JECT-12-105 Appendix 1 CANECTS/ECANEC Canadian National ECT Survey/ Enquête CANadienne sur les Electrochocs Section 5: ECT APPARATUS 5.1 Which ECT device is most commonly used at your site? (check one only) Ectron Duopulse Mark 4 MECTA JR1 or JR2 MECTA SR1 or SR2 MECTA spECTrum 4000M MECTA spECTrum 4000Q MECTA spECTrum 5000M MECTA spECTrum 5000Q Medcraft Hittman B24 III ECT Siemens Konvulsator Thymatron Model I (Somatics) Thymatron DG Thymatron DGX Thymatron System IV Other (specify make and model): ___________________________________________________ 5.2 How frequently does your institution use a sine or partial sine wave electrical stimulus for ECT? (Check one only) Never Occasionally* Routinely* *If sine wave stimulation is provided, specify the make and model of the device: ________________ 5.3 In the event of ECT device failure, do you have a back-up device available? (Check all that apply) No back-up available On loan arrangement Own a back-up device Other (specify arrangement): If back-up device is available, specify make and model: Ectron Duopulse Mark 4 MECTA JR1 or JR2 MECTA SR1 or SR2 MECTA spECTrum 4000M MECTA spECTrum 4000Q MECTA spECTrum 5000M MECTA spECTrum 5000Q Medcraft Hittman B24 III ECT Siemens Konvulsator Thymatron Model I (Somatics) Thymatron DG Thymatron DGX Thymatron System IV Other (specify make and model): _______________________________________________ 5.4 Is your ECT equipment regularly serviced? No Yes If “yes,” specify how often: ________________________________________________Yearly Less frequently than yearly More frequently than yearly Uncertain 5.5 Please rate the quality of the technical support (if known) you receive at your facility for your ECT equipment (including timeliness, reliability, helpfulness of biomedical engineers and technicians, etc.): Excellent Good Fair Poor Section 6: ECT STIMULUS 6.1 Who most frequently administers the ECT stimulus (that is, selects the stimulus parameters and activates the stimulus) at your facility? (check one only) Psychiatrist Psychiatry resident with direct supervision by a psychiatrist Psychiatry resident alone General physician or family physician Anesthesiologist Internal medicine specialist Nurse practitioner Other (specify): ______________________________________________________________ 6.2 In the reporting period, were clinicians other than the one specified above (in question 6.1) ever involved in the administration of the ECT electrical stimulus (that is, selecting the stimulus parameters and activating the stimulus)? Yes No If “yes,” check all that apply: Psychiatrist Psychiatry resident with direct supervision by a psychiatrist Psychiatry resident alone General physician or family physician Anesthesiologist Internal medicine specialist Nurse practitioner Other (specify): _________________________________________________________________ 6.3 During the reporting period, how many doctors (or other personnel) were involved in administering ECT? (please provide estimated number or range): Doctors (or other personnel) providing anesthesia:_______________ Doctors (or other personnel) administering the electrical stimulus:____________ 6.4 Does your facility grant specific privileges for the clinician administering the ECT electrical stimulus? Yes No If “yes,” indicate which of the following apply to your facility: (check all that apply) Facility has informal (general) criteria for granting ECT privileges Facility has formal written criteria for granting ECT privileges Facility has informal (general) criteria for maintaining ECT privileges Facility has formal written criteria for maintaining ECT privileges Facility has continuing medical education requirements for clinicians involved in the administration of ECT 6.5 Prior to the attachment of the stimulus electrodes, the following procedures are used (check all that apply): No special measures are taken The skin is cleaned with alcohol The skin is cleaned with acetone Electrode jelly is rubbed into the skin The skin is lightly abraded with electrode paste Electrode jelly is applied to the electrodes A solution for adhesive stimulus electrodes (e.g., Thymatron pads) is applied Other (specify):____________________________________________________ 6.6 Please rank order the following ECT electrode placements from “1” (most common) to “4” (least common) to indicate their frequency of use at your institution: (please rank only those placements that are actually used at your site) Bilateral (bitemporal or any other bilateral placement that is not specifically bifrontal) Bifrontal Right unilateral (d’Elia) Other (specify with