FULL academiC CV

Professional Experience
From 09/2015
University of Vienna, English Department
Erwin Schrödinger Research Fellow (until March 2016) and Lecturer
in English Literature and Culture
University of Oxford (English Faculty) and Wolfson College
Erwin Schrödinger Research Fellow (Austrian Science Fund)
Project: “Benjamin Disraeli - Literary Celebrity and Celebrity
Politician: Authorship, Fame, and Politics in Victorian England”
(grant extended by two months)
NUI Galway, Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities
Visiting Research Fellow
Project: “The (Not So) Secret Fall of Oscar Wilde: Literary Celebrity
Construction and Its Dramatic Afterlives”
University of Vienna, English Department
Lecturer in English Literature and Cultural Studies
University of Vienna, English Department
Research assistant (PhD grant), Austrian Science Fund project
“Weltbühne Wien – World Stage Vienna” (principal investigator: Prof.
Ewald Mengel)
University of Graz, English Department
Tutor for English Literature
University of Graz, History Department
Research assistant, National Bank of Austria Research Fund project
“Analyses, Reports and Operative Efforts of Anglo-American
Intelligence Services Regarding the Austrian Condition, 1941-1947”
University of Graz, History Department
Research assistant, City of Graz project on Allied bombardment during
World War II
University of Vienna, Austria
doctoral degree conferred under the auspices of the Federal President
of the Austrian Republic (promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei
publicae; highest academic distinction in the Austrian educational
University of Vienna, English Department
PhD in English literature, graduated with distinction
thesis: “Oscar Wilde as an All-Time Favourite of Viennese Stages:
Pleasing and Teasing Audiences throughout the Twentieth Century”
(supervisors: Prof. Rudolf Weiss; Prof. Werner Huber)
University of Graz, English Department
MA in English and American Studies and History; graduated with
MA thesis: “‘A Conspiracy of Silence’: The Impact of Scandal on the
Reception of Oscar Wilde’s Works in Early Twentieth-Century Britain”
(supervisor: Prof. Walter Bernhart)
University of Sussex, UK
ERASMUS exchange student in History and English Literature
Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Feldbach, Austria
graduated with distinction
Oscar Wilde as an All-Time Favourite of Viennese Stages: Pleasing and Teasing Audiences
throughout the Twentieth Century. Amsterdam: Rodopi. (forthcoming)
Edited Collections
Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber. Ed. Sandra
Mayer, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik. Trier: WVT, 2012.
Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Cultural Currents and Exchanges. Ed. Werner Huber, Sandra
Mayer, and Julia Novak. Irish Studies in Europe 4. Trier: WVT, 2012.
Refereed Publications
“Portraits of the Artist as Politician, the Politician as Artist: Commemorating the Disraeli
Phenomenon.” (Accepted by Journal of Victorian Culture)
“Disparate Images: Literary Heroism and the 'Work vs. Life' Topos in Contemporary
Biofictions about Victorian Authors.” Journal of Neo-Victorian Studies 7.1 (2014): 25-51.
(co-authored with Julia Novak)
“(Re)Politicised and (Over)Sexualised: Wild(e) Treatments on Twenty-First-Century
Viennese Stages.” FOCUS: Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies. Issue on
Interfaces between Irish and European Theatre (2012): 49-62.
“The Reception of Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw in the Light of Early Twentieth-Century
Austrian Censorship.” Platform 2.2 (2007): 59-75. (co-authored with Barbara Pfeifer)
“‘A Complex Multiform Creature’: Ambiguity and Limitation Foreshadowed in the Early
Critical Reception of Oscar Wilde.” Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 31.2 (2006):
Non-Refereed Publications
Rev. of Science: Dramatic. Science Plays in America and Great Britain, 1990-2007, by EvaSabine Zehelein. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 58.4 (2010): 409-410.
“When Critics Disagree: Sensationalism and Myth-Making in the Reception of Oscar Wilde in
Fin-de-siècle Vienna.” The Wildean 35 (2009): 62-73.
