tennis court. I will briefly walk through the game again and answer any questions the class may have. We will then begin the game by having the class line up into to two lines and have another two students get on the opposite side of the court and to begin. I will present the students with a variety of shots starting with a forehand or backhand, then a volley, and finish with an overhead. The next day the lesson will conclude with a short quiz over tennis vocabulary, rules of the game, and lines on the court.
Anticipatory Set:
As the teacher I will focus on basic fundamentals of the game. I want to make sure students have a firm understanding of the game of tennis and will be able to use the skills they learned in class on their own. To focus students, 3 point tennis gets the whole class involved. It is face paced and your turn comes quickly. Students have to think quickly on their feet and be able to adapt to the shot they are given, either forehand, backhand, overhead or volley. This helps to keep them involved, focused and interested on the lesson.
Student’s prior knowledge on basic skills and fundamentals of tennis will be used in this lesson. Previous lesson we have reviewed how to hit a variety of tennis shots, 3 point tennis will have students hit all of the shots they have learned in the unit.
With every lesson I will always post my lesson objective on the white board in the gym.
It is important for students to see the purpose of each lesson each day. This way they understand why they are learning what they are. Each day to start the class I review the lesson objective, telling students they will be demonstrating previous skills learned in past classes.
Guided Practice/Procedures:
The lesson concepts were taught in prior lessons. The class has spent a day on each tennis shot they will display today. I have worked individually with each student and helped them obtain the proper fundamentals when swinging a tennis racquet. I will also show a brief demonstration of the game and have a short walk through of it with the class.
The instructional strategies I will be using are direct instruction with showing the students the game and explaining the rules. I will then have students activate prior knowledge of skills learned in previous lessons and use scaffold instruction once students grasp the concept of the game and allow them to become more independent.
Independent Practice:
Students can independently practice all types of shot learned throughout the tennis unit. I will show students how they can practice the fundamentals and skills on their own outside of class. Students can find a flat wall somewhere and take tape and put a square on it. They can use this as their target point and hit forehands and backhands at it. As they continue to improve they can make the square smaller, helping to increase their skill and accuracy. They can use this same method with volleys. Students can also go to their local park and practice hitting serves into service box to help with their skills. Students will also be encouraged to find more books and practice their writing skills incorporation with the reading and writing assignments. The last thing I will encourage is for students to play with friends either at a park or after school and on the weekends.
The wrap up the tennis unit students will be given a quiz over the vocabulary and rules of tennis. They will also have to identify the lines on a tennis court and their meanings.
Tennis skills and rules will be revisited later on in the year with the end of the semester final. I will be able to establish if students developed skills and understanding of the game of tennis by using a performance based rubric over the fundamental skills students acquired throughout the unit and by giving a quiz over the concepts of the game.
Differentiated Instruction
Activities – Teaching & Grouping Strategies
Gifted & Talented
Gifted and talented students who already have the fundamental skills of tennis will be asked to complete a variety of more difficult shots throughout the unit. I will be looking at placement of the tennis ball. I will ask these students to hit serves into the service box and hit a variety of crosscourt and baseline shots. Talented students will also work on hitting lobs and placement of volleys. Gifted students will then start learning when to charge the net and when to stay at the baseline when playing. Also what types of shots are best to use in different scenarios, such as when is the best time to hit a drop shot during a match.
Special Education
(IEP, 504, Or Other)
Based on a students IEP or 504 plan I will put together and individual plan to help these students gain skills in the game of tennis. I will modify all worksheets and assessments to meet the ability of each student. Modifications will vary based on the student’s individual education plan. All fundamental skills will be based on what students are able to achieve.
I will first gage what ability the student is at and then scaffold the rest of the unit and set goals as to where I would like to see their skills be by the end of the unit.
Tennis for Dummies by Patrick McEnroe
World Class Tennis Technique by Paul Roetert
Tennis Skills: The Players Guide by Tom Sadzeck
Texts/Trade Books:
What handouts need to be prepared and used to best support the instruction of the lesson and student learning?
I will use a variety of technology to help teach the proper fundamentals of tennis. I will use the internet and Youtube, to show a variety of videos on how to properly hit forehands, backhands, serves, volleys and lobs. I will also recommend students to download StatMyTennis app. This is free and allows students to record all their match scores and track first serves they got in, unforced errors and a variety of other stats throughout their matches.
Other Materials:
The materials I will need to complete this lesson are tennis racquets, tennis balls, and tennis courts. In previous lesson I will need internet access and rubrics to evaluate student’s growth of their tennis skills. In future lesson I will need quiz copies to give to the class to evaluate their knowledge on tennis vocabulary, rules, and the court itself.
Reading Assignment
Reading Comparison: The student must find 2 books, 1 instructional book that teaches about tennis and 1 fictional novel or short story about tennis. Then the student will compare the 2 books determining if proper technique was taught in the fictional story and if the books helped them be better at tennis.
Writing Assignment
Short Story: The student must create a short story about tennis using every vocabulary word. The story must be at least 300 words.
Vocabulary Words: Serve, Racquet, Volley, Lob, Overhead,
Forehand, Backhand, Service line, Baseline, Sideline, Alleyway,
Center line, Drop shot, Let, Fault, Double Fault.
Tennis Quiz Name:__________________
Directions : Label the following parts of the tennis court on the diagram below. (8pts)
Singles Line
Service Box
Center Line
Doubles Line
Double Alley
Directions: Answer the following questions. (7 pts)
1. When you hit the ball before it hits the ground what is this called?
A. Volley B. Forehand
C. Backhand D. Serve
2. What is the first shot that starts off a point?
A. Forehand B. Backhand
C. Serve D. Volley
3. When you score the first point, in tennis, what is its value?
A. 15
B. 40
B. 30
D. 45
4. When you score the second point, in tennis, what is its value?
A. 15 B. 30
B. 40 D. 45
5. When you are tied a 40-40, what is this referred to as?
A. Tie
C. All Square
B. Deuce
D. Even
Service Line
6. How many games do you need to win to win a set?
A. 2
C. 6
B. 4
D. 8
7. How many sets do you need to win a match?
A. 1
C. 3
B. 2
D. 4
In conclusion this lesson helps to sum up the tennis unit that I covered in class. It is a fun game that is fast paced and keeps the entire class on their toes. It challenges students to hit every type of shot in tennis, allowing me as the teacher to see their mechanics and how far they have come throughout the unit. Students have fun and are practicing the game of tennis as well. I will also assess students using a quiz over the lines on the tennis court and the basic rules of the game.