rationale): _______________________________________________ 6.7 If applicable, how is the intensity of the initial stimulus usually chosen for bilateral (bitemporal) ECT at your facility? This question pertains to bilateral placements that are not specifically bifrontal. (check one only) Not applicable – bilateral (bitemporal) ECT is not provided Fixed charge, energy, or percentage (please answer follow-up question) Titration-based measurement of seizure threshold (please answer follow-up question) Stimulus dose based on age Stimulus dose based on half-age Algorithm based on age and gender No systematic approach Other approach (specify): ______________________ If a fixed dose is used, specify the initial stimulus intensity used:___________________ If titration-based measurement of seizure threshold is used, specify the formula used to select the stimulus intensity for subsequent treatments (e.g., 1.5 X seizure threshold, 2.5 X threshold, 6 X threshold, etc.):_________________ 6.8 If applicable, how is the intensity of the initial stimulus usually chosen for bifrontal ECT at your facility? (check one only) Not applicable – bilateral (bifrontal) ECT is not provided Fixed charge, energy, or percentage (please answer follow-up question) Titration-based measurement of seizure threshold (please answer follow-up question) Stimulus dose based on age Stimulus dose based on half-age Algorithm based on age and gender No systematic approach Other approach (specify): ____________________ If a fixed dose is used, specify the initial stimulus intensity used:_____________________ If titration-based measurement of seizure threshold is used, specify the formula used to select the stimulus intensity for subsequent treatments (e.g., 1.5 X seizure threshold, 2.5 X threshold, 6 X threshold, etc.):______________ 6.9 If applicable, how is the intensity of the initial stimulus usually chosen for unilateral ECT at your facility? (check one only) Not applicable – unilateral ECT is not provided Fixed charge, energy, or percentage (please answer follow-up question) Titration-based measurement of seizure threshold (please answer follow-up question) Stimulus dose based on age Stimulus dose based on half-age Algorithm based on age and gender No systematic approach Other approach (specify): ______________________ If a fixed dose is used, specify the initial stimulus intensity used:___________________ If titration-based measurement of seizure threshold is used, specify the formula used to select the stimulus intensity for subsequent treatments (e.g., 1.5 X seizure threshold, 2.5 X threshold, 6 X threshold, etc.):_________________ 6.10 Which of the following methods are routinely used to monitor the elicited seizure during ECT? (check all that apply) Motor seizure duration Motor seizure duration in a cuffed limb EMG (electromyogram) EEG (electroencephalogram) seizure duration EEG seizure quality (e.g., symmetry, amplitude, regularity, post-ictal suppression) Cardiovascular response (e.g., duration of tachycardia) No seizure monitoring is used 6.11 At your institution, the timing of delivery of the ECT stimulus (check all that apply): Is most often decided by the administrator of the electrical stimulus Is most often decided by the individual providing anesthesia Is most often given (insert number)___________ seconds after anesthetic induction drug administration Is most often given (insert number)___________ seconds after the neuromuscular blocking agent Is sometimes adjusted based on previous patient response Is decided only after testing with a peripheral nerve stimulator Other (specify):_______________________________________________ 6.12 If the ECT electrical stimulus results in no seizure activity, what procedure is usually followed at your facility? (check one only) No specified procedure Immediately re-stimulate at the same stimulus intensity Immediately re-stimulate at a higher stimulus intensity Use a higher stimulus setting at the next treatment session 6.13 If the ECT electrical stimulus results in a seizure that is judged to be inadequate, what procedure is usually followed at your facility? (check one only) No specified procedure Immediately re-stimulate at the same stimulus intensity Immediately re-stimulate at higher stimulus intensity Use a higher stimulus setting at the next treatment session 6.14 During the reporting period, what is the maximum number of electrical stimuli used to elicit a seizure during a single ECT session? (check one only) One Two Three Five or more 6.15 Does your facility ever aim to achieve more than one adequate seizure in a single treatment session? Yes No