Book Chapters
“The Art of Creating a Great Sensation: Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).” Starring the Author:
Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature. Ed. Gaston
Franssen and Rick Honings. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (forthcoming)
“Literary Cosmopolitanism and Agents of Mediation: Oscar Wilde and Fin-de-Siècle
Viennese Artistic Networks.” Re-valuing Aestheticism and Modernism through their
(Dis)credited Figures. Aesthetics, Ethics and Economics 1860-1940. Ed. Bénédicte Coste,
Catherine Delyfer, and Christine Reynier. London: Pickering & Chatto. (Forthcoming)
“The Importance of Commemorating Literary Celebrity: Oscar Wilde and Contemporary
Literary Memorial Culture.” Ireland and Popular Culture. Ed. Sylvie Mikowski. Oxford:
Peter Lang, 2014. 39-52.
“Visions of Salome, Visions of Wilde: Critical Readings of Oscar Wilde’s Salome in EarlyTwentieth-Century Vienna.” Performing Salome, Revealing Stories. Ed. Clair Rowden.
Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. 49-69.
“En-Nobeling Literary Celebrity: Authorial Self-Fashioning in the Nobel Lectures of Elfriede
Jelinek and Harold Pinter.” The Performance of Celebrity: Creating, Maintaining and
Controlling Fame. Ed. Amber Anna Colvin. eBook. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013.
“Introduction.” Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Cultural Currents and Exchanges. Ed.
Werner Huber, Sandra Mayer, Julia Novak. Irish Studies in Europe 4. Trier: WVT, 2012.
11-17. (With Werner Huber and Julia Novak)
“Introduction.” Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber.
Ed. Sandra Mayer, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik. Trier: WVT, 2012. 9-14. (With Julia
Novak and Margarete Rubik)
“‘You have to have a grá to do it’: An Interview with Irish Storytellers Clare Murphy, Niall de
Búrca, and Joe Brennan.” Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for
Werner Huber. Ed. Sandra Mayer, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik. Trier: WVT, 2012.
183-192. (With Julia Novak)
“When Critics Disagree, the Artist Survives: Oscar Wilde, An All-Time Favourite of the
Viennese Stage in the Twentieth Century.” The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe. Ed.
Stefano Evangelista. London: Continuum, 2010. 203-216.
“The Critic as Agent: Literarische Vermittlungs- und Kanonisierungsprozesse am Beispiel
von Oscar Wildes Komödien auf den Wiener Bühnen des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.”
Weltbühne Wien/World-Stage Vienna, Vol. 2: Die Rezeption anglophoner Dramen auf
den Wiener Bühnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Ewald Mengel, Ludwig Schnauder, and
Rudolf Weiss. Trier: WVT, 2010. 77-101.
Miscellaneous Publications
“Pegasus and Carthorse: The Many Shades of Disraeli’s Celebrity.” Podcast, University of
Oxford Podcast Channel. https://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/pegasus-and-carthorse-many-shadesdisraeli-s-celebrity
“Exploring the Many Lives of Disraeli: Symposium Report.” Guest blog, Oxford Centre for
Life-Writing, https://oxlifewriting.wordpress.com/2015/05/20/guest-post-exploring-themany-lives-of-benjamin-disraeli-symposium-report/ (with Megan Kearney)
“Stadt der träumenden Türme.” FWF-Infomagazin 90.1 (2015): 28-29.
“The Shifting Shapes of Authorship: (Dis)Embodying Literary Celebrity, 18 September.”
Event blog, AHRC Project “Authors and the World”,
“Mapping a Sprawling Field: The Second Biennial Celebrity Studies Journal Conference.”
Conference report, Oxford Celebrity Research Network,
Recent Conference Papers and Invited Lectures
“A Romantic Legacy: Benjamin Disraeli and Early-Victorian Celebrity Culture.” The British
Association for Victorian Studies Conference “Victorian Age(s),” Leeds Trinity University,
UK, 27-29 August 2015.
