Gender Mainstreaming Policy

The 1995 Beijing Platform for Action mandated gender mainstreaming as a strategic approach to achieve gender
equality and women’s empowerment at all levels of development. The Platform commits all stakeholders in
development policies and programmes, including United Nations entities, Member States, the international
development community and civil society actors, to take action.
The 1997 agreed conclusions of ECOSOC defined gender mainstreaming as:
The process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation,
policies and programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s
concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally
and inequality is not perpetrated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality. 1
As such, gender equality constitutes the overarching development goal, while gender mainstreaming is a strategic
approach to achieve it. Gender mainstreaming is context-specific and engages technical and institutional processes
to achieve gender equality. It integrates perspectives and outcomes relevant to achievement of gender equality in
national public and private organizations, in central or local policies, and in services and sectorial programmes. It
aims to transform discriminatory social institutions, recognizing that discrimination can be embedded in laws,
cultural norms and community practices that, for example, limit women’s access to property rights or that restrict
their access to public space. Such progressive changes rely on access to data, gender expertise, sound analysis,
supportive cultures, budgets and the mobilization of social forces.
In addition, in October 2006 the Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) endorsed the UN System-Wide Policy
on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women as a means of furthering the goal of gender equality and
women’s empowerment within the policies and programmes of the UN system, and implementing the ECOSOC
agreed conclusions 1997/2.1. Subsequently, to operationalize the policy, on 12 April 2012 the CEB also endorsed the
System-Wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (the UN-SWAP) for application across the
UN system.
The UN-SWAP constitutes a unified accountability framework for the advancement of gender equality and women’s
empowerment across all entities, departments and offices of the UN system. It provides the United Nations, for the
first time, with a set of 15 common measures or Performance Indicators, with which to measure progress and to
1 ECOSOC Agreed Conclusions 1997/2.
which to aspire in its gender-related work. As of June 2014, 62 agencies, offices and departments (entities), or 90
per cent of the total number of entities required to report, have reported on the UN-SWAP for three consecutive
years. UN entities have until 2017 to meet the requirements for UN-SWAP Performance Indicators.
In effect, the UN-SWAP mainstreams gender across all major functional areas of the work of any entity, the first of
which is Policy and Plan. It requires entities to have up-to-date and UN-SWAP aligned gender policies. Notably,
thirty-seven out of 62 reporting entities met or exceeded the requirements for the gender policy indicator in 2014,
or 59 percent of all reporting entities, an increase from 48 percent in 2013. An additional 9 entities have committed
to completing policies in 2015. This means that almost 75 percent of the UN entities will have policies by the end of
2015, which is significant given that these policies constitute a key driver of institutional change.
The following repository of policies, strategies and action plans on gender mainstreaming has been developed and is
updated by the UN System Coordination Division of UN Women. Contributions can be sent to:
Last updated: 9 June 2015
A. Gender Mainstreaming policies strategies, action plans
from UN offices, funds, programmes and specialized agencies
Name of entity
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Policy, strategy, action plans
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Strategic Framework 2010-2019
FAO Gender Equality Policy and the UN System-wide
Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s
Empowerment (SWAP)
FAO Policy on Gender Equality: Attaining Food Security
Goals in Agriculture and Rural Development (2013)
Action plan
FAO The Director-General’s Medium Term Plan 2014 -17
and Programme of Work and Budget 2014-15
FAO Gender and Development. Plan of Action (2002-2007)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
IAEA Gender Equality Policy (2008)
Concept Paper. A perspective on gender in the IAEA (2004)
International Fund for Agriculture and Development
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Policy on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
IFAD Strategic Framework 2011-2015 incorporates gender
equality as one of the Organization's strategic objectives.
Action plan
Mainstreaming a gender perspective in IFAD’s
Operations: Plan of Action 2003 -2006
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
ILO and gender equality: ILO vision of equality between
women and men.
