DCC 12.5.12.summaryDRAFT.1




DCC Meeting Summary

From Combined PGC/DCC Meeting

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.




Diane Hurd

Heidi Diamond

Chris Cryer

Leigh Burrill

Joan Worley

Rebecca Wong



Fine Arts

Language Arts

Physical Education

Science & Math

Steve Juarez

Carol Pavan

Social Science

Student Services

Guests: Pat Fenton, Rod Pavao, Inge Bond














Kuni Hay

Victoria Hindes

Fred Chow

Stephanie Kashima

Frank Kobayashi

Lance Shoemaker

Geri Peterson

Carlos Alvarado

Donna Breckenridge







X VP Instruction

VP Student Services

Dean-Tech & Info. X

Dean, Inst.& Stu. Success X

Dean, Career Ed X

Academic Senate

Classified Senate

Assoc. Student Rep

PGC Recorder

Indicates Voting Member of PGC or DCC




Checking in, Review agenda:

Kuni reported that Chris Cryer was absent due to a family emergency; Lance Shoemaker was out due to illness.

Kuni announced that Geri Peterson has been offered and accepted the position of

Executive Assistant to the Chancellor in the District office. The appointment will go to the Board for approval on December 11, 2012, and Geri will begin her position on

January 2 nd

. DCC members offered warm congratulations. There will be a thank you event held on Thursday, December 13 at 2:30 pm in the Board Room and all are welcome to attend.

Kuni indicated she is currently looking for temporary staff to work in the interim in the

Office of Instruction. She asked DCC/PGC to offer suggestions, especially if they know someone who is familiar with the institution.

Addition to PGC agenda:

Add section: Economics 1A and lab 2B in spring 2013 schedule (Steve Juarez)

Add section: PE - Nutrition to spring 2013 schedule (Joan Worley)


Approval of PGC Summaries:

PGC - November 7: Approved as written.

PGC - November 14: Page 1, last paragraph, third sentence; change to:

“Per the agreed-upon guidelines for fall 2012 cancellation, the group kept courses with

80% fill rate or above, especially if they are “core” courses and for sure kept them at

90%+ level.”

Approved with above correction.

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End of Semester Business:

Faculty members are to submit grade rosters to A&R as soon as possible in order to be assured of being counted in FTES actuals. Kuni reported she recently found out that the college can post positive attendance through the SARS track, but that mechanism does not talk to Datatel. Therefore, data is manually posted, which is a tedious process. Kuni felt correcting this method is a priority issue for Information

Systems to address, along with the current problem of class enrollment information being wiped out when a class is cancelled. Apportionment reports, or “320” Reports, are assembled three times per year: P-1 is due January 15; P-2 is due April 13, and P-

3 is due July 15 for 2012-13 reporting.

All grades are due by December 20, 2012. Steve Juarez commented that it seems grade submission deadlines occur earlier every semester. He thought grades should be submitted five working days after the end of the semester. He pointed out some faculty cannot complete grades within three of four days, and felt it was an unreasonable expectation for those instructors with classes that have lots of essays.

Leigh Burrill agreed and said she doubted the majority of grades will be done in that time, as some English courses require research papers that are at least 20 pages long.

She asked if the deadline could be moved to the first week in January.

Stephanie said the practice has been five working days, but the campus is closed after

December 21. She said Admissions and Records office has a “drop box” for late depositing grades. Kuni said that the A&R staff has become smaller, due to budget reductions, so there are fewer people to process grade submission. Grades need to be recorded as quickly as possible for the purpose of student transcripts that are required for transfer in January. Stephanie said Division Chairs could advise faculty to do the best that they can. This will be discussed at the Student Services Council meeting, and she will contact Herlisa Hamp about possible extended submission dates for some programs. Pat Fenton said late submission could adversely affect the processing cycle for reporting. Stephanie will communicate her findings by the end of the week.



Academic Senate – No report


ASO – No report


Classified Senate:

Geri Peterson reported the following topics were discussed at the Classified Senate meeting on December 4, 2012:

President Search Committee: Brenda Rogers has been appointed, and one more classified representative appointment will be made by mid-December.

Brad Davis presented information on the direction and planning strategies of budget discussions. Senate members expressed confidence in the leadership of the interim president, and asked Brad if his interim contract could be extended for a year, during this critical time, rather than conduct a search for a new president.

Brad indicated that although he appreciated the vote of confidence, this was the decision made by the Board to conduct the nationwide search in the spring.

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Classified breakout sessions for All College day: four sessions were proposed on topics such as campus safety issues, stress management, and crises resources.

Classified Winter Celebration: Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 2:30 in the

Campus Center – lower lounge. The Fall 2012 Classified Recognition Award will be presented, and there will be an “opportunity drawing” for a Kindle Fire (32


Classified Senate/CEA Union have formed a task force to develop a delineation of duties agreement.


Budget Reduction Process (BRP):

Fred Chow reported that based on the College Council retreat, the BRP sub- committee has met a couple of times to put together a framework for college restructuring in order to adapt budget reductions. In the past, this process would have typically gone to a subject matter expert to inquire about class offerings. But this group will take an interdisciplinary approach and will draft a proposal to the College

Council in December. Although, theoretically, there is an 18-month period for 2014-

15 planning, that length of time could be misleading, as decisions will need to be made by the end of fall, 2013.

In working backwards from that timeline, preliminary suggestions should be proposed by the end of this academic year, evaluated for cost savings over the summer, with a significant amount of the work accomplished by October 2013.

Kuni stated this process would be different than that used in the past, which was driven by an end number, for example, $250K from instruction, $250K from

Student Services, etc. The new process entails reengineering of the college based on the priorities in course offerings and what students need and what the college is going to look like. The concept of going through shared governance is the same, but there will be a different approach and thought about a long-term shift.

Fred said the BRP last time focused on reducing costs, but will now examine reorganizing and doing things differently. With a timeline going so quickly, it will be a challenge to achieve this big project. Kuni expressed appreciation for the work of the BRP sub committee.

The DCC portion of the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

Proceedings summarized by Geri Peterson, Office of Instruction.

Next Meeting: Wed., December 12, 2012


Discussion/Action: Winter and Spring 2013 Enrollment and Cancellations

(Notes to be taken by Donna Breckenridge, Office of Administrative Services.)

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