“Pegasus and Carthorse: The Many Shades of Disraeli's Celebrity.” Symposium “The Many
Lives of Benjamin Disraeli: Fame, Legacy, Representations,” The Oxford Research Centre in
the Humanities (TORCH), University of Oxford, 24 March 2015.
“A ‘Strange Mingling’: Disraeli as a Literary Celebrity and Celebrity Politician.” Life-Writers
of London Postgraduate and Early-Career Researcher Colloquium in conjunction with the
Centre for Life-Writing Research, King's College London, 9 March 2015.
“The Prime Minister as Celebrity Novelist: ‘Lothairmania’ and Disraeli’s ‘Double
Consciousness’.” Victorian Research Seminar, English Faculty, University of Oxford, 23
February 2015.
“Following the Primrose Path: Intersections of Literary and Political Fame in
Commemorations of Benjamin Disraeli.” Seminar “The Author in the Popular Imagination,”
The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW), Wolfson College, University of Oxford, 14
November 2014.
“‘What is He?’ Victorian Images of Benjamin Disraeli as Literary Celebrity and Celebrity
Politician.” Conference “Victorian and Edwardian Lives and Letters,” University of
Hertfordshire/Knebworth House, UK, 10-11 July 2014.
“‘The Starlight of Renown’: Benjamin Disraeli Through the Lens of Celebrity Studies.” Second
Celebrity Studies Journal Conference, Royal Holloway University of London, UK, 19-21 June
“The (Not So) Secret Fall of Oscar Wilde: Literary Celebrity and Its Afterlives in
Contemporary Biofiction and Popular Culture.” Invited lecture, Moore Institute for Research
in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NUI Galway, Ireland, 11 February 2014.
“Literary Cosmopolitans and Agents of Mediation: Oscar Wilde and Fin-de-Siècle Viennese
Artistic Networks.” European Science Foundation Workshop “Re-valuing Aestheticism and
Modernism,” University Montpellier 3, France, 2-4 October 2013.
“The Art of Creating (and Remaining) a Great Sensation: Canonising and Reinterpreting
Oscar Wilde on Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Viennese Stages.” Guest lecture, School
of Advanced Study, University of London, UK, 30 October 2012.
Research Interests and Teaching
Celebrity and authorship
(Neo)Victorian author fiction
Cultural transfer and reception
British Decadence and Fin de Siècle
Irish Drama
Introductory Lecture Courses: “Approaching Literatures in English” (BA), “Introduction to
the Study of Literature” (BA)
Introductory Seminars Literature: “(Re)Imagining the Victorian Age” (BA), “From ‘Land of
Hope and Glory’ to ‘Land of Hope and Curry’: Images of Empire in Nineteenth- and
Twentieth-Century English Literature” (BA)
Course: “Critical Readings in Literature” (BA)
Interactive Literature Course: “Wild(e) Imaginings: Oscar Wilde on the Contemporary Stage”
Distinguished Lecture Series: “Cultures of Celebrity” (MA Cultural Studies; organisation,
conception and lecturing)
Conference Organisation
“After-Image: Life-Writing and Celebrity.” 19 September 2015, The
Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) and The Oxford
Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW) (advisory board member)
“The Many Lives of Benjamin Disraeli: Fame, Legacy,
Representations.” 24 March 2015, The Oxford Research Centre in the
“Cosmopolitan Wilde – Celebrating 160 Years of Oscar Wilde.” 11-14
June 2014, Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris (scientific committee
“100 Myles: The International Flann O’Brien Centenary Conference.”
24-27 July 2011, University of Vienna, English Department (assistant
05/ 2008
“International Conference on Drama, Theatre, and Cultural Transfer.”
11-13 May 2008, University of Vienna, English Department (assistant
Editorial Work
Ricarda Denzer and Monika Seidl, eds. Silence Turned Into Objects: W. H. Auden in
Kirchstetten. St. Pölten: Literaturedition Niederösterreich, 2014.
