Guide to Managing your Grant

Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries
Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014
AusIndustry hotline: 13 28 46
Closure of the Clean Technology Program ................................... 3
Purpose of this Guide .................................................................. 3
Your Funding Agreement............................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3
Terms and conditions of your Funding Agreement ................................................ 4
Confirming the Schedules of your Funding Agreement .......................................... 4
Collaborative Projects ................................................................. 5
Reporting responsibilities and obligations .................................. 5
Reminders ............................................................................................................. 5
Project milestone reporting .................................................................................... 6
Progress reporting ................................................................................................. 6
Clean Technology Program ‘budget review’ .......................................................... 6
Post-Project Reporting .......................................................................................... 7
Evaluation surveys .............................................................................................. 11
Clean Technology Investment Programs grant payments ......... 12
Payment Structure ............................................................................................... 12
Inaccurate claims ................................................................................................ 12
Taxation obligations of receiving assistance ........................................................ 12
Compliance visits ...................................................................... 12
Applying to vary your agreed project ........................................ 13
Keeping AusIndustry informed .................................................. 13
Warranties under the funding agreement............................................................. 13
Change in Recipient details ................................................................................. 13
Contractor disputes ............................................................................................. 14
Collaborative Partner disputes............................................................................. 14
Your obligation to notify AusIndustry of certain matters ....................................... 14
Feedback on Clean Technology Investment Programs............... 15
Appendix 1 ........................................................................................... 16
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Milestone Report............................................... 16
Appendix 2 ........................................................................................... 20
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Progress Report................................................ 20
Appendix 3 ........................................................................................... 22
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Post-project report ............................................ 22
Appendix 4 ........................................................................................... 27
Clean Technology Investment Programs – Financial report Eligible Project Expenditure
Templates ........................................................................................................................... 27
Template 1: Clean Technology Investment Programs ......................................................... 29
Post-Project Financial Report ............................................................................................. 29
Template 2: Independent Financial Audit ............................................................................ 34
Template 3: Certification of certain matters by the Auditor .................................................. 38
Appendix 5 ........................................................................................... 41
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Post-Project Report: Checklist of Attachments . 41
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Closure of the Clean Technology Programs
The Australian Government, as part of the commitment to deliver savings by abolishing
the Carbon Tax, announced its intention to discontinue funding for the Clean Technology
Programs. This includes the three program components: the Clean Technology
Investment Program, the Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program,
and the Clean Technology Innovation Program.
On 22 October 2013, the Clean Technology Programs formally closed to new
Purpose of this Guide
This Guide to Managing Your Grant aims to assist those participants who have been
approved support under either the Clean Technology Investment Program or the Clean
Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program to understand the requirements and
obligations of the Funding Agreement. In particular, participants should have a better
understanding of:
 the terms and conditions of a Clean Technology Investment Programs Funding
 the process for confirming the Schedules of your Funding Agreement;
 your reporting responsibilities and obligations;
 Clean Technology Investment Programs grant payments;
 Clean Technology Investment Programs compliance visits;
 keeping AusIndustry informed of changes to projects and/or entity status; and
 applying to making variations to an agreed project.
The Funding Agreement templates for both the Clean Technology Investment Program
and the Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program are the same apart
from the program specific background Information provided for each program.
This Guide does not replace, limit, vary or operate in preference to any terms or
conditions contained in your Clean Technology Investment Programs Funding Agreement.
Your Funding Agreement
If your application is successful, you will receive a letter of offer for grant support from
AusIndustry, along with a copy of this Guide and a sample Funding Agreement. You will
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
have 30 days from the date of the letter of offer to agree to the Schedule(s) to the Funding
Agreement with a Customer Service Manager (CSM), and return a signed copy of the
finalised Funding Agreement to AusIndustry. If you fail to sign and return the Funding
Agreement within 30 days, the grant offer may lapse.
To effectively manage your grant reporting obligations it is important that you fully
understand and become familiar with the terms and conditions and Schedule(s) of your
signed Funding Agreement.
A sample copy of the most recent version of the Funding Agreement template is available
from the AusIndustry website at However, in managing your grant you
should always refer to your signed Funding Agreement, and if applicable, any subsequent
approved variations.
Terms and conditions of your Funding Agreement
The Funding Agreement provides the terms and conditions under which the grant is
provided. The Schedule(s) to the Funding Agreement contain the specific detail on your
grant and project.
You will be in breach of your Funding Agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and
conditions. Depending on the nature of the breach, AusIndustry may withhold all future
grant payments until compliance is achieved. Alternatively, you may be asked to repay
some or all of the grant payments made with interest, or AusIndustry may elect to
terminate the Funding Agreement.
Confirming the Schedules of your Funding Agreement
To finalise your Funding Agreement a CSM will liaise with you to confirm the contents of
the Funding Agreement Schedule(s) (see below).
The CSM will review and verify with you that the information you provided in your
application is still valid including the project scope, timeline, budget and methodology for
measurement and verification of energy and carbon savings.
The information you provided in your application formed the basis for the approval of your
grant. Any variation between your application and the information you provide when
finalising the Funding Agreement will be reviewed for its impact on the project as
approved by AusIndustry.
