Signature Encryption Checklist

Signature Encryption Checklist
The Signature Encryption page is used to secure electronic signature files that are used to
authorize vendor, payroll, and deduction checks. Each signature is saved in a separate passwordcontrolled file. The password is case-sensitive, and after encryption, the program will not display
a signature if an incorrect password is entered.
_____1. Get signature on a blank sheet of paper. Individuals who signs checks for your
district must sign a blank sheet of paper. We recommend using a medium point black
pen. The signature can be anywhere on the page as long as it is fully seen on the page,
has no other lines or boxes under or around it, and is about the same size as the signature
needed on the check. The easiest way to ensure the proper size is to lay a blank sheet of
paper over a check and have the individual sign over the provided line.
_____2. Scan the signature using a scanner at your district. Be sure to scan only the section of
the page where the signature is. (See image below.) Note: If the entire page is saved,
the signature will be tiny when printed on a check since the file is shrunk to the size
needed for the signature.
_____3. Save the signature. Once the signature is scanned and legible, save the signature as a
bitmap file (.bmp) to a location easily accessible to you.
_____4. Encrypt the signature in TxEIS. From the Utilities > Signature Encryption,
Browse to the bitmap signature file.
Click Submit to accept the file name and return to the Signature Encryption page.
Signature Encryption Checklist
Updated May 2012
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_____5. Enter the password for the signature. Click Encrypt and enter the desired password.
The password is case-sensitive and allows the use of either alpha or numeric characters.
Click OK to continue.
Note: The password entered cannot be retrieved from the system. It is the user's responsibility to
remember the password. If a password is forgotten, the signature must be re-encrypted.
_____6. Save the encrypted signature.
Signature Encryption Checklist
Updated May 2012
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