Action plan
ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2010-15: Phase II :
Aligned with Programme and Budget 2012 -13
ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2010–15 Phase II:
Aligned with the Programme and Budget for 2012–13
(with additional information)
ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2008–09
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Evaluation of the Gender Mainstreaming Policy and
Strategy in IOM (Office of the Inspector General)
Gender Mainstreaming in IOM, 1998
Staff and programme policy on gender issues
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Policy/strategy on gender mainstreaming
Mainstreaming a gender perspective in ITU and promotion
of gender equality and the empowerment of women
through information and communication technologies
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
ITC Gender Mainstreaming Policy
Action plan
ITC Gender Mainstreaming Plan of Action, 2011-2015
International Training Center of the International Labour
Organization (ITC/ILO)
Policy/Strategy on Gender Mainstreaming
Gender equality and mainstreaming at the International
Training Centre of the ILO
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UN-AIDS)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Getting To Zero: 2011–2015 Strategy Joint United Nations
Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) incorporates equality
for the HIV response as one of its strategic directions
Presentation of policy guidance to address gender issues
Action plan
Operational plan for UNAIDS Action Framework:
addressing women, girls, gender equality and HIV 20092014
Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls,
Gender Equality and HIV: Operational Plan for the UNAIDS
action framework: addressing women, girls, gender
equality and HIV (2009-2014)
Closing the gap: UNAIDS Secretariat Gender Action Plan to
achieve gender balance and the empowerment of women
staff in the UNAIDS Secretariat by 2015
Office of the High Representative for the Least
Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries
and Small Island Developing States (UN- OHRLLS)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Breaking Barriers: Gender Perspectives and Empowerment
of Women in Least Developed Countries, 2006
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
2011 Gender Equality Policy
Strategic Management Plan 2010-2011
Resolution 12/17 adopted by the Human Rights Council on
the Elimination of discrimination against women
Gender Mainstreaming and Human Rights of Women:
OHCHR policy statement
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Policy on Refugee Women and Mainstreaming: A Gender
Equality Perspective (2001)
Age, gender and diversity mainstreaming (2010)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Working for an equal future: UNICEF Policy on Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of Girls and Women
Action plan
Gender Action Plan 2014-2017
UNICEF Strategic Priority Action Plan for Gender Equality:
Promoting Gender Equality: An Equity-Focused Approach
to Programming: Operational Guidance Overview, 2011
United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
UNCDF Strategy on Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women 2012-2017
For a copy of the strategy please contact Mohammad
Abbadi: mohammad.abbadi[at]
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Gender mainstreaming in macro-economic policies,
especially trade policy
Trade and Gender: Opportunities, Challenges and the
Policy Dimension (2004)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Gender Equality Strategy 2014 - 2017
Empowered and equal: UNDP Gender Equality Strategy
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013: Environment for
Action plan
Gender Plan Action
Gender Plan of Action of the Secretariat of the Convention
on Biological Diversity
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
34 C/11 – Recommendations by the Executive Board on
the Draft Medium Term Strategy for 2008 2013
UNESCO’s Gender Mainstreaming Implementation
Frame work (GMIF) for 2002-2007
Action plan
Gender Equality Action Plan for 2014-2021
UNESCO Priority Gender Equality Action Plan for 20082013 (GEAP)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Report on Gender Composition. Note by the Secretariat
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
UN-Habitat Policy and Plan for Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women 2014-2019
UN-HABITAT's Gender Policy Mainstreaming Gender in
Water and Sanitation: Strategy and Action Plan
Action plan
Gender Equality Action Plan
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Policy on gender equality and the empowerment of
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Delivering on the Promise e of Equality: UNFPA’s Strategic
Framework on Gender Mainstreaming & Women’s
Empowerment 2008-2011
Gender at the Heart of ICPD: UNFPA Strategic Framework
for Gender Mainstreaming and Women’s Empowerment
2008 -2011
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Policy/ strategy on gender mainstreaming
Gender mainstreaming in the work of UNODC: Guidance
Note for UNODC Staff
UNODC Strategy 2008-2011. Towards security and justice
for all: making the world safer from crime, drugs and
United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
UNON Gender Policy 2014-2019
For a copy of the policy please contact Jayne Ekena:
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Policy/ strategy on gender mainstreaming
UNOPS commitment to gender equality
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
UNRWA Medium Term Strategy (2010-2015)
UNRWA's Policy on gender equality (2007)
UNRWA Medium Term Plan (MTP): a better future for
Palestine refugees (2005-2009)
