A Holistic Approach in treating Acne Naturally
Acne is a skin condition which is also called as Pimples which occurs when your hair follicles become
plugged under the skin. Most pimples form on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.
Most people with acne are aged between 12 and 25, but some older and younger people are
Understanding normal skin
Sebaceous gland lies below the skin surface which secretes oil (Sebum) which keeps the skin smooth
and supple. Tiny pores (Holes) on the skin allow a sebum and hair to come on to the skin. During the
teenage years sebum production will be more due to hormonal changes during puberty which
stimulate the sebaceous gland. More sebum make skin greasier and worse like acne to be.
What makes acne worse?
In women, the hormonal changes around the monthly period may cause a flare-up of spots.
Picking and squeezing the spots may cause further inflammation and scarring.
Sweating heavily or humid conditions may make acne worse. For example, doing regular hot
work in kitchens. The extra sweat possibly contributes to blocking pores.
Diets high in sugar and milk products may make acne worse.
Bad foods: Chocolate, junk food, processed food, meats etc have been commonly linked with
Dirty and oily skin: Dirt and unhealthy skin can aggravate acne by clogging your skin pores.
Bacteria: Propioni-bacterium acnes, a bacterium, reside naturally on the skin and uses
sebum as a growth nutrient. They multiply when there is excess sebum production (oily skin)
seen during puberty and in those with acne.
Types of Acne:
1. Acne Vulgaris:Also Called as Simple Acne.Characterized by areas on skin with seborrhea
(scaly red skin), comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules (pinheads), pustules
(pimples), nodules (large papules) and possibly scarring.
2. Acne Rosacea:Chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness) and sometimes
3. Acne Conglobata: Severe form of acne characterized by burrowing and interconnecting
abscesses and irregular scars
4. Cystic Acne: Cysts are more severe form of nodules, filled with pus, having a diameter of
5mm or more.
5. Pustular Acne: They appear as red inflammations with yellow or white centers. They are
actually the inflamed versions of whiteheads and range from small to fairly large size.
Skin care for people with acne:
Do not wash more than normal. Twice a day is normal for most people. Use a mild soap and
lukewarm water. (Very hot or cold water may worsen acne.) Do not scrub hard when washing
acne-affected skin.
You cannot clean off blackheads. The black tip of a blackhead is actually melanin (skin
pigment) and cannot be removed by cleaning or scrubbing.
Avoid Sunlight.
Foods which are raw and in their natural states– a predominately raw food diet – raw fruits,
raw veggies, raw nuts (not roasted) and raw seeds. Those are the most important foods
which will help you get rid of the toxins and acne quick.
Name – Pooja (Name Changed) Female, 21yrs, Student, Case no - xx54
Pooja has been suffering from pimples/acne since the past 4yrs. She has been on several
medication and the complaints have been relapsing ever since then. She only had
momentary relief but no cure.
She has been suffering from pustular acne a type of acne, occurring frequently on face,
cheeks and chin as well. White headed small papules eruptions later maturing to form
pustules. On examination it was painful to touch. Red in Colour and very hard on palpation.
She had a very characteristic aggravating factor, her acne used to increase in size and
number few days before the onset of menses. Here in Victory Homoeo Speciality clinic we
not only gave importance to the acne she suffered from physically but try to find out why
should she suffer from acne as not all suffer from it?
Our Specialized team of doctors address the complaint differently i.e, Constitutionally –
After taking the acne symptoms, we try find out the aggravating and ameliorating factors, for
Pooja it was Having sweets and milk that aggravated her acne. Then we try to find out water
intake and the type of diet she takes. As Pooja is a student, she generally used to have more
of Junk food and food which is not fresh but processed. She even has irregular bowel habits
which intern increases risk of acne as the toxins in the body are not thrown out daily. Then
on further questioning she told us that she can’t tolerate the cold weather and she says on
getting cold gets irritable, Sensitive in nature, very organised in her working pattern and
time conscious and in case she can’t cope up her work, she gets tensed and then skips her
meals, this intern causes gastrointestinal trouble and less of vitamins in body to perform her
work and this leads in aggravating acne. So by this way we need to know Pooja well before
we try to understand her acne. As each and everyone of us suffer with this acne differently.
And in this case we see how a student leads a life and gets this acne, similarly occupation
and life style plays a very important role.
Now after administering her Medicines and giving her tips how well she could manage her
daily routine. Pooja after the 1st course of medicine for 1.5mnths felt her acne improved
more than 60-70% and then now its been 4months she is completely well. Her frequent
relapsing of her acne has stopped.