Scott County School District 2 School Board of Education Meeting Administration Office Board Room 375 East McClain Avenue Scottsburg, IN 47170 Agenda March 10, 2015 Executive Session - 5:00 p.m. I. IC 5-14-1.5-6.1 (2)(B) initiation of litigation or litigation that is either pending or has been threatened. (D)The purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time of a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties; (6) With respect to any individual over whom the governing body has jurisdiction; (9)To discuss a job performance evaluation of an individual employee. This subdivision does not apply to a discussion of the salary, compensation, or benefits of employees during a budget process. Regular Board Meeting - 6:00 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Recognition of Visitors IV. Superintendent’s Report A. Legislative Action Conference B. Virtual Day Presentation C. SSU Homebound Report D. Staff Exit Survey E. Virtual School Report F. Snow Make-Up Day Discussion V. Consideration of Modification to the Agenda and Approval VI. Consideration of Board Minutes February 24, 2015 VII. Financial Considerations A. Payroll Claims 1. February 26, 2015 B. Regular Claims C. D. E. F. G. H. VIII. 1. February 16-20, 2015 2. February 23-27, 2015 3. March 10, 2015 Permission to Prewrite Claims College Board/AP Purchase Order $2,638 SHS McClain Hall Painting- SHS CPF 1. Hicks Painting 2. Melvin Smith 3. Carter & Mac’s Painting Services Monthly Financial Report Expenditure Summary Bank Reconciliation Summary Operations A. Personnel Recommendations 1. Retirement(s) a. Martha Clapp as SMS 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher 2. Support Staff Recommendation(s) a. Barbie Carey as SHS Secretary 4-6 Week Medical Leave b. Mary Baker as SCSD2 Human Resources Clerk 3. ECA REcommendation(s) a. Donald J. Zipp as SHS Varsity Volleyball Coach 4. Field Trip Request(s) a. Model United Nations to Model UN Conference, Champaign, IL, March 13-15 b. FFA to State Convention, Lafayette, IN, June 14-18 5. Professional Leave Request(s) a. Scott Borden & Mark Watkins to Harmony Training, French Lick, IN, April 15-17 6. Permission to Post a. SES 5.5 Hour Classroom Instructional Aide (Remainder of 2014-15) b. SMS 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher c. SMS Girls’ 8th Grade Basketball Coach d. SMS Boys’ 7th Grade Basketball Coach e. SMS Girls’ 7th Grade Basketball Coach f. SMS Boys’ 6th Grade Basketball Coach g. SMS Girls’ 6th Grade Basketball Coach h. SHS Boys’ 9th Grade B Team Basketball Coach i. SHS Girls’ 9th Grade B Team Basketball Coach j. SMS Boys’ 8th Grade B Team Basketball Coach k. SMS Girls’ 8th Grade B Team Basketball Coach l. SMS Boys’ 7th Grade B Team Basketball Coach m. SMS Girls’ 7th Grade B Team Basketball Coach n. Elementary Boys’ Basketball Coordinator o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. Elementary Girls’ Basketball Coordinator SMS Girls’ 8th Grade Cheer Coach SMS Boys’ 7th Grade Cheer Coach SMS 6th Grade Cheer Coach SHS Varsity Wrestling Coach SHS Asst. Varsity Wrestling Coach SMS Wrestling Coach SMS Asst. Wrestling Coach SHS Athletic Aide IX. Transportation A. Permission to Change Bus Contract(s) Name X. Policy A. SHS Policy on Retaking Classes XI. Adjourn Upcoming Events: 3-19-15 3-20-15 3-23-15 3-30 to 4-3 6 p.m. SHS Senior Academic Recognition Program SES Donuts with Dads March 23-27 Spring Break Students in Session (Snow Make-Up Days) NOTICE: Any member of the public who will be attending the board meeting and who will need an auxiliary aide should contact the Superintendent's Office at 812-752-8946 to permit advance preparation.