There are three Schedules to the Funding Agreement, although only one applies if you
are not an incorporated trustee applying on behalf of a trust:
 Schedule 1: Project, Budget and Milestones
 Agreement Details (Table 1)
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
 Project Details (Table 2)
 Total Funds (Table 3)
 Project Description
 Project Outcomes
 Milestones (Table 4)
 Budget (Table 5)
 Other Financial Assistance (Table 6)
 Collaborative Projects (Table 7) (if applicable)
 Decommissioning (Table 8) (if applicable)
Note that Schedules 2 and 3 only apply if the Recipient enters into the Funding
Agreement as a trustee of a trust.
 Schedule 2: Trustee Provisions
 Schedule 3: Consent of Beneficiary
Collaborative Projects
If you are undertaking a collaborative project please refer to your Funding Agreement
before negotiating a collaborative agreement with your project partners. This will help you
ensure that the collaborative agreement allows you to meet your obligations under your
Funding Agreement.
Reporting responsibilities and obligations
Your reporting responsibilities are outlined in your Funding Agreement. This includes all
the reporting requirements for milestone, progress (where there is a gap between
milestones of 6 months or more) and post-project reporting, including a financial report.
Further guidance on the reporting process is provided below.
If you have any questions regarding your reporting requirements please contact your
To assist you in meeting your reporting obligations you will be forwarded a notice of
reporting deadlines 4 weeks prior to the due date for each report.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Project milestone reporting
On completion of each milestone you must submit a satisfactory milestone report. The
agreed evidence to be supplied and the due date for each milestone report is outlined in
your Funding Agreement. The due date for milestone reports is 28 days from the
milestone end date.
The required format for these reports is at Appendix 1 of this Guide.
A delay in submitting a milestone reports will impact on the date of any payment relating
to that milestone. If a potential payment is delayed until a future financial year because of
late submission of a report or a delay in achieving a milestone, the late payment of this
grant amount is not guaranteed. In this instance it is possible that this amount of grant
funding will be permanently lost.
You must discuss any project or milestone reporting delays with your CSM as soon as you
become aware of them.
Progress reporting
If the period of time between two milestones is greater than six months you are required to
submit a progress report at seven months after the previous milestone end date. The
Schedule to your Funding Agreement details the due dates of any progress reports
required. The progress report provides AusIndustry with an update on the status of
activities being undertaken in the milestone.
The submission of a progress report will not attract any grant payment. Payments are
made upon receipt of a satisfactory project milestone and post-project reports.
The required format for these reports is at Appendix 2 of this Guide.
Clean Technology Program ‘budget review’
Prior to March of each year, a Customer Service Manager will contact you to undertake a
review of budgeted eligible expenditure for the remainder of the project. The annual
budget review is considered an ad hoc report (see 5.5.1 below). This process is
undertaken in order for you to identify any expected changes to the existing project budget
as set out in the schedule of the Funding Agreement and request a variation to the annual
capped grant amounts if necessary.
On receipt of your revised project budget, AusIndustry may vary any one or more ‘annual
capped amounts’. A Customer Service Manager will discuss the reasons for any changes
with you. The Program Delegate will consider any variation request on a competitive basis
in the context of available program funds. Please note that our capacity to approve any
such requests will be extremely limited, and there is no guarantee that such requests will
be approved.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Due to the closure of the Clean Technology Program and subsequent changes in
Program funding arrangements, AusIndustry can no longer consider ad hoc requests to
modify milestone completion dates or extensions of the project duration where that would
require a change to the annual grant payments outlined in your Funding Agreement. Any
such requests must be made as part of the annual budget review process.
Post-Project Reporting
You must submit a final post-project report which includes the following:
 evidence of total eligible expenditure, including
 a post-project financial report by the Recipient
 an independent financial audit of the total eligible expenditure prepared by an
approved Auditor. An Approved Auditor is a person who is:
o registered as a company auditor under the Corporations Act or an
appropriately qualified member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Australia, or of CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants; and
o not a principal, member, shareholder, officer, agent, subcontractor or
employee of the Recipient or of a related body corporate or a Connected
 certification of certain matters by the auditor
 measurements and supporting evidence of the verified energy or carbon savings
delivered by the project; and
 an update of the estimates of financial benefits from the project (payback period, return
on investment), as provided in the original application form.
The post-project report must be submitted within six weeks of completing the energy and
carbon savings measurement and verification activities. The latest possible date for
submitting the post-project report is 15 months after the project completion date, as
specified in the Funding Agreement. The required format for this report is provided at
Appendix 3.
Twenty per cent of grant funding will be retained for payment after the submission of a
satisfactory post-project report by the due date specified in your Funding Agreement.
Ad Hoc Reports
You must provide ad-hoc reports as required by the Commonwealth from time to time at
the time and in the manner reasonably required by the Commonwealth in relation to any
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
significant developments concerning the project or any significant delays or difficulties
encountered in undertaking the project.
Verifying energy or carbon savings
Following project implementation, you must measure and verify the energy or carbon
savings delivered by the project. The approach taken should enable collection of the
agreed post-project evidence detailed in your Funding Agreement.
In the post-project report, you will need to provide the following:
 actual reduction in carbon emissions intensity (%) and total carbon savings (tonnes
CO2-e), based on measurement and verification activities. These values must be
determined by entering revised post-implementation energy, emissions and production
figures, obtained from measurement and verification activities, into the Carbon and
Energy Savings Calculator.
 any calculations that form the basis of revised post-implementation figures.
 evidence to substantiate the revised post-implementation figures (e.g. utility bills,
 reasons for any difference between your predicted and actual total carbon savings
values, if the difference is greater than ±10%. This may need to be substantiated with
appropriate additional evidence.