Action plan
Equality in Action (2010)
UN Women
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
UN Women Strategic Plan 2014-2017
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
WIPO Policy on Gender Equality
For a copy of the policy please contact Kaori Saito:
World Food Programme (WFP)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
WFP Strategic Plan (2008– 2011) highlights the link
between gender and hunger and reaffirms WFP ’s
commitment to ensure gender sensitivity and equality
Consolidated framework of WFP polices. An updated
version (2010)
WFP Gender Policy: Promoting Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women in Addressing Food and
Nutrition Challenges (2009)
Gender Policy (2003–2007): Enhanced Commitments to
Women to Ensure Food Security
WFP Mission Statement (1994)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
WHO gender mainstreaming strategy
Gender mainstreaming in WHO: what is next? Report of
the mid-term review of the WHO Gender Strategy (2011)
Strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into
the work of WHO - WHO gender strategy (2009)
World Bank
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Update on the Implementation of the Gender Equality
Agenda at the World Bank Group (2014)
Implementing the Bank’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategy:
FY09-FY10 Annual Monitoring Report
Implementing the Bank’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategy:
FY08 Annual Monitoring Report, June 2009
Integrating Gender into the World Bank’s Work: A Strategy
for Action (2002)
Action plans
Applying Gender Action Plan Lessons: A Three-Year Road
Map for Gender Mainstreaming (2011- 2013)
Gender equality as smart economics A World Bank Group
Action Plan (2007-2010)
Integrating Gender Issues into the World Bank’s Work, The
Role of the Norwegian–Dutch Trust Fund for Gender
Mainstreaming 2004
World Meteorological Organization
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
WMO policy on gender mainstreaming
WMO Gender
B. Gender Mainstreaming policies strategies, action plans
from Regional Commissions
Name of entity
Economic and Social Commission for Asia
and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Policy, strategy, action plans
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
ESCAP Gender Equality Policy
For a copy of the policy please contact Jacqueline Paul: paulj[at]
Outcome document of the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental
meeting to review regional implementation of the Beijing Platform for
Action and its regional and global outcomes (2009)
Economic and Social Commission for
Western Asia (ESCWA)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
ESCWA policy on gender equality and the empowerment of women (20142018)
Recommendation for activating an updated strategy for Mainstreaming
Gender at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia updated
in 2009, approved in 2010
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Gender mainstreaming in ECA
United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe (ECE)
Action plan
Gender Action Plan - Key to Sustainable Regional Development 2014-2015
Gender Action Plan - Key to Regional Sustainable Development 2012-2013
Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Strategy for mainstreaming gender at ECLAC, 2013-2917
The Regional Programme of Action for the Women of Latin America and
the Caribbean, 1995-2001
Access to power and Participation in Decision-Making Latin America and
the Caribbean: Policies for Gender Equity Looking to the Year 2000
Action plan
Incorporación de la Perspectiva de Género en el Desarrollo Regional
Transversalización de la Perspectiva de Género en el Desarrollo Regional
2010-2011. (Also available for the bienniums 2008-09, 2006-07, 2004-05,
2002-03 and 2000-01)
C. Gender Mainstreaming policies strategies, action plans
from UN secretariat departments and offices
Name of entity
Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (DESA)
Policy, strategy, action plans
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Achieving Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and Strengthening
Development Cooperation
Action plan
Gender and indigenous people: Overview
Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
DPKO/DFS Gender Forward Looking Strategy (2014-2018)
DPKO Policy Directive: Gender in UN Peacekeeping Operations (2006)
DPKO Under-Secretary-General Policy Statement on Gender
Mainstreaming (2005)
Gender Mainstreaming in UN Peacekeeping Operations, Progress Report
Department of Political Affairs (DPA)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Gender Mainstreaming in DPA
Policy Statement on Gender Equality and Strategic Goals of Gender
Office for Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (OCHA)
Action plan
Gender Equality People Centered Approach 2012- 2015
OCHA Gender Toolkit
Gender Action Plan, 2010 including summary of GAPs 2009
Gender Action Plan, 2007-2008
2005-2006 Gender Action Plan Progress Report
Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA)
Action plan
Office for Disarmament Affairs Gender Mainstreaming Action Plan
The Work of the Department of Disarmament Affairs in Implementing
Security Council Resolution 1325
Office of Internal Oversight Services
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Thematic evaluation of gender mainstreaming in the UN Secretariat
United Nations Peacebuilding
Commission (PBSO)
Policy / strategy on gender mainstreaming
Independent Thematic Review on Gender for UN Peacebuilding Support
Office (PBSO) Final Report
Action plan
Women’s participation in peacebuilding
UN Action against sexual violence in
Policy/strategy on gender mainstreaming
Strategic Framework 2014