11/04/15 __________Ozarks Technical Community College__________ Medical Laboratory Technician AAS Degree Preferred Course Sequence Program Director – Tony Evans, 447-7419, Richwood Valley Clinical Coordinator – Danyel Anderson, 447-7420, Richwood Valley Preadmission Requirements Preadmission Requirements **Anatomy BCS 165 **Physiology BCS 205 4 Summer Fall Clinical Immunology MLT 205 Hematology MLT 200 American Gov’t & Politics PLS 101 or HST 120 3 4 Chemistry CHM 101 or 160 & 161 4 3 Human Communications *COM 100 or higher 3 17 Hours Immunohematology MLT 220 4 4 2 English Composition ENG 101 or 102 3 Spring 1 Intermediate Algebra MTH 110 or higher 3 2 Social Science elective 3 Intro to the Medical Lab MLT 100 Phlebotomy Clinic PLB 101 4 Clinical Chemistry MLT 210 1 4 3 Hours Urinalysis & Body Fluids MLT 215 2 Clinic Seminar & Review MLT 240 Clinical Practicum II MLT 260 (2nd 8 weeks) Clinical Practicum III MLT 270 (2nd 8 weeks) 1 Microbiology BCS 200 Clinical Microbiology MLT 230 4 2 8 18 Hours 8 18 Hours 4 Intro to Phlebotomy PLB 100 2 17 Hours AAS Degree 73 Semester Hours All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher with an accumulative grade point average of ≥2.5. Pre-admission requirements must be completed or be in the process of being completed prior to the selective admission phase. The courses within bold border represent the selective admission portion of the program and require a full time, daytime commitment. 1 Or higher level math course Social Science elective: includes AGR, ANT, ECO, GRY, HST, PLS, PSY, SOC 3 Or other Communication elective 4 CHM 160 is preferred for those planning to continue into a Bachelor’s program. It is recommended to take CHM 160 with CHM 161 (lab) 2 * Students may take this course prior to admission. **May take BCS 145 and BCS 146 –or– BCS 120 and BCS 205 in place of BCS 165 and BCS 205 although these are preferred. This block diagram is provided to aid in advising students and tracking course completion. OTC reserves the right to modify course titles, sequences and content in accordance with college procedures. For more information, please refer to OTC’s website at www.otc.edu . Under Programs, click on Allied Health—Medical Laboratory Technician.