The level of evidence that you will need to submit will depend on the size and complexity
of the project and the amount of grant funding for your project. Some examples of types of
evidence are provided in this section.
Baseline comparison methods
If you have elected to verify energy or carbon savings through a baseline comparison
method, evidence may include the following:
 site-wide electricity or gas utility bills
 fuel consumption invoices or on-site measurements relating to consumption of nonpurchased fuel
 sub-metering data
 data relating to other factors that have influenced the post-implementation baseline
(e.g. changes in production volumes, weather, raw material inputs)
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
When verifying savings via baseline comparison, you must use the same baseline
boundary as defined in your initial application. Baseline comparison may be undertaken
using one of the following methods:
 post-implementation energy, emissions and production data for all processes and
equipment within the original baseline boundary is collected. This data and the original
pre-implementation energy, emissions and production data for the same boundary is
entered into the Carbon and Energy Savings Calculator to obtain the actual reduction
in carbon emissions intensity (%) and total carbon savings (tonnes CO2-e).
 post-implementation production data for the original baseline boundary is collected
along with post-implementation energy and emissions data for an alternative smaller
baseline boundary that still encompasses the entire project and its related impacts (e.g.
a process or equipment baseline). You must use appropriate calculations to relate the
collected energy and emissions data to the original baseline boundary, prior to entering
values into the Carbon and Energy Savings Calculator.
The latter approach may be useful for improving the accuracy of energy savings
measurements, for projects where the energy savings form a small proportion of the site’s
energy use. For example, you may use sub-metering to accurately measure the electricity
consumption of a piece of upgraded equipment and feed this data into an existing site
energy-mass balance model to determine overall reduction of site electricity consumption.
Engineering calculations methods
If you have elected to verify energy or carbon savings through engineering calculations, all
calculations must be based on generally accepted engineering models, methods and
formulae. All derived values should be accompanied by associated levels of uncertainty
that account for errors relating to instrumentation, modelling or sampling and any
If applicable, you should revisit the models or formulae used to predict energy or carbon
savings prior to implementing the project, and provide updated output incorporating actual
data after implementation.
Evidence will vary depending on the calculation method, but may include the following:
 data on production levels (e.g. from flow meters, sales data)
 electricity and gas consumption levels (e.g. from electricity or gas meters)
 temperature measurements (e.g. from thermocouples)
 material or gas flow measurements (e.g. from meters for flow, steam, water,
compressed air and oil)
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Savings from the in-service life of manufactured products
If you have included carbon savings from the in-service life of newly manufactured low
emissions products in your grant application, these estimates will need to be revised. You
should revisit the models or calculations initially used, with actual data after
Evidence may include the following:
 revised product specifications
 revised information on how the product is being used
 sales orders and revised sales forecasts
Differences between predicted and actual savings
There are often differences between the predicted and actual energy or carbon savings of
an energy efficiency or emissions reduction project, which may result in greater or lesser
savings than expected. This can be due to a number of factors including:
 changes in weather, operational hours
 other modifications to the manufacturing process such as additional retrofits or different
raw material mixes
 lower performance of equipment than expected
 unforeseen project complications or commissioning problems
 inaccurate estimates due to poor energy data or incorrect application of analysis
You should be aware of what data you will need to measure and record during and
following project implementation, in order to account for variances. For example, if energy
use is significantly affected by ambient temperature, you may need to obtain daily
temperature data for your geographical region (available online from the Bureau of
Meteorology). Other examples of data include equipment operating practices, significant
equipment problems, changes in raw materials, etc.
You will need to provide a brief explanation of the reasons underlying any variance
greater than ±10% in the total carbon savings (tonnes CO2-e) delivered by the project.
Recipients that received grants of $500,000 or more will need to provide additional
evidence to substantiate their justifications for variances. This may include regression
analyses, calculations or modelling.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
If the variance is a result of design flaws or commissioning errors, you will need to briefly
outline an action plan that indicates how this will be addressed to realise savings from the
project in the future.
You will not be penalised if the carbon and energy savings delivered by your project are
less than that initially predicted, provided that you have undertaken the project as outlined
in your Funding Agreement.
However, if you knowingly provide false or misleading information about predicted or
actual carbon and energy savings, either in your application or in your post-project report,
you will be in breach of your Funding Agreement. AusIndustry may elect to terminate your
Funding Agreement, and you may be asked to repay some or your entire grant with
interest. Provision of false or misleading information in your application or post-project
report may also constitute an offence under Commonwealth criminal law.
Updating estimates of financial benefits
In the post-project report, you will need to revise your initial estimates of the payback
period for the project, as provided in the grant application. The payback period should be
based on energy or carbon savings that are consistent with verified measurements. You
may also need to revise savings related to water and materials consumption, repairs and
maintenance, labour, and waste treatment and disposal. The payback period should be
calculated on total project costs (i.e. in the absence of grant funds).
If you have received a grant of $1.5 million or more you will also need to revise your return
on investment estimates, as provided in your grant application. You will need to provide
updated output from the Return on Investment Calculator, with energy or carbon savings
that are consistent with verified measurements.