Sandra Mayer, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik, eds. Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular
Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber. Trier: WVT, 2012.
Werner Huber, Sandra Mayer, and Julia Novak, eds. Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Cultural
Currents and Exchanges. Irish Studies in Europe 4. Trier: WVT, 2012.
Werner Huber and Seán Crosson, eds. Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a
National Cinema. Austrian Studies in English 102. Wien: Braumüller, 2011.
Werner Huber et al., eds. Dreaming the Future: New Horizons/Old Barriers in 21st-Century
Ireland. Irish Studies in Europe 3. Trier: WVT, 2011.
Werner Huber, Margarete Rubik, and Julia Novak, eds. Staging Interculturality.
Contemporary Drama in English 17. Trier: WVT, 2010.
Awards, Scholarships, and Distinctions
03/2015 & 09/2014
Travel bursary granted by the AHRC-funded project “Authors and the
World” to attend two workshops on literary celebrity, University of
Visiting Research Fellowship, Moore Institute for Research in the
Humanities and Social Studies, NUI Galway
Doc.Award of the City of Vienna/University of Vienna for PhD thesis
Honorary Award granted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science
and Research for academic excellence during undergraduate and
graduate studies
University of Vienna Excellency Research Grant for graduates sub
auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae
Dr Maria Schaumayer Prize for PhD thesis
doctoral degree conferred under the auspices of the Federal President
of the Austrian Republic (promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei
publicae; highest academic distinction in the Austrian educational
Young Scholars Award 2010 granted by the Austrian Association of
University Teachers of English (AAUTE)
Prize for Best MA thesis granted by the Austrian Association of
University Teachers of English (AAUTE)
University of Graz Excellence in English and American Studies Award
Research scholarship, University of Graz
AHRC-funded research hub “Authors and the World”, University of Lancaster
British Association of Victorian Studies (BAVS)
The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL)
Member of the IASIL Bibliography Committee for Austria and Germany
The European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS)
The Irish Society for Theatre Research (ISTR)
Association of German Anglicists (Deutscher Anglistenverband)
Network Biography Research (Netzwerk Biographieforschung)
Oscar Wilde Society
Editorial board member of The Oscholars and Victoriographies: A Journal of
Nineteenth-Century Writing
Further Qualifications
University of Oxford
Seminar “Research Fellowships”
University of Oxford
Workshop “TV and Radio Interviews”
University of Oxford
Seminar “Designing Courses”
University of Oxford
Seminar “Interview Skills for Research Staff”
University of Oxford
Seminar “Digital Media: Podcasting”
University of Oxford
Seminar “Online Presence for Humanities”
Seminar “Using Twitter in Research”
07/2013 & 12/2012
University of Vienna
Teaching competence seminars: teaching methods in higher education
Austrian Science Fund Coaching Workshop
University of Vienna
Seminar “Gender and Diversity”
University of Vienna, Computer Centre
introductory Moodle eLearning course
University of Vienna, Center for Teaching and Learning
basic qualification course “Introduction to University Teaching”
Austrian Science Fund Coaching Workshop
University of Graz, Co-ordination Centre for Gender Studies, Women’s
Research and the Promotion of Women
career programme “Skills, Strategies and Networking” for women in
science and research
Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange
Workshop: “Waddesdon and the Context of 19th-Century AngloJewry,” 26 March 2015 (Oxford University researchers, National
Trust/Rothschild Foundation archivists and curators)
Research report “Stadt der träumenden Türme” in the latest issue of
FWF-Infomagazin 90.1: 28-29.
“A ‘Nineteenth-Century Richard Burton’? Benjamin Disraeli as a
Victorian Celebrity.” Invited lecture to staff and visitors of the National
Trust property Hughenden Manor, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire,
21 January 2015.
Workshop at Hughenden Manor, 2 July 2014 (Oxford University
researchers, National Trust archivists and curators)