Effective conservation projects can deliver financial benefits to a company from reduced
energy use for many years. Often the key to maintaining financial savings to your
company over the life of a conservation measure is appropriate preventative maintenance
of the necessary equipment. To maximise these fuel savings, you should be prepared to
invest appropriately in preventative maintenance of the associated equipment.
Evaluation surveys
From time to time, AusIndustry will undertake an evaluation of the Clean Technology
Investment Programs. You may be contacted up to five years after the completion of your
project and asked to complete a survey, or provide other relevant information to assist
with this evaluation.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Clean Technology Investment Programs grant
Payment Structure
Your Funding Agreement identifies the maximum grant amount to be paid to you. The
maximum grant amount cannot be exceeded under any circumstances. You must meet
any overrun in actual eligible expenditure.
Budgeted payments for milestones are detailed in the Schedule to your Funding
Agreement. The actual amount of each payment is determined by the actual paid
expenditure reported at milestone completion. Payment will only be made after the
submission of a satisfactory milestone report. Twenty per cent of the total grant funding is
set aside for the final payment. This amount is also detailed in the Schedule to your
Funding Agreement and is conditional on the receipt of a satisfactory post-project report
(refer to point 4.4 above). Where appropriate, milestone achievement payments may be
adjusted to ensure twenty per cent of the total grant amount is retained for the final
Inaccurate claims
Notwithstanding the making of any milestone achievement payment, the Commonwealth
reserves the right to re-examine your expenditure claims, to seek further information and
to audit your claims and payments as detailed under the terms of your Funding
If you have been overpaid, the Commonwealth will seek to recover those amounts from
you and take any other action that is provided for under the Funding Agreement or under
the common law.
Taxation obligations of receiving assistance
Grants under the Clean Technology Investment Programs attract the Goods and Services
Tax (GST) if you are registered for GST. If this is the case, grant payments are increased
to compensate for GST payments.
These grants are typically treated as assessable income for taxation purposes, unless
specifically exempted. On this basis, applicants are recommended to seek their own
independent professional advice on their taxation obligations. AusIndustry does not
provide advice on tax.
Compliance visits
Compliance visits by Commonwealth Officers may take place throughout the agreed
project period, and for up to five years after completion of your project. A CSM (or other
authorised representative) may inspect any of the records you are required to keep under
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
your Funding Agreement, or your progress with the project, for the purposes of reviewing
your compliance with the Funding Agreement. You will be provided with reasonable notice
of any compliance visit.
Applying to vary your agreed project
AusIndustry recognises that unexpected events arise which can impact on project
progress such as the delay in delivery of plant and equipment or inability to source a
particular plant item. In these circumstances and once the project is underway, you can
make a project variation request including changes to project milestones or an extension
of the project duration up to a maximum of two years and six months. If you need to apply
for a variation ask your Customer Service Manager for a variation request template.
Do not assume that such variation requests will be successful. Project variation requests
may be considered by Innovation Australia which will consider the request in the context
of issues including impacts on the project outcome, changes to the timing of grant
payments and availability of program funds.
The Funding Agreement states the total grant funding to be paid for each financial year
over the life of the project. This will usually be the sum of the agreed payments for the
milestones that will be achieved in each financial year. Project variations that result in
milestone achievement dates (and hence, payment dates) moving between financial years
can only be approved if there are sufficient program funds in the relevant year to
accommodate the revised payment schedule.
If a project variation is approved, this will typically require a variation to the Funding
Keeping AusIndustry informed
Warranties under the funding agreement
If you become aware of a breach of warranty under the Funding Agreement you must
immediately notify your CSM of that breach.
Change in Recipient details
You should promptly notify your AusIndustry Customer Service Manager in writing of any
change in:
 your entity name;
 your registered office address;
 your nominated contact details—name, telephone number, email address; or
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
 details of the bank account into which the grant is paid.
Contractor disputes
If you engage a third party to perform project work, you must notify AusIndustry of any
disputes arising with that third party, which may result in you breaching the Funding
Agreement (including ability to meet all performance milestones by their due date), or
which involves you withholding payment to that third party.
On receiving notice of a subcontractor dispute, AusIndustry may withhold payment of any
future grant progress payments until the dispute is satisfactorily resolved.
Collaborative Partner disputes
If your project involves collaborative partners, you must notify AusIndustry of any disputes
arising with any collaborative partner which may result in you breaching the Funding
Agreement (including ability to meet all performance milestones by their due date), or
which involves you withholding payment to a collaborative partner.
On receiving notice of a collaborative partner dispute, AusIndustry may withhold payment
of any future grant milestone payments until the dispute is satisfactorily resolved.
Your obligation to notify AusIndustry of certain matters
The Funding Agreement details your obligation as a grant recipient to notify AusIndustry
of key changes to you organisation or its business activities, including:
any change in the direct or indirect beneficial ownership or control of the Recipient;
the Recipient disposes of the whole or any part of its assets, operations or business
other than in the ordinary course of business (refer to the Funding Agreement
regarding the ownership and use of assets acquired or modified through the
the Recipient ceases to carry on business;
the Recipient ceases to be able to pay its debts as they become due;
proceedings are initiated with a view to obtaining an order for the winding up of the
Recipient, or any person convenes a meeting for the purpose of considering or
passing any resolution for the winding up of the Recipient;
the Recipient applies to come under, the Recipient receives a notice requiring it to
show cause why it should not come under, an order has been made for the purpose
of placing the Recipient under, or the Recipient otherwise comes under one of the
forms of external administration referred to in Chapter 5 of the Corporations Act or
Chapter 11 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
(Cth) or equivalent provisions in State or Territory legislation in relation to
incorporated associations;
the Recipient being a natural person is declared bankrupt or assigns his or her
estate for the benefit of creditors;
where the Recipient is a partnership, any step is taken to dissolve that partnership.
Feedback on Clean Technology Investment
The AusIndustry Customer Service Charter outlines AusIndustry’s commitment to
improving service delivery. It sets out the service standards that AusIndustry aims to meet
and how applicants can help AusIndustry to deliver better services. A copy of the charter
is available from the AusIndustry website (
AusIndustry conducts customer satisfaction surveys through which feedback from
applicants and recipients of assistance is used to improve our business operations and
our service.
For complaints, the AusIndustry hotline is the first point of contact. The hotline directs
complaints to the appropriate manager, who will follow up to ensure the matter is
Contact the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46 or email
If you are not satisfied with the complaint resolution procedure, you can contact the:
Head of Division
GPO Box 9839
Phone: (02) 6213 7470
Fax: (02) 6213 7344
Another option for complaints is to contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman. There is no
fee for making a complaint, and the Ombudsman may conduct an independent
investigation of concerns.
Contact details are:
Commonwealth Ombudsman
Telephone: 1300 362 072
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Appendix 1
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Milestone Report
Project Number
Recipient Name
Project Title
Milestone Number
Milestone Completion date as detailed in your Funding
Project Progress
Have the eligible activities for this milestone been completed and outcomes met as
detailed in your Funding Agreement?
If No, please comment on why the milestone has not been completed.
Please briefly describe the eligible project activities completed in this project milestone
Please attach the agreed evidence detailed in your Funding Agreement to demonstrate
the achievement of this milestone. List the attached documents below.
Is the project proceeding as per your project plan and budget?
If No, please identify any changes and comment on any impacts on project timing,
outcome. Please also comment on any anticipated issues that may impact on project
timing, outcome and budget.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Please attach copies of any published reports and promotional material, relating to the
project, and list them below.
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Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Eligible Expenditure for this Milestone
Milestone Number
Milestone Expenditure
Eligible Project Cost
(GST Exclusive)
Pre-project Activity
 Non labour costs
 Labour costs
 Direct labour
 Contract labour
Project Activity
Plant and Equipment
 Non-labour costs
 Labour costs
 Direct labour
 Contract labour
 Non-labour costs
 Labour costs
 Direct labour
 Contract labour
Other Implementation Activities
 Non-labour costs
 Labour costs
 Direct labour
 Contract labour
Grand Total
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Is the expenditure for this milestone in accordance with the project budget in the Funding
If No, explain the reason for any underspend or overspend.
I ...............................................................being a person duly authorised by the Recipient
hereby certify that:
 The information in this report is accurate, complete and not misleading.
 The eligible expenditure identified above has been spent only on the project and for the
purposes stated in the Funding Agreement.
 I am aware of the Recipient’s obligations under their Clean Technology Investment
Programs Funding Agreement, including the need to keep AusIndustry informed of any
circumstances that may impact on the objectives, completion and/or outcomes of the
agreed project.
 I am aware that the Funding Agreement empowers the Commonwealth to terminate the
Funding Agreement and to request repayment of funds paid to the Recipient where the
Recipient is in breach of the Funding Agreement.
Signed ......................................................................Date
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Appendix 2
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Progress Report
Note: This progress report is only required to measure the interim progress of milestones
where an individual Milestone period is greater than six months.
Project Number
Recipient Name
Project Title
Next Milestone
Milestone Completion date as detailed in your Funding
Project Progress
Do you expect to complete your next milestone by the due date and within your estimated
budget as detailed in your Funding Agreement?
If No, comment on any expected variation to the completion date and budget, including
reasons for the delays and efforts being made to address them.
Please briefly describe (2 to 3 sentences) the project activities undertaken so far in the
milestone project period.
Do you anticipate any changes to the project in term of activities, outcomes, budget and
If Yes, please provide details including impact on project outcome, budget and timing.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
I ............................................... being a person duly authorised by the Recipient hereby
certify that:
 The information listed above is accurate, complete and not misleading.
 The eligible project expenditure identified above has been expended solely on the
project and for the purposes stated in the Funding Agreement.
 I am aware of the Recipient’s obligations under the Clean Technology Investment
Programs Funding Agreement, including the need to keep AusIndustry informed of any
circumstances that may impact on the objectives, completion and/or outcomes of the
agreed project.
 I am aware that the Funding Agreement empowers the Commonwealth to terminate the
Funding Agreement and to request repayment of funds paid to the Recipient where the
Recipient is in breach of the Funding Agreement.
Signed ......................................................................Date
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Appendix 3
Clean Technology Investment Programs - Post-project report
Project Number
Recipient Name
Project Title
Project Progress
Have the eligible activities and outcomes for your project been completed as detailed in
your Funding Agreement?
If No, please comment on any variations.
Please attach copies of any published reports and promotional material relating to the
project (and not already provided) and list then below.
Post-Project Activities
Have eligible post-project activities been completed as detailed in your Funding
Please attach documents that represent the agreed evidence for post-project reporting as
detailed in your Funding Agreement; and list them below.
Eligible Project Expenditure
Please provide the following three attachments as evidence of eligible expenditure paid in
relation to the project (including pre-project and post-project activities):
Post-project financial report (Template 1)
Independent financial audit (Template 2)
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Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Certification of certain matters by the auditor (Template 3)
Verification of Project’s Energy or Carbon Savings
Was measurement and verification of the energy or carbon savings delivered by the
project undertaken as detailed in the Funding Agreement? Yes
If No, please provide details of the measurement and verification approach undertaken
(including types and dates of measurements, period of verification, analysis undertaken).
Please complete the following table:
Estimate in
Difference (%)
(Estimate Actual / Estimate
Reduction in carbon emissions intensity
(%) following project implementation
Total carbon savings (tonnes CO2-e)
over the life of the conservation measure
Please attach the updated output from the Carbon and Energy Savings Calculator, as well
as any calculations and agreed evidence detailed in the Schedule to the Funding
Agreement (e.g. utility bills, measurements) to substantiate the revised figures entered
into the Carbon and Energy Savings Calculator. List the attached documents relating to
calculations and substantiating evidence below.
Is there a difference greater than +/-10% between the project’s predicted and actual
values for total carbon savings (tonnes CO2-e) over the life of the conservation measure?
If Yes, please comment on reasons for variation.
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Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Recipients that received grants of $500,000 or more will also need to provide evidence to
substantiate these reasons (e.g. ambient temperature data, regression analyses,
modelling etc). List any attached documents below.
Was the reason for the difference in predicted and actual total carbon savings beyond
your control? (e.g. atypical weather patterns, changes in market demand).
If the difference in predicted and actual total carbon savings is a result of commissioning
errors or design flaws, please outline an action plan that indicates how this will be
addressed to realise savings from this project in the future.
Updated Estimates of Financial Benefits
Please describe how the project will impact on the competitiveness of your business.
Please complete the following table.
Estimate in
Payback period for project
(excluding grant funds)
If you received a grant of $1.5 million or more, please complete the following table.
Estimate in application
Revised estimate
Return on Investment (including grant
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Please attach updated output from the Return on Investment Calculator. Please also
provide evidence to support electricity, gas, fuel and other prices to substantiate
associated financial savings. List any attached documents below.
Updated Business Indicators
Please complete the following table:
Recent Trading Performance
Latest complete financial
year (yyyy-yy – yyyy-yy)
Sales Revenue (turnover)
Export Revenue
R&D Expenditure
Taxable Income
Number of employees including working proprietors and
salaried directors (headcount)
Number of independent contractors (headcount)
Has decommissioning activity (if any) taken place as per your Funding Agreement?
If No please comment on the reasons why and provide a date when decommissioning is
expected to be completed.
Please note that for replacement projects, the existing plant, equipment or process must
be decommissioned within 12 months of the commissioning date of the replacement plant,
equipment or process.
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Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Australian Suppliers
Please complete the following table with an estimate of the eligible expenditure on plant
and equipment manufactured in Australia and services supplied by Australian firms for
commissioning, other installation and related activities.
Per cent
Estimated total value of purchased goods
and services
Estimated imported goods and services
Estimated total Australian industry value
added in purchased goods and services for
the project
I ............................................. being a person duly authorised by the Recipient hereby
certify that:
 The information listed above is accurate, complete and not misleading.
 The eligible expenditure identified above has been spent only on the project and for the
purposes stated in the Funding Agreement and that the expenditure represented
before the completion date of
is actual expenditure incurred and paid for
 I am aware of the Recipient’s obligations under the Clean Technology Investment
Programs Funding Agreement, including the need to keep AusIndustry informed of any
circumstances that may impact on the objectives, completion and/or outcomes of the
agreed project.
 I am aware that the Funding Agreement empowers the Commonwealth to terminate the
Funding Agreement and to request repayment of funds paid to the Recipient where the
Recipient is in breach of the Funding Agreement.
Signed .....................................................................
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Appendix 4
Clean Technology Investment Programs – Financial report
Eligible Project Expenditure Templates
Background for Auditors
The purpose of these templates is to assist Recipients (and their auditors) to understand
the audit requirements under a Clean Technology Investment Programs Funding
Agreement as it applies to Clean Technology Investment Programs grants. If any further
clarification is required, please contact an AusIndustry Customer Service Manager.
Each Recipient enters into a Clean Technology Investment Programs Funding Agreement
with the Commonwealth. Under this Funding Agreement, the Recipient must (among other
things) provide the Department with:
 a post-project financial report of the total eligible expenditure claimed under the
Funding Agreement (Template 1)
 an independent audit report on the post-project financial report (Template 2) and
 certification of certain matters by the Auditor (Template 3).
General background information on Clean Technology Investment Programs can be
obtained at, or by contacting the AusIndustry Hotline on 13 28 46.
Eligible expenditure
AusIndustry has developed Clean Technology Investment Programs Eligible Expenditure
Guidelines, which apply to Clean Technology Investment Programs grant projects. These
guidelines are revised from time to time and therefore more than one version of the
document exists. For Clean Technology Investment Programs Recipients, the relevant
guidelines are those that were effective at the time the application was accepted. The
Eligible Expenditure Guidelines are included in the Clean Technology Investment
Programs Customer Guidelines.
It is essential that Recipients and their auditors understand the Clean Technology
Investment Programs Eligible Expenditure Guidelines because these guidelines determine
whether, and the extent to which, certain costs are reportable and claimable.
The amount of Clean Technology Investment Programs funding ‘approved’ for a particular
Recipient and project is based on the Recipient’s estimated eligible expenditure on the
project, as provided in its application. However, the level of support that each Recipient is
ultimately entitled to under their Clean Technology Investment Programs Funding
Agreement is determined against actual eligible expenditure incurred and paid for on the
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
project—the approved grant amount specified in the Funding Agreement is the maximum
amount the Recipient may be paid.
It is therefore essential that the expenditure reported in the post-project financial report
submitted in accordance with the Funding Agreement represents actual ‘eligible
expenditure’ paid on the project during that period.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Template 1: Clean Technology Investment Programs
Post-Project Financial Report
Project Number
Recipient Name
Project Title
Total Project Period (including post-project activity)
This post-project financial report contains the following:
 Statement of funds, Recipient contributions and other financial assistance*
 Statement of eligible expenditure*
 Notes to the statement of eligible expenditure, explaining the basis of compilation
 Certification by Directors, of the Recipient
*The CSM will compare this information to that detailed in the Funding Agreement.
The post-project financial report should be prepared by the Recipient in the following
Statement of funds, Recipient contributions and other financial assistance
Agreed amount as in
Funding Agreement
Actual Amount
Total amount of Grant Funds
Recipient Contributions
Other Financial Assistance
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Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Statement of eligible expenditure
Recipient name:
Project Expenditure
– Head of Expenditure
any Assets
Eligible Pre-Project
Eligible Activity- Plant and
Eligible ActivityCommissioning
Eligible Activity- Other
Implementation Activities
(Other costs that are
directly related to the
implementation of the
project but are not
accounted for under Plant
and Equipment Costs or
Commissioning Costs
Decommissioning Costs
(if applicable)
Eligible Post-Project
Activity- End of Project
Financial Audit of eligible
project expenditure
Eligible Post-Project
Activity- Energy and
Carbon Savings
Grand Total
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Please comment on any variance between the primary expenditure items and amounts
detailed in the Schedule to the Funding Agreement and the actual items and amounts
detailed above in the statement of eligible expenditure.
Note to the statement of eligible expenditure.
Basis of compilation
This statement of eligible expenditure has been prepared to meet the requirements of the
Funding Agreement between ................................................. and the Commonwealth of
Australia. Significant accounting policies applied in the compilation of the report include:
Eligible expenditure
The eligible expenditure as reported in the statement of eligible expenditure has been
determined in accordance with the definition of eligible expenditure as described in the
Funding Agreement. The Funding Agreement defines eligible expenditure to be any
expense (inclusive of GST (if you are registered for GST) but less related input tax credits)
incurred and paid for by .................................................:
 On pre-project activities undertaken within 12 months prior to submitting an application;
 On project activities during the project period;
 On post-project activities relating to the measurement and verification of energy or
carbon savings & the financial audit of eligible expenditure which may have been
incurred and paid for up to 15 months after the project completion date; and
 that qualifies as eligible expenditure under the Clean Technology Investment Programs
Eligible Expenditure Guidelines issued by the Program Delegate and effective at the
date of acceptance by the Program Delegate of the application that resulted in the
Funding Agreement.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Certification by Directors.
Enter recipient name
Enter Project number
For the period
We hereby certify that the post-project financial report of ................................................. is
in accordance with the Funding Agreement between the Recipient and the
Commonwealth. In particular, the post-project financial report
gives a true and fair view of .................................................'s incurrence of, and
payment for, eligible expenditure in accordance with the accounting policies
described in Note to the statement of eligible expenditure above;
complies with relevant (or applicable) Accounting Standards in Australia to the
extent described in Note to the statement of eligible expenditure above;
that all Recipient contributions and other financial assistance were spent for the
purpose of the project and in accordance with the Funding Agreement and that the
Recipient has complied with the Funding Agreement and relevant accounting
that salaries and allowances paid to persons involved in the project are in
accordance with any applicable award or agreement in force under any relevant law
on industrial or workplace relations.
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Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
For Auditor Use Only
I certify that this post-project financial report is the one used to prepare my independent
audit report dated .............................................. for the Department of Industry.
Audit Firm
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Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Template 2: Independent Financial Audit
Background for Auditors
The purpose of the independent audit report is to provide the Department with an auditor's
opinion on the Recipient’s post-project financial report. The post-project financial report is
prepared by the Recipient to correspond with the expenditure reported to the Department
by the Recipient for the same period, in the process of claiming grant payments.
The independent audit report must be prepared by a person who is an Approved Auditor.
An Approved Auditor is a person who is:
registered as a company auditor under the Corporations Act or an appropriately
qualified member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, or of CPA
Australia or the Institute of Public Accountants; and
not a principal, member, shareholder, officer, agent, subcontractor or employee of
the Recipient or of a related body corporate or a Connected Entity.
The audit should be undertaken and reported in accordance with Australian Auditing
The independent audit report must follow the required format and include any qualification
regarding the matters on which the auditor provides an opinion. Departmental staff will
ordinarily follow up any qualifications with the Recipient or auditor. The independent audit
report must be submitted on the auditor's letterhead.
Auditors must comply with the professional requirements of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia and the Institute of Public Accountants in the
conduct of their audit.
If the auditor forms an opinion that the post-project financial report does not give a true
and fair view of the eligible expenditure for the period, the independent audit report should
be qualified and the error quantified in the qualification section of the independent audit
The required independent audit report format follows.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Delete this text as Auditor letterhead goes here
Independent audit report on .............................................. post-project financial report
to the Department of Industry (the Department)
We have audited the attached post-project financial report, being a special purpose
financial report, of .............................................. for the period
...............................................'s directors are responsible for the financial report and have
determined that the accounting policies used and described in Note to the statement of
eligible expenditure which form part of the financial report are appropriate to meet the
requirements of the Funding Agreement between the Recipient and the Commonwealth,
and are appropriate to meet the needs of the Department. We have conducted an
independent audit of the post-project financial report in order to express an opinion on it to
the Department. No opinion is expressed as to whether the accounting policies used, and
described in Note to the statement of eligible expenditure, are appropriate to the needs of
the Department.
The post-project financial report has been prepared for distribution to the Department for
the purpose of fulfilling the directors’ financial reporting requirements under the Funding
Agreement between the Recipient and the Commonwealth. We disclaim any assumption
of responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the financial report to which it relates
to any person other than the Department, or for any purpose other than that for which it
was prepared.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the post-project financial report based on
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards.
Those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to
audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the post-project financial report is free from material misstatement.
Our audit involved performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the post-project financial report. The procedures selected depend on our
judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, considered
internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial report in order to design
audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstance, but not for the purpose of
expressing an option on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Our audit also
included evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of the financial report.
The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
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Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
If required - must quantify error if one exists.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Audit Opinion
In our opinion, the financial report of .............................................. is in accordance with:
The Funding Agreement between the Recipient and the Commonwealth, Project No
, dated
giving a true and fair view of ..............................................'s incurrence of eligible
expenditure in accordance with the accounting policies described in the Note to
statement of eligible expenditure;
complying with Accounting Standards in Australia to the extent described in the Note
to statement of eligible expenditure.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Template 3: Certification of certain matters by the Auditor
The Department also requires a certification of certain matters by the Auditor in addition to
the independent audit report. This should be submitted with the post-project financial
report and independent audit report.
The Auditor who signs this certification must also initial and date a copy of the Recipient’s
statement of eligible expenditure. The Department will not accept an independent audit
report that lacks this attachment.
The required format of certification is on the following page.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Delete this text as Auditor letterhead goes here
State Office Mailing Address
State Office Mailing Address
I understand that the Commonwealth of Australia and .............................................. have
entered into a Funding Agreement for the provision of financial assistance under the
Clean Technology Investment Programs to the Recipient for the project. A condition of
funding under the Funding Agreement is that the Recipient provides a post-project
financial report of eligible expenditure certifying that expenditure on approved project
items has been incurred within the relevant audit period and paid in accordance with the
Eligible Expenditure Guidelines, and is supportable by appropriate documentation.
In fulfilment of the condition, I hereby certify that:
I am a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia/ CPA Australia/
the Institute of Public Accountants (as a Public Practice Certified Member).
I have prepared the independent audit report on ..............................................’s,
post-project financial report in accordance with the details of the Funding Agreement
between the Recipient and the Commonwealth, Project No
/ .
I have reviewed the Funding Agreement between the Recipient and the
Commonwealth, Project No
/ , and related Clean Technology
Investment Program Guide to Managing Your Grant and understand the
requirements pertaining to financial reporting and eligible expenditure contained
I have signed the attached copy of ..............................................'s statement of
eligible expenditure that I used to prepare the independent audit report.
I have complied with the professional independence requirements of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in Australia/ CPA Australia/the Institute of Public
Accountants. I specifically certify that I:
am not, and have not been, a director, office holder, or employee of
.............................................. or related body corporate of
have not been previously engaged by .............................................. for the
purpose of preparing their Clean Technology Investment Program application
or any report required under the Funding Agreement
have no financial interest in ...............................................
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3
Appendix 5
Clean Technology Investment Programs Post-Project Report: Checklist of Attachments
Post-project activities
Evidence to demonstrate completion of post-project activities, as outlined in the
Funding Agreement.
Eligible project expenditure
Post-project financial report
Independent financial audit
Certification of certain matters by the auditor
Verification of the project’s energy or carbon savings
Calculations of actual reduction in carbon emissions intensity and carbon savings
delivered by the project, OR updated output from the Carbon and Energy Savings
Other evidence to demonstrate the actual energy or carbon savings delivered by the
project, as outlined in the Funding Agreement.
For grants of $500,000 or more: evidence in support of justifications for any difference
between predicted and actual energy or carbon savings delivered by project.
For grants of $1.5 million or more, in which projects resulted in lesser carbon savings
than expected due to commissioning errors or design flaws: details of an action plan to
realise savings from the project in the future.
Updated estimates of financial benefits
For grants of $1.5 million or more: updated output from the Return on Investment
Calculator and evidence to support prices and costs used in calculation.
Clean Technology Investment Program
Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program
Guide to Managing Your Grant
